Computational Methods and Function Theory

(The median citation count of Computational Methods and Function Theory is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Rational Inner Functions and their Dirichlet Type Norms34
Malmquist-Type Theorems for Cubic Hamiltonians8
Asymptotic Values of Entire Functions of Infinite Order7
Spaceability of Subsets of the Disc Algebra7
The Impact of the Limit q-Durrmeyer Operator on Continuous Functions7
An Elementary Counterexample to a Coefficient Conjecture6
About the Cover: Visualization of Harmonic Functions6
Approximation by Faber–Laurent Rational Functions in Variable Exponent Morrey Spaces6
On the Teichmüller–Nitsche Problem of T. Iwaniec, L.V. Kovalev, and J. Onninen6
On Julia Limiting Directions in Higher Dimensions5
The Bohr–Rogosinski Radius for a Certain Class of Close-to-Convex Harmonic Mappings5
Directional Convexity of Convolutions of Harmonic Functions with Certain Dilatations5
Geometric Properties of Blaschke-Like Maps on Domains with a Conic Boundary4
On the Geometry of Multi-affine Polynomials: Invariant Circles and Circular Solutions4
Walsh’s Conformal Map onto Lemniscatic Domains for Polynomial Pre-images I4
Generalization of Proximate Order and Applications4
Existence of Quasiconformal Maps with Maximal Stretching on Any Given Countable Set4
Lipschitz Estimates for Conformal Maps from the Unit Disk to Convex Domains3
Uniqueness of Derivatives and Shifts of Meromorphic Functions3
Korenblum’s Principle for Bergman Spaces with Radial Weights3
Boundary Smoothness Conditions for Functions in $$R^p(X)$$3
Essential Norm of Difference of Composition Operators from Analytic Besov Spaces to Bloch Type Spaces3
On the Uniqueness of L-Functions and Meromorphic Functions Under the Aegis of two Shared Sets3
The Geometric Characterizations for a Combination of Generalized Struve Functions2
A Jentzsch-Theorem for Kapteyn, Neumann and General Dirichlet Series2
Inequalities for Generalized Grötzsch Ring Function2
Approximation by Convolution Polyanalytic Operators in the Complex and Quaternionic Compact Unit Balls2
Value Sharing and Stirling Numbers2
A Lemma about Meromorphic Functions Sharing a Small Function2
Planar Equilibrium Measure Problem in the Quadratic Fields with a Point Charge2
On the Conditions for a Special Entire Function Related to the Partial Theta-Function and the q-Kummer Functions to Belong to the Laguerre–Pólya Class2
A Lower Bound on the Growth of Minimal Graphs2
On Entire Function $$e^{p(z)}\int _0^{z}\beta (t)e^{-p(t)}dt$$ with Applications to Tumura–Clunie Equations and Complex Dynamics2
On the Uniqueness Problem for Quadrature Domains2
Critical Points for Least-Squares Estimation of Dipolar Sources in Inverse Problems for Poisson Equation2
On a Rigidity Problem of Beardon and Minda2
Khinchin Families and Hayman Class2
A Cesàro-like Operator from Besov Spaces to Some Spaces of Analytic Functions2
Difference of Composition Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces with Doubling Weights2
On Bloch’s “Principle of Topological Continuity”2
Near-Circularity in Capacity and Maximally Convergent Polynomials2
Common Universal Meromorphic Functions for Translation and Dilation Mappings1
Quasisymmetry and Quasihyperbolicity of Mappings on John Domains1
Exponential Iteration and Borel Sets1
On a Functional Inequality of Alzer and Salinas1
On Row Differential Inequalities Related to Normality and Quasi-normality1
Lawrence Allen Zalcman: List of Publications1
Douady–Earle Extensions of Circle Homeomorphisms with One-Point Differentiability at a Hölder Convergence Rate1
The Prime Function, the Fay Trisecant Identity, and the van der Pauw Method1
One Component Bounded Functions1
