Laser Physics Letters

(The TQCC of Laser Physics Letters is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Alloyed Au/Pd nanoparticles formed by laser ablation of thin films in liquid33
Orbital angular momentum induced asymmetric diffraction grating in quantum dot molecule32
High-repetition-frequency, high-energy mid-wave infrared ZnGeP2 MOPA system30
Phase-modulated single-photon router and chiral scattering between two waveguides coupled by a giant three-level atom28
Quantum nonlocality without entanglement in a 2n-partite system22
1.3 μm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers grown on planar on-axis Si (001) substrates with high slope-efficiency and low differential resistance22
Circular semi-quantum secret sharing based on hybrid single particle and GHZ-type states20
Real-time observation of dissipative multi-soliton complexes in a net-normal dispersion fiber laser18
Concentration effect on the optical properties of laser irradiation copper phthalocyanine (CuPc blue) solution17
Relative entropies of coherence of X states in three-dimensional mutually unbiased bases16
Research on the common mode suppression method of temperature noise in an NV color center spin magnetometer15
Improved experimental scheme for the generation of pair coherent state in traveling-wave optical fields15
Tunable single-longitudinal-mode narrow linewidth Brillouin fiber laser based on PT symmetry15
Information geometry, Pythagorean-theorem extension, and Euclidean distance behind optical sensing via spectral analysis15
Steering-induced coherence in decoherence channels15
Cooperative and competitive antimicrobial photodynamic effects induced by a combination of methylene blue and curcumin13
Sub-picosecond laser surface modification of Ti–Ni alloy and its antibacterial activity13
Repetition-rate-tunable second harmonic generation in mode-locked optically pumped semiconductor disk laser13
Spectral sparse recovery form a single RGB image13
Efficient Fe:CdTe laser with an output energy of 350 mJ at room temperature12
Laser irradiation time influence on the optical and structural properties of copper phthalocyanine blue thin films12
Group velocity dispersion of a multicore fibre with 5 × 5 coupled cores for in-phase and out-of-phase supermodes12
Optoacoustic angiography for noninvasive monitoring of experimental tumor angiogenesis12
Skin microvasculature determined using OCT angiography: first evidence of its relation with aging12
Improvement of microwave electric field measurement sensitivity via dual-microwave-dressed electromagnetically induced transparency in Rydberg atoms12
Narrow linewidth fiber laser with multiple unpumped EDF fiber loops and self-injection feedback12
Tunable mode-locked fiber laser to generate ultrashort cylindrical vector beams11
Mechanism of pyrite photoconductance under an 808 nm-laser irradiation: a photo-thermal synergism10
Narrow linewidth single mode fiber laser with double unpumped EDF Sagnac loops filter10
Controllable Goos–Hänchen shift and optical switching in an Er3 + -doped yttrium aluminum garnet crystal10
Laser bioprinting without donor plate10
Triggering spin reversal in nanomolecules and nanoclusters on demand10
Inducing torque on molecular magnets via Laguerre Gaussian beams10
Interconversion of orbital and spin angular momenta of light beams in the CARS generation process in isotropic gyrotropic medium9
Fine structure of polarization and optical Möbius strips topology of laser light in planar metamaterial9
High harmonics generation in gases near the gratings: towards the spectrum enhancement and enrichment9
Entanglement based six-state quantum cryptography protocol: exact proof of security9
Dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode sub-ns lasers with high pulse repetition frequency8
Tighter uncertainty relations based on Wigner–Yanase skew information for N quantum channels8
Saturable absorption performance of large area monolayer MoS2 coated planarized optical waveguide8
Stability of normal quantum-fluid mixtures8
Photodynamic action of photosensitizers based on polycationic derivatives of synthetic bacteriochlorin against human lung cancer cells A5498
Bimetallic solid solution MAX phase Ti2NbAlC2 as saturable absorber for passively Q-switched Er3+-doped fiber laser8
Photoacoustic characterization of bovine serum albumin interaction with gold nanourchin in phosphate buffer saline and the stochastic behaviour8
Carrier-envelope phase effect on light bullet dynamics8
Practical amplification for a single photon qudit encoded in three degrees of freedom7
Intracavity heterodyne laser interferometry. Studies of the features of optical Kerr effect in the atmosphere7
Controllable double optical bistability via photon and phonon interaction in a hybrid optomechanical system7
Gain clamping in random lasers7
