Frontiers in Neuroanatomy

(The TQCC of Frontiers in Neuroanatomy is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Hypothalamic orexinergic neuron changes during the hibernation of the Syrian hamster39
Cajal, the neuronal theory and the idea of brain plasticity38
Cross-Streams Through the Ventral Posteromedial Thalamic Nucleus to Convey Vibrissal Information33
Editorial: The earliest-born cortical neurons as multi-tasking pioneers: expanding roles for subplate neurons in cerebral cortex organization and function, volume II30
Scribble basal polarity acquisition in RPE cells and its mislocalization in a pathological AMD-like model25
Programmed Cell Death and Autophagy in an in vitro Model of Spontaneous Neuroretinal Degeneration25
Morphological and phenotypical characteristics of porcine satellite glial cells of the dorsal root ganglia22
Perioperative sleep deprivation activates the paraventricular thalamic nucleus resulting in persistent postoperative incisional pain in mice21
Structural connectivity of cytoarchitectonically distinct human left temporal pole subregions: a diffusion MRI tractography study19
Selective Denervation of the Facial Dermato-Muscular Complex in the Rat: Experimental Model and Anatomical Basis17
A Structural Atlas of the Developing Zebrafish Telencephalon Based on Spatially-Restricted Transgene Expression16
Mucin-Type O-Glycosylation in the Drosophila Nervous System16
Anatomically curated segmentation of human subcortical structures in high resolution magnetic resonance imaging: An open science approach16
Editorial: Neuroanatomy of cognition16
Efficient and Accurate Synapse Detection With Selective Structured Illumination Microscopy on the Putative Regions of Interest of Ultrathin Serial Sections16
Comparative analysis of four nuclei in the human brainstem: Individual differences, left-right asymmetry, species differences15
Stereotaxic atlas of the infant rat brain at postnatal days 7–1315
Immunohistochemical Characterisation of the Whale Retina14
The nuclei of the lateral lemniscus: unexpected players in the descending auditory pathway14
Gestational VPA exposure reduces the density of juxtapositions between TH+ axons and calretinin or calbindin expressing cells in the ventrobasal forebrain of neonatal mice14
Three Dimensional-Arterial Spin Labeling Evaluation of Improved Cerebral Perfusion After Limb Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in a Rat Model of Focal Ischemic Stroke13
Algal polysaccharides: new perspectives for the treatment of basal ganglia neurodegenerative diseases13
Fixation and staining methods for macroscopical investigation of the brain13
Editorial: How do we see? Morphology and physiology of retinal neurons13
Registry of Compartmental Ephrin-B3 Guidance Patterns With Respect to Emerging Multimodal Midbrain Maps13
Geometric morphometric analysis of the brainstem and cerebellum in Chiari I malformation13
Relaxin-3 Innervation From the Nucleus Incertus to the Parahippocampal Cortex of the Rat12
Developmental errors in the common marmoset retina12
Brain plasticity following corpus callosum agenesis or loss: a review of the Probst bundles12
Proportions of four distinct classes of sensory neurons are retained even when axon regeneration is enhanced following peripheral nerve injury12
Lesions causing central sleep apnea localize to one common brain network11
An Efficient Method for the Isolation and Cultivation of Hypothalamic Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells From Mouse Embryos11
Differential Serotonergic Modulation of Principal Neurons and Interneurons in the Anterior Piriform Cortex11
On the other end of the line: Extracellular vesicle-mediated communication in glaucoma11
Whole-Brain Mapping of the Expression Pattern of T1R2, a Subunit Specific to the Sweet Taste Receptor11
Characterization of Individual Projections Reveal That Neuromasts of the Zebrafish Lateral Line are Innervated by Multiple Inhibitory Efferent Cells11
Comparison of Different Tissue Clearing Methods for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Human Brain Cellular Anatomy Using Advanced Imaging Techniques11
Niwaki Instead of Random Forests: Targeted Serial Sectioning Scanning Electron Microscopy With Reimaging Capabilities for Exploring Central Nervous System Cell Biology and Pathology11
Widespread Doublecortin Expression in the Cerebral Cortex of the Octodon degus11
