Paddy and Water Environment

(The TQCC of Paddy and Water Environment is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Enhancing the collectivity of water vapor in a plastic film tunnel using an improved underground condensation system105
Assessing paddy methane emissions through the identification of rice and winter crop areas using Sentinel-2 imagery in Korea41
Computation of minimum adjustment factors for sustainable groundwater management using data assimilation and Vensim dynamic model31
Effects of no-tillage practice for late-rice on rice yield and global warming potential in double-cropping rice systems26
Suitability assessment of treated wastewater with various dilution levels for irrigation in a rain-fed area: implications for crop growth and element translocations in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench20
Determining Optimal Horizontal Spacing for Sand Filter in Reservoir Dams20
Forecasting the rice crop calendar in the northern regions of Iran with emphasis on climate change models16
A field test to investigate spatiotemporal distribution of soil moisture under different cropland covers in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China13
Tax scheme for agricultural technology innovation incentive12
Composite radial filter for recharging aquifer with runoff from paddy field11
The assessment of rill irrigation and perforated pipes for Lowland paddy rice under the system of rice intensification (SRI)10
Integrated drought evaluation index: considering the ecological feedback of the soil moisture and vegetation on wheat10
Assessing aerobic rice systems for saving irrigation water and paddy yield at regional scale10
Sustainability in residue management: a review with special reference to Indian agriculture9
Observations of electrical resistivity tomography and groundwater level under an irrigated terraced paddy field in northern Taiwan9
Unveiling the thermal impact of land cover transformations in Khuzestan province through MODIS satellite remote sensing products8
Analysis of organic pollution impact on purification capacity at the Tanjero River in Sulaimani City8
Carbon footprint status of Indian Punjab in relation to different pre- to post-harvest activities of paddy cultivation7
Anoxification recovery using underwater LED irradiation and influence of its optical spectrum on water quality improvement7
Impacts of the dry season on rice production using Landsat 8 in West Sumatra7
Flume model test on the behavior of debris flows into the reservoir and the impact pressure acting on the dam embankment7
Effects of climate change on spatiotemporal patterns of tropical cyclone tracks and their implications for coastal agriculture in Myanmar7
Farmer's appropriation of system of rice intensification practices in water-scarce irrigation schemes in Northern Tanzania7
Evaluation of the effects of transplanting date shifts and drainage outlet raising management practices in paddy farming regions under future climates using coupled APEX-Paddy and SWAT models7
Climate risk and agricultural technology adaption: evidence from rice farmers in the Ayeyarwady River delta of Myanmar6
Field verification of single leak detection method based on transient pressures using optimization technique in in-situ irrigation pipeline system including branch junctions and diameter changes6
Evaluation of nutrient management and method of planting on crop productivity of aerobic rice and estimating the water saving in aerobic using FAO-CROPWAT model6
Development of irrigation schedule and management model for sustaining optimal crop production under agricultural drought6
Groundwater estimation of Ghayen plain with regression-based and hybrid time series models5
Assessing the performance of various infiltration models to improve water management practices5
Level regime of Balkhash Lake as the indicator of the state of the environmental ecosystems of the region5
Plastic film mulching reduces net greenhouse gas emissions in a rice–rapeseed rotation field5
Effect of interceptor drainage on phosphorus transport and soil chemical characteristics under different cultivation conditions5
Assessment of the occurrence of climate change and its effects on planting date and growth duration of rainfed wheat in the western and northwestern regions of Iran5
Green manuring–system of rice intensification–rice fallow pulses cropping system for enhancing the crop productivity and soil health: a sustainable farming solutions4
Comparison of environmental impacts of traditional geofoam and modified geofoam made with silicon-rich agro-waste ash and recycled EPS composites4
Rice–wheat system in the northwest Indo-Gangetic plains of South Asia: issues and technological interventions for increasing productivity and sustainability4
Prediction of pulse suitability in rice fallow areas using fuzzy AHP-based machine learning methods in Eastern India4
Comparison of consecutive impacts of wood and rice husk gasification biochars with nitrogen fertilizer on soybean yield4
IoT-based smart crop-field monitoring of rice cultivation system for irrigation control and its effect on water footprint mitigation4
Partitioning water footprints of rice for assessing their implications in the face of climate change in Bangladesh4
Improvement of desalinization performance in reclaimed land through recycling of bottom ash and oyster shells4
Biochar Effects on Rice Paddy Cadmium Contaminated Calcareous Clay Soil: A Study on Adsorption Kinetics and Cadmium Uptake4
Integration of ridge and furrow rainwater harvesting systems and soil amendments improve crop yield under semi-arid conditions4
Influence of overplanting paddy rice on irrigation water delivery performance: a case study in the Dakalt branch canal, Nile Delta of Egypt3
Simulating nitrogen transport in paddy crop irrigated with alternate wetting and drying practice3
Kinetics study and bio-phase characteristics of drainage in paddy fields purified by a compound ecological ditch3
Characterization of carbon dioxide fluxes in tropical lowland flooded rice ecology3
Toward the development of a weather index insurance for rice farmers in the coastal region of Myanmar3
Optimum insurance contract of flood damage index insurance for rice farmers in Myanmar3
Hydraulic analyses using two-dimensional shallow water equations for functional evaluation of the Yamadazeki barrage in the Chikugo river, Japan3
Development of soil conditioner for reclaimed land desalinization based on high-iron fly ash3
Composting treatment and fertilizer properties of golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) mixed with dairy cow manure3