Applied Geophysics

(The median citation count of Applied Geophysics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Characteristics of lower crustal channel flow and geomorphology of the Tibetan Plateau16
3-D transient electromagnetic inversion based on explicit finite-difference forward modeling16
A mesh-free finite-difference scheme for frequency-domain acoustic wave simulation with topography9
Analysis of Nord Stream explosions using seismic recordings8
Least-squares RTM in nonorthogonal coordinates and applications to VTI media8
A method of fast reading massive shot data of seismic acquisition based on two-level index8
Propagation characteristics of acoustic waves in a borehole surrounded by a viscoelastic medium with horizontal cracks6
Exploration of anomaly separation technology of wide-field electromagnetic method5
Seismic Signal Analysis Based on Adaptive Variational Mode Decomposition for High-speed Rail Seismic Waves4
Self-adaptive inversion method of electromagnetic-propagation resistivity logging while drilling data4
Front margin tectonic deformation characteristics of the Xu–Su arc tectonic belt and its tectonic implications3
Longitude correction method for the field magnetic surveyed diurnal-variation correction3
Ground roll separation method via threshold filtering and constraint of seismic wavelet support in curvelet domain3
Machine learning-based microseismic catalog and passive seismic tomography evaluating the effect of grouting in Zhangji coal mine, China3
Rock physics inversion based on an optimized MCMC method3
Three-dimensional Finite-Element Forward Modeling and Response Characteristic Analysis of Multifrequency Electromagnetic3
Cluster analysis of the domain of microseismic event attributes for floor water inrush warning in the working face3
Vertical derivative conversion of irregular-range potential field data based on improved projection onto convex sets method3
3D seismic forward modeling from the multiphysical inversion at the Ketzin CO2 storage site3
Prediction of sandstone porosity in coal seam roof based on variable mode decomposition and random forest method3
Acoustic-electrical properties and rock physics models for shale-oil formations: prediction of reservoir properties of interbedded sandstone and shale layers3
Experimental study on transient electromagnetic conductivity logging in cased well3
Q estimation using multifrequency point average method based on the Taylor series expansion with a different order3
Astronomic background of global huge earthquakes at beginning of 21st century3
2D Laplace-Fourier domain acoustic wave equation modeling with an optimal finite-difference method2
Design and implementation of low-cost geomagnetic field monitoring equipment for high-density deployment2
Analysis of physical parameters of materials similar to coal and rock mass based on geophysical model construction of mines2
Methodology for the Ensemble Synthesis of Stochastic Seismic Event Sets Satisfying the Renewal Process for Local Strong Earthquakes2
Multiple-suppression method using the λ-f domain high-resolution parabolic Radon transform with curvature magnification2
Relationship between crustal magnetic anomalies and strong earthquake activity in the south segment of the China North-South Seismic Belt2
Application of soil parameter inversion method based on BP neural network in foundation pit deformation prediction2
Seismic identification and characterization of complex storage space oil and gas reservoirs2
Permeability Estimation of Shale Oil Reservoir with Laboratory-derived Data: A Case Study of the Chang 7 Member in Ordos Basin2
Design of a downhole high-power voltage-regulated power supply system for logging-while-drilling systems based on PWM2
Fast Forward Modeling of Resistivity Method under Complex Topography Using Finite Element Method2
Rock burst prevention and control of multifield coupling in longwall working face2
Pipeline positioning by the surface-to-borehole electromagnetic induction method in a clayey deposit2
Capacitively coupled effect and capacitive decoupling of multichannel controlled-source audio magnetotellurics observations2
Electrical Characteristics of Tangjiawan Landslide in Lixian, Sichuan2
Study on seismic petrophysics and dispersion characteristics of carbonate rocks with deep ultra-deep complex pore structure in Tarim Basin2
Causes of the discordance in the south-north distribution of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequences2
An approach to analyzing the reliability of tunnel surrounding rock rating results considering uncertainty2
Three-dimensional high-resolution velocity structure imaging and seismicity study of Yangbi Ms6.4 earthquake2
Structural Modeling Based on Human–Computer Knowledge Interaction2
Earthquake detection probabilities and completeness magnitude in the northern margin of the Ordos Block1
Development and application of an aeromagnetic survey system for a large load rotary-wing UAV1
Genetic relationship between granite and pegmatite in the Kaluan lithium deposit, Western China: evidence from the inversion of audio-magnetotelluric data1