Ontogenetic changes in the tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive preoptic area in the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula (L., 1758) females: catecholaminergic involvement in sexual maturation11
Cell density quantification of high resolution Nissl images of the juvenile rat brain11
High-Resolution Insights Into the in vitro Developing Blood-Brain Barrier: Novel Morphological Features of Endothelial Nanotube Function11
Five Breakthroughs: A First Approximation of Brain Evolution From Early Bilaterians to Humans11
Anterograde trans-neuronal labeling of striatal interneurons in relation to dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta11
NeuroEditor: a tool to edit and visualize neuronal morphologies10
Differential effects of prolonged post-fixation on immunohistochemical and histochemical staining for postmortem human brains10
Corrigendum: Expression of opsins of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora reveals the first photopigment in cnidarian ocelli and supports the presence of photoisomerases10
Corrigendum: Localization of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels in the vertebrate retinas across species and their physiological roles10
Cre-Dependent Anterograde Transsynaptic Labeling and Functional Imaging in Zebrafish Using VSV With Reduced Cytotoxicity10
Topological arrangement of coronal segments in human callosal fibers in vivo tractography10
Organizational Effects of Estrogens and Androgens on Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Expression in Pituitary and Adrenal Glands in Adult Male and Female Rats10
Corrigendum: Perforating Arteries of the Lemniscal Trigone: A Microsurgical Neuroanatomic Description10
An EvoDevo Study of Salmonid Visual Opsin Dynamics and Photopigment Spectral Sensitivity10
Human and mouse cortical astrocytes: a comparative view from development to morphological and functional characterization10
Galectins and Their Ligand Glycoconjugates in the Central Nervous System Under Physiological and Pathological Conditions10
Hodological patterning as an organizing principle in vertebrate motor circuitry10
Corrigendum: Convergent and Divergent Mechanisms of Epileptogenesis in mTORopathies9
No evidence for age-related alterations in the marmoset retina9
Single-Neuron Labeling in Fixed Tissue and Targeted Volume Electron Microscopy9
Convergent and Divergent Mechanisms of Epileptogenesis in mTORopathies9
Corrigendum: Genetic Identification of the Central Nucleus and Other Components of the Central Extended Amygdala in Chicken During Development9
Unveiling the mechanisms of neuropathic pain suppression: perineural resiniferatoxin targets Trpv1 and beyond9
Recent technological advances in correlative light and electron microscopy for the comprehensive analysis of neural circuits9
Localization of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channels in the vertebrate retinas across species and their physiological roles9
Optimal trajectory of the neuroendoscope for third ventricle pavement access9
Neuron Class and Target Variability in the Three-Dimensional Localization of SK2 Channels in Hippocampal Neurons as Detected by Immunogold FIB-SEM9
Transduction of Systemically Administered Adeno-Associated Virus in the Colonic Enteric Nervous System and c-Kit Cells of Adult Mice9
Editorial: Immunoelectron microscopy: Placing molecular functions within a neuronal context8
The Vestibular Column in the Mouse: A Rhombomeric Perspective8
High-Throughput Strategy for Profiling Sequential Section With Multiplex Staining of Mouse Brain8
Spinal Cord Parenchyma Vascular Redistribution Underlies Hemodynamic and Neurophysiological Changes at Dynamic Neck Positions in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy8
Network analysis of marmoset cortical connections reveals pFC and sensory clusters8
A Topographic Atlas of the Human Brainstem in the Ponto-Mesencephalic Junction Plane8
Automated Neuron Tracing Using Content-Aware Adaptive Voxel Scooping on CNN Predicted Probability Map8
A Systematic, Open-Science Framework for Quantification of Cell-Types in Mouse Brain Sections Using Fluorescence Microscopy8
Development of the Entorhinal Cortex Occurs via Parallel Lamination During Neurogenesis8
Editorial: Understanding retinal remodeling: Retinal alterations and therapeutic implications8
The anatomy of the four streams of the prefrontal cortex. Preliminary evidence from a population based high definition tractography study8
Editorial: The morphology and physiology of insect chemosensory systems – Its origin and evolution8
