Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics

(The TQCC of Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
On Split Monotone Variational Inclusion Problem with Multiple Output Sets with Fixed Point Constraints24
Energy Contraction and Optimal Convergence of Adaptive Iterative Linearized Finite Element Methods15
Robust Hybrid High-Order Method on Polytopal Meshes with Small Faces15
A Priori and a Posteriori Error Analysis of the Crouzeix–Raviart and Morley FEM with Original and Modified Right-Hand Sides12
Adaptive Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Non-autonomous Parabolic Problems with Distributional Sources11
Using Complete Monotonicity to Deduce Local Error Estimates for Discretisations of a Multi-Term Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation10
An Exact Realization of a Modified Hilbert Transformation for Space-Time Methods for Parabolic Evolution Equations10
Defects in Active Nematics – Algorithms for Identification and Tracking10
Reliability and Efficiency of DWR-Type A Posteriori Error Estimates with Smart Sensitivity Weight Recovering10
Two Finite Difference Schemes for Multi-Dimensional Fractional Wave Equations with Weakly Singular Solutions9
On the Energy Stable Approximation of Hamiltonian and Gradient Systems8
Uniform Preconditioners of Linear Complexity for Problems of Negative Order8
Application of Fourier Truncation Method to Numerical Differentiation for Bivariate Functions7
Optimal Convergence Rates for Goal-Oriented FEM with Quadratic Goal Functional6
Kernel Embedding Based Variational Approach for Low-Dimensional Approximation of Dynamical Systems6
Robust Discretization and Solvers for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems with Energy Regularization6
An Adaptive Finite Element Scheme for the Hellinger–Reissner Elasticity Mixed Eigenvalue Problem5
Hierarchical Argyris Finite Element Method for Adaptive and Multigrid Algorithms5
Fast Tensor Product Schwarz Smoothers for High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods5
Robust Finite Element Discretization and Solvers for Distributed Elliptic Optimal Control Problems5
A Second-Order Difference Scheme for Generalized Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation with Smooth Solutions5
Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Time-Dependent Singularly Perturbed Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion Problems5
Optimal Convergence of the Newton Iterative Crank–Nicolson Finite Element Method for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation5
The Tracking of Derivative Discontinuities for Delay Fractional Equations Based on Fitted L1 Method5
Tensor-Product Space-Time Goal-Oriented Error Control and Adaptivity With Partition-of-Unity Dual-Weighted Residuals for Nonstationary Flow Problems5
A Numerical Assessment of Finite Element Discretizations for Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations Satisfying Discrete Maximum Principles4
An ??-DPG Method with Application to 2D Convection-Diffusion Problems4
Implicit/Explicit, BEM/FEM Coupled Scheme for Acoustic Waves with the Wave Equation in the Second Order Formulation4
Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for a Third-Order Singularly Perturbed Problem of Convection-Diffusion Type4
A Shift Splitting Iteration Method for Generalized Absolute Value Equations4
A Finite Element Splitting Method for a Convection-Diffusion Problem4
Integral Representations and Quadrature Schemes for the Modified Hilbert Transformation4
Guaranteed Lower Eigenvalue Bounds for Steklov Operators Using Conforming Finite Element Methods4
Fast Barrier Option Pricing by the COS BEM Method in Heston Model (with Matlab Code)4
CVEM-BEM Coupling for the Simulation of Time-Domain Wave Fields Scattered by Obstacles with Complex Geometries3
Error Analysis of Nitsche’s and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods of a Reduced Landau–de Gennes Problem3
?(curl 2)-Conforming Spectral Element Method for Quad-Curl Problems3
Some Estimates for Virtual Element Methods in Three Dimensions3
The Time Domain Linear Sampling Method for Determining the Shape of Multiple Scatterers Using Electromagnetic Waves3
Finite Difference Method on Non-Uniform Meshes for Time Fractional Diffusion Problem3
A Priori Analysis of a Symmetric Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for a Dynamic Linear Viscoelasticity Model3
Stable Implementation of Adaptive IGABEM in 2D in MATLAB3
An Efficient Numerical Method for Time Domain Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Co-axial Cables3
Convergence Theory for IETI-DP Solvers for Discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis that is Explicit in ℎ and ?3
Error Estimates for FE-BE Coupling of Scattering of Waves in the Time Domain3
Analysis of Backward Euler Primal DPG Methods3
Discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin Approximation of Eigenvalue Problems3
Reliable Computer Simulation Methods for Electrostatic Biomolecular Models Based on the Poisson–Boltzmann Equation3
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Time-Operators in Their Numerical Traces for Time-Dependent Electromagnetics3
BEM-Based Magnetic Field Reconstruction by Ensemble Kálmán Filtering3
A Semi-Uniform Multigrid Algorithm for Solving Elliptic Interface Problems3
Robust Iterative Solvers for Gao Type Nonlinear Beam Models in Elasticity3
A Posteriori Error Estimation for the Optimal Control of Time-Periodic Eddy Current Problems2
Wave Propagation in High-Contrast Media: Periodic and Beyond2
Spurious Resonances in Coupled Domain-Boundary Variational Formulations of Transmission Problