Petroleum Science

(The median citation count of Petroleum Science is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Impact of inter-particle collision on elbow erosion based on DSMC-CFD method117
Empirical rock physics relationships on carbonate dry-frame elastic properties46
Effective source rock selection and oil–source correlation in the Western Slope of the northern Songliao Basin, China17
Mechanism of active silica nanofluids based on interface-regulated effect during spontaneous imbibition15
Truss-type maintenance devices and corresponding pipeline lifting control strategies14
Isolation and characterization of a high-efficiency marine diesel oil-degrading bacterium13
A comprehensive review of ultralow-weight proppant technology12
Quantitative evaluation of geological fluid evolution and accumulated mechanism: in case of tight sandstone gas field in central Sichuan Basin12
Application of ion-engineered Persian Gulf seawater in EOR: effects of different ions on interfacial tension, contact angle, zeta potential, and oil recovery11
Ensemble-based optimization of hydraulically fractured horizontal well placement in shale gas reservoir through Hough transform parameterization11
Insight into the oxidative desulfurization of high-sulfur petroleum coke under mild conditions: a journey of vanadium-substituted Dawson-type phosphotungstic acid10
A Markov-switching dynamic regression analysis of the asymmetries related to the determinants of US crude oil production between 1982 and 201910
Investigation of flue gas water-alternating gas (flue gas–WAG) injection for enhanced oil recovery and multicomponent flue gas storage in the post-waterflooding reservoir6
Modeling the effects of fracture infill on frequency-dependent anisotropy and AVO response of a fractured porous layer6
EMT simulation and effect of TTI anisotropic media in EMT signal5
A quantitative interpretation of the saturation exponent in Archie’s equations5
Active source seismic imaging on near-surface granite body: case study of siting a geological disposal repository for high-level radioactive nuclear waste5