Geological Quarterly

(The median citation count of Geological Quarterly is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Lower Paleozoic oil and gas shale in the Baltic-Podlasie-Lublin Basin (central and eastern Europe) – a review6
Sedimentological distinction in glacigenic sediments between load casts induced by periglacial processes from those induced by seismic shocks5
Ancient and modern anastomosing rivers: insights from sedimentological and geomorphological case studies of the Triassic, Neogene and Holocene of Poland5
Geochemistry of the Igdekoy-Doganlar Na-Ca borate deposit, Emet Province (western Anatolia, Turkey)4
An Oligocene olistostrome with exotic clasts in the Silesian Nappe (Outer Ukrainian Carpathians, Uzh River Basin)3
Lower Kimmeridgian facies and sedimentary succession of a shallow-water coated-grain-dominated carbonate ramp of the northern peri-Tethyan shelf: an example from the Radomsko Folds (central Poland)3
Trace fossils and depositional environments of the middle Turonian sandstones in the Upper Nysa Kłodzka Graben (Sudetes, Poland) revisited3
The history of bears (Ursidae, Carnivora, Mammalia) from Silesia (southern Poland) and the neighbouring areas3
Sources of anthropogenic contamination of soil in the Upper Silesian Agglomeration (southern Poland)3
Magnetostratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of the best developed Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences of Ukraine: implications for correlation and proposed chronostratigraphic models3
Application of malacological analysis to reconstruction of regional and local environmental changes: the Cisowa Skała locality (the Carpathians, southern Poland)3
Early Paleozoic Cenerian (Sardic) geodynamic relationships of peripheral eastern north Gondwana affinities: revisiting the Ordovician of the Getic/Kučaj nappe (eastern Serbia)2
Nature and origin of large-scale and intrasalt deformation within the Wieliczka salt mine, Poland2
Depositional environments of the Carboniferous-Permian Taiyuan Formation (southern North China Block) as deduced from trace elements and from carbon and oxygen isotopes2
Foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy of the upper Badenian–lower Sarmatian strata in the SE Polish Carpathian Foredeep2
The K-Pg boundary section at Nasiłów, Poland: stratigraphic reassessment based on foraminifers, dinoflagellate cysts and palaeomagnetism2
Further observations on the bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the J/K boundary interval in southern Ukraine2
Middle and Late Pleistocene terrestrial snails from the Middle Dniester area, Ukraine (based on Mykola Kunytsia’s collections)2
Intrastratal flow in the Cretaceous Gyeokpori Formation (SW South Korea)2
Quantitative relationship of spore and plant assemblages from the Radnice Basin, Middle Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic: preliminary results2
Geochemistry and geochronology of the Jawornik granitoids, Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, Sudetes, Poland2
Biostratigraphic re-evaluation of the lower to middle Miocene succession in the Eastern Carpathians: a case study related to the oil fields of the Diapir Fold Zone, Romania2
Fluvial response to environmental conditions during MIS 4-3: a sedimentary record at the Brześnica site, central-western Poland1
Environmental changes during the MIS 6a–MIS 5e transition: the Parchliny 2016 profile, central Poland1
Palaeobiogeography, palaeoecology, and sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic carbonate succession of the Lar Formation, central Alborz Zone, Iran1
A two-decade record of variations in suspended sediment in the Warta River, a lowland river in western Poland1
Internal structure of the buried Suwałki Anorthosite Massif (East European Craton, NE Poland) based on borehole, magnetic and gravity data combined with new petrological results1
The estimation of CO2 storage potential of a gas-bearing shale succession at the early stage of reservoir characterization: a case study from the Baltic Basin (Poland)1
Provenance of Albian to Cenomanian exotics-bearing turbidites in the Western Carpathians: a heavy mineral analysis1
Changes in habitat conditions in a Late Glacial fluviogenic lake in response to climatic fluctuations (Warta River valley, central Poland)1
Magnetostratigraphy of the Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in Ukraine and Moldova: a historical overview and recent developments1
Coastal sandy spit deposits (Lower Burdigalian/Eggenburgian) in the Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep of Lower Austria1
A 3D model of the thermal field within the Polish Carpathians and the Carpathian Foredeep (S Poland)1
Nano-scale analysis of polymineralic surface coatings on aeolian quartz grains with palaeoenvironmental implications1
Revision of the trace fossil Megagrapton Książkiewicz, 1968 with focus on Megagrapton aequale Seilacher, 1977 from the lower Eocene of the Lesser Caucasus in Georgia1
Detrital zircon analysis of metasedimentary rocks of the Staré Město Belt, Sudetes: implications for the provenance and evolution of the eastern margin of the Saxothuringian terrane, NE Bohemian Mas1