The Ependymal Region Prevents Glioblastoma From Penetrating Into the Ventricle via a Nonmechanical Force8
Doublecortin-Expressing Neurons in Chinese Tree Shrew Forebrain Exhibit Mixed Rodent and Primate-Like Topographic Characteristics8
Label-free, fast, 2-photon volume imaging of the organization of neurons and glia in the enteric nervous system8
Neural activity patterns in the chemosensory network encoding vomeronasal and olfactory information in mice8
Developmental Characterization of Schizophrenia-Associated Gene Zswim6 in Mouse Forebrain7
Frontal aslant tract in the non-dominant hemisphere: A systematic review of anatomy, functions, and surgical applications7
The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is part of the modular working memory system: A functional neuroanatomical perspective7
Advanced Dissection Lab for Neuroanatomy Training7
Elovl5 Expression in the Central Nervous System of the Adult Mouse7
The Absence of the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Directly Impacts on the Expression and Localization of the Endocannabinoid System in the Mouse Hippocampus7
Full cervical cord tractography: A new method for clinical use7
Distribution of calcium-binding proteins immunoreactivity in the bottlenose dolphin entorhinal cortex7
Pancreas-Brain Crosstalk7
Editorial: Glial heterogeneity: impact on neuronal function and dysfunction7
The Olfactory Tract: Basis for Future Evolution in Response to Rapidly Changing Ecological Niches7
Acquisition-dependent modulation of hippocampal neural cell adhesion molecules by associative motor learning7
The parasympathetic and sensory innervation of the proximal and distal colon in male mice6
Topographic organization across foveal visual areas in macaques6
Increase of glutamate in satellite glial cells of the trigeminal ganglion in a rat model of craniofacial neuropathic pain6
Comparative neuroprotective effects of Cerebrolysin, dexamethasone, and ascorbic acid on sciatic nerve injury model: Behavioral and histopathological study6
Automated Synapse Detection Method for Cerebellar Connectomics6
Neuronal and non-neuronal scaling across brain regions within an intercross of domestic and wild chickens6
Innervation of human superficial fascia6
Up-regulation of CB1 cannabinoid receptors located at glutamatergic terminals in the medial prefrontal cortex of the obese Zucker rat6
The Cytoarchitecture of the Tectal-Related Pallium of Squirrelfish, Holocentrus sp.6
Expression of Urea Transporter B in Normal and Injured Brain6
Phenotype and Distribution of Immature Neurons in the Human Cerebral Cortex Layer II6
The Epic of the Thalamus in Anatomical Language6
Aberrant Topological Patterns of Structural Covariance Networks in Cognitively Normal Elderly Adults With Mild Behavioral Impairment6
Morphological investigations of endomorphin-2 and spinoparabrachial projection neurons in the spinal dorsal horn of the rat6
The Functional Anatomy of the Cornea and Anterior Chamber in Lampreys: Insights From the Pouched Lamprey, Geotria australis (Geotriidae, Agnatha)6
Pineal gland volume loss in females with multiple sclerosis6
Asymmetric Distributions of Achromatic Bipolar Cells in the Mouse Retina6
Immunohistochemical distribution of secretagogin in the mouse brain6
Visuomotor interactions in the mouse forebrain mediated by extrastriate cortico-cortical pathways6
Differently increased volumes of multiple brain areas in Npc1 mutant mice following various drug treatments6
Time-lapse imaging of identified granule cells in the mouse dentate gyrus after entorhinal lesion in vitro reveals heterogeneous cellular responses to denervation6
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the development of mouse olfactory system from prenatal to postnatal period6
Expression of Repressor Element 1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) in Serotonin Neurons in the Adult Male Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)6
Capicua Regulates Dendritic Morphogenesis Through Ets in Hippocampal Neurons in vitro6
Direct comparison of Hoxb8-driven reporter distribution in the brains of four transgenic mouse lines: towards a spinofugal projection atlas6
Phylogenetic reduction of the magnocellular red nucleus in primates and inter-subject variability in humans6
A combined use of silver pretreatment and impregnation with consequent Nissl staining for cortex and striatum architectonics study6
Cellular and molecular alterations in neurons and glial cells in inherited retinal degeneration6