International Journal of Information Security

(The TQCC of International Journal of Information Security is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Robotics cyber security: vulnerabilities, attacks, countermeasures, and recommendations106
Survey on image encryption techniques using chaotic maps in spatial, transform and spatiotemporal domains78
MAPAS: a practical deep learning-based android malware detection system53
Public key versus symmetric key cryptography in client–server authentication protocols30
A review on fake news detection 3T’s: typology, time of detection, taxonomies30
A systematic literature review for network intrusion detection system (IDS)29
Deep SARSA-based reinforcement learning approach for anomaly network intrusion detection system25
Applying NLP techniques to malware detection in a practical environment25
Automatic analysis of attack graphs for risk mitigation and prioritization on large-scale and complex networks in Industry 4.024
DAPP: automatic detection and analysis of prototype pollution vulnerability in Node.js modules22
Intelligent and behavioral-based detection of malware in IoT spectrum sensors20
Classifying resilience approaches for protecting smart grids against cyber threats20
Securing MQTT protocol for IoT environment using IDS based on ensemble learning17
A content-based deep intrusion detection system17
Cyber insurance: state of the art, trends and future directions14
Privacy in targeted advertising on mobile devices: a survey13
An efficient intrusion detection system for MQTT-IoT using enhanced chaotic salp swarm algorithm and LightGBM13
Highly private blockchain-based management system for digital COVID-19 certificates13
LASSI: a lightweight authenticated key agreement protocol for fog-enabled IoT deployment13
Security analysis on “Three-factor authentication protocol using physical unclonable function for IoV”12
Cyber risk management for autonomous passenger ships using threat-informed defense-in-depth12
From zero-shot machine learning to zero-day attack detection12
BLoCNet: a hybrid, dataset-independent intrusion detection system using deep learning12
A systematic literature review on wearable health data publishing under differential privacy12
Privacy preserving data sharing and analysis for edge-based architectures12
Attribute-based encryption and sticky policies for data access control in a smart home scenario: a comparison on networked smart object middleware12
Scalable, password-based and threshold authentication for smart homes11
Design and implementation of a new lightweight chaos-based cryptosystem to secure IoT communications11
Browser-in-the-Middle (BitM) attack11
A novel approach for detection of APT malware using multi-dimensional hybrid Bayesian belief network11
Thresholdizing HashEdDSA: MPC to the Rescue10
How education level influences internet security knowledge, behaviour, and attitude: a comparison among undergraduates, postgraduates and working graduates10
DEALER: decentralized incentives for threat intelligence reporting and exchange10
CT-GCN: a phishing identification model for blockchain cryptocurrency transactions10
Insider attack mitigation in a smart metering infrastructure using reputation score and blockchain technology10
Revisiting QUIC attacks: a comprehensive review on QUIC security and a hands-on study10
On the detection of lateral movement through supervised machine learning and an open-source tool to create turnkey datasets from Sysmon logs9
Machine learning approach to vulnerability detection in OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization flow9
Intrusion detection system over real-time data traffic using machine learning methods with feature selection approaches9
Extending access control in AWS IoT through event-driven functions: an experimental evaluation using a smart lock system9
A study of machine learning-based models for detection, control, and mitigation of cyberbullying in online social media9
PatrIoT: practical and agile threat research for IoT9
Effective network intrusion detection using stacking-based ensemble approach9
Dependency-based security risk assessment for cyber-physical systems9
Continuous improvement process (CIP)-based privacy-preserving framework for smart connected toys8
A full privacy-preserving distributed batch-based certificate-less aggregate signature authentication scheme for healthcare wearable wireless medical sensor networks (HWMSNs)8
Password-authenticated searchable encryption8
Novel trust-aware intrusion detection and prevention system for 5G MANET–Cloud8
A comprehensive survey of phishing: mediums, intended targets, attack and defence techniques and a novel taxonomy8
PSO + FL = PAASO: particle swarm optimization + federated learning = privacy-aware agent swarm optimization8
Challenges of post-quantum digital signing in real-world applications: a survey8
Generative AI for pentesting: the good, the bad, the ugly8
Accountable privacy preserving attribute-based access control for cloud services enforced using blockchain8
Energy-efficient trust-aware secured neuro-fuzzy clustering with sparrow search optimization in wireless sensor network8
An intrusion detection approach based on incremental long short-term memory7
Malicious code detection in android: the role of sequence characteristics and disassembling methods7
A defensive framework for deepfake detection under adversarial settings using temporal and spatial features7
A voting gray wolf optimizer-based ensemble learning models for intrusion detection in the Internet of Things7
Evaluating card-based protocols in terms of execution time7
