Complex Analysis and Operator Theory

(The median citation count of Complex Analysis and Operator Theory is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Weak Solutions to the Complex m-Hessian Type Equation on Open Subsets of $${\mathbb {C}}^n$$16
Asymptotic Behaviour of the Non-real Pair-Eigenvalues of a Two Parameter Eigenvalue Problem15
Composition Operators on Function Spaces on the Halfplane: Spectra and Semigroups12
On the Plane Lamé–Navier System in Fractal Domains12
Sets of Uniqueness, Weakly Sufficient Sets and Sampling Sets for Weighted Spaces of Holomorphic Functions in the Unit Ball11
Biorthogonal Approach Associated with the Fractional Laguerre Appell Polynomials10
Slice Spirallike Functions over Quaternions8
Dilations and Operator Models of $${\mathcal {W}}$$-Hypercontractions7
Boundary Distance Functions of Riemann Domains Over Pre-Hilbert Spaces7
Function Theory from Tensor Algebras7
Localization Operators and Scalogram in the Framework of Mehler–Fock Wavelet Transform6
The Banach–Stone Theorem in Finsler $$C^*$$-Modules6
Characterization and Non-characterization of Domains by Their Isotropy Groups6
Closure in the Logarithmic Bloch Norm of Dirichlet Type Spaces6
Krein Space Representations and Radon–Nikodým Theorem for Local $$\alpha $$-Completely Positive Maps6
Norm Estimates for Selfadjoint Toeplitz Operators on the Fock Space5
The Poisson Convolution Associated with the Spherical Mean Operator5
The Resolution of Euclidean Massless Field Operators of Higher Spins on $${\mathbb {R}}^6$$ and the $$L^2$$ Method5
Noncommutative Mulholland Inequalities Associated with Factors and Their Applications5
Variable Triebel–Lizorkin–Lorentz Spaces Associated to Operators5
Scattering Operator and Wave Operators for 2D Schrödinger Operators with Threshold Obstructions5
Characterization of Non-Stationary Wavelets and Non-Stationary Multiresolution Analysis Wavelets Related to Walsh Functions4
Szegö’s Theorem on Hardy Spaces Induced by Rotation-Invariant Borel Measures4
Carleson Measures and Toeplitz Operators Between Bergman Spaces on the Siegel Upper Half-space4
Inequalities for N-Operator4
Szegő and Widom Theorems for Finite Codimensional Subalgebras of a Class of Uniform Algebras4
Characterization of Forward, Vanishing, and Reverse Bergman Carleson Measures using Sparse Domination4
Distributions for Nonsymmetric Monotone and Weakly Monotone Position Operators4
Realization of Inverse Stieltjes Functions $$(-m_\alpha (z))$$ by Schrödinger L-Systems4
p-Summable Commutators in Bergman Spaces on Egg Domains4
Sums of Polyanalytic Dual Toeplitz Products4
Dirichlet Problem for Nonlinear Higher-Order Equations in Upper Half Plane4
Solutions for a Nonlocal Elliptic System with General Growth4
Local Ergodic Theorems for $$C_0$$-Semigroups4
Pseudo Almost Periodic Solution for Some Differential Equations with Piecewise Constant Argument and Applications4
Extension of the Bessmertnyĭ Realization Theorem for Rational Functions of Several Complex Variables4
Topological Properties of Regular Boundary Domains in Riemannian Manifolds4
Fredholm Index of 3-Tuple of Restriction Operators and the Pair of Fringe Operators for Submodules in $$H^2({\mathbb {D}}^3)$$3
Variational Principles in Quaternionic Analysis with Applications to the Stationary MHD Equations3
Quaternionic Convolutional Neural Networks with Trainable Bessel Activation Functions3
On an Extension of Stević–Sharma Operator from Weighted Bergman–Orlicz Space to Weighted-Type Space on the Unit Ball3
The Berberian’s Transform and an Asymmetric Putnam–Fuglede Theorem3
Relatively Bounded Perturbations of J-Non-Negative Operators3
An Operator Version of the Jensen Inequality for s-Convex Functions3
Riesz Projection and Essential S-spectrum in Quaternionic Setting3
C*-Algebras Generated by Radial Toeplitz Operators on Polyanalytic Weighted Bergman Spaces3