The research and implementation of velocity analysis methods for reverse time migration angle-gather1
Multichannel deconvolution with spatial reflection regularization1
Seismic Prediction Methods for Tidal Flat Sand Bodies in the Shunbei Area of the Tarim Basin1
Fracture prediction method for narrow-azimuth seismic data of offshore streamer acquisition1
Quantitative comparative analysis of monitoring effect of microseismic fracturing borehole and surface1
Application of scattering image wavelet transform in cave recognition: A case study on a bedrock buried hill reservoir in Bongor Basin, Chad1
Simplified traditional bubble-motion equation and air-gun wavelet simulation based on a Van der Waals gas model1
Deformation mechanism and treatment technology research of coal pillars in acute inclined goafs under expressway1
Magnetostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of the Jurassic sedimentary sequences, Qiangtang Basin, revealed the initial time of the Lhasa-Qiangtang collision1
Optimization method of first-arrival waveform inversion based on the L-BFGS algorithm1
Quick and reliable approach for rating underground engineering rock mass based on RMR system1
3D gravity anomaly inversion based on LinkNet1
Application of ambient noise tomography to coastal granite islands: A case study of Wuzhizhou Island in Hainan, China1
Classification method of infrasound events based on the MVIDA algorithm and MS-SE-ResNet1
Travel time calculation of seismic waves on complex surfaces using the group marching method1
Full waveform inversion based on deep learning and optimal nearly analytic discrete method1
Calculation method of formation dip angle based on deep learning1
Least-squares reverse time migration method using the factorization of the Hessian matrix1
Seismic high-resolution processing method based on spectral simulation and total variation regularization constraints1
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of geothermal field in space—wavenumber domain1
Joint inversion of full-tensor gravity gradiometry data based on source growing1
Rayleigh surface wave inversion based on an improved Archimedes optimization algorithm1
Gas production prediction using AM-BiLSTM model optimized by Whale Optimization Algorithm1
Numerical modeling of elastic waves using the random-enhanced QPSO algorithm1
Selection of machine learning algorithms in coalbed methane content predictions1
Incremental semi-supervised learning for intelligent seismic facies identification1
Scholte wave dispersion and particle motion mode in ocean and ocean crust1
Bayesian-based Full Waveform Inversion1
Parameter optimization of the observation system for the South Yellow Sea strong shielding layer based on seismic illumination analysis1
Numerical simulation of two-dimensional magnetotelluric forward modeling of Heifangtai loess landslide in Gansu, China1
Model-data-driven AVO inversion method based on multiple objective functions1
Effects of pressure and fluid properties on S-wave attenuation of tight rocks based on ultrasonic experiments1
Computational technology and strategy for large-scale high-accuracy gravity modeling1
Numerical simulation analysis of E-Ex mode of the wide-field electromagnetic method for identifying deep, low-resistance thin layers1
Multichannel deconvolution based on spatial structurally constraint and its applications1
Backpropagation neural network method in data processing of ultrasonic imaging logging-while-drilling1
Dynamic energy evolution and fragmentation characteristics of damaged rock under impact compression loading1
Seismic modelling of tracked-vehicle signals for monitoring and verification1
Quantitative Identification and Prediction of Layered Intrusive Masses and Sublacustrine Fans in Faulted Basins—A Case Study from the Hailar Basin, Eastern China1
Multi-well wavelet-synchronized inversion based on particle swarm optimization1
Deep learning for predicting water saturation using rock physics analysis and geostatistics theory: A case study of the Psh8 in GFZ area, Ordos Basin1
Study on the crustal stress field of the Tengchong volcanic area using composite focal mechanism method1
Modeling of errors resulting from vehicle motions for CHZII mobile gravimeter and its performance verification during marine surveys1
Methodology and Application of Deep Geothermal Sounding in Low-Resistance Cover Areas0
Forward modeling of tight sandstone permeability based on mud intrusion depth and its application in the south of the Ordos Basin0
Experimental study on the multiscale scattering of high-velocity heterogeneous bodies0
Suppression of seismic random noise by deep learning combined with stationary wavelet packet transform0
Automatic identification of GPR targets on roads based on CNN and Grad-CAM0
Intelligent identification method and application of seismic faults based on a balanced classification network0
Fracture prediction method for deep coalbed methane reservoirs based on seismic texture attributes0
Q estimation based on logarithmic spectral areas with different high and low frequencies0