P2ADF: a privacy-preserving attack detection framework in fog-IoT environment7
Cyber range design framework for cyber security education and training7
Systematic review of SIEM technology: SIEM-SC birth7
ISM-AC: an immune security model based on alert correlation and software-defined networking7
A survey on IoT application layer protocols, security challenges, and the role of explainable AI in IoT (XAIoT)7
A context-centered methodology for IoT forensic investigations7
A blockchain-enabled collaborative intrusion detection framework for SDN-assisted cyber-physical systems6
A risk-level assessment system based on the STRIDE/DREAD model for digital data marketplaces6
A deep learner model for multi-language webshell detection6
Privacy-preserving continuous authentication using behavioral biometrics6
Adversarial security mitigations of mmWave beamforming prediction models using defensive distillation and adversarial retraining6
An efficient privacy-preserving pay-by-phone system for regulated parking areas6
AiCEF: an AI-assisted cyber exercise content generation framework using named entity recognition6
Secure cloud-based mobile apps: attack taxonomy, requirements, mechanisms, tests and automation6
Mitigating insider threat by profiling users based on mouse usage pattern: ensemble learning and frequency domain analysis6
An autoML network traffic analyzer for cyber threat detection6
Cyber–physical risk assessment for false data injection attacks considering moving target defences6
INCHAIN: a cyber insurance architecture with smart contracts and self-sovereign identity on top of blockchain5
Phish-Sight: a new approach for phishing detection using dominant colors on web pages and machine learning5
A survey on interest packet flooding attacks and its countermeasures in named data networking5
Anomalous behavior detection-based approach for authenticating smart home system users5
A technical characterization of APTs by leveraging public resources5
Attention: there is an inconsistency between android permissions and application metadata!5
Tracing the evolution of cyber resilience: a historical and conceptual review5
DNS exfiltration detection in the presence of adversarial attacks and modified exfiltrator behaviour5
Cyber threat assessment and management for securing healthcare ecosystems using natural language processing5
A survey on analyzing encrypted network traffic of mobile devices5
Malicious website identification using design attribute learning5
Bu-Dash: a universal and dynamic graphical password scheme (extended version)5
OCPP in the spotlight: threats and countermeasures for electric vehicle charging infrastructures 4.05
Analyzing and comparing the security of self-sovereign identity management systems through threat modeling5
Federated learning-based intrusion detection system for Internet of Things5
The Agent Web Model: modeling web hacking for reinforcement learning5
Security beyond cybersecurity: side-channel attacks against non-cyber systems and their countermeasures5
Cybersecurity challenges in IoT-based smart renewable energy5
Defeating traffic analysis via differential privacy: a case study on streaming traffic4
PPAM-mIoMT: a privacy-preserving authentication with device verification for securing healthcare systems in 5G networks4
SealFSv2: combining storage-based and ratcheting for tamper-evident logging4
A comprehensive Blockchain-oriented secure framework for SDN/Fog-based IoUT4
Security-enhanced firmware management scheme for smart home IoT devices using distributed ledger technologies4
LDES: detector design for version number attack detection using linear temporal logic based on discrete event system4
Mobile botnet detection: a comprehensive survey4
IoT-oriented high-efficient anti-malware hardware focusing on time series metadata extractable from inside a processor core4
Improving spam email classification accuracy using ensemble techniques: a stacking approach4
Pragmatic authenticated key agreement for IEEE Std 802.15.64
Privacy and safety improvement of VANET data via a safety-related privacy scheme4
A decentralized honeypot for IoT Protocols based on Android devices4
Blockchain-based multi-diagnosis deep learning application for various diseases classification4
A novel two-level secure access control approach for blockchain platform in healthcare4
A new smart smudge attack using CNN4
A systematic review of privacy techniques in recommendation systems4
Authenticated logarithmic-order supersingular isogeny group key exchange4
Detection of adversarial attacks based on differences in image entropy4
Forensic investigation of the dark web on the Tor network: pathway toward the surface web4
MLSTL-WSN: machine learning-based intrusion detection using SMOTETomek in WSNs4
Coin-based Secure Computations4
Network intrusion detection and mitigation in SDN using deep learning models4
Random resampling algorithms for addressing the imbalanced dataset classes in insider threat detection4
A multi-objective cost–benefit optimization algorithm for network hardening4
Automated benchmark network diversification for realistic attack simulation with application to moving target defense4
Multi-cloud applications: data and code fragmentation for improved security4
User identification using deep learning and human activity mobile sensor data4
Enhanced models for privacy and utility in continuous-time diffusion networks4
DFTMicroagg: a dual-level anonymization algorithm for smart grid data4
From scattered data to actionable knowledge: flexible cyber security reporting in the military domain4