
(The median citation count of Odontology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The use of hydroxyapatite toothpaste to prevent dental caries46
Evolution of endodontic medicine: a critical narrative review of the interrelationship between endodontics and systemic pathological conditions30
A deep transfer learning approach for the detection and diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis on panoramic radiographs25
Endodontic regeneration: hard shell, soft core24
Morpho-functional effects of different universal dental adhesives on human gingival fibroblasts: an in vitro study24
The ability of different irrigation methods to remove mixtures of calcium hydroxide and barium sulphate from isthmuses in 3D printed transparent root canal models22
Porphyromonas gingivalis outside the oral cavity22
Virucidal efficacy of chlorhexidine: a systematic review19
Postoperative pain after different irrigation activation techniques: a randomized, clinical trial19
Antimicrobial effects of agitational irrigation on single- and multispecies biofilms in dentin canals19
Influence of shaft length on torsional behavior of endodontic nickel–titanium instruments18
Postoperative pain after SWEEPS, PIPS, sonic and ultrasonic-assisted irrigation activation techniques: a randomized clinical trial17
Effects of ınjectable platelet-rich fibrin in experimental periodontitis in rats16
Clinical and microbiological effects of non-surgical periodontal treatment in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis: a controlled clinical trial15
Antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles mixed with calcium hydroxide or chlorhexidine on multispecies biofilms15
BMP4-regulated human dental pulp stromal cells promote pulp-like tissue regeneration in a decellularized dental pulp matrix scaffold14
Prevalence of bifid and trifid mandibular canals with unusual patterns of nerve branching using cone beam computed tomography14
Relationship between age and occlusal force in adults with natural dentition13
Comparison of heat production and bone architecture changes in the implant site preparation with compressive osteotomes, osseodensification technique, piezoelectric devices, and standard drills: an ex13
Sodium hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm in dentinal tubules: effect of concentration, temperature, and exposure time12
Gender differences in masticatory function in elderly adults with natural dentition12
Evaluation of stress and strain on mandible caused using “All-on-Four” system from PEEK in hybrid prosthesis: finite-element analysis12
Update on citric acid use in endodontic treatment: a systematic review12
Root form and canal anatomy of maxillary first premolars: a cone-beam computed tomography study12
Clinical comparison of a micro-hybride resin-based composite and resin modified glass ionomer in the treatment of cervical caries lesions: 36-month, split-mouth, randomized clinical trial12
Fracture resistance of root canal-treated molars restored with ceramic overlays with/without different resin composite base materials: an in vitro study11
Micro-CT evaluation of rotary and reciprocating glide path and shaping systems outcomes in maxillary molar curved canals11
The existence of butterfly effect and its impact on the dentinal microhardness and crack formation after root canal instrumentation10
Vertical root fracture resistance and dentinal crack formation of root canal-treated teeth instrumented with different nickel–titanium rotary systems: an in-vitro study10
An in-vivo study of photobiomodulation using 403 nm and 649 nm diode lasers for molar tooth extraction wound healing in wistar rats10
Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of dental adhesive containing biogenic silver nanoparticles decorated nanographene oxide nanocomposites (Ag@nGO NCs) and effect on bond strength to dentine10
Curcumin nanoparticles: the topical antimycotic suspension treating oral candidiasis10
Toxicity of resin-matrix cements in contact with fibroblast or mesenchymal cells9
The effects of different surface treatments applied to milled PMMA denture base material on repair bond strength9
Evaluation of periodontal status and cytokine/chemokine profile of GCF in patients with severe congenital neutropenia9
NAT10 promotes osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament stem cells by regulating VEGFA-mediated PI3K/AKT signaling pathway through ac4C modification9
Occlusal problems, mental health issues and non-carious cervical lesions9
Anti-inflammatory effect of glycyrrhizin with Equisetum arvense extract9
Effects of laser modalities on shear bond strengths of composite superstructure to zirconia and PEEK infrastructures: an in vitro study8
Synergistic effect of thymoquinone and nystatin in the treatment of oral candidiasis; an in vitro study8
Six-year clinical outcomes of implant-supported acrylic vs. ceramic superstructures according to the All-on-4 treatment concept for the rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla8
Evaluation of a hyaluronic acid hydrogel (Restylane Lyft) as a scaffold for dental pulp regeneration in a regenerative endodontic organotype model8
Immediate dental implant placement in post-extraction-infected sites decontaminated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser: a retrospective cohort study8