Self-frequency-doubling Yb:GdCOB laser intracavity-pumped Pr:YAP laser7
Active basis choice for quantum key distribution with entangled states7
Quantum coherence and Rényi mutual information in Heisenberg XYZ system under non-uniform field7
Resonant effects in the spontaneous bremsstrahlung process of ultrarelativistic electrons in the fields of a nucleus and a pulsed light wave7
1 kHz, 12 MW, 300 ps microchip oscillator power amplifier system7
Three-dimensional dual-wavelength optoacoustic angiography reveals arteriovenous anastomoses7
A note on hidden quantum discord in two- and three-qubit systems under local filtering operations7
Dynamical characteristics of ultrashort terahertz pulse in metamaterials7
Ultrafast ytterbium-doped all-fiber laser with vortex pulse emissions7
Constructing shortcuts to the adiabatic passage for implementation of nongeomeric phase gates in a two-atom system6
Power and efficiency scaling of Er: ZBLAN fiber laser6
All dielectric terahertz carpet cloaking by phase compensation metasurfaces6
Multiple-image encryption based on Toeplitz matrix ghost imaging and elliptic curve cryptography6
Optical bistability and multistability via electron injection rate in an imperfect cavity6
The tightness of the measure-based method to estimate quantum coherence6
Dual-wavelength Nd:CALGO laser based on differential loss of birefringent filter6
A high-performance passively Q-switched Tm:YAP laser with a TaSe2 saturable absorber6
Photon routing based on non-chiral interaction between atoms and waveguides6
486 nm pulsed Nd:YLF laser with intracavity sum-frequency mixing6
The sojourn times of one dimensional discrete-time quantum walks6
Transition radiation in the THz range generated in the relativistic laser—tape target interaction6
Fusing atomic W states with Rydberg superatom5
Axiomatic quasi-classical quantization of particle motion in the dissipative media5
Nanosecond mid-infrared pulse generation modulated by platinum ditelluride nanosheets5
Information transmission by random flow of gamma-photons: optimization of data-acquisition time5
Transition layer of the relativisyic strophotron5
Quasi-classical motion of a particle in a bulk dissipative medium5
Nonreciprocal photon blockade in a spinning optomechanical resonator5
Generation of conventional solitons and bound state solitons in a passively mode-locked fiber laser based on GIMF–NCF–GIMF structured saturable absorber5
An improved multiple populations quantum genetic algorithm5
Soliton-like unipolar objects in nonequilibrium dissipative media5
Stable high-efficiency continuous-wave diamond Raman laser at 1178 nm5
One-way semi-quantum private comparison protocol without pre-shared keys based on unitary operations5
Unrolled generative adversarial network for continuous distributions under hybrid quantum-classical model5
Er:fiber-based femtosecond frequency comb stabilized to an Yb+ single-ion optical frequency standard5
Quantification of linear and nonlinear elasticity by compression optical coherence elastography for determining lymph node status in breast cancer5
Features of magnetically induced exceptional points in cholesteric liquid crystals5
Constructing a maximally multi-qubit entangled state via expanded recurrence relation5
Frequency down-conversion of a chirped Ti:sapphire laser pulse with BaWO4 Raman shifter and second-order nonlinear crystal5
Coherent states of the free quantum particle in a viscous medium5
Emitting a large aperture coherent fiber laser array by a small footprint cascaded internal phase sensing system5
High-fidelity quantum gates for OAM single qudits on quantum memory5
Macroscopic entanglement generation in optomechanical system embedded in non-Markovian environment5
Ultrathin gold nanowires as broadband saturable absorbers for ultrashort pulsed lasers5
THz transition radiation of electron bunches laser-accelerated in long-scale near-critical-density plasmas5
Long-range robust multifilament arrays from terawatt femtosecond beam5
IC-LDPC Polar codes-based reconciliation for continuous-variable quantum key distribution at low signal-to-noise ratio5
Total quantum coherence close to the quantum critical points in the XXZ model with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction5
Comparative investigation of 5-aminolevulinic acid and hexyl aminolevulinate-mediated photodynamic diagnostics and therapy of cervical dysplasia and vulvar leukoplakia5
Preparation of quantum correlated states via fission of chirped vector solitons5
Non-stationary quasi-classical states of a charged particle in a strong magnetic field under conditions of the dissipative medium5
Shaping ellipsoidal laser pulses in the scheme with black analog masks for photoinjector applications5
Dynamical evolution and decay of multi-charged quantum vortex in a Bose–Einstein condensate5