Early Jurassic dinosaur-dominated track assemblages, floristic and environmental changes in the Holy Cross Mountains region, Poland1
Tectonic pulse registered between 2013 and 2015 on the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif1
Does the multi-proxy Eemian record from the Słup site (central Poland) indicate a more humid climate at the beginning of the hornbeam phase?1
Reconstruction of the sedimentary environment of phytogenic deposits in the Tomisławice opencast mine (Konin Region, central Poland)1
First attempt to model numerically seismically-induced soft-sediment deformation structures – a comparison with field examples1
Correlation of Eemian sections in Lithuania and Belarus based on palaeomagnetic, radioisotope and palaeobotanic data1
Age revision of Carboniferous rocks in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin (SW Poland) based on miospore data1
Sedimentary environments and stratigraphy of the Stipinai Formation (Upper Frasnian, northern Lithuania): a sedimentary record of sea-level changes in the Main Devonian Field of the East European Pl1
Subsurface imaging of fluvial deposits of the Vistula River valley in Kraków (southern Poland) by 2D ERT survey1
Black sand properties in beach-dune system, Patea Beach, North Island, New Zealand1
Provenance of heavy minerals to the Middle and Upper Jurassic epicontinental deposits of NW Poland1
Geohazard assessment of the coastal zone – the case of the southern Baltic Sea1
The relationship between the chemical composition and lithology of Late Glacial and Holocene biogenic deposits of the Żabieniec mire (Central Poland)1
Early and Middle Jurassic tectonically controlled deposition in the High-Tatric succession (Tatricum), Tatra Mountains, southern Poland: a review1
Rietveld crystal structure refinement of a natural rhombohedral grossular-andradite garnet from Serbia1
Conditions of landslide development during the last decade in the Rożnów Dam-Lake region (Southern Poland) based on Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data analysis1
Slump folds within mid-Miocene crevasse-splay deposits: a unique example from the Tomisławice lignite opencast mine in central Poland1
3D geological and potential field modelling of the buried alkaline-carbonatite Tajno massif (East European Craton, NE Poland)1
Marine vs. terrestrial environments during Early Triassic deposition on the northeastern margin of the Central European Basin – a multidisciplinary study on the Middle Buntsandstein of the Bartoszyce1
High-resolution record of Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironments: the case study of Struga and Parysów (Central Poland)1
A reappraisal of K-Ar and new U-Pb age data for felsic rocks in the vicinity of the Kraków-Lubliniec Fault Zone (southern Poland)1
Palaeobotanical record of the Eemian Interglacial succession at the Jagodne site (Garwolin Plain, central Poland)1
Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of late Pleistocene molluscs from the northern coast of the Persian Gulf0
Hydrogeohazards in post-mining areas – the phenomenon of uncontrolled groundwater outflows in wetlands0
Climatic and tectonic effects on the origin and evolution of the Dereiçi travertines (the Başkale Basin, Eastern Türkiye), and neotectonic implications0
Evolution of Neoarchean–Paleoproterozoic basement in the Brunovistulia terrane, S Poland: geological, P-T and geochemical records0
Gliridae (Rodentia) from the Villafranchian site of Węże 2 in southern Poland0
Constraints on the nature and evolution of the volcanic fields of the Andahua Group, Central Volcanic Zone, southern Peru0
Microstructural characteristics and seasonal growth patterns observed in Metoposaurus krasiejowensis teeth0
A large array of inselbergs on a continuation of the sub-Cambrian peneplain in the Baltic Basin: evidence from seismic data, Western Lithuania0
Geological features of the Zn-Pb prospect in the Bou-Izourane district (Morocco)0
Deterministic versus stochastic modelling of unsaturated flow in a sandy field soil based on dual tracer breakthrough data0
Neoproterozoic ophiolite exotic blocks in the Outer Western Carpathians, southern Poland: a record of the fast ocean-floor cooling and alterations0
Late Pleistocene (MIS-2–MIS-4) mollusc assemblages of the loess-palaeosol sequence in Zalesie near Przemyśl (southern Poland)0
Natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment during the Holocene at the Kraków region (Southern Poland) from study of mollusc assemblages0
First discovery of Mississippian trace fossils in the Świebodzice Unit from the Witoszów region (SW Poland)0
Palynoflora and palaeoenvironment of the early Miocene palaeolake from the Bełchatów mine, central Poland0
Geochemical characteristics of spherules from the Pivdenna kimberlite pipe, East Azov region (Ukraine): implications for their sources and origin0
Unique trace element geochemistry of pyrometamorphic apatite-supergroup minerals: a case study of fluorellestadite from burnt coal (Poland) and shale (France) post-mining waste heaps, with emphasis o0
Artificial intelligence methods in water systems research – a literature review0
Provenance and tectonic setting of the Middle Eocene lower Akhoreh Formation, Nain area, Central Iran, assessed using petrography and geochemistry0