The histone deacetylase inhibitor, entinostat (MS-275), induces the odontogenic differentiation of an odontoblast-like cell line in the absence of an osteoblast mineralization medium8
Analysis of second mesiobuccal root canal instrumentation in maxillary first molars with three nickel–titanium rotary instruments: a micro-computed tomographic study8
Is pulpotomy a promising modality in treating permanent teeth? An umbrella review8
Management of fear and anxiety in dental treatments: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials8
Psychological stress: neuroimmune roles in periodontal disease8
Effect of sandblasting and/or priming treatment on the shear bond strength of self-adhesive resin cement to CAD/CAM blocks7
Effects of phytosomal curcumin treatment on modulation of immunomodulatory and pulp regeneration genes in dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells7
Universal adhesive: the effect of different simulated pulpal pressure fluids and bonding modes to dentin7
Modification of glass-ionomer cement properties by quaternized chitosan-coated nanoparticles7
The evaluation of prepared microstructure pattern by carbon-dioxide laser on zirconia-based ceramics for dental implant application: an in vitro study7
The antimicrobial effect of different ozone protocols applied in severe curved canals contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis: ex vivo study7
Root canal microorganisms and their antibiotic susceptibility in patients with persistent endodontic infections, with and without clinical symptoms7
Influence of intracoronal bleaching agents on the bond strength of MTA cements to composite resin and their surface morphology7
Consecutive tooth agenesis patterns in non-syndromic oligodontia6
Light and viscosity effects on the curing potential of bulk-fill composites placed in deep cavities6
Macrophages immunomodulation induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis and oral antimicrobial peptides6
Masticatory path pattern and masticatory performance while chewing gummy jelly6
Effect of green tea-loaded chitosan nanoparticles on leathery dentin microhardness6
Inter-measurement variation of masticatory performance test using gummy jelly6
Effects of hydroxyapatite nanorods prepared through Elaeagnus Angustifolia extract on modulating immunomodulatory/dentin–pulp regeneration genes in DPSCs6
Fabrication and characterization of low-shrinkage dental composites containing montmorillonite nanoclay6
Shikonin promotes rat periodontal bone defect repair and osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs by p38 MAPK pathway6
An in vitro senescence model of gingival epithelial cell induced by hydrogen peroxide treatment6
Effect of mineral trioxide aggregate plug location on root development in regenerative endodontic procedure6
Stability of masticatory movements after placement of implant-supported denture6
Antibacterial efficacy of copper-added chitosan nanoparticles: a confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis6
Distribution of periodontopathic bacterial species between saliva and tonsils6
Comparison of antimicrobial and wound-healing effects of silver nanoparticle and chlorhexidine mouthwashes: an in vivo study in rabbits6
Cell viability of novel composite hydrogels loaded with hydroxyapatite for oral and maxillofacial bone regeneration6
Vertical root fracture resistance and crack formation of root canal-treated teeth restored with different post-luting systems6
The effect of diabetes mellitus on the shear bond strength of composite resin to dentin and enamel5
Fracture strength of non-invasively reinforced MOD cavities on endodontically treated teeth5
Second mesiobuccal canal segmentation with YOLOv5 architecture using cone beam computed tomography images5
Clinical, immunological, and microbiological analysis of the association between periodontitis and COVID-19: a case–control study5
Gut flora alterations due to lipopolysaccharide derived from Porphyromonas gingivalis5
Color stability, surface roughness and flexural strength of additively manufactured and milled interim restorative materials after aging5
Effect of different irrigation activation techniques on irrigation penetration into the simulated lateral canals5
Marginal and internal fit of feldspathic ceramic CAD/CAM crowns fabricated via different extraoral digitization methods: a micro-computed tomography analysis5
Arrest of root caries with an adjuvant chlorhexidine–fluoride varnish over a 12-months observation period: a QLF-analyzed, placebo-controlled, randomized, clinical trial (RCT)5
Research progress on antibacterial activity of medical titanium alloy implant materials5
Root canal sealers affect artifacts on cone-beam computed tomography images5
In vitro temperature changes in the pulp chamber caused by laser and Quadwave LED-light curing units5
Improvement in the chemical structure and biological activity of surface titanium after exposure to UVC light5
Do the clinical criteria used to diagnose periodontitis affect the association with prematurity?5
Swallowing evaluation by the Kuchikara Taberu Balance Chart and videoendscopic examination reveals that respiratory conditions, chewing, and position are strongly related to dysphagia5
Effect of stain brand and shade on color stability of stains applied on a CAD-CAM feldspathic ceramic5
Effects of the prevention of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw by local administration of a dental pulp stem cell-conditioned medium to the rat tooth extraction socket5
