Laser Physics Letters

(The TQCC of Laser Physics Letters is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Mode decomposition of multimode optical fiber beams by phase-only spatial light modulator37
Soliton-like unipolar objects in nonequilibrium dissipative media33
Half-cycle and unipolar pulses (Topical Review)32
Uncovering the remarkable contribution of lasers peak intensity region in holography30
Power and efficiency scaling of Er: ZBLAN fiber laser28
Higgs-strahlung boson production in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field22
Entropic uncertainty relation and quantum coherence under Ising model with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction22
Spatial radiation features of Thomson scattering from electron in circularly polarized tightly focused laser beams22
Performance evaluation of free space optical link by incorporating the device parameters of quantum cascade laser based transmitter20
Laser effect on the final products of Z-boson decay20
Fidelity of quantum states in a correlated dephasing channel18
Performance evaluation of free space optical link driven by gain switched temperature dependent quantum cascade lasers17
Quantum teleportation in a two-superconducting qubit system under dephasing noisy channel: role of Josephson and mutual coupling energies16
Probing depth in diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of biotissues: a Monte Carlo study15
High temporal contrast ultrashort pulses generated by nonlinear ellipse rotation in multipass cells15
Tunable continuous-wave dual-wavelength laser operation of Pr3+:LiYF4 around 900 nm15
Cyclic deterministic bidirectional quantum controlled teleportation with maximally seven-qubit entangled state15
Laser-assisted kaon decay and CPT symmetry violation15
High-resolution spectral analysis of long single-frequency pulses generated by a self-sweeping Yb-doped fiber laser15
ZnSe-based Faraday isolator for high-power mid-IR lasers13
A note on uncertainty relations of arbitrary N quantum channels13
Asymmetric diffraction grating via optical vortex light in a tunneling quantum dot molecule13
Cooperative and competitive antimicrobial photodynamic effects induced by a combination of methylene blue and curcumin13
Elastic electron-proton scattering in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field13
Collimation and monochromaticity of γ-rays generated by high-energy electron colliding with tightly focused circularly polarized laser with varied intensities12
1940 nm, 1966 nm and 2066 nm multi-wavelength CW and passively-Q-switched operation of L-shaped Tm3+:Lu2O3 ceramic laser in-band fiber-laser pumped at 1670 nm12
Stabilization of spatiotemporal dissipative solitons in multimode fiber lasers by external phase modulation12
A novel technique for the fabrication of a saturable absorber for fiber lasers: pulsed laser deposition12
Multiple-participant measurement-device-independent quantum secret sharing protocol based on entanglement swapping12
Electron Bernstein wave aided Hermite cosh-Gaussian laser beam absorption in collisional plasma12
Tunable circular dichroism in a graphene extrinsically chiral L-shaped metasurface12
Transition radiation in the THz range generated in the relativistic laser—tape target interaction12
A novel quantum neural network based on multi-level activation function11
The orthogonality speed of two-qubit state interacts locally with spin chain in the presence of Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya interaction11
Treatment of facial nerve palsies with laser and endermotherapy: a report of two cases11
Characteristics of a CW ∼5 μm Ce3+-doped chalcogenide glass fiber laser10
Nonreciprocal photon blockade in a spinning optomechanical resonator10
Soliton mode of terahertz radiation generation using picosecond laser pulses with tilted wave fronts10
Niobium carbide (Nb2C) MXene as a saturable absorber to assist in the generation of a wavelength tunable passively Q-switched fiber laser10
Saturation of electron emission with increasing ultrarelativistic intensity of the Gaussian laser pulse10
Long-range robust multifilament arrays from terawatt femtosecond beam10
Four-party deterministic quantum operation sharing with a generalized seven-qubit Brown state9
Improving the scheme of bidirectional controlled teleportation with a five-qubit composite GHZ-Bell state9
Non-destructive assessment of milk quality using pulsed UV photoacoustic, fluorescence and near FTIR spectroscopy9
High-fidelity quantum gates for OAM single qudits on quantum memory9
Self-focusing of low order LG laser beam in Gaussian plasma8
Direct laser writing regimes for bulk inscription of polarization-based spectral microfilters and fabrication of microfluidic bio/chemosensor in bulk fused silica8
Stable high-efficiency continuous-wave diamond Raman laser at 1178 nm8
Dual-wavelength filamentation with a fraction of fundamental laser frequency as a wideband THz source8
Spatial radiation features of the off-axis collision between a relativistic electron and a tightly focused linearly polarized laser8
Resonant effects in the spontaneous bremsstrahlung process of ultrarelativistic electrons in the fields of a nucleus and a pulsed light wave8
Passively harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser based on 2H-MoTe2 saturable absorber8
Entanglement based quantum key distribution: exact analytical solution in the case of detectors efficiency mismatch8