Meijer’s G-Function and Euler’s Differential Equation Revisited1
Walter K. Hayman: List of Publications and Students1
Bounded Point Derivations and Functions of Bounded Mean Oscillation1
Good Lambda Inequalities and Musielak–Orlicz Hardy Spaces1
Editorial Note1
Asymptotic Behaviour of the Error of Polynomial Approximation of Functions Like $$\vert x\vert ^{{\alpha }+i{\beta }}$$1
Correction to: Near-Circularity in Capacity and Maximally Convergent Polynomials1
Zeros of a Family of Complex-Valued Harmonic Functions with Poles1
A Local Cauchy Integral Formula for Slice-Regular Functions1
Laplace Contour Integrals and Linear Differential Equations1
On Bernstein Inequality via Chebyshev Polynomial1
A Note on Electrified Droplets1
Nevanlinna Theory on Infinite Graphs1
Homeomorphisms of Finite Metric Distortion Between Riemannian Manifolds1
Comparison and Möbius Quasi-invariance Properties of Ibragimov’s Metric1
On the Product of Planar Harmonic Mappings1
Canonical Embeddings of Pairs of Arcs and Extremal Problems on Ring Domains1
A Difference Version of the Rubel-Yang–Mues-Steinmetz–Gundersen Theorem1
On Certain Generalizations of $$\mathcal {S}^*(\psi )$$1
Winding Numbers, Unwinding Numbers, and the Lambert W Function1
Clifford-Valued Ridgelet Transform: Localization Operators and Uncertainty Principles1
Necessary Conditions for Interpolation by Multivariate Polynomials1
About the Cover: Complex Finite Differences of Higher Order1
The Intrinsic Geometry of Simply and Rectifiably Connected Plane Sets1
The Topological Dimension of Radial Julia Sets0
Editorial Note0
Correction to: Solving the Initial Value Problem for the 3-Wave Interaction Equations in Multidimensions0
Entire Solutions of Certain Type Binomial Differential Equations0
Best Möbius Approximations of Convex and Concave Mappings0
Characterization of the Hyperbolic Step of Parabolic Functions0
Asymptotic Functions of Entire Functions0
Distortion, Radius of Concavity and Several Other Radii Results for Certain Classes of Functions0
On a Result of Hayman Concerning the Maximum Modulus Set0
On the Condition Number of the Newton Interpolation on the Unit Disk0
An Extremal Problem for Odd Univalent Polynomials0
On the Univalence of Poly-analytic Functions0
Universal Taylor Series in Several Variables Depending on Parameters0
Non-real Zeros of Derivatives0
Editorial Note0
Faber Series for $$L^2$$ Holomorphic One-Forms on Riemann Surfaces with Boundary0
Explicit Multi-slit Loewner Flows and Their Geometry0
Maximal-Simultaneous Approximation by Faber Series in Bergman Spaces0
A New Metric Associated with the Domain Boundary0
Normal Families of Meromorphic Functions in Several Variables0
Entire Solutions of Binomial Differential Equations0
Lawrence Allen Zalcman 1943–20220
Normality Concerning Shared Values Between two Families0
Fast Computation of Analytic Capacity0
Uniqueness Theorems of Meromorphic Functions and Their Differences in Several Complex Variables0
An Application of the Schur Algorithm to Variability Regions of Certain Analytic Functions-I0
On the Location of Critical Points of a Polynomial0
The Uniformisation of the Equation $$z^w=w^z$$0
Paatero’s Classes V(k) as Subsets of the Hornich Space0
The Sharp Distortion Estimate Concerning Julia’s Lemma0
On the Inverse Poletsky Inequality with a Cotangent Dilatation0
On the Monotony of Bessel Functions of the First Kind0
On the Parameter Problem of the Schwarz–Christoffel Mapping and Moduli of Quadrilaterals0
Quasiconformal Mappings from Uniform Domains onto John Domains0
Julia Components of Transcendental Entire Functions with Multiply-Connected Wandering Domains0
Radius Problems for Functions Containing Derivatives of Bessel Functions0