Higgs Algebras in Classical Harmonic Analysis3
Adaptive Decompositions in Monogenic Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces of Paley–Wiener Type3
The Kaczmarz Algorithm in Banach Spaces3
Fredholm Weighted Generalized Composition Operators3
Spectrality of a Class of Moran Measures on $$\mathbb {R}^n$$3
Entire Symmetric Operators in de Branges–Pontryagin Spaces and a Truncated Matrix Moment Problem3
On the Toeplitz Algebra in the Case of All Entire Functions and All Functions Holomorphic in the Unit Disc3
On a Class of Subdiagonal Algebras3
Traces for Sturm–Liouville Operators on a Caterpillar Graph3
Fractional Laplacian Elliptic Systems with Multiple Parameters3
Flexibility of Analysis Serving Computational Polynomial Algebra or Arithmetics3
Closures of Bergman–Besov Spaces in the Weighted Bloch Spaces on the Unit Ball3
m-Isometric Composition Operators on Discrete Spaces3
Characterization of Dual Scalable Frames3
Some Approximation Properties of Parametric Baskakov–Schurer–Szász Operators Through a Power Series Summability Method3
Harmonic Bergman Spaces on the Real Hyperbolic Ball: Atomic Decomposition, Interpolation and Inclusion Relations3
$${{\mathcal {R}}}$$-Bounded Operator Families Arising from a Compressible Fluid Model of Korteweg Type with Surface Tension in the Half-Space2
The Local Operator Moment Problem on $${\mathbb {R}}$$2
Gradient Estimates in the Whole Space for the Double Phase Problems by the Maximal Function Method2
Endpoint Behavior of the Bergman Projection on a Class of n-dimensional Hartogs Triangles2
Steven George Krantz (1951 -) Celebrates his 70th Birthday2
Representation Theorems for the Cauchy Transform in Weighted Bergman–Dirichlet Spaces2
Weighted Bergman Spaces Associated with the Hyperbolic Group2
Semicommutators of Truncated Toeplitz Operators2
Embedding Theorems and Area Operators on Bergman Spaces with Doubling Measure2
Some Relations Between Schwarz–Pick Inequality and von Neumann’s Inequality2
Generalized Weighted Composition Operators on Vector-Valued Weighted Bergman Space2
Inequalities Involving Berezin Norm and Berezin Number2
Factorizations of Characteristic Functions of Iterated Liftings2
On Compactness of Products of Toeplitz Operators2
Uncertainty Principles with Discrete Quaternion Fourier Transforms2
Some Operators on Minimal $$\alpha $$-Möbius Invariant Function Spaces2
Free Probability on Banach Algebras Induced by Scaled Hypercomplex Numbers2
Sequences of Operators, Monotone in the Sense of Contractive Domination2
Stepanov and Weyl Classes of c-Almost Periodic Type Functions2
Hausdorff Operators on Weighted Banach Spaces of Type $$H^{\infty }$$2
Weyl Sets in a Non-degenerate Truncated Matricial Hausdorff Moment Problem2
A Schwarz Lemma for the Symmetrized Polydisc Via Estimates on Another Family of Domains2
A-Isometries and Hilbert-A-Modules Over Product Domains2
Wellposedness of Second Order Evolution Equations2
The Spectrum of the Non-self-adjoint Twisted Laplacian on $$\displaystyle \mathbb {R}^2$$2
The Boundedness of Forelli–Rudin Type Operators on the Siegel Upper Half Space2
On Hardy-Like Spaces Induced by Tracial Unital Banach $$*$$-Probability Spaces2
Paley–Wiener-Type Theorems Associated to the Laplace–Bessel Operator2
Jacobson’s Lemma for Spectral Idempotents in Banach Algebras2
Numerical Radius and Norm Bounds via the Moore-Penrose Inverse2
Extended Joint Numerical Radius of the Spherical Aluthge Transform2
Quadratic Fock Space Calculus (II): Positivity of the Preservation Operator and Linear Independence of the Quadratic Exponential Vectors2
Freedman Inequality in Noncommutative Probability Spaces2
Characteristic Polynomials of Random Banded Hessenberg Matrices and Hermite–Padé Approximation2
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principles for the Dunkl-Type Fock Space2