Measurement of water holdup in oil-in-water emulsions in wellbores using microwave resonance sensor0
Numerical simulation of seismic waves in transversely isotropic media based on orthogonal body-fitted grids0
Three-dimensional forward modeling for the SBTEM method using an unstructured finite-element method0
Low-Frequency Sweep Design—A Case Study in Middle East Desert Environments0
N-th root slant stack for enhancing weak seismic signals0
Prediction of carbonate permeability from multi-resolution CT scans and deep learning0
Three-dimensional geothermal reservoir model using the magnetotelluric method in medium and deep strata of Yishu fault zone, Rizhao Section0
Estimation of quarry blast equivalent based on seismic array: Case study in Chuzhou, Anhui Province0
Seismic multiple attenuation based on improved U-Net0
Optimizing staggered-grid finite-difference method based on the least-squares combination of the square window function0
Prestack seismic stochastic inversion based on statistical characteristic parameters0
Acquisition parameters and sensitivity analysis affecting the seismic imaging quality of the complex piedmont zone0
Sediment thickness distribution beneath the source and adjacent area of the Jishishan earthquake: A short-period dense array study0
Serial structure multi-task learning method for predicting reservoir parameters0
A simplified calculation for adaptive coefficients of finite-difference frequency-domain method0
Development of Data Acquisition Software for Electromagnetic Instruments in Landslide Detection0
Analysis of 3D anisotropic characteristics for E-Ex wide-field electromagnetic method0
Efficient and low-cost node seismic data recovery based on Curvelet compression sensing0
Microseismic signal denoising by combining variational mode decomposition with permutation entropy0
Investigation of the consistency of Swarm data and CHAOS-6 towards crustal magnetic field studies in China0
Implicit finite difference wave equation forward modeling based on partial fraction expansion0
Efficient seismic data reconstruction based on Geman function minimization0
Study on reflection and transmission characteristics of shear waves at sediment layer interface0
Petrophysical characteristics of shale oil reservoirs in the Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin0
Application of magnetic amplitude inversion in the identification of igneous rocks in superimposed basins: a case study in Qikou depression0
Aeromagnetic Compensation Method Based on Recursive Least Square and Elastic Weight Consolidation0
Bayesian-based analysis of sequence activity characteristics in the Bohai Rim region0
Research on the characteristics of total-field data converted from aeromagnetic vertical gradient data based on a continuation conversion filtering algorithm0
Correction method for secular variation in the main geomagnetic field using a field seismogeomagnetic survey0
Gas-Bearing Reservoir Prediction Using k-nearest neighbor Based on Nonlinear Directional Dimension Reduction0
Axis anisotropic Occam’s 3D inversion of tensor CSAMT in data space0
Improving the resolution of poststack seismic data based on UNet+GRU deep learning method0
lp norm inverse spectral decomposition and its multi-sparsity fusion interpretation0
Recognition and Classification of Concrete Surface Cracks with an Inception Quantum Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm0
Simulation logging experiment and interpretation model of array production logging measurements in a horizontal well0
Three-dimensional modeling and porosity calculation of coal rock pore structure0
Inversion of 3D velocity and anisotropy of near surfaces based on an azimuth-dependent dispersion curve inversion method0
Classification of Small Sample Nuclear Explosion Seismic Events based on MSSA–XGBoost0
Characteristics of secondary microseisms generated in the Bohai Sea and their impact on seismic noise0
1D regularization inversion combining particle swarm optimization and least squares method0
Parameter estimation of sediment in the Yellow River based on the porous medium acoustic theory0
Steeply dipping structural target-oriented viscoacoustic least-squares reverse time migration and its application0
Multitask Weighted Adaptive Prestack Seismic Inversion0
Shear wave velocity inversion of marine sediments using deep-water OBS Scholte-wave data0
Fault Interior Structure Index Construction and Quantitative Seismic Interpretation of Fault Facies0
Wavefield reconstruction inversion with weak-total-variation constraint based on first arrival traveltime tomography0
Detecting the Bull’s-Eye Effect in Seismic Inversion Low-Frequency Models Using the Optimized YOLOv7 Model0
Inversion of the Deep Structure of the Northern Margin of the Ordos Block Using Teleseismic Receiver Functions and Gravity Data0
Electrical Detection of Shale Gas Layers Based on Wide-Field Electromagnetic Method0
Effects of periodically varying codes on separation of multisource blended data0
Resistivity tomography based on multichannel electrodes0
