Ocean Dynamics

(The median citation count of Ocean Dynamics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Seasonal and spatial variations in spice generation in the South Indian Ocean salinity maxima28
Swell and wind-wave height variability in the East China Sea15
Monthly variability of wind-induced upwelling and its impact on chlorophyll-a distribution in the Southern and Northern parts of the Indonesian Archipelago15
Impact of Caribbean Anticyclones on Loop Current variability14
Propagation of barotropic Kelvin waves around Antarctica13
Thank you to 2022 Ocean Dynamics reviewers12
Time-dependent plume front positioning and its dynamics coupled with seasonal river efflux11
Ocean and atmosphere changes in the Caribbean Sea during the twenty-first century using CMIP5 models11
Spatiotemporal variability of the ocean since 1900: testing a new analysis approach using global sea level reconstruction11
Quantifying wave measurement differences in historical and present wave buoy systems10
Sea level variability in the Gulf of Mexico since 1900 and its link to the Yucatan Channel and the Florida Strait flows10
Significant wave height estimation from shipborne marine radar data using convolutional and self-attention network9
Assessment of satellite altimetry SWH measurements by in situ observations within 25 km from the coast9
Initial formation of channel–shoal patterns in double–inlet systems9
Evaluation of wave model performance in the South Atlantic Ocean: a study about physical parameterization and wind forcing calibration8
Non-linear interactions between tides and storm surges during extreme weather events over the eastern Canadian shelf8
Rapid dissipation of a Loop Current eddy due to interaction with a severe Gulf of Mexico hurricane8
Turbulent dissipation rates across the Summer Monsoon Current8
Dynamics of the Polar Front in the southwestern area of Svalbard, Norway7
A snapshot of turbulence in the Northeastern Magellan Strait7
Dynamics of submesoscale processes and their influence on vertical heat transport in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean7
Response of wind stress and surface wave to the gusts under swell and wind-wave conditions7
Pathways of tropical cyclone induced subsurface warming in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean7
Phytoplankton community responses to the combined effects of internal waves and anticyclonic eddies shed from the Kuroshio intrusion7
Comprehensive wave climate analysis of the Uruguayan coast6
Evaluation of the applicability of the Ekman theory for wind-driven ocean currents: a comparison with the Mellor–Yamada turbulent model6
Wave characteristics in a semi-enclosed offshore windfarm influenced by East Asian monsoon and extreme weather: a study of central Hangzhou Bay, China6
Predictive modelling of run-out distance and sedimentation rate of channel-basin turbidity currents with a new numerical approach6
Assessment of the spatiotemporal variability of seawater temperature and salinity in the Yellow and Bohai seas from multiple high-resolution reanalysis datasets6
Direct observations of general geothermal convection in deep Mediterranean waters6
Mathematical modelling of Visakhapatnam Port utilizing the porous and non-porous breakwaters with finite depth green function6
Predicting significant wave height with artificial neural networks in the South Atlantic Ocean: a hybrid approach6
Evolution and structure of a mesoscale anticyclonic eddy in the northwestern Japan Sea and its exchange with surrounding waters: in situ observations and Lagrangian analysis5
Comparing surface currents near the mouth of three bays along the U.S. East Coast: Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, and New York Bay5
Altimetry-derived tide model for improved tide and water level forecasting along the European continental shelf5
Forecasting marine debris spill accumulation patterns in the south-eastern Australia water: an intercomparison between global ocean forecast models5
Contribution of the wind, Loop Current Eddies, and topography to the circulation in the southern Gulf of Mexico5
Surface ocean conditions of the Arabian Sea using two different wind forcings in the regional ocean modelling system setup5
Spectral wave characteristics in the coastal waters of the central west coast of India during tropical cyclone Kyarr4
Seasonal oceanic variability on meso- and submesoscales: a turbulence perspective4
Simulating flood events at the Twin Ports of Duluth-Superior using a linked hydrologic-hydrodynamic framework4
The future projection of cyclones in Bay of Bengal: a study using coupled ocean atmosphere model4
Influence of tropical cyclone Jawad on the surface and sub-surface circulation in the Bay of Bengal: ocean–atmosphere feedback4
Wind events in a subtropical coastal upwelling region as detected by admittance analysis4
Weakly nonlinear modulation of interfacial gravity-capillary waves4
How sea ice affects edge waves in the Sea of Okhotsk4
Simulated response of seawater elevation and tidal dynamics in Jakarta Bay to coastal reclamation4
On the links between sea level and temperature variations in the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)4
Refining the role of bathymetry, hydrodynamics and upwelling at various scales along the coral reefs at Sodwana Bay, South Africa4
Investigation of waves in Sanmen Bay during typhoons and their influence on moored vessels4
Editorial – Ocean Dynamics in 2023: overview and thank you to reviewers4
The 12th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2022) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA on June 28–July 1, 20223
An ensemble-based data assimilation system for forecasting variability of the Northwestern Pacific ocean3
Investigating the robustness of the intraseasonal see-saw in the Indo-Pacific barotropic sea level across models3
A dynamic 2DH flocculation model for coastal domains3
Hindcasting of tropical cyclone winds and waves3
Analysis of the annual mean energy cycle of the Black Sea circulation for the climatic, basin-scale and eddy regimes3
Effects of open boundary bias correction and data assimilation in a regional ocean circulation model for the East Sea3
JCOPE-FGO: an eddy-resolving quasi-global ocean reanalysis product3
Northern boundary current variability and mesoscale dynamics: a long-term HF RADAR monitoring in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea3
Physical-Ecological Response of the California Current System to ENSO events in ROMS-NEMURO3