Maximum and Average Valence of Meromorphic Functions0
Bergman Projections Induced by Doubling Weights on the Unit Ball of $${\mathbb {C}}^n$$0
Convergence Rates of Derivatives of a Family of Barycentric Rational Hermite Interpolants for Well-Spaced Points0
Meromorphic Functions with Three Radially Distributed Values0
Correction to: Some Results on L-Functions Related to Sharing Two Finite Sets0
On the Poincaré Inequality on Open Sets in $$\mathbb {R}^n$$0
An Entire Function that Shares a Small Function with its Derivative and Linear Differential Polynomial0
Positive Polynomials and Boundary Interpolation with Finite Blaschke Products0
Estimates of Partial Derivatives for Harmonic Functions on the Unit Disc0
Invariance of Iterated Global Differential Operator for Slice Monogenic Functions0
Short Proofs for Some Classical Interpolation Theorems and Multiple Interpolation in the Disk Algebra0
On the Linear Dilatation of the Mappings Satisfying an Inverse Poletsky Modular Inequality in Metric Spaces0
Solving the Initial Value Problem for the 3-Wave Interaction Equations in Multidimensions0
A Note on Polyharmonic Mappings0
Transformation Properties of Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications0
Ratios of Entire Functions and Generalized Stieltjes Functions0
New Subclasses of Univalent Mappings in Several Complex Variables: Extension Operators and Applications0
The Generic Failure of Lower-Semicontinuity for the Linear Distortion Functional0
Julia Sets, Jordan Curves and Quasi-circles0
On the Universality of Sequences of Differential Operators Related to Taylor Series0
The Radon Inversion Problem for Holomorphic Functions in the Unit Disc0
Coupling of Complex Function Theory and Finite Element Method for Crack Propagation Through Energetic Formulation: Conformal Mapping Approach and Reduction to a Riemann–Hilbert Problem0
Topological Angles and Freely Quasiconformal Mappings in Real Banach Spaces0
A Collection of Results Relating the Geometry of Plane Domains and the Exit Time of Planar Brownian Motion0
The Method of Boundary Value Problems in the Study of the Basis Properties of Perturbed System of Exponents in Banach Function Spaces0
Loewner PDE in Infinite Dimensions0
A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Three-Dimensional Poroelastic Wave Propagation: Forward and Adjoint Problems0
Weighted Contractivity of Differential Operators on Fock Spaces0
The Range of Hardy Numbers for Comb Domains0
A Sharp Bound for the Growth of Minimal Graphs0
Hilbert-Type Operators Acting on Bergman Spaces0
Triangular Ratio Metric Under Quasiconformal Mappings in Sector Domains0
Editorial Note0
On a General Singular Solution of the Fifth Painlevé Equation Along the Positive Real Axis0
F. Wiener’s Trick and an Extremal Problem for $$H^p$$0
Similarity Classes of Tetrahedra0
Variations on a Conjecture of C. C. Yang Concerning Periodicity0
Canonical Embeddings of Pairs of Arcs0
On the Hyperbolic Metric of Certain Domains0
The $$*$$-Exponential as a Covering Map0
Random Interpolating Sequences in the Polydisc and the Unit Ball0
Geometric Julia–Wolff Theorems for Weak Contractions0
Schur Functions and Inner Functions on the Bidisc0
Almost Periodic Functions: Their Limit Sets and Various Applications0
On the Infinite $$\varphi $$-Order Solutions of Second Order Linear Differential Equations0
Geometrical and Computational Properties of the Generalized Struve Functions0
3-Parameter Generalized Quaternions0
Maximizing the Second Robin Eigenvalue of Simply Connected Curved Membranes0
Estimates Logarithmic Coefficient Inequalities for Certain Families of Analytic Functions0
Convergence of Multidimensional A- and J-Fractions with Independent Variables0