Double-phase-shift filtering method for harmonic elimination based on AR2U-Net0
A patchy-saturated rock physics model for tight sandstone based on microscopic pore structures0
Anisotropy measurements and characterization of the Qingshankou shale0
Inexact line search method in full waveform inversion0
CNN-based automated trace editing method using Hough transform0
Numerical simulation of the electromagnetic field in layered media applicable to high-frequency scenarios0
Efficient socket-based data transmission method and implementation in deep learning0
Elastic-energy imaging condition based on energy-flow vector0
Effect of gas saturation on P-wave velocity in tight sandstone0
Spatio-temporal distribution of earthquake occurrence in Eastern Himalaya and vicinity (26°N–31°N and 87°E–98°E) based on b-value and fractal dimension0
Research on Paleoearthquake and Recurrence Characteristics of Strong Earthquakes in Active Faults of Mainland China0
Exploring the Wenchuan earthquake fault through the accurate location of WFSD-4# Well using seismic reflection0
Quantifying the Effects of Near-Surface Viscosity on Seismic Acquisition Geometry: A case study from Chepaizi Exploration Area, Junggar Basin (NW China)0
Learning-based Reconstruction of GRACE Data Based on Changes in Total Water Storage and Its Accuracy Assessment0
Activity characteristics of significant earthquake swarms in the Bohai Rim region0
Research and application of microseismic nonlinear optimal positioning methods0
Infrasound Event Classification Fusion Model Based on Multiscale SE-CNN and BiLSTM0
An improved constrained velocity inversion algorithm for geological structures0
3D joint inversion of surface and borehole gravity data using zeroth-order minimum entropy regularization0
3D modeling of different areas of China based on the 3D Surface Spline model0
Fast and accurate calculation of seismic wave travel time in 3D TTI media0
Travel time tomography by ray tracing using the fast sweeping method0
Improved seismoacoustic analysis model and its application to source parameter inversion of near-surface small-yield chemical explosions0
Elastic simulation method in an irregular polar coordinate system0
Brittleness evaluation method for shale gas reservoir based on acoustic P-wave and S-wave testing of rock samples and its logging application0
Characterization of pyrolytic properties of pyrite in the terahertz frequency band0
Compensation Method of LTS SQUID Gradiometer Data0
Three-dimensional gravity inversion based on 3D U-Net++0
Joint full waveform inversion of multiple instantaneous attributes0
Conductivity characteristics of the Xiaojiang fault in highway tunnel of wakeamo0
Seismic activity characteristics of the Chinese continent based on a “hybrid” probability forecasting model0
Reconstruction method of irregular seismic data with adaptive thresholds based on different sparse transform bases0
Porosity prediction in tight sandstone reservoirs based on a one–dimensional convolutional neural network–gated recurrent unit model0
Basin structure and multiresource potential based on high-precision airborne gravity and magnetic data0
Tunneling route prediction of shield machine based on random forest P-wave generation0
Tensor discriminant dictionary classification method for prestack seismic reflection patterns0
Deduction of meta-instability of the Yangbi Ms6.4 earthquake in May 20210
Numerical study of dispersion characteristics of dipole flexural waves in a cased hole with different cement conditions0
Study on safe construction distance of the Lushan Tunnel with Class V surrounding rock based on discrete element0
Improvement and application of preprocessing technique for multitrace seismic impedance inversion0
Automatic DEXP method derived from Euler’s Homogeneity equation0
Microseismic Event Recognition and Transfer Learning Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Attention Mechanisms0
Design of an active-source seismic detection system based on illumination analysis and migration imaging experiments: considering the Zhuxi mining area as an example0
Late Quaternary slip rate of the Northern Margin Fault of the Huaizhuo Basin in the North China Block and its seismological implications0
Numerical Simulation Study on Heat Transfer Performance of Middle-deep U-bend Geothermal Well0
Applicability of standard forward column/row recurrence equations for ALFs0
Analysis of factors influencing microseismic detection and location in shale gas extraction areas of western Hubei0
A Modified Pressure Pulse Decay Experimental Apparatus and Its Application in Permeability Measurements0
Fitting of magnetic measurements of Swarm satellites based on 3D surface spline model0
Three-dimensional CSAMT Forward Modeling of Potential Landslide Sliding Surfaces Using Finite Element Method0
Ground Motion Simulation Via Generative Adversarial Network0
Active tectonic deformation and its seismic–geological significance of boundary faults of the Daxing Uplift and Langgu–Dachang Depression, Beijing Plain, China0