Integration of Functions of a Hyperbolic Variable2
Hadamard–Bergman Operators on Weighted Spaces2
The Sharp Bound of the Third Hankel Determinant for Starlike Functions of Order 1/22
Modulus of Smoothness and Approximation Theorems in Clifford Analysis2
Application of the Fractional Sturm–Liouville Theory to a Fractional Sturm–Liouville Telegraph Equation2
Remarks on Commuting Functions of Operators2
Approximation by Modified Taylor Polynomials in the Harmonically Weighted Dirichlet Spaces2
The Essential Adjointness of Pseudo-Differential Operators on $$\mathbb {Z}^n$$1
A Derivative-Hilbert Operator Acting on the Bloch Space1
On the Relation Between S-Spectrum and Right Spectrum1
Regularity and Compactness Properties of Integral Hankel Operators and Their Singular Vectors1
2-Complex Symmetric Weighted Composition Operators on the Weighted Bergman Spaces of the Half-Plane1
Bergman Kernel, Szegö Kernel and Dirichlet Integral1
Fractional Integration on Mixed Norm Spaces. I1
Arithmetic and Analysis of the Series $${ \sum _{n=1}^{\infty } \frac{1}{n} \sin \frac{x}{n} }$$1
S-Nodes, Factorisation of Spectral Matrix Functions and Corresponding Inequalities1
Frame Wavelets of Local Fields with No Dual Wavelet Frames1
Spectral Analysis of Perturbed Fredholm Operators1
Refined Estimations for Some Types of Entropies and Divergences1
On the Differentiation of Integrals in Measure Spaces Along Filters: II1
Dolbeault and J-Invariant Cohomologies on Almost Complex Manifolds1
Carleson Measures for Weighted Harmonic Mixed-Norm Spaces and Toeplitz Operators1
Stochastic Clairaut Equation on Algebra of Generalized Functions1
Construction of the Riemann Map1
Characterization of Pure Contractive Multipliers and Applications1
Demicompactness Results and Frobenuis Schur’s Decomposition for Block Operator Matrices in Right Quaternionic Hilbert Spaces1
On the Structure of Real Operators1
Three-Jets Determinations of Normalized Proper Holomorphic Maps from $$ \mathbb {H}_n$$ into $$\mathbb {H}_{3n-2}$$1
Hodge Decomposition for Generalized Vekua Spaces in Higher Dimensions1
Operator Theory on Noncommutative Varieties in Polydomains1
A Generalization of Ando’s Dilation, and Isometric Dilations for a Class of Tuples of q-Commuting Contractions1
A Characterization of Invariant Subspaces for Isometric Representations of Product System over $$\mathbb {N}_0^{k}$$1
Geometry of Five Point Sets in the Complex Ball1
Hilbert Transform, Nevanlinna Class and Toeplitz Kernels1
$$L\log L$$ Type Estimates for Commutators of Fractional Integral Operators on the p-Adic Vector Space1
Explicit Relation Between Two Resolvent Matrices of the Truncated Hausdorff Matrix Moment Problem1
Complex Hessian Operator Associated to an m-Positive Closed Current and Weighted m-Capacity1
Correction to: Almansi-Type Decomposition for Slice Regular Functions of Several Quaternionic Variables1
Higher Dimensional Numerical Range of $$\xi $$-Lie Products on Bound Self-adjoint Operators1
Superoscillating Sequences and Supershifts for Families of Generalized Functions1
Commutative Toeplitz Algebras and Their Gelfand Theory: Old and New Results1
Hankel Operators Between Different Fock–Sobolev Type Spaces1
Bochner–Hecke Theorems in the Generalized Weinstein Theory Setting1
The Number and Location of Eigenvalues for the Two-Particle Schrödinger Operators on Lattices1
Bounds on the Non-real Eigenvalues of Nonlocal Indefinite Sturm–Liouville Problems with Coupled Boundary Conditions1
Closures of Holomorphic Tent Spaces in Weighted Bloch Spaces1
Infinite Order Differential Operators Associated with Superoscillations in the Half-Plane Barrier1
Operator Power means in the View of Fixed Points1
Vector-Valued Reproducing Kernel Hilbert $$C^*$$-Modules1
A Note on the Invariant Subspace Problem1