Intrinsic symmetry of nonlocal nonlinear optical susceptibilities8
Numerical study on an optimum Q-switching profile for complete multipeak suppression in an actively Q-switched Ytterbium fibre laser7
Terahertz emission from nonlinear interaction of laser beat wave with nanoparticles7
Vector method of strain estimation in OCT-elastography with adaptive choice of scale for estimating interframe phase-variation gradients7
A look at photodynamic inactivation as a tool for pests and vector-borne diseases control7
Coherent states of the free quantum particle in a viscous medium7
Quantum tomography of noisy ion-based qudits7
On the robustness of information-theoretic authentication in quantum cryptography7
Off-axis digital holography based on the Sagnac interferometer7
One-way semi-quantum private comparison protocol without pre-shared keys based on unitary operations7
Spectral sparse recovery form a single RGB image7
Ablation efficiency of gold at fs/ps laser treatment in water and air7
High-beam-quality 2 μm tunable Tm:GdScO3 laser pumped by a 793 nm laser diode7
Raman suppression in a high-power single-mode fiber oscillator using a chirped and tilted fiber Bragg grating7
Robust operation of linearly polarized broad-range self-sweeping Ho-doped fiber laser7
Quantification of linear and nonlinear elasticity by compression optical coherence elastography for determining lymph node status in breast cancer7
Carrier-envelope phase effect on light bullet dynamics6
Linear optical circuits characterization by means of thermal field correlation measurement6
Magnetic field induced rotation of the polarization plane of hydroxyl radical free induction decay in the terahertz region6
Dynamic light scattering detection of silver nanoparticles, food pathogen bacteria and their bactericidal interactions6
Wavelength-tunable diamond Raman laser at ∼2.5 μm6
Controllable Goos–Hänchen shift and optical switching in an Er3 + -doped yttrium aluminum garnet crystal6
Raman-assisted optical frequency combs generated in a silica microsphere in two whispering gallery mode families6
Quantum information masking in non-Hermitian systems and robustness6
Goos–Hänchen shift of a mid-infrared femtosecond filament visualized by the laser coloration method6
Photoluminescence and laser properties of active media based on ZnSe doped with Cr, Al, Na from spray pyrolysis deposited films6
Scrutinizing entropic uncertainty and quantum discord in an open system under quantum critical environment6
4 kW narrow-linewidth fiber laser based on a simple one-stage MOPA structure6
Photodynamic inactivation of Escherichia coli bacteria by cationic photosensitizers6
Feasible high-dimensional measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution6
Triangular gold nanoplates as saturable absorber for passively Q-switched fiber laser at 1.56 μm5
Ultrathin gold nanowires as broadband saturable absorbers for ultrashort pulsed lasers5
Quantification of microvasculature parameters based on optoacoustic angiography data5
Vector soliton generation from a compact all-polarization-maintaining fiber laser5
Phase controlling of electromagnetically induced grating5
16.9 MW, efficient 486.1 nm blue optical parametric oscillator using single BBO crystal5
High-efficiency single-photon router in a network with multiple outports based on chiral waveguide–emitter couplings5
High-energy Q-switched Nd:YAG oscillator and amplifier development for large-mode, low-alignment sensitivity applications5
Novel semi-quantum private comparison protocol with Bell states5
Narrow linewidth single mode fiber laser with double unpumped EDF Sagnac loops filter5
‘Pushing’ keys through quantum networks and the complexity of search of the true key5
Improvement of microwave electric field measurement sensitivity via dual-microwave-dressed electromagnetically induced transparency in Rydberg atoms5
All fiber structured supercontinuum source based on graded-index multimode fiber5
Electromagnetically induced grating in a nonlinear optomechanical cavity5
Dispersion of optical and magneto-optical properties in a biaxial TbF3 crystal5
Tunable injection-seeded fan-out-PPLN optical parametric oscillator for high-sensitivity gas detection5
Numerical investigation of a real-time temperature sensor based on high-order soliton compression5
Constructing a maximally multi-qubit entangled state via expanded recurrence relation5
Universal single-server blind quantum computation for classical clients5
Achieving high NIR-to-NIR conversion efficiency by optimization of Tm3+ content in Na(Gd,Yb)F4: Tm upconversion luminophores5
Retarded field model for fast polarization rotations caused by lightning events5
Optical clearing of laser-induced tissue plasma5
Optimization of nanoparticle yield for biomedical applications at femto-, pico- and nanosecond laser ablation of thin gold films in water5
Hydrodynamics of the atomic Bose–Einstein condensate beyond the mean-field approximation5
Tunable mode-locked fiber laser to generate ultrashort cylindrical vector beams5
Focusing effects during ultrashort-pulse laser ablative generation of colloidal nanoparticles for antibacterial applications5
Research on the common mode suppression method of temperature noise in an NV color center spin magnetometer5
Product and sum uncertainty relations based on metric-adjusted skew information5
Electromagnetic pulses with non-zero electric area in transition radiation5