Colours of the upper Neogene “Poznań Clays” in the light of sedimentological, mineralogical and nuclear methods0
Record of Late Neogene seismites in turbidite deposits of the Tafna Basin (NW Algeria)0
A rare indium-bearing mineral (Zn-In-Cu-Fe sulphide) from the Stara Kamienica Schist Belt (Sudetes, SW Poland).0
The dolomite problem: evidence from 3D modeling, XRD and geochemical data of Zechstein reefs (Upper Permian, Germany)0
Changes in the physico-chemical properties of topsoil in a landslide-affected area (western part of the Transylvanian Basin, Romania)0
Economic assessment of the Northern Copper Belt deposits – a future resource base of copper and silver ores in SW Poland0
Chemical and mineralogical characteristics and origin of placer gold from fluvial deposits of Żeliszowski Creek (North Sudetic Basin, SW Poland)0
Development of a non-perennial to ephemeral fluvial system in continental fault-bounded basin – an example from the early Permian Krajanów Formation of the Intra-Sudetic Basin (NE Bohemian Massif)0
Vertical nitrate migration and denitrification zones in a regional recharge area (Lwówek region, Poland)0
Clasts derived from rhizocretions in shallow-marine Miocene clastic deposits of northern Hungary: an example of zombie structures0
Sedimentology and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the late Pleistocene deposits along the Bizerte Coast, N-E Tunisia0
Reconstructing the Holocene environments in the Russian sector of the Neman Delta area, Kaliningrad Region0
Extent of the Odranian Glaciation in the Silesian-Kraków Upland0
Chemical and morphological characterization of polymetallic (Mn-Fe) nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific Ocean0
Depositional architecture of the Upper Cretaceous succession in central Poland (Grudziądz-Polik area) based on regional seismic data0
Mercury and methylmercury in Baltic Sea sediments, and Polish and Lithuanian soils0
Petrographic, palynological and geochemical recognition of dispersed organic matter in the black Anthracosia Shales (Sudetes, south-west Poland)0
Sorption in an ammonioalunite-ammoniojarosite solid solution: results for the 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 12 and 13 group elements and LREEs0
Comparison of joint sets orientation in the Lower Paleozoic shales exposed in Scania (SW Sweden) and concealed in N Poland: a multi-methodological approach0
The evolution of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin during the latest Badenian and Sarmatian (Middle Miocene): inferences from micropalaeontological data0
Ancylite-(Ce) from quartz-calcite-chlorite veins in phyllite of the Opava Mountains (SW Poland)0
REE-bearing minerals in sediment-hosted stratiform pyrite mineralization zones of the Wiśniówka area (Holy Cross Mts., Poland)0
Factors affecting the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds in river and groundwaters: efficiency of riverbank filtration (Mosina-Krajkowo well field, Poland)0
Long-term subsidence over the Upper Silesia Coal Basin identified on differential LIDAR (2012–2021) and InSAR (2015–2020) data0
New insights into coastal processes in the southern Baltic Sea: relevance to modelling and future scenarios0
The northern fault of the onshore-offshore Monte Giove relief in the southern Adriatic Sea, Italy: implications for tectonic reactivation in the Apulian Foreland0
The influence of tectonic setting on groundwater chemical composition in the Peshkopi gypsum karst area, Korab Mountains, Eastern Albania0
Colluvial deposits in loess gullies of south-western Poland as an indicator of palaeoenvironmental changes and human impact0
Improvement of maintenance and repair work on technological wells in the conditions of the “North and South Karamurun” deposit, Kazakhstan0
Biostratigraphy, microfacies and reservoir quality of the Oligocene Qom Formation (Kharzan section, Northwest of Ardestan, Central Iran)0
Environmental differentiation reflected by vertebrate faunal diversity in the Lower Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland0
Variation of coal quantity accumulated in the Mississippian to Pennsylvanian coal seams (Upper Silesia and Lublin Coal basins, Poland): a reflection of changes in climate and CO2 availability0
Depositional system of an anastomosing river with low organic content: an example from the Oława Valley, SW Poland0
Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous foraminifera of the Upper Silesian Block (Kraków Region, Southern Poland)0
Inside and outside a burial mound: when, how and in what environment were the kurgans built by Late Neolithic communities on the Subcarpathian loess plateau (SE Poland)?0
Hydrocarbon and aqueous inclusions in minerals: a review of analyses and interpretations for Paleozoic rocks in Poland0
Source rock potential of the Miocene sedimentary rocks in the Carpathian Foredeep of the Czech Republic0
The Pomerania Gravity Low at the East European Craton margin – a granitic batholith or a Paleoproterozoic impact structure?0
Electrical resistivity tomography as a modern tool for identifying loess covers – case study the Magdalenian site Wilczyce 10 (Sandomierz Upland, Poland)0