Efficient 3D Surface-to-Borehole Electromagnetic Modeling Using an Incomplete Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm0
Integrating the geology, seismic attributes, and production of reservoirs to adjust interwell areas: A case from the Mangyshlak Basin of West Kazakhstan0
Research on the differential coefficient least-squares optimization method of reverse time migration in acoustic-reflected S-wave imaging logging0
Exploration of the best time to obtain rock structure information on the palm face during tunnel construction0
Evaluation of NLLoc positioning method and seismogenic structure analysis of Luanzhou MS 4.3 earthquake0
Corrections of logging-while-drilling electromagnetic resistivity logging data acquired from the horizontal well for the shale oil reservoir0
Electrical structure identification of deep shale gas reservoir in complex structural area using wide field electromagnetic method0
Construction of the dynamic measurement algorithm for well inclination and azimuth in strapdown stable platform0
Geostatistical inversion method based on seismic waveform similarity0
Casing deformation risk assessment method based on fault–slip theory and its application to shale formations0
Well Logging Stratigraphic Correlation Algorithm Based on Semantic Segmentation0
Acoustic field simulations of logging while drilling by cylindrical finite difference with variable grids0
Capacity matching and optimization of solar-ground source heat pump coupling systems0
Mesh-Free Method for Static Analyses of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composite Plates0
Time difference correlation between earthquake lights and seismic ground accelerations0
Study on Joint Method of 3D Acoustic Emission Source Localization Simplex and Grid Search Scanning0
An improved convolution perfectly matched layer for elastic second-order wave equation0
Oil and gas basin analysis based on airborne gravity and magnetic data0
Numerical modeling of anisotropy paradoxes in direct current resistivity and time-domain induced polarization methods0
Detection method of coal-rock interface and low-resistivity anomalous body based on azimuth electromagnetic wave0
A time-domain multi-parameter elastic full waveform inversion with pseudo-Hessian preconditioning0
Reduction-to-the-pole method for aeromagnetic three-component data in different latitudes0
Brittleness ductility transition depth of new fracture in the Baodi Miaozhuang Uplift0
Comparison of different inversion methods of D-T2 two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance logging and applicability analysis0
Seismic-inversion method for nonlinear mapping multilevel well-seismic matching based on bidirectional long short-term memory networks0
Three-dimensional transformation of magnetization direction and magnetic field component at low latitudes based on vertical relationship0
Numerical modeling of 3D DC resistivity method in the mixed space-wavenumber domain0
1D Convolutional Seismic Event Classification Method Based on Attention Mechanism and Light Inception Block0
Influence of Mining Speed on Stope Energy in Deep Mines0
Depth-domain well–seismic calibration method and application based on constrained dynamic warping0
Efficient solution of large-scale matrix of acoustic wave equations in 3D frequency domain0
Studies on quasi-Newton methods in time-domain multiscale full waveform inversion0
Prediction method of reservoir pore types based on pore shape substitution0
Slope displacement prediction based on multisource domain transfer learning for insufficient sample data0
Linear inversion-imaging method based on joint primary reflected waves and surface-related multiples0
Estimating the true spatial resolution of satellite altimeter-derived gravity field models with shipborne data in the South China Sea0
Log Facies Identification via Dynamic Classifier Selection0
Joint inversion method of formation shear-wave anisotropy from logging-while-drilling acoustic data0
3D gravity inversion using cycle-consistent generative adversarial network0
Design and Realization of Electromagnetic Instrument Data Acquisition Circuit for Landslide Detection0
High-accuracy migration and demigration techniques for active fault seismic exploration0
Sampling rate and necessary conditions for geoelectric structure reconstruction in transient electromagnetic exploration0
Establishment and application of an anisotropic shale rock physical model in the observation coordinate system0
Static Stress Triggering Effect on the Surrounding Major Faults and Aftershocks of the 2024 M 7.4 Earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan0
Relationship between stress field and apparent velocity and Poisson ratio fields0
Basement characteristics reflected by aeromagnetic data in the northern coastal zone of Taizhou0
Characteristics and distribution patterns of volcanic fractures in the Chaganhua Subsag of the Songnan Basin, China0
Numerical Simulation of a Three-Dimensional Strongly Magnetic Material Tensor in Wave Vector Domain0
Application of high-precision gravity in fracture identification: a case study of the Miquan region of the Junggar Basin0