Efficient implementation of complete and nondestructive Bell-state measurement for trapped ions with reverse engineering5
IC-LDPC Polar codes-based reconciliation for continuous-variable quantum key distribution at low signal-to-noise ratio5
Time-resolved mode analysis in Er-doped self-sweeping ring fiber laser5
Frequency down-conversion of a chirped Ti:sapphire laser pulse with BaWO4 Raman shifter and second-order nonlinear crystal5
Efficient electron acceleration by using Hermite-cosh-Gaussian laser beam in vacuum5
Gain clamping in random lasers5
Influence of silver nanoparticles on the spectral-luminescent and lasing properties of merocyanine dyes solutions5
On-chip light detection using integrated microdisk laser and photodetector bonded onto Si board5
Generative adversarial neural network for 3D-hologram reconstruction5
The role of saturable absorbers thickness in the Q-switching of the erbium-doped fiber laser5
Group velocity dispersion of a multicore fibre with 5 × 5 coupled cores for in-phase and out-of-phase supermodes5
Tighter constraints of multiqubit entanglement in terms of unified entropy5
Optical bistability in a negative refractive index media using the electron tunneling effect5
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using pulsed laser ablation in liquid: a review5
Additive manufacturing of polymer composites with nano-titania inclusions5
Cyclic controlled remote state preparation in the three-dimensional system4
The effect of generation of narrow ultrarelativistic beams of positrons (electrons) in the process of resonant photoproduction of pairs on nuclei in a strong electromagnetic field4
On the possibility of generation of few-cycle 1.8 μm pulses based on SRS in hydrogen4
Variation of quantum speed limit under Markovian and non-Markovian noisy environment4
Conference key agreement based on continuous-variable quantum key distribution4
Forward kinematics of body posture perception using an improved BP neural network based on a quantum genetic algorithm4
Effect of entanglement in the generalized photon subtraction scheme4
Femtosecond laser interferometry of microsized absorptive plasma4
Intense nonlinear laser field longitudinal vector potential breaks motion symmetry of stimulated electron and produces highly collimated radiation4
Transformation of the frequency-angular spectrum of THz emissions produced by a single-color laser filament under an external electrostatic field of various strength4
>10 kW peak power self-frequency doubling laser4
Quasi-classical motion of a particle in a bulk dissipative medium4
Computational ghost imaging through a dynamic scattering medium based on a convolutional neural network from simulation4
An improved multiple populations quantum genetic algorithm4
Tighter uncertainty relations based on (α,β,γ) modified weighted Wigner–Yanase–Dyson skew information of quantum channels4
Enhanced viral inactivation by combined ultraviolet light and heat4
Frequency-shifted nano-particle sizing using laser self-mixing interferometry under linear current tuning4
Family of CV states of definite parity and their metrological power4
Quantum algorithm for solving matrix equations of the form AX = B4
Effectively enhancing silicon-vacancy emission in a hybrid diamond-in-pit microstructure4
Low-power blue LED and red laser effects on plasmid DNA, survival, and photolyase mRNA levels in Escherichia coli cultures4
Ultrashort pulse duration and broadband dual-comb laser system based on a free-running passively mode-locked Er-fiber oscillator4
Phase dependent of electromagnetically induced grating in a quantum system4
Nanosecond mid-infrared pulse generation modulated by platinum ditelluride nanosheets4
External magnetic field-assisted polarization-dependent optical bistability and multistability in a degenerate two-level EIT medium4
Dynamical evolution and decay of multi-charged quantum vortex in a Bose–Einstein condensate4
Efficient carpet invisibility cloaking with dielectric resonant metasurfaces in terahertz region4
Photodynamic action of photosensitizers based on polycationic derivatives of synthetic bacteriochlorin against human lung cancer cells A5494
An improved high stability and low distortion phase generated carrier demodulation algorithm for phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometers4
A novel quadruple-spaced multiwavelength Brillouin-erbium fiber laser4
Photon-induced correlations of quantum systems via an excitation exchange operator4
Controlled multiwavelength operation of diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser at 1318, 1338 and 1356 nm with intracavity etalon4
Determining the spatial distribution of laser-induced plasma by laser-induced voltaic measurement4
Quantum interferometric power versus quantum correlations in a graphene layer system with a scattering process under thermal noise4
Single-arm ghost imaging via conditional generative adversarial network4
A quantum homomorphic signature scheme with verifiable identity based on four-particle Cluster states4
Fabrication of micro-optical connectors for electro-optical sensor devices by a combined femtosecond laser system4
Laser ablation of Fe2B target enriched in 10B content for boron neutron capture therapy4
Configurable vortex laser beams for optical manipulations of microparticle ensembles4
Comparative investigation of 5-aminolevulinic acid and hexyl aminolevulinate-mediated photodynamic diagnostics and therapy of cervical dysplasia and vulvar leukoplakia4