Multiple-participant measurement-device-independent quantum secret sharing protocol based on entanglement swapping5
Kerr nonlinearity-induced nonreciprocal Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen steering in a cavity magnonic system5
Laser ablation of Fe2B target enriched in 10B content for boron neutron capture therapy5
Relativistic elastic scattering of an electron by a muon in the field of a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave5
Tunable injection-seeded fan-out-PPLN optical parametric oscillator for high-sensitivity gas detection5
Relaxation echo5
Analyzing the difference in image quality between different ghost imaging systems using a unified optical transfer function4
Transformation of the frequency-angular spectrum of THz emissions produced by a single-color laser filament under an external electrostatic field of various strength4
Electromagnetic pulses with non-zero electric area in transition radiation4
A note on the trade-off relationships of steering and Bell inequalities and the maximal mean values of Śliwa inequalities4
Simulation of wide wavelength tuning of As2Se3 π-PSFBG narrow band fiber laser based on temperature and strain4
High power, high beam quality and narrow linewidth diode-end-pumped Nd:YAG seed laser at 1319 nm for a sodium guide star laser system4
Distribution and monogamy of quantum coherence for open three-qubit systems under local noisy channels4
Weighted polygamy inequalities of multiparty q-expected quantum entanglement4
Solution of inverse problem for Gross-Pitaevskii equation with artificial neural networks4
Multi-party private size comparison protocol under the semi-quantum condition4
One-step implementation of multiqubit controlled–controlled-Z gates with Rydberg atoms4
The influence of Tm3+ to enhance 2.7 μm mid-infrared emission of Er3+ in CaLaGa3O7 crystal4
1940 nm, 1966 nm and 2066 nm multi-wavelength CW and passively-Q-switched operation of L-shaped Tm3+:Lu2O3 ceramic laser in-band fiber-laser pumped at 1670 nm4
The Markoff approximation for high harmonic generation during laser–atom interaction4
Opto-thermophoretic superlattice for atoms4
Quantitative evaluation of the supercontinuum laser eye dazzling effect: in vivo experimental research4
Wavelength-tunable diamond Raman laser at ∼2.5 μm4
Self-filtering of beam fluence fluctuations at free space propagation4
Ultralow-power instant-on photon-pair counting and photon-entanglement analysis4
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using pulsed laser ablation in liquid: a review4
Integrating optical turbulence into Beer’s law4
Classical and quantum correlations between two qubits interacting with a field in thermal spin states4
Intrinsic symmetry of nonlocal nonlinear optical susceptibilities4
Optimized clustering sample selection for spectral reflectance recovery4
Quantum metamaterials with complete graph interfaces in the ultrastrong coupling regime4
Temperature-compensated optical cavities for laser frequency stabilization4
Raman-induced transfer of optical vortices4
Solar side-pumped Nd-doped fiber laser based on a doughnut-shaped hollow reflector4
Broadband achromatic electromagnetic beam control based on reflective metamaterial4
Quasi-classical theory of cyclotron resonance with accounting for dissipation4
Generation of spatially entangled states in a photonic molecule containing a quantum dot4
You shall not pass: Ti nanospike-based sterilizer in fluid flow reactor4
Characterizing quantum nonlocalities under the Heisenberg XYZ spin model with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction4
High fidelity Not gate on superconduting phase qubit4
Ultrashort pulse duration and broadband dual-comb laser system based on a free-running passively mode-locked Er-fiber oscillator4
Image ciphertexts classification method based on ghost imaging and intraclass-interclass difference4
Visualizing the quantum phase transition by using quantum steering ellipsoids in the anisotropic spin XY model4
C + L band ultra-widely tunable SOA hybrid fiber laser based on acousto-optic add-drop filter induced by polarization conversion4
Quantum canonical correlation analysis algorithm3
Early diagnosis of citrus Huanglongbing by Raman spectroscopy and machine learning3
Low-power blue LED and red laser effects on plasmid DNA, survival, and photolyase mRNA levels in Escherichia coli cultures3
Refined speckle contrast estimation in OCT based on compensation of scattering-related distortions of speckle pattern parameters3
Electromagnetically induced grating in a nonlinear optomechanical cavity3
Compression optical coherence elastography as a new tool for non-invasive identification of precancerous lesions of the oral mucosa3
Entropic uncertainty relation and quantum coherence under Ising model with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction3