“Grey swan” storm surges pose a greater coastal flood hazard than climate change3
Research on the methods for separating wind sea and swell from directional wave spectra in finite-depth waters3
Variability of dissolved organic matter sources in the eastern Arabian Sea: impacts of physical and biological processes3
Evolution of sea-level trends along the Norwegian coast from 1960 to 21003
Vertical coupling and dynamical source for the intraseasonal variability in the deep Kuroshio Extension2
Effect of the wind acceleration magnitude during the first stages of the wind-wave generation process2
Relationship between coral bleaching and large-scale oscillations in the Lakshadweep archipelago2
Modeling studies of the bioluminescence potential dynamics in a high Arctic fjord during polar night2
Correction to: Wind events in a subtropical coastal upwelling region as detected by admittance analysis2
Enhanced eddy activity along the Subantarctic Front under intensified westerly winds2
Hybrid covariance super-resolution data assimilation2
Observed seasonality of M2 and M4 tidal currents in the Gulf of Khambhat using high-frequency radars2
Enhanced subsurface mixing due to near-inertial waves: observation from Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge2
A three-layer model of hydrodynamic processes in the Cyprus Eddy system2
Geographical variation and controlling mechanism of eddy-induced vertical temperature anomalies and eddy available potential energy in the South China Sea2
Observed surface wave variations in the background current field of the Kuroshio Extension2
Sensitivity of the Lorenz energy cycle of the global ocean2
On the application of Miyata-Choi-Camassa model to surface waves2
Numerical investigation on the effectiveness of pile row in local sand trapping and beach protection2
Responses of the Pacific and Atlantic decadal variabilities under global warming by using CMIP6 models2
On the rapid weakening of super-cyclone Amphan over the Bay of Bengal2
Development of a daily coastal ocean model for Mississippi Sound and Bight2
Correction to: Characteristics of topographic submesoscale eddies off the Crimea coast from high-resolution satellite optical measurements2
Impact of undular surges on a vertical wall2
Sedimentological data-driven bottom friction parameter estimation in modelling Bristol Channel tidal dynamics2
The changes in La Niña induced summertime interannual variability of sea level anomaly along the western boundary of the Bay of Bengal2
A numerical study on the role of atmospheric forcing on mixed layer depth variability in the Bay of Bengal using a regional ocean model1
Seasonal variability of eddy characteristics and energetics in the Kuroshio Extension1
Initial time dependence of wind- and density-driven Lagrangian residual velocity in a tide-dominated bay1
Internal tides in the central Mediterranean Sea: observational evidence and numerical studies1
Energetics during eddy shedding in the Gulf of Mexico1
Relative dispersion and relative diffusivities in an ocean-wave coupled model of the North Sea1
Eutrophication hotspots, nitrogen fluxes and climate impacts in estuarine ecosystems: A model study of the Odra estuary system1
Modulation of near-inertial motions on the Mississippi-Alabama Shelf1
Correction to: Sensitivity of the Lorenz energy cycle of the global ocean1
Link between the internal variability and the baroclinic instability in the Bohai and Yellow Sea1
Interannual sea level variability in the North and Baltic seas and net flux through the Danish straits1
Pathways of surface oceanic water intrusion into the Amazon Continental Shelf1
Cold blobs in the subpolar North Atlantic: seasonality, spatial pattern, and driving mechanisms1
In memoriam: Prof. Dr. Jörg-Olaf Wolff (1959–2023)1
Correction to: Inertial instability and phase error in Euler forward predictorcorrector time integration schemes: Improvement of modeling Great Lakes thermal structure and circulation using FVCOM1
Stability analysis of finite amplitude interfacial waves in a two-layer fluid in the presence of depth uniform current1
Seasonal variation of chlorophyll-a in South Java over the past quarter-century1
Experimental and numerical investigation of shelf flow crossing over a strait1
Correction to: Accelerated reproduction of 2-D periodic waves1
Water exchange in the Dardanelles: variations on synoptic to interannual time scales1
Correction to: Initial time dependence of wind- and density-driven Lagrangian residual velocity in a tide-dominated bay1
Evaluation of seagrass as a nature-based solution for coastal protection in the German Wadden Sea1
Correction to: Relative dispersion and relative diffusivities in an ocean-wave coupled model of the North Sea1
Three-dimensional structure of summer circulation in the Bohai Sea and its intraseasonal variability1
Seasonal variation of the sea surface salinity in the western tropical North Atlantic on two contrasting years of precipitation in the Amazon Basin1
LORA: a local ensemble transform Kalman filter-based ocean research analysis1
A comparative study of sea surface wind datasets and their induced circulation characteristics in the North Pacific Ocean1
Towards efficient coastal flood modeling: A comparative assessment of bathtub, extended hydrodynamic, and total water level approaches1
Northern shifts in the migration of Japanese glass eels to subarctic Hokkaido Island over the past three decades1
Multi-sensor approach for chlorophyll-a monitoring in the coastal waters of Japan: a case study of the Yura Estuary1
The dynamic mechanism of rapid sediment deposition in the mangrove region of the Guangxi Beibu Gulf1
Evolution of narrow-band spectrum of two random Stokes wavetrains in deep water1
Water masses in the Caribbean Sea and sub-annual variability in the Guajira upwelling region1
Mapping the spatiotemporal variability in global storm surge water levels using satellite radar altimetry1
The role of the West Florida Shelf topography on the Loop Current system variability1
Bioluminescence potential during polar night: impact of behavioral light sensitivity and water mass pathways1
Characteristics of topographic submesoscale eddies off the Crimea coast from high-resolution satellite optical measurements1
Deep learning-based forecasting of sea surface temperature in the interim future: application over the Aegean, Ionian, and Cretan Seas (NE Mediterranean Sea)1
Sound speed variation in the coastal waters off Cochin and signature of subsurface maxima1