Tourism Review

(The TQCC of Tourism Review is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Mapping changes in human mobility for dining activities: a perceived risk theory perspective139
Digital nudge persuasiveness of avatars in restaurants toward healthy choices and happy diners138
Developments and implications of tourism information technology: a horizon 2050 paper133
Cruise tourism research: a horizon 2050 paper96
Tourism demand modelling and forecasting: a Horizon 2050 paper82
Hiking tourism: educating hikers through the interpretation of on-site information and predicting precautionary behavior63
Artificial intelligence in tourism: insights and future research agenda60
Automation and artificial intelligence in hospitality and tourism59
Sex tourism in an era of globalisation, harm reduction and disease migration: a new conceptual model59
Post-independence challenges for Caribbean tourism development: a solution-driven approach through Agenda 203054
Millennials’ interactions with social media content on cruise tourism54
Work social support on hospitality employees’ career optimism and turnover intention51
Sea ferry travel: the tourists’ liminal experience on the ferry51
The impact of macroeconomic factors on the European travel and leisure sector: the context of Russo–Ukrainian war50
The indirect distribution dilemma: assessing the financial impact of participation in for hotels50
How international students affect inbound tourism? Empirical evidence from 269 cities in China47
Stakeholders’ perception of the sustainability of a tourism destination: a methodological framework to find out relationships and similarity of opinions46
Stakeholders’ perception of accessible tourism implementation based on corporate sustainability and responsibility: a SEM-based investigation42
Bridging tea with tourism: empirical evidence from India and Sri Lanka42
Heritage protection and tourism income: the tourism heritage Kuznets curve41
Exploring tourists’ social identities in a similar-others destination: the case of Chinese tourists in North Korea40
Tourist loyalty in the metaverse: the role of immersive tourism experience and cognitive perceptions39
The impact of migrant workers’ inclusion on subjective well-being, organizational identification, and organizational citizenship behavior38
Front-desk workforce cultural diversity and its implications for service quality in the accommodation sector: a case from Australia35
The influence of 360-degree VR videos on tourism web usage behaviour: the role of web navigability and visual interface design quality35
Destination authenticity influence on tourists' behavioral intentions, involvement and nostalgic sentiments35
Tourism towards the well-being of Small Island Developing States: Tourism Agenda 203034
Tourism research from 1945 to 202234
What motivates international tourists’ positive word-of-mouth? The effect of individualist and collectivist cultural orientations33
Social capital and consumer co-creation behaviors on tourism social media: the mediating role of psychological ownership33
Combination forecasting using multiple attribute decision making in tourism demand32
Unpacking overtourism as a discursive formation through interdiscursivity30
Tourism service providers’ physical attractiveness and customers’ service quality evaluation: is warmth or competence more important?30
Accessible tourism: how people with vision impairment and blindness experience tourism and “see” the invisible29
User generated content versus mainstream media influence on hot spring tourism destination image formation28
Travellers’ destination choice among university students in China amid COVID-19: extending the theory of planned behaviour27
Tourism research methodology: confessions of an inductive researcher26
Experiential consumption dimensions and pro-environment behaviour by Gen Z in nature-based tourism: a Chinese perspective26
Search strategies in accessible tourism, barrier-free tourism, disabled tourism and easy access tourism literature25
Airline service: low-cost-carriers (LCCs) failure and passenger emotional experience25
Is tourism development associated with employment of low quality?24
Revenge tourism value co-destruction: the role of resilience and altruism23
Sustainability in European luxury tourism companies: an analysis of practices and managerial perspectives22
Does tour guides’ ethical behavior matter for tourists’ revisit and recommendation intentions? Examining with a gender perspective22
Accessible tourism: tourists with physical disability - segmentation based on perceived travel barriers21
Service robots and hotel guests’ perceptions: anthropomorphism and stereotypes20
Metaverse customer journeys in tourism: building viable virtual worlds20
Tourism metaverse from the attribution theory lens: a metaverse behavioral map and future directions20
How does COVID-19 affect tourism in terms of people’s willingness to travel? Empirical evidence from China19
Reputation and eWOM in accommodation decision-making: insights from Generation Z users18
Like, tag and share: bolstering social media marketing to improve intention to visit a nature-based tourism destination18
Metaverse tourism for sustainable tourism development: Tourism Agenda 203018
Virtual reality tourism: intention to use mediated by perceived usefulness, attitude and desire18
Social networks and travel intention: the impact of travel content to consumption, social comparison and envy18