Semi-quantum secret sharing protocol with specific bits based on third party3
Cyclic quantum state sharing with a nine-qubit entangled state3
Dispersion of optical and magneto-optical properties in a biaxial TbF3 crystal3
Fidelity of quantum states in a correlated dephasing channel3
Soliton-like optical pulse in a gain medium with dissipation under conditions of intra-pulse Raman scattering3
A quantum homomorphic signature scheme with verifiable identity based on four-particle Cluster states3
Quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty and quantum correlation in structured reservoir3
Real-time methods of hydrogen sulfide detection3
Single-arm ghost imaging via conditional generative adversarial network3
Fast reconstruction of programmable interferometers with intensity-only measurements3
Optical manipulations without light forces: deep superlattice for trapping and rotation of impurity particles in a buffer gas3
A novel circular two-party semiquantum private comparison of size relationship based on d-level single-particle state without any preshared key3
On coherence of quantum operations by using Choi–Jamiołkowski isomorphism3
An encrypted hiding scheme for 3D objects based on CGH and Henon mapping3
Top-quark pair production by electron–positron annihilation in a circularly polarized laser field3
Quantum teleportation in a two-superconducting qubit system under dephasing noisy channel: role of Josephson and mutual coupling energies3
Incoherent control of Goos–Hänchen shifts in a tunneling quantum dot molecule3
Transmission and Reflection properties of the incident Light via SW coherent laser field3
Convenient quantum controlled teleportation of two-qubit pure state with seven-qubit entangled state3
Quantum interferometric power versus quantum correlations in a graphene layer system with a scattering process under thermal noise3
Additive manufacturing of polymer composites with nano-titania inclusions3
Schrödinger cat state formation in small bosonic Josephson junctions at finite temperatures and dissipation3
Conversion of spin and orbital angular momentum in the third harmonic generation process in the bulk of an isotropic medium3
Third harmonic generation microscopy of magnetic domains in garnet films3
Enhancing quantum features and teleportation fidelity of two-mode non-Gaussian states using conditional measurements3
Enhancement of dynamical entanglement in a dispersive two-mode Jaynes–Cummings model via superposition of photon-added pair coherent state3
Experimental research on specially optical bistability based on atomic ensemble3
Dynamics of induced optical torque via optical vortex light3
171st-order harmonic soliton erbium-doped fiber laser based on 2H-MoTe2 saturable absorber3
Improving the scheme of bidirectional controlled teleportation with a five-qubit composite GHZ-Bell state3
Signatures of intrinsic decoherence and weak measurement on quantum correlations3
Visually capture quantum nonlocalities through quantum steering ellipsoid3
Tm:GGAG disordered garnet crystal for 2 µm diode-pumped solid-state laser3
Multi-party semi-quantum secret sharing protocol based on measure-flip and reflect operations3
35 W highly effective Ytterbium-Erbium-Thulium tandem all-fiber 1.947 µm laser system at 975 nm diode pumping3
Coherent manipulation of perfect optical vortex via inelastic four-wave mixing in a cold five-level atomic system3
The enhanced separability criteria based on equiangular tight frames3
Quantum traps for coupling of fluorofullerene molecules3
Nonlocal correlations and entanglement in two coupled double quantum dots under external magnetic field3
Feasible high-dimensional measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution3
Fusion neutrons from femtosecond relativistic laser-irradiated sub-micron aggregates in a rapid expanding jet of supercritical CO2 + CD3OD mixture3
Fiber laser cavity with dynamically transformable topology for switchable bidirectional pulse generation3
Sub-50 fs pulses generation from an all-fiber monolithic gain-managed nonlinear amplifier with CFBG-based pre-compressor3
Controlling optical lateral shifts in a monolayer graphene system3
Uncovering the remarkable contribution of lasers peak intensity region in holography3
Machine-learning-based mapping of blood oxygen saturation from dual-wavelength optoacoustic measurements3
Design and analysis of the C6H6-filled circular photonic crystal fiber with ultra-flat dispersion for broadband supercontinuum generation with peak power of 130 W and 250 W3
The optical refractometry using transport-of-intensity equation3
Effect of entanglement in the generalized photon subtraction scheme3
Spectral probing of an extremely compressed femtosecond wave packet in calcium fluoride3