Susceptibility to discoloration of dental restorative materials containing dimethacrylate resin after bleaching5
Comparative analysis of dimensional alterations following extraction of maxillary molars using three-dimensional images’ superimposition: a CBCT study5
WDR5 promotes the tumorigenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma via CARM1/β-catenin axis4
Microabrasion effect on enamel susceptibility to penetration of hydrogen peroxide: an experimental and computational study4
Role of magnesium-doped calcium sulfate and β-tricalcium phosphate composite ceramics in macrophage polarization and osteo-induction4
Can transfer type and implant angulation affect impression accuracy? A 3D in vitro evaluation4
Vertical ridge augmentation of atrophic posterior mandible with corticocancellous onlay symphysis graft versus sandwich technique: clinical and radiographic analysis4
The association between dental caries and physical activity, physical fitness, and background factors among Finnish male conscripts4
Volatile sulphur compounds in people with chronic kidney disease and the impact on quality of life4
Fluorescence intensities of composite resins on photo images4
Metabolic syndrome and masticatory hypofunction: a cross-sectional study4
Strengthening effect of different fiber placement designs on root canal treated and bleached premolars4
How prenatal environmental factors affect rat molar enamel formation?4
Neural network approach to evaluate the physical properties of dentin4
Shaping ability of a new heat-treated NiTi system in continuous rotation or reciprocation in artificial curved canals4
Periodontal therapy on the oral health-related quality of life of obese and non-obese individuals4
An evaluation of peri-implant marginal bone loss according to implant type, surgical technique and prosthetic rehabilitation: a retrospective multicentre and cross-sectional cohort study4
Evaluation of accuracy and characteristics of tooth-color matching by intraoral scanners based on Munsell color system: an in vivo study4
Natural monoterpenes-laden electrospun fibrous scaffolds for endodontic infection eradication4
Evaluation of shade correspondence between current monolithic CAD/CAM blocks and target shade tab by considering the influence of cement shade and restorative material thickness4
How loss of tooth structure impacts the biomechanical behavior of a single-rooted maxillary premolar: FEA4
Simulating porcelain firing effect on the structure, corrosion and mechanical properties of Co–Cr–Mo dental alloy fabricated by soft milling4
Effect of the incorporation of hydroxyapatite on the diametral tensile strength of conventional and hybrid glass ionomer cements4
Enzymatic biofilm destabilisation to support mechanical cleansing of inserted dental implant surfaces: an in-vitro pilot study4
Effect of thickness on color appearance of multilayer CAD/CAM composite resin blocks4
Compressive strength evaluation of thin occlusal veneers from different CAD/CAM materials, before and after acidic saliva exposure4
Comparison of the dimensional and morphological accuracy of three-dimensional digital dental casts digitized using different methods4
Epigallocatechin gallate affects the proliferation of human alveolar osteoblasts and periodontal ligament cells, as well as promoting cell differentiation by regulating PI3K/Akt signaling pathway4
Calcium hydroxide/iodoform nanoparticles as an intracanal filling medication: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro study using a bovine primary tooth model4
Cav1.2 regulated odontogenic differentiation of NG2+ pericytes during pulp injury4
Physicochemical and microbiological assessment of a dental adhesive doped with cashew nut shell liquid4
Comparison of two curing protocols during adhesive cementation: can the step luting technique supersede the traditional one?4
TiO2 nanotube-based nanotechnology applied to high-viscosity conventional glass-ionomer cement: ultrastructural analyses and physicochemical characterization4
The effect of functionalized titanium dioxide nanotube reinforcement on the water sorption and water solubility properties of flowable bulk-fill composite resins4
Postoperative pain after root canal filling with bioceramic sealers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials4
NLRP10 promotes AGEs-induced NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasome activation via ROS/MAPK/NF-κB signaling in human periodontal ligament cells4
Osteogenic potential of apical papilla stem cells mediated by platelet-rich fibrin and low-level laser4
In vitro release of silver ions and expression of osteogenic genes by MC3T3-E1 cell line cultured on nano-hydroxyapatite and silver/strontium-coated titanium plates4
Salivary elemental signature of dental caries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of ionomics studies4
β-defensin 2 synthesized by a cell-free protein synthesis system and encapsulated in liposomes inhibits adhesion of Porphyromonas gingivalis to oral epithelial cells3
The optimal activation of plastic aligner for canine distal movement: a three-dimensional finite element analysis3
Targeting hepatocyte growth factor in epithelial–stromal interactions in an in vitro experimental model of human periodontitis3
Masticaticatory muscles characteristics in relation to adiposity and general muscular fitness: a population-based study3