The impacts of tourism development on income inequality: how does tourism capital investment contribute to income distribution? Tourism Agenda 203018
Impact of religious tourism on the economic development, energy consumption and environmental degradation: evidence from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia17
Sports tourists: sociodemographic, psychographic and situational influences on satisfaction and expenditure17
Adult children traveling with parents: exploring travel conflict and parents’ subjective well-being17
Digitalization and digital transformation in the tourism industry: a bibliometric review and research agenda17
Sustainability as a building block for tourism – future research: Tourism Agenda 203017
Senior tourism: travel motivators and perceived constraints and risks for the elderly16
Rural tourism development between community involvement and residents’ life satisfaction: Tourism Agenda 203016
Tourism towards healthy lives and well-being for older adults and senior citizens: Tourism Agenda 203016
ChatGPT for tourism: applications, benefits and risks16
Tourism entrepreneurship in rural destinations: measuring the effects of capital configurations using the fsQCA approach16
A dynamic model of crisis management from a stakeholder perspective: the case of COVID-19 in China16
Metaverse? It is virtual hell! Understanding the dark side of the metaverse (darkverse) for hospitality and tourism customers15
How to overcome the intention–behavior gap in sustainable tourism: Tourism Agenda 2030 perspective article15
Exploring the influence of ChatGPT on tourism behavior using the technology acceptance model15
Agritourism experience value cocreation impact on the brand equity of rural tourism destinations in China15
Reasons for tourist intention to use e-bike sharing services; an application behavioral reasoning theory (BRT)15
Tourism destination advertising: effect of storytelling and sensory stimuli on arousal and memorability15
Small- and medium-sized tourism enterprises and smart tourism: Tourism Agenda 2030 perspective article15
Metaversal sustainability: conceptualisation within the sustainable tourism paradigm15
The impact of Google Trends index and encompassing tests on forecast combinations in tourism14
The psychophysiological effects of travel: a horizon 2050 paper14
Customers’ intention to use virtual reality in tourism: a comprehensive analysis of influencing factors14
Contesting women’s history in cultural and heritage tourism: a horizon 2050 paper14
Human–Robot interaction research in hospitality and tourism: trends and future directions14
Tourism, automation and responsible consumption and production: a horizon 2050 paper14
Identifying online user discourses triggered by destination stakeholder reactions13
National stereotypes in the cross-cultural service encounter: empirical evidence from Vietnam13
Legal aspects of ecotourism: towards creating an international legislative framework13
City brand love: destination attractiveness and memorable tourism city experiences13
Visiting natural disaster sites as transformational experiences13
Tourism in Brazil: from politics, social inequality, corruption and violence towards the 2030 Brazilian tourism agenda13
Co-creation experience and tourists’ citizenship behavior: challenges of Indonesian ecotourism sector during post-pandemic era12
Place making, authenticity and behavioral intentions in a Chinese “ancient” town12
Destination online reviews: lexicons and thematic arguments on social responsibility12
Smart and sustainable hotels: Tourism Agenda 2030 perspective article12
The labour consequences of Covid-19: migrant workers in tourism and hospitality12
The bi-directional relationship between community-oriented factors and residents’ emotional solidarity with tourists11
Assessing the carrying capacity for the environmental protection of the ancient artworks of India’s Ajanta caves11
Family tourists’ emotional responses at world heritage sites (WHSs): the effects of existential authenticity and interpersonal interaction11
Skill-enhancing human resource practices and firm performance: the mediating role of innovativeness11
Moderating role of intrinsic motivation in managing the consequences of workplace ostracism11
Mapping 30 years of tourism and hospitality research in the Arab world: a review based on bibliometric analysis11
Marketing horti-tourism and rural development for leveraging tourism agenda 2030: a perspective article11
Consuming communist heritage in China: user-generated image of red tourism via photographs10
Children’s dominance in family vacation decision-making (FVDM): a multi-national analysis10
Minimising perceived travel risk in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic to boost travel and tourism10
“Double-edged sword”: the effect of cultural distance on post-disaster tourism destination recovery10
Tourism-led rural gentrification: impacts and residents’ perception10
The accessibility of beaches for blind people and their guide dogs: accessible tourism and inclusion in Spain10
Health tourism in China: a 40-year bibliometric analysis10
New hire performance: identifying critical traits for hospitality industry10
Destination image: a consumer-based, big data-enabled approach10
Film-induced tourism – the impact the of animation, cartoon, superhero and fantasy movies10
Overcoming overtourism: a review of failure10
Accessible Tourism – understanding blind and vision-impaired tourists’ behaviour towards inclusion10