Lithuanian Journal of Physics

(The TQCC of Lithuanian Journal of Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Liouville’s theorem and the foundation of classical mechanics7
Microwave electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of ZnNb2O6-chopped strands composites for radar and wideband (6.5–18 GHz) applications6
LiSAF: an efficient and durable nonlinear material for supercontinuum generation in the ultraviolet5
Die hard holographic phenomenology of cuprates4
Effects of parabolic barrier design for multiple GaAsBi/AlGaAs quantum well structures3
Secular and semi-nonsecular models of cross-polarization kinetics for remote spins: an application for nano-structured calcium hydroxyapatite3
Phase space holography with no strings attached3
Towards wireless data transmission with compact all-electronic THz source and detector system3
Optical properties of powder and ceramics of aluminium oxynitride obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis3
Electron mobility dependence on neutron irradiation fluence in heavily irradiated silicon3
Mechanism of proton transfer in bacteriorhodopsin2
17O NMR and DFT study of hydrogen bonding: Proton sharing and incipient transfer2
Efficiency calibration of high-purity germanium detector using Monte Carlo simulations including coincidence-summing corrections: volume source case2
Interpretation of the anomalous groundwater chemistry and 234U/238U activity ratio disequilibrium in the northern part of the baltic region2
Radiation defects in NaCl matrix with reduced lattice symmetry caused by light cation doping and elastic uniaxial deformation2
The gloria mundi of SYK does not transit yet2
Novel approaches to generic non-Fermi liquids: higher- dimensional bosonization vs generalized holography2
Broadband and infrared spectroscopy of Ag0.98Li0.02NbO3 ceramics2
3D printed diffractive lenses operating at 1 THz2
Measurement of two-photon absorption by gold nanoparticles of different sizes photodeposited onto the core of an optical fibre2
Environmental isotopes and noble gas ages of the deep groundwater with coupled flow modelling in the Baltic artesian basin2
On evaluation of image quality in nonparaxial single-pixel imaging2
Photoluminescence properties of GaAsBi single quantum wells with 10% of Bi2
Second-order Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory for the GRASP2018 package: Core–valence correlations2
Model for self-assembly of Br–H and Br–Br bonded Br4Py molecules2
Derivation of the stationary fluorescence spectrum formula for molecular systems from the perspective of quantum electrodynamics2