Temperature changes and hardness of resin-based composites light-cured with laser diode or light-emitting diode curing lights3
Evaluation of C-shaped canals in mandibular second molars of a selected patient group using cone beam computed tomography: prevalence, configuration and radicular groove types3
The effect of different chelators on the dislodgement resistance of MTA Repair HP, MTA Angelus, and MTA Flow3
Somatosensory and trigeminal pathway abnormalities in Chinese patients with trigeminal neuralgia3
Swallowing dysfunction and the onset of fever in older residents with special care needs: a thirteen-month longitudinal prospective study3
Effect of root perforation repair with mineral aggregate-based cements on the retention of customized fiberglass posts3
Association between periodontal diseases and COVID-19 infection: a case–control study with a longitudinal arm3
Bevacizumab and sunitinib mediate osteogenic and pro-inflammatory molecular changes in primary human alveolar osteoblasts in vitro3
Accuracy of an electrical impedance device in estimation of remaining dentin thickness vs cone beam computed tomography3
Histone-deacetylase-inhibitory effects of periodontopathic-bacterial metabolites induce human gingival epithelial Ca9-22 cell death3
Speed-sintering and the mechanical properties of 3–5 mol% Y2O3-stabilized zirconias3
Irrigant flow characteristics in the root canal with internal root resorption: a computational fluid dynamics evaluation3
Can acid produced from probiotic bacteria alter the surface roughness, microhardness, and elemental composition of enamel? An in vitro study3
Effect of apical size on apical pressure during syringe-needle and multisonic negative pressure irrigation3
Association of periodontal disease with atherosclerosis in 70-year-old Japanese older adults3
External validation of cone-beam computed tomography- and panoramic radiography-featured prediction models for inferior alveolar nerve injury after lower third molar removal: proposal of a risk calcul3
Bacterial contamination potential of personal protective equipment itself in dental aerosol-producing treatments3
Evaluation of fracture strength of different restoration techniques applied to C-shaped 3D model teeth3
Age-related changes in oral tactile and thermal sensation throughout adulthood3
Rational design of EDTA-incorporated nanoflowers as novel and effective endodontic disinfection against biofilms3
Fracture behavior of short fiber-reinforced CAD/CAM inlay restorations after cyclic fatigue aging3
Opportunities for caries prevention using an ion-releasing coating material: a randomised clinical study3
MiR-200b suppresses TNF-α-induced AMTN production in human gingival epithelial cells3
Analysis of the subcellular location of lncRNA SLC16A1-AS1 and its interaction with premature miR-5088-5p in oral squamous cell carcinoma3
Force exerted on maxillary anterior teeth in mandibular unilateral and bilateral distal extension partial edentulous situation3
Peri-implant tissue augmentation by volume-stable collagen matrix transplantation: a study of dog mandibles3
The optimization of ligature/bone defect-induced periodontitis model in rats3
Repeatability of dental shade by digital spectrophotometry in current, former, and never smokers3
Regeneration of periodontal bone defects with mesenchymal stem cells in animal models. Systematic review and meta-analysis3
Skeletal and soft-tissue changes in humans with untreated normal occlusion throughout lifetime: a systematic review3
Adjunctive procedure with solvent mixtures in non-surgical endodontic retreatment: does it affect root dentin hardness?3
Denervation delays initial bone healing of rat tooth extraction socket3
Comparison of oral microbiome profile of polymers modified with silver and vanadium base nanomaterial by next-generation sequencing3
Morphometric evaluation of cranial base and sella turcica in patients with bilateral agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors3
Effect of shape of titanium dioxide nanofillers on the properties of dental composites3
3D–2D microleakage assessment of preheated bulk-fill composite resin applied with different parameters: a micro-CT analysis3
Clinical, radiographic and restorative parameters for short tuberosity implants placed in smokers: a retrospective study with 5 year follow-up3
MicroRNA and their implications in dental pulp inflammation: current trends and future perspectives3
Influence of two carbodiimides on the bond strength of universal adhesives to dentin3
Physicochemical, mechanical and biological properties of nano-calcium silicate-based cements: a systematic review3
The effect of additional photochemical treatments on the bonding of silanized CAD/CAM ceramic restorations after water-storage3
Effects of porcelain veneering methods on conformity of the marginal and internal fit of three-unit zirconia framework3
Relationships of physical constitution with occlusal force and masticatory performance in adults with natural dentition2
Factors influencing implant and prosthesis survival in zygomatic implant-supported fixed rehabilitation: a retrospective study2
Self-ligating brackets exhibit accumulation of high levels of periodontopathogens in gingival crevicular fluid2
Effects of different pulp-capping materials on cell death signaling pathways of lipoteichoic acid-stimulated human dental pulp stem cells2
