Global Health Action

(The TQCC of Global Health Action is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Strengthening research capacity in LMICs to address the global NCD burden63
COVID-19 in Germany and China: mitigation versus elimination strategy58
Demographic, regional and temporal trends of hyperuricemia epidemics in mainland China from 2000 to 2019: a systematic review and meta-analysis58
How addressing menstrual health and hygiene may enable progress across the Sustainable Development Goals53
Routine health management information system data in Ethiopia: consistency, trends, and challenges34
Climate change and health in urban informal settlements in low- and middle-income countries – a scoping review of health impacts and adaptation strategies28
The global role, impact, and limitations of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in breast cancer screening: a scoping review and recommendations to promote health equity for all24
Maternal mortality in the covid-19 pandemic: findings from a rapid systematic review24
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) awareness, attitudes and uptake willingness among young people: gender differences and associated factors in two South African districts23
The political economy of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation: an analysis from seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa22
Self-management and self-efficacy of women with gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review22
Informing ‘good’ global health research partnerships: A scoping review of guiding principles21
Factors associated with low adherence to medication among patients with type 2 diabetes at different healthcare facilities in southern Bangladesh21
Integrating the United Nations sustainable development goals into higher education globally: a scoping review19
Perinatal death in Northern Uganda: incidence and risk factors in a community-based prospective cohort study19
Making a COVID-19 vaccine that works for everyone: ensuring equity and inclusivity in clinical trials18
Strategies for financing social health insurance schemes for providing universal health care: a comparative analysis of five countries17
Utilization of telehealth services in low- and middle-income countries amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative summary17
Neonatal mortality rates, characteristics, and risk factors for neonatal deaths in Ghana: analyses of data from two health and demographic surveillance systems16
Syndemic contexts: findings from a review of research on non-communicable diseases and interviews with experts16
Health and demographic surveillance systems in low- and middle-income countries: history, state of the art and future prospects15
Availability and advertising of sugar sweetened beverages in South African public primary schools following a voluntary pledge by a major beverage company: a mixed methods study15
Disrespect and abuse during facility‐based childbirth in central Ethiopia15
Estimating the healthcare cost of overweight and obesity in South Africa15
Community engagement in health systems interventions and research in conflict-affected countries: a scoping review of approaches15
Strengthening prevention of nutrition-related non-communicable diseases through sugar-sweetened beverages tax in Rwanda: a policy landscape analysis15
Study design: policy landscape analysis for sugar-sweetened beverage taxation in seven sub-Saharan African countries15
Community engagement and involvement in managing the COVID-19 pandemic among urban poor in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review and stakeholders mapping14
Barriers to, and facilitators of, the adoption of a sugar sweetened beverage tax to prevent non-communicable diseases in Uganda: a policy landscape analysis14
Delays during emergency obstetric care and their determinants among mothers who gave birth in South Gondar zone hospitals, Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study design14
Extreme temperatures and cardiovascular mortality: assessing effect modification by subgroups in Ganzhou, China14
The relevance of music therapy in paediatric and adolescent cancer patients: a scoping review14
Community-based adult hearing care provided by community healthcare workers using mHealth technologies13
Dismantling and reimagining global health education13
Colonization and decolonization of global health: which way forward?13
Oral health conditions and correlates: a National Oral Health Survey of Rwanda13
The legal feasibility of adopting a sugar-sweetened beverage tax in seven sub-Saharan African countries12
Institutional deliveries in India’s nine low performing states: levels, determinants and accessibility12
Rape survivors in South Africa: analysis of the baseline socio-demographic and health characteristics of a rape cohort12
Nutrition related non-communicable diseases and sugar sweetened beverage policies: a landscape analysis in Zambia12
Hypertension screening, awareness, treatment, and control: a study of their prevalence and associated factors in a nationally representative sample from Nepal12
Estimating causes of death where there is no medical certification: evolution and state of the art of verbal autopsy12
Knowledge, use (misuse) and perceptions of over-the-counter analgesics in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review12
HeAlth System StrEngThening in four sub-Saharan African countries (ASSET) to achieve high-quality, evidence-informed surgical, maternal and newborn, and primary care: protocol for pre-implementation p12
Associations between caregiver mental health and young children’s behaviour in a rural Kenyan sample12
Revitalizing child health: lessons from the past11
Misinformation, infighting, backlash, and an ‘endless’ recovery; policymakers recount challenges and mitigating measures after a vaccine scare in the Philippines11
Governance systems for skilled health worker migration, their public value and competing priorities: an interpretive scoping review11
Social media infodemics and social distancing under the COVID-19 pandemic: public good provisions under uncertainty11