On Orthogonal Polynomials Related to Arithmetic and Harmonic Sequences1
Povzner–Wienholtz-Type Theorems for Sturm–Liouville Operators with Singular Coefficients1
Characterizations of Square Roots of Unitary Weighted Composition Operators on $$H^2$$1
The Generalized Toeplitz Determinants for a Class of Holomorphic Mappings in Several Complex Variables1
Existence of Geodesic Spirals for the Kobayashi–Fuks Metric on Planar Domains1
Notes on Hypercyclicity of Composition Operator on the Weighted Dirichlet Spaces1
Sharp Pointwise Estimate of $$\alpha $$-Harmonic Functions1
Basic Properties of Solutions of Boundary Value Problem for the Dirac-Wave Operator1
Blow-Up Theorems for p-Sub-Laplacian Heat Operators on Stratified Groups1
Non-spectrality of a class of Moran measures on $$\mathbb {R}^{3}$$1
Bergman Kernels of Two Dimensional Monomial Polyhedra1
On the Submultiplicativity of Matrix Norms Induced by Random Vectors1
A Peak Set with a Maximal Hausdorff Dimension on Each Slice1
A Note on the Three Dimensional Dirac Operator with Zigzag Type Boundary Conditions1
Cohn–Elkies Functions from Gabor Frames1
Controllability of Mild Solutions for Second-Order Neutral Evolution Equations with State-Dependent Delay1
Automorphic Carathéodory–Julia Theorem1
The Kernels of Hankel Operators on the Full Fock Space1
Linear Canonical Bargmann Transform1
On Fiber Bundles and Quaternionic Slice Regular Functions1
Gevrey Type Regularity of the Riesz–Feller Operator Perturbed by Gradient in $$L^p(\mathbb {R})$$1
Zero-Range Hamiltonian for a Bose Gas with an Impurity1
Octonionic Kerzman–Stein Operators1
Some Fundamental Formulas for an Integration on Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces1
Rawnsley’s $$\varepsilon $$-Function on a Class of Bounded Hartogs Domains and its Applications1
Counterexamples to Bicomplex Analogue of Bloch’s Principle and its Converse1
Band Edge Limit of the Scattering Matrix for Quasi-One-Dimensional Discrete Schrödinger Operators1
The Twistor Space of $${\mathbb {R}}^{4n}$$ and Berezin–Toeplitz Operators1
Weighted Composition Semigroups on Spaces of Continuous Functions and Their Subspaces1
Yet Another Approach to Poly-Bergman Spaces1
Browder S-Resolvent Equation in Quaternionic Setting1
Riesz Means on Locally Symmetric Spaces1
Multiple and Nodal Solutions for Parametric Dirichlet Equations Driven by the Double Phase Differential Operator1
Moment Infinite Divisibility of Weighted Shifts: Sequence Conditions1
On Characterization of Hilbert Transform of Riemannian Surface with Boundary1
Semi-commutants of Toeplitz Operators on Fock–Sobolev Space of Nonnegative Orders1
Topological Regularity for Solutions to the Generalised Hopf Equation1
Existence of Solutions for a Singular Double Phase Kirchhoff Type Problems Involving the Fractional q(x, .)-Laplacian Operator1
The Jacobi Operator on $$(-1,1)$$ and Its Various m-Functions1
Normal Holomorphic Mappings in Complex Space1
Orthogonal Exponential Functions on the Three-Dimensional Sierpinski Gasket1
b-AM-Dunford–Pettis Operators on Banach lattices1
The Dirichlet Problem for the Complex Monge–Ampère Operator on Strictly Plurifinely Pseudoconvex Domains1
Analytic Function Spaces Associated with the p-Carleson Measure for the Bloch Space1
Estimation of Bounds for the Zeros of Polynomials and Regular Functions of a Quaternionic Variable1
Multiple Sampling and Interpolation in Weighted Fock Spaces of Entire Functions1
Singular Integral Operators with Rough Kernel on Function Spaces Over Local Fields1
Further Berezin Number and Berezin Norm Inequalities for Sums and Products of Operators1
Solvability of the Gleason Problem on a Class of Bounded Pseudoconvex Domains0
Correction to: Canonical Decomposition of Operators Associated with the Symmetrized Polydisc0
Weak$$^*$$-2-Local Derivations on Semi-finite von Neumann Algebras0
