Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics

(The TQCC of Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Efficient P1-FEM for Any Space Dimension in Matlab24
On a Mixed FEM and a FOSLS with ????−1 Loads16
Fractional Laplacian – Quadrature Rules for Singular Double Integrals in 3D15
Two-Level Error Estimation for the Integral Fractional Laplacian12
Implicit Runge–Kutta Schemes for Optimal Control Problems with Evolution Equations12
Error Estimates for the Numerical Approximation of Unregularized Sparse Parabolic Control Problems10
Numerical Analysis & No Regrets. Special Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Francisco Javier Sayas (1968–2019)10
Robust Iterative Solvers for Gao Type Nonlinear Beam Models in Elasticity7
Fully Discrete Finite Element Approximation of the MHD Flow7
Accurate Full-Vectorial Finite Element Method Combined with Exact Non-Reflecting Boundary Condition for Computing Guided Waves in Optical Fibers6
Well-Posedness and Convergence Analysis of PML Method for Time-Dependent Acoustic Scattering Problems Over a Locally Rough Surface6
An Interior Maximum Norm Error Estimate for the Symmetric Interior Penalty Method on Planar Polygonal Domains5
An Improvement on a Class of Fixed Point Iterative Methods for Solving Absolute Value Equations5
Dual-Weighted Residual A Posteriori Error Estimates for a Penalized Phase-Field Slit Discontinuity Problem5
A Posteriori Error Estimation for the Optimal Control of Time-Periodic Eddy Current Problems5
Analysis of Backward Euler Primal DPG Methods4
A Phase-Space Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for the Radiative Transfer Equation in Slab Geometry4
A Gaussian Method for the Square Root of Accretive Operators4
Tensor-Product Space-Time Goal-Oriented Error Control and Adaptivity With Partition-of-Unity Dual-Weighted Residuals for Nonstationary Flow Problems4
Two Methods for the Implicit Integration of Stiff Reaction Systems4
On Split Monotone Variational Inclusion Problem with Multiple Output Sets with Fixed Point Constraints4
Fast Barrier Option Pricing by the COS BEM Method in Heston Model (with Matlab Code)4
Approximate Deconvolution with Correction – A High Fidelity Model for Magnetohydrodynamic Flows at High Reynolds and Magnetic Reynolds Numbers4
Energy Contraction and Optimal Convergence of Adaptive Iterative Linearized Finite Element Methods4
Reconstruction of a Space-Dependent Coefficient in a Linear Benjamin–Bona–Mahony Type Equation3
An Efficient Discretization Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Ill-Posed Problems3
????2-Conformal Approximation of Miura Surfaces3
Implicit/Explicit, BEM/FEM Coupled Scheme for Acoustic Waves with the Wave Equation in the Second Order Formulation3
An Optimal Multilevel Method with One Smoothing Step for the Morley Element3
Korn’s Inequality and Eigenproblems for the Lamé Operator3
Multi-Scale Paraxial Models to Approximate Vlasov–Maxwell Equations3
Factorized Schemes for First and Second Order Evolution Equations with Fractional Powers of Operators3
The DPG Method for the Convection-Reaction Problem, Revisited3
Adaptive Directional Compression of High-Frequency Helmholtz Boundary Element Matrices3
Error Analysis of the Vector Penalty-Projection Methods for the Time-Dependent Stokes Equations with Open Boundary Conditions3
A Cost-Efficient Space-Time Adaptive Algorithm for Coupled Flow and Transport2
The Time Domain Linear Sampling Method for Determining the Shape of Multiple Scatterers Using Electromagnetic Waves2
Positivity-Preserving Numerical Method for a Stochastic Multi-Group SIR Epidemic Model2
A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Stationary Boussinesq System2
A Priori and a Posteriori Error Analysis of the Crouzeix–Raviart and Morley FEM with Original and Modified Right-Hand Sides2
A Data-Driven Method for Parametric PDE Eigenvalue Problems Using Gaussian Process with Different Covariance Functions2
A Posteriori Error Estimates for Darcy–Forchheimer’s Problem2
Guaranteed Lower Eigenvalue Bounds for Steklov Operators Using Conforming Finite Element Methods2
Improving Regularization Techniques for Incompressible Fluid Flows via Defect Correction2
Nonlinear PDE Models in Semi-relativistic Quantum Physics2
The Tracking of Derivative Discontinuities for Delay Fractional Equations Based on Fitted L1 Method2
A New Immersed Finite Element Method for Two-Phase Stokes Problems Having Discontinuous Pressure2
Robust Hybrid High-Order Method on Polytopal Meshes with Small Faces2
A Shift Splitting Iteration Method for Generalized Absolute Value Equations2
A Formulation for a Nonlinear Axisymmetric Magneto-Heat Coupling Problem with an Unknown Nonlocal Boundary Condition2
Error Estimates for FE-BE Coupling of Scattering of Waves in the Time Domain2
Hierarchical Argyris Finite Element Method for Adaptive and Multigrid Algorithms2
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM 2022 Conference, Part 1)2
Space-Time Approximation of Local Strong Solutions to the 3D Stochastic Navier–Stokes Equations2
An Analysis of High-Frequency Helmholtz Problems in Domains with Conical Points and Their Finite Element Discretisation2
A Class of Meshless Structure-Preserving Algorithms for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation2
A Space-Time Finite Element Method for the Eddy Current Approximation of Rotating Electric Machines2
A Discontinuous Galerkin and Semismooth Newton Approach for the Numerical Solution of Bingham Flow with Variable Density2
Landweber Iterative Method for an Inverse Source Problem of Time-Space Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation2
DPG Methods for a Fourth-Order div Problem2
A Posteriori Error Estimator for Weak Galerkin Finite Element Method for Stokes Problem Using Diagonalization Techniques2
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM 2022 Conference, Part 2)2
Adaptive Image Compression via Optimal Mesh Refinement2
A Convergent Entropy-Dissipating BDF2 Finite-Volume Scheme for a Population Cross-Diffusion System2
A Totally Relaxed, Self-Adaptive Subgradient Extragradient Method for Variational Inequality and Fixed Point Problems in a Banach Space2
A Conforming Virtual Element Method for Parabolic Integro-Differential Equations2
Poincaré Inequality for a Mesh-Dependent 2-Norm on Piecewise Linear Surfaces with Boundary2
A Boundary Integral Formulation and a Topological Energy-Based Method for an Inverse 3D Multiple Scattering Problem with Sound-Soft, Sound-Hard, Penetrable, and Absorbing Objects2
A Convenient Inclusion of Inhomogeneous Boundary Conditions in Minimal Residual Methods2
A Symmetric Interior Penalty Method for an Elliptic Distributed Optimal Control Problem with Pointwise State Constraints2
An Adaptive Two-Grid Solver for DPG Formulation of Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations in 3D2