Nutrition-related non-communicable disease and sugar-sweetened beverage policies: a landscape analysis in Kenya11
Association between Maternal Plasma Ferritin Level and Infants’ Size at Birth: A Prospective Cohort Study in Rural Bangladesh11
Tanzanian women´s knowledge about Cervical Cancer and HPV and their prevalence of positive VIA cervical screening results. Data from a Prevention and Awareness Campaign in Northern Tanzania, 2017 – 2010
Detection of Rift Valley Fever virus inter-epidemic activity in Kilimanjaro Region, North Eastern Tanzania10
Antimicrobial resistance control efforts in Africa: a survey of the role of Civil Society Organisations10
Diabetes prevalence and risk factors of early-onset adult diabetes: results from the Indonesian family life survey10
Factors associated with low tuberculosis preventive therapy prescription rates among health care workers in rural South Africa10
The relationship between time spent during the first ANC contact, home visits and adherence to ANC contacts in Ghana10
Lessons from community participation in primary health care and water resource governance in South Africa: a narrative review10
Teacher Nomination of School-aged Children for Mental Health Services in a Low and Middle Income Country10
Diabetes self-management: a qualitative study on challenges and solutions from the perspective of South African patients and health care providers10
Impact of randomised w mel Wolbachia deployments on notified dengue cases and insecticide fogging for dengue control in Yogyakarta City10
Paediatric Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) – preparedness for implementation at primary care facilities in Malawi10
Diaspora engagement: a scoping review of diaspora involvement with strengthening health systems of their origin country10
Mortality transition over a quarter century in rural South Africa: findings from population surveillance in Agincourt 1993-20189
Ngutulu Kagwero (agents of change): study design of a participatory comic pilot study on sexual violence prevention and post-rape clinical care with refugee youth in a humanitarian setting in Uganda9
Factors associated with non-utilization of postnatal care among newborns in the first 2 days after birth in Pakistan: a nationwide cross-sectional study9
The role of non-governmental organizations in strengthening healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries: Lessons from Santé Diabète in Mali9
The role of community health workers in influencing social connectedness using the household model: a qualitative case study from Malawi9
The need to incorporate the impact of population ageing into the post-COVID-19 policy and planning reset in Low and Middle Income Countries9
Shifting the focus to functioning: essential for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3, inclusive Universal Health Coverage and supporting COVID-19 survivors9
Valid and reliable neonatal near-miss assessment scale in Ethiopia: a psychometric validation9
Supporting early-career women researchers: lessons from a global mentorship programme9
Caring for providers to improve patient experience (CPIPE): intervention development process9
Community-led cross-sectional study of social and employment circumstances, HIV and associated factors amongst female sex workers in South Africa: study protocol9
Achieving equity in UHC interventions: who is left behind by neglected tropical disease programmes in Cameroon?9
The midwife’s role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: protect and invest together – the Swedish example9
Leveraging smart glasses for telemedicine to improve primary healthcare services and referrals in a remote rural district, Kingandu, DRC, 2019–20209
Exploring healthcare workers’ experiences of managing patients returning to HIV care in Johannesburg, South Africa9
A decade of Ecuador´s efforts to raise its health research output: a bibliometric analysis9
Effects of decentralization on the functionality of health facility governing committees in lower and middle-income countries: a systematic literature review8
High cellphone use associated with greater risk of depression among young women aged 15–24 years in Soweto and Durban, South Africa8
Assessing eligibility for differentiated service delivery, HIV services utilization and virologic outcomes of adult HIV-infected patients in Sierra Leone: a pre-implementation analysis8
Indirect effects of COVID-19 on maternal and child health in South Africa8
Barriers and strategies needed to improve maternal health services among pregnant adolescents in Uganda: a qualitative study8
The global failure of facing the pandemic8
The legacy of ZikaPLAN: a transnational research consortium addressing Zika8
Development of water insecurity scale for rural households in Cameroon- Central Africa8
Health and socioeconomic resource provision for older people in South Asian countries: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka evidence from NEESAMA8
Comparative risk assessment of non-communicable diseases by evacuation scenario– a retrospective study in the 7 years following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident8
Momentum for policy change: alternative explanations for the increased interest in results-based financing in Uganda8
Facilitators and barriers for the delivery and uptake of cervical cancer screening in Indonesia: a scoping review8
Attitudes to and experiences of intimate partner violence among Rohingya women who married before eighteen years of age8
Barriers to, and facilitators of, the adoption of a sugar sweetened beverage tax to prevent non-communicable diseases in Namibia: a policy landscape analysis8
Pre-exposure prophylaxis use among HIV serodiscordant couples: a qualitative study in Mozambique8
Understanding non-communicable diseases: combining health surveillance with local knowledge to improve rural primary health care in South Africa8
Adaptation of a gender-transformative sexual and reproductive health intervention for adolescent boys in South Africa and Lesotho using intervention mapping8
A qualitative study on the needs of cancer caregivers in Vietnam8