Evaluation of the effect of different desensitizers on pulpal blood flow after full crown preparation using laser Doppler flowmetry: a randomized clinical trial2
The relationship between FOSB and SOCS3 gene polymorphisms and the susceptibility to periodontitis and osteopenia in the Chinese population2
Endoscopic visualization of the inferior alveolar nerve associated with somatosensory changes after impacted mandibular third molar extraction2
Efficacy of concentrated growth factor with low-level laser for the regeneration of interdental papilla defects2
Usefulness of MR imaging for odontogenic tumors2
Cone beam computed tomography assessment of the prevalence and association of pulp calcification with periodontitis2
Enhanced effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride application with light curing on natural dentin carious lesions: an in vitro study2
Effect of photo-thermal acceleration on in-office bleaching2
A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acid improves periodontitis and tissue destruction by MMP2- and MMP9-linked inflammation in a murine model2
The effect of diabetes on the tensile bond strength of a restorative dental composite to dentin2
Comparison of imaging modalities in the diagnosis of external cervical resorption (ECR): an in-vitro study2
The power of weak ion-exchange resins assisted by amelogenin for natural remineralization of dental enamel: an in vitro study2
Expression with early postnatal peak and female-dominant sexual dimorphism of phospholipase D (PLD) 2 in submandibular gland ducts in situ of mice2
Does the use of fiber posts increase the fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth? A systematic review2
Bacterial adhesion to composite resins produced by additive and subtractive manufacturing2
Streptococcus anginosus: a stealthy villain in deep odontogenic abscesses2
Upregulation of TRPA1 and reduction of NF-κB translocation could be part of the immunomodulatory process during primary tooth inflammation2
Xenogeneic collagen matrix vs. connective tissue graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recession: a systematic review and meta-analysis2
Micro-tomographic analysis of the root trunk and pre-furcation area of the first mandibular molars2
Influence of laser intensity and BaTiO3 content on the surface properties of 3YSZ2
Clinical evaluation of posterior flowable short fiber-reinforced composite restorations without proximal surface coverage2
Correlations between additional roots in maxillary second molars, maxillary first premolars, mandibular first molars and mandibular first premolars: a retrospective cone-beam computed tomography analy2
Identification of a familial cleidocranial dysplasia with a novel RUNX2 mutation and establishment of patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells2
Effect of different surface treatment protocols on the bond strength between lithium disilicate and resin cements2
Effect of periodontitis induced by Fusobacterium nucleatum on the microbiota of the gut and surrounding organs2
Clinical and microbiological effects of ultrasonically activated irrigation versus syringe irrigation during endodontic treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials2
Detection of Merkel cell polyomavirus in multiple primary oral squamous cell carcinomas2
Effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on visfatin and chemerin concentration in the gingival crevicular fluid2
Examining the effects of acid etching duration on the bond strength between two CAD/CAM materials and one composite resin2
Experimental study on the biocompatibility and osteogenesis induction ability of PLLA/DDM scaffolds2
0.1% Nano-silver mediates PD-1/PD-L1 pathway and alleviates chronic apical periodontitis in rats2
Peri-implant treatment reduces the salivary levels of Colony stimulator factor-1 and S100A8/A92
A mechanical and three-dimensional finite element study of the optimum tooth sectioning depth during the extraction of low-level horizontally impacted mandibular third molar2
Immuno-histopathologic evaluation of mineralized plasmatic matrix in the management of horizontal ridge defects in a canine model (a split-mouth comparative study)2
Evaluation of changes in root canal length and accuracy of the electronic apex locator during different stages of endodontic treatment and retreatment2
Regeneration of sensory nerve branches in extraction socket and surrounding alveolar bone in rat: immunohistochemical observation of the axon and myelin sheath changes2
Inflammatory activity and apoptosis are associated with tissue degeneration in the submandibular gland of rats submitted to paradoxical sleep deprivation2
The effect of different kinematics on apical debris extrusion with a single-file system2
Dose–response effect of Montelukast on post-extraction dental socket repair and skeletal phenotype of mice2
Clinical performance comparison between lithium disilicate and hybrid resin nano-ceramic CAD/CAM onlay restorations: a two-year randomized clinical split-mouth study2
Evaluation of tooth color change after a bleaching process with different lasers2
Diode laser versus sclerotherapy: bloodless approaches in the treatment of oral pyogenic granuloma (randomised controlled clinical trial)2
Permeability of P. gingivalis or its metabolic products through collagen and dPTFE membranes and their effects on the viability of osteoblast-like cells: an in vitro study2