Tree Genetics & Genomes

(The H4-Index of Tree Genetics & Genomes is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Continental-wide population genetics and post-Pleistocene range expansion in field maple (Acer campestre L.), a subdominant temperate broadleaved tree species34
Population structure and intraspecific ecological niche differentiation point to lineage divergence promoted by polyploidization in Psidium cattleyanum (Myrtaceae)18
Genotyping of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) germplasm resources with SNP markers linked to agronomic traits reveals signs of selection14
Genome-wide genetic diversity and IBD analysis reveals historic dissemination routes of pear in China13
Genetic relationship and parentages of historical peaches revealed by microsatellite markers12
Use of plastid genome sequences in phylogeographic studies of tree species can be misleading without comprehensive sampling of co-occurring, related species12
Gene-ecological zonation and population genetic structure of Tectona grandis L.f. in India revealed by genome-wide SSR markers12
Revealing local adaptation of Quercus suber L. populations under climate change through Genome Scans and Environmental Association Analysis11
Long-distance dispersal drives the genetic variation and historical demography of Quercus magnoliifolia and Quercus resinosa (Fagaceae) in the Mexican highlands11
Chloroplast genomes and nuclear sequences reveal the interspecific relationships of Crataegus bretschneideri C. K. Schneid. and related species in China11
Diversity and structure of Coffea canephora from old seminal crops in EspĂ­rito Santo, Brazil: genetic resources for coffee breeding11
Analysis of genetic parameters of growth and wood traits provides insight into the genetic improvement of Schima superba11
Marker-based pedigree reconstruction reveals limited diversity within commercial Eucalyptus benthamii breeding populations in Brazil11
Enviromic prediction enables the characterization and mapping of Eucalyptus globulus Labill breeding zones11
Comparative plastid genome analyses of Rosa: Insights into the phylogeny and gene divergence11