Normal Families Concerning Exceptional Functions of Derivatives0
Schwarz–Pick and Landau Type Theorems for Solutions to the Dirichlet–Neumann Problem in the Unit Disk0
Solutions to Difference Equations Have Few Defects0
On the Order of Convexity for the Shifted Hypergeometric Functions0
Exterior John Domains and Quasisymmetric Mappings0
About the Cover: Non-normal Families and Attracting Fixed Points0
On Geometric Properties of the Ratio of Two Hypergeometric Functions0
Walsh’s Conformal Map Onto Lemniscatic Domains for Polynomial Pre-images II0
Value Cross-Sharing of Meromorphic Functions0
Painlevé III and V Types Differential Difference Equations0
On the Forms of Meromorphic Solutions of Some Type of Non-linear Differential Equations0
Power of Entire Function Sharing Non-zero Polynomials with It’s Linear Differential Polynomial0
Bohr Type Inequalities for the Class of Self-Analytic Maps on the Unit Disk0
Explosion Points and Topology of Julia Sets of Zorich Maps0
Correction to: Boundary Integral Formula for Harmonic Functions on Riemann Surfaces0
Rigidity of Julia Sets of Families of Biholomorphic Mappings in Higher Dimensions0
Supercyclicity and Resolvent Condition for Weighted Composition Operators0
Successive Logarithmic Coefficients of Univalent Functions0
Boundary Traces of Holomorphic Functions on the Unit Ball in $$\mathbb {C}^n$$0
Groups of Rotations of Euclidean and Hyperbolic Spaces0
Radius Problems for the New Product of Planar Harmonic Mappings0
On the Exact Forms of Meromorphic Solutions of Certain Non-linear Delay-Differential Equations0
Weighted Uniform Convergence of Entire Grünwald Operators on the Real Line0
Volterra-Type Integration Operators Between Weighted Bergman Spaces and Hardy Spaces0
On Some Results of Mues, Bergweiler and Eremenko Concerning Differential Polynomials0
Double Cosets, Rotations and Isometric Circles0
Walter K. Hayman FRS (1926–2020) A Biographical Sketch0
On Certain Fermat Diophantine Functional Equations in $$\mathbb {C}^{2}$$0
Composition Operators on Sobolev Spaces and Q-Homeomorphisms0
Critical Exponents of the Riesz Projection0
Explicit Meromorphic Solutions of a Second Order Briot–Bouquet Differential Equation0
On Deviations of Meromorphic Minimal Surfaces of Finite Lower Order0
Iterating the Minimum Modulus: Functions of Order Half, Minimal Type0
On the Koebe Quarter Theorem for Certain Polynomials of Even Degree0
A Characterization of Concave Mappings Using the Carathéodory Class and Schwarzian Derivative0
On the Difference Independence of the Euler Gamma Function and the Riemann Zeta Function0
Results on Certain Difference Polynomials and Shared Values0
Intrinsic Ultracontractivity for Domains in Negatively Curved Manifolds0
Complex Analytic Solutions of Certain Partial Differential Equations0
A Uniqueness Problem Concerning Entire Functions and Their Derivatives0
Lattice Paths, Vector Continued Fractions, and Resolvents of Banded Hessenberg Operators0
Normality Criterion Concerning Total Derivatives of Holomorphic Functions in $$ {\mathbb {C}}^n $$0
Meromorphically Normal Families in Several Variables0
A Bessel Analog of the Riesz Composition Formula0
On Uniformity Exponents of $$\varphi $$-Uniform Domains0
About the Cover: The Minimum Modulus Problem for Entire Functions0
Diameter of Compact Riemann Surfaces0
Bohr Phenomenon for Certain Close-to-Convex Analytic Functions0
An Extension of Montel’s Three Omitted Values Theorem0
Landau–Bloch Type Theorems for Certain Subclasses for Polyharmonic Mappings0
Convergence Rates of Exceptional Zeros of Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials0
A Paley–Wiener Theorem for the Mehler–Fock Transform0
The Maximum Modulus Set of a Polynomial0