Mineralogy and in situ S and Pb isotope characteristics of ore minerals from polymetallic mineralization in the Gierczyn-Przecznica area, SW Poland0
The use of geological and geophysical methods to constrain the genesis of earth mounds at archaeological sites in the Jasło Foothills (south-eastern Poland)0
Earliest cereal cultivation in Egypt recorded in the Faiyum Oasis lake deposits and its palaeoclimatic context0
Tectonics of the Wysoka Kamieńska Graben (NW Poland) and implications for fault sealing potential0
The Upper Cretaceous variegated shales in the Ropianka Formation of the Magura Nappe (Outer Carpathians) – age and lithostratigraphic position0
The Badenian/Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) boundary in the Central Paratethys (Kreminna, western Ukraine): Foraminiferal and palynological evidence0
Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Dalichai Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the eastern and central Alborz Mountains (North Iran) based on calcareous nannofossils0
The importance of transboundary aquifer management between Poland and Ukraine for the protection of common water0
Petrographic characteristics of the Ordovician and Silurian deposits in the Baltic Basin (N Poland) and their relevance for unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations0
The application of archival borehole data to recognizing the primary mineral composition and diagenetic changes in Jurassic sandy rocks of the Polish Basin0
Temperature and humidity monitoring to identify ideal periods for liquefaction on Earth and Mars – data from the High Andes0
Late Silurian–Early Devonian tuffites from the Małopolska and Łysogóry blocks reflect arc-back-arc magmatic activity on the southern margin of Laurussia0
Application of satellite data in the quantitative assessment of evapotranspiration in northeastern Poland0
Insights into the palaeoenvironments, structure and stratigraphy of the lower Miocene of the Eastern Carpathians Bend Zone, Romania0
Geochemistry of tetrahedrite group minerals and associated silver paragenesis in the Boguszów baryte deposit, Poland0
Corkscrew-like horizontal trace fossils with a focus on a new ichnospecies of Helicodromites from the Oligocene Molare Formation of NW Italy0
A first record of alluvial gold in the Olănești and Cheia rivers, Southern Carpathians, Romania0
High-energy, microtidal nearshore deposits and their provenance (Lower Miocene, Burdigalian/Eggenburgian, Alpine-Carpathian Foredeep, Lower Austria)0
Element transfer at the soil-plant interface and accumulation strategies of vegetation overgrowing mining waste dumps in the Upper Silesia area (Poland)0
New 14C data of megafaunal remains from Lithuania – implications for the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Middle Weichselian0
Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Kupferschiefer in the Nowa Sól, Mozów and Sulmierzyce North Cu-Ag deposits, Northern Copper Belt, SW Poland0
Post-mining deformations in the area affected by the former “Siersza” Hard Coal Mine in Trzebinia (southern Poland)0
Fossil bear material from the oldest deposits in the Jasna Strzegowska cave (Silesia, southern Poland)0
Karst relief of the Mali me Gropa Massif, central Albania0
Accumulation of elements in vegetation spontaneously developing on self-heating waste dumps in the Upper Silesia area (Poland)0
Hydrocarbon generation modelling in the Permian and Triassic strata of the Polish Basin: implications for hydrocarbon potential assessment0
First record of tempestites from Quaternary lacustrine deposits in the Ağrı Basin (Eastern Anatolia, Türkiye): palaeoclimatological and palaeogeographic implications0
Castoridae (Rodentia) from the Villafranchian site of Węże 2 in southern Poland0
Genetic relationship of minerals to fluid circulation in the Polish Carpathians – the Bystre Slice case study0
An attempt to explain the disappearance and decline in discharge rate of selected karst springs of the Opole region0
Geophysical VLF prospecting for vein-type gold-bearing polymetallic sulphide deposits in the Sudetes (SW Poland)0
Geotectonic setting of Permian polymetallic deposits in the Polish Basin0
Tectonic geomorphology of the Hoyran Graben (Western Anatolia, Türkiye): insights from geomorphic indices0
Contamination and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in soils of different kinds of land use in Lithuania0
Pleistocene glaciations in southern Poland – a revision0
Mineralogy and geochemistry of Cu-Ni±Co±Ag±Bi polymetallic ores from the Hintermühlergang vein in the Chełmiec deposit, Sudetes Mountains, Poland0
Stacked Gilbert-type deltas filling an incised palaeovalley along the cratonward margin of a foreland basin (Miocene, Western Carpathian Foredeep)0
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) migration in groundwater of the Zechstein strata in the Legnica-Głogów Copper Basin and its vicinity, SW Poland0
Influence of Late Carboniferous–Early Permian climate change on the sedimentary evolution – a case study of the lacustrine Lower Anthracosia Shales (Intra-Sudetic Basin, SW Poland)0
Assessment of arsenic and toxic metal contamination in soils, pore waters and plants surrounding a historical mine site in Czarnów (SW Poland)0