Whistleblowing as an anti-corruption strategy in health and pharmaceutical organizations in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review8
Migrant health penalty: evidence of higher mortality risk among internal migrants in sub-Saharan Africa7
Socioeconomic disparities in the burden of hypertension among Indonesian adults - a multilevel analysis7
Urban-rural differences in the impacts of multiple chronic disease on functional limitations and work productivity among Chinese adults7
Development and assessment of novel virtual COVID-19 trainer-of trainers course implemented by an academic–humanitarian partnership7
Effect of community-level intervention on antenatal care attendance: a quasi-experimental study among postpartum women in Eastern Uganda7
“Recovering, not recovered” Hospital disaster resilience: a case-study from the 2015 earthquake in Nepal7
The effectiveness of malaria camps as part of the Durgama Anchalare Malaria Nirakaran (DAMaN) program in Odisha, India: study protocol for a cluster-assigned quasi-experimental study7
Evidence and gaps in the literature on HIV/STI prevention interventions targeting migrants in receiving countries: a scoping review7
Women’s sexual and reproductive health in war and conflict: are we seeing the full picture?7
Two-year impact of an educational intervention in primary care on blood glucose control and diabetes knowledge among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a study in rural China7
Characterizing ‘health equity’ as a national health sector priority for maternal, newborn, and child health in Ethiopia7
Growing debt burden in low- and middle-income countries during COVID-19 may constrain health financing7
Improving disease surveillance data analysis, interpretation, and use at the district level in Tanzania7
Exploring women’s exposure to marketing of commercial formula products: a qualitative marketing study from two sites in South Africa7
Migrants’ perceptions of health system responsiveness and satisfaction with health workers in a South African Province7
Facilitators and barriers to effective supervision of maternal and newborn care: a qualitative study from Shinyanga region, Tanzania7
Mental health problems and suicidal expressions among young male prisoners in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study7
The association between alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence in young male perpetrators in Mwanza, Tanzania: a cross-sectional study7
Developing stakeholder participation to address lack of safe water as a community health concern in a rural province in South Africa7
Approaches, achievements, challenges, and lessons learned in setting up an urban-based Health and Demographic Surveillance System in South Africa6
Forty years after Alma-Ata: primary health-care preparedness for chronic diseases in Mozambique, Nepal and Peru6
Effectiveness of peer-led education interventions on contraceptive use, unmet need, and demand among adolescent girls in Gedeo Zone, South Ethiopia. A cluster randomized controlled trial6
Adaptation of WHO’s generic tuberculosis patient cost instrument for a longitudinal study in Africa6
The impact of community-based health insurance on universal health coverage in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis6
The impact of COVID-19 and national pandemic responses on health service utilisation in seven low- and middle-income countries6
The experiences and challenges of community health volunteers as agents for behaviour change programming in Africa: a scoping review6
Tailoring youth-friendly health services in Nigeria: a mixed-methods analysis of a designathon approach6
Public policies to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior: a narrative synthesis of “reviews of reviews”6
‘There is no more future for me? Like really, are you kidding?’: agency and decision-making in early motherhood in an urban area in Johannesburg, South Africa6
Scoping review of community health participatory research projects in Ghana6
A lack of reproductive agency in facility-based births makes home births a first choice regardless of potential risks and medical needs—a qualitative study among multiparous women in Somaliland6
Keeping silent or running away. The voices of Vietnamese women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence6
Factors associated with home delivery preference among pregnant women in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study6
Effectiveness of oral health promotion interventions for people with type 2 diabetes delivered by non-dental health care professionals: a systematic review6
Impact of a livelihood promotion program on income generation and food consumption among ultra-poor households in rural Bangladesh6
‘I know what I should be feeding my child’: foodways of primary caregivers of Child Support Grant recipients in South Africa6
Training program for female community volunteers to combat COVID 19 in rural Nepal6
Consensus-based recommendations for strengthening emergency care at primary health care level: a Delphi study6
Research for universal health coverage: setting priorities for policy and systems research in Uganda6
Last mile research: a conceptual map6
Clinical decision-support for acute burn referral and triage at specialized centres – Contribution from routine and digital health tools6
Capacity building among nursing and midwifery professional associations in East Africa6
Undocumented immigrants’ and immigrant women’s access to healthcare services in the Basque Country (Spain)6
Weather, climate, and climate change research to protect human health in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia6
‘Cooking is for everyone?’: Exploring the complexity of gendered dynamics in a cookstove intervention study in rural Malawi6
Fitting Health Financing Reforms to Context: Examining the Evolution of Results-Based Financing Models and the Slow National Scale-Up in Uganda (2003-2015)6
Describing adolescents with disabilities’ experiences of COVID-19 and other humanitarian emergencies in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review6