A Nagy–Foias Program for a C.N.U. $$\Gamma _n$$-Contraction0
Weighted Join Operators on Directed Trees0
Poly-analytic Functions and Representation Theory0
Three Classification Results in the Theory of Weighted Hardy Spaces on the Ball0
The Powers of Regular Linear Relations0
Integral Estimates and Multiplier Operators from Normal Weight General Function Spaces to Bloch Type Spaces0
Randomization in Generalized Mixed Norm Spaces0
Existence of Solutions for a Class of Fractional $$p-$$Laplacian Equations with Innovative Conditions0
Toeplitz Determinants for a Class of Holomorphic Mappings in Higher Dimensions0
Generalized Hausdorff-Zhu Operators on Möbius Invariant Spaces0
The Schur–Potapov Algorithm in the General Matrix Case and Its Application to the Matricial Schur Problem0
Approximation by Meromorphic k-Differentials on Compact Riemann Surfaces0
On the Expansion of Resolvents and the Integrated Density of States for Poisson Distributed Schrödinger Operators0
A Note on Koliha-Drazin Invertible Operators and a-Browder’s Theorem0
Parametrized Marcinkiewicz Integrals on Herz Spaces with Variable Exponents0
The Noncommutative Fractional Fourier Law in Bounded and Unbounded Domains0
Quaternion Hyperbolic Fourier Transforms and Uncertainty Principles0
Dual Convolution for the Affine Group of the Real Line0
m-Potential Theory and m-Generalized Lelong Numbers Associated with m-Positive Supercurrents0
Bicomplex Polyharmonicity and Polyholomorphy0
Compact Complex p-Kähler Hyperbolic Manifolds0
Completing an Operator Matrix and the Free Joint Numerical Radius0
A Class of Norm Inequalities for Operator Monotone Functions and Hyponormal Operators0
A Jordan Curve Theorem on a 3D Ball Through Brownian Motion0
On Certain Functional and Partial Differential Equations, II0
Almansi-Type Theorem for Polymonogenic Functions in ballshell Domain0
Spectral Analysis Near Regular Point of Reducibility and Representations of Coxeter Groups0
Hölder Continuity of Generalized Harmonic Functions in the Unit Disc0
Complex Symmetry of Linear Combinations of Composition Operators on the McCarthy–Bergman Space of Dirichlet Series0
Backtracking New Q-Newton’s Method, Newton’s Flow, Voronoi’s Diagram and Stochastic Root Finding0
Continuous Fredholm Theory, Regularities and Semiregularities0
On the Closed Range Weighted Composition–Differentiation Operator0
Rational Penta-Inner Functions and the Distinguished Boundary of the Pentablock0
An Operator-Valued Analogue of a Result of Bombieri0
Closed Range Integral Operators on Fock Spaces0
Sharp Coefficients Bounds for Starlike Functions Associated with Gregory Coefficients0
Spectral Approximation of Generalized Schrödinger Operators via Approximation of Subwords0
On Polyanalytic Functions in Several Complex Variables0
Free-Homomorphic Relations on Banach $$*$$-Probability Spaces Generated by Semicircular Elements Induced by Natural Numbers0
Rochberg’s Abstract Coboundary Theorem Revisited0
Poisson’s Equation for Abel-Ergodic Theorems0
Homogeneously Polyanalytic Kernels on the Unit Ball and the Siegel Domain0
Operator Theory on Noncommutative Polydomains, I0
Application of the Weyl Calculus Perspective on Discrete Octonionic Analysis in Bounded Domains0
Kernel, Image and Scattering Representations of Passive State/Signal Systems0
Revitalising Pedrick’s Approach to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces0
A Cauchy Transform for Polymonogenic Functions on Fractal Domains0
Minimal Invariant Subspaces for an Affine Composition Operator0
Representations of Some Classes of Quaternionic Hyperholomorphic Functions0
Hilbert and Poincaré-Bertrand Formulas in Polyanalytic Function Theory Involving Higher Order Lipschitz Classes0
The Cowen-Douglas Theory for Operator Tuples and Similarity0
Special Toeplitz Operators on n-Dimensional Generalized Hartogs Triangles0