European Journal of Ageing

(The TQCC of European Journal of Ageing is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Understanding unequal ageing: towards a synthesis of intersectionality and life course analyses68
Depression and loneliness of older adults in Europe and Israel after the first wave of covid-1947
A research framework for the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030)42
Care in times of COVID-19: the impact of the pandemic on informal caregiving in Austria39
Access to healthcare for people aged 50+ in Europe during the COVID-19 outbreak34
Revisiting the Nordic long-term care model for older people—still equal?32
Covid-fatigued? A longitudinal study of Norwegian older adults’ psychosocial well-being before and during early and later stages of the COVID-19 pandemic32
Ageism and older people’s health and well-being during the Covid-19-pandemic: the moderating role of subjective aging31
Media representation of older people’s vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic in China31
Economic vulnerability and unmet healthcare needs among the population aged 50 + years during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe29
Grandparenting, health, and well-being: a systematic literature review29
Young for old—old for young? Ethical perspectives on intergenerational solidarity and responsibility in public discourses on COVID-1925
Socioeconomic differences in informal caregiving in Europe24
Older Chinese migrants in coronavirus pandemic: exploring risk and protective factors to increased loneliness23
Physically distant but socially close? Changes in non-physical intergenerational contacts at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic among older people in France, Italy and Spain23
Live longer, retire later? Developments of healthy life expectancies and working life expectancies between age 50–59 and age 60–69 in Europe21
Perceived loneliness and the role of cultural and intergenerational belonging: the case of Portuguese first-generation immigrants in Luxembourg21
Lonely societies: low trust societies? Further explanations for national variations in loneliness among older Europeans18
Using the intergenerational solidarity framework to understand the grandparent–grandchild relationship: a scoping review17
Older migrants and loneliness: scanning the field and looking forward16
Social network ties before and after retirement: a cohort study14
Successful ageing in the oldest old: objectively and subjectively measured evidence from a population-based survey in Germany14
The age and well-being “paradox”: a longitudinal and multidimensional reconsideration14
Determinants of home care utilization among the Swedish old: nationwide register-based study14
A social exclusion perspective on loneliness in older adults in the Nordic countries14
Digital transformation of everyday lives of older Swiss adults: use of and attitudes toward current and future digital services13
Loneliness, social network size and mortality in older adults: a meta-analysis13
Age-period-cohort analysis of depression trends: are depressive symptoms increasing across generations in Germany?13
Ageing in place processes in the neighbourhood environment: a proposed conceptual framework from a capability approach13
A poor appetite or ability to eat and its association with physical function amongst community-dwelling older adults: age, gene/environment susceptibility-Reykjavik study13
Current directions in views on ageing13
What matters to people aged 80 and over regarding ambulatory care? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies13
Is grandparental childcare socio-economically patterned? Evidence from the English longitudinal study of ageing13
Health system reforms and the needs of the ageing population—an analysis of recent policy paths and reform trends in Finland and Sweden12
Digital care technologies in people with dementia living in long-term care facilities to prevent falls and manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia: a systematic review12
Changes in socioeconomic differentials in old age life expectancy in four Nordic countries: the impact of educational expansion and education-specific mortality12
Attitudes towards working in retirement: a latent class analysis of older workers’ motives12
Reducing loneliness in older adults: looking at locals and migrants in a Swiss case study11
The power of personality in successful ageing: a comprehensive review of larger quantitative studies11
What protects older Romanians in Switzerland from loneliness? A life-course perspective11
Is ageing becoming more active? Exploring cohort-wise changes in everyday time use among the older population in Sweden11
Childhood adversity and healthy ageing: a study of the Chinese older population10
Education, wealth, and duration of life expected in various degrees of frailty10
Older adults’ participation in artistic activities: a scoping review10
Economic stress of people 50 + in European countries in the Covid-19 pandemic–do country policies matter?9
Gerontechnology for better elderly care and life quality: a systematic literature review9
Questionnaire measures of self-directed ageing stereotype in older adults: a systematic review of measurement properties9
The role of ego integrity and despair in older adults’ well-being during the COVID-19 crisis: the mediating role of need-based experiences9
Differences in awareness of positive and negative age-related changes accounting for variability in health outcomes9
Cognitive functions and physical activity in aging when energy is lacking9
Effects on clients' daily functioning and common features of reablement interventions: a systematic literature review9
Aging during COVID-19 in Germany: a longitudinal analysis of psychosocial adaptation9
Self-rated resilience and mobility limitations as predictors of change in active aging during COVID-19 restrictions in Finland: a longitudinal study9
Contextual factors underpinning geographical inequalities in disability-free life expectancy in 100 French départements8
Associations and correlates of general versus specific successful ageing components8
Gender differences in time to first hospital admission at age 60 in Denmark, 1995–20148
Income inequalities, social support and depressive symptoms among older adults in Europe: a multilevel cross-sectional study8
Shifting self-perceptions of ageing: differential effects of value priorities on self-perceptions of ageing beyond age stereotypes8
Early retirement intentions: the impact of employment biographies, work stress and health among a baby-boomer generation8
A systematic review of systematic reviews of needs of family caregivers of older adults with dementia8
Buddy or burden? Patterns, perceptions, and experiences of pet ownership among older adults in Switzerland8