Software and Systems Modeling

(The TQCC of Software and Systems Modeling is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Cyber security threat modeling based on the MITRE Enterprise ATT&CK Matrix76
Low-code development and model-driven engineering: Two sides of the same coin?67
On the assessment of generative AI in modeling tasks: an experience report with ChatGPT and UML41
The triptych of conceptual modeling38
Uncertainty representation in software models: a survey36
Recommending metamodel concepts during modeling activities with pre-trained language models29
HoloFlows: modelling of processes for the Internet of Things in mixed reality26
Spectra: a specification language for reactive systems26
Modelling in low-code development: a multi-vocal systematic review23
Recommender systems in model-driven engineering22
Automated, interactive, and traceable domain modelling empowered by artificial intelligence22
Empirical analysis of the tool support for software product lines21
An ontological metamodel for cyber-physical system safety, security, and resilience coengineering20
ModelSet: a dataset for machine learning in model-driven engineering19
Model-driven development platform selection: four industry case studies19
Model-based intelligent user interface adaptation: challenges and future directions19
Probabilistic modelling and verification using RoboChart and PRISM18
A generic LSTM neural network architecture to infer heterogeneous model transformations16
The uncertainty interaction problem in self-adaptive systems16
Modeling data protection and privacy: application and experience with GDPR16
Multi-paradigm modelling for cyber–physical systems: a descriptive framework16
A technique for evaluating and improving the semantic transparency of modeling language notations16
Characteristics, potentials, and limitations of open-source Simulink projects for empirical research16
A model-driven approach to machine learning and software modeling for the IoT15
On the adoption of blockchain for business process monitoring15
A systematic literature review on IoT-aware business process modeling views, requirements and notations14
Blended modeling in commercial and open-source model-driven software engineering tools: A systematic study14
aCHAT-WF: Generating conversational agents for teaching business process models14
Model-driven engineering for mobile robotic systems: a systematic mapping study14
MIKADO: a smart city KPIs assessment modeling framework13
Towards a model-driven approach for multiexperience AI-based user interfaces13
Defining business model key performance indicators using intentional linguistic summaries13
Practitioners’ experiences with model-driven engineering: a meta-review13
An operational guide to monitorability with applications to regular properties12
Automatic generation of atomic multiplicity-preserving search operators for search-based model engineering12
Evaluation of a machine learning classifier for metamodels12
Automated conceptual model clustering: a relator-centric approach11
Securing critical infrastructures with a cybersecurity digital twin11
Design of blockchain-based applications using model-driven engineering and low-code/no-code platforms: a structured literature review11
Agile MERODE: a model-driven software engineering method for user-centric and value-based development11
Testing cockpit display systems of aircraft using a model-based approach10
Model-based cloud resource management with TOSCA and OCCI10
Reference architectures modelling and compliance checking10
A descriptive study of assumptions in STRIDE security threat modeling10
MemoRec: a recommender system for assisting modelers in specifying metamodels9
An efficient and scalable search engine for models9
Model-based fleet deployment in the IoT–edge–cloud continuum9
Guiding the evolution of product-line configurations9
Unified verification and monitoring of executable UML specifications9
FloWare: a model-driven approach fostering reuse and customisation in IoT applications modelling and development9
Model-based resource analysis and synthesis of service-oriented automotive software architectures9
A manifesto for applicable formal methods9
Model-based assurance evidence management for safety–critical systems8
Foundations of information technology based on Bunge’s systemist philosophy of reality8
MORGAN: a modeling recommender system based on graph kernel8
Facilitating the migration to the microservice architecture via model-driven reverse engineering and reinforcement learning8
An analysis of capability meta-models for expressing dynamic business transformation8
Involving users in the development of a modeling language for customer journeys8
Integrating the analysis of multiple non-functional properties in model-driven engineering8
Model-driven system-level validation and verification on the space software domain7
Multi-dimensional multi-level modeling7
Efficient model similarity estimation with robust hashing7
Contrasting dedicated model transformation languages versus general purpose languages: a historical perspective on ATL versus Java based on complexity and size7
Machine learning for enterprise modeling assistance: an investigation of the potential and proof of concept7
Model-based test case generation and prioritization: a systematic literature review7
Conflict management techniques for model merging: a systematic mapping review7
Decision-making under uncertainty: be aware of your priorities7
A survey on the design space of end-user-oriented languages for specifying robotic missions7
Generating repairs for inconsistent models7
ChatGPT in software modeling6
Requirements document relations6
AI-powered model repair: an experience report—lessons learned, challenges, and opportunities6
Unleashing textual descriptions of business processes6
Automated generation of consistent, diverse and structurally realistic graph models6
Model-driven management of BPMN-based business process families6
Specification and analysis of legal contracts with Symboleo6
Quo Vadis modeling?6
Multi-level modeling: cornerstones of a rationale6
Specifying dynamic software system architectures6
Guest editorial to the theme section on AI-enhanced model-driven engineering6
A formal approach to finding inconsistencies in a metamodel6
Bootstrapping MDE development from ROS manual code: Part 2—Model generation and leveraging models at runtime6
Reflections on the standardization of SysML 25
Holistic data-driven requirements elicitation in the big data era5
Incremental execution of temporal graph queries over runtime models with history and its applications5
From process mining to augmented process execution5
Trustworthy agent-based simulation: the case for domain-specific modelling languages5
Business process modeling language selection for research modelers5
A search-based approach for detecting circular dependency bad smell in goal-oriented models5
Real-time collaborative multi-level modeling by conflict-free replicated data types5
Using recommender systems to improve proactive modeling5
What is a process model composed of?5
A method for digital business ecosystem design: situational method engineering in an action research project5
Event-driven temporal models for explanations - ETeMoX: explaining reinforcement learning5
Instant and global consistency checking during collaborative engineering5
Conceptualization, measurement, and application of semantic transparency in visual notations5
Model-driven development of asynchronous message-driven architectures with AsyncAPI5
Modeling and reasoning about uncertainty in goal models: a decision-theoretic approach5
FloBP: a model-driven approach for developing and executing IoT-enhanced business processes5
An actor-based framework for asynchronous event-based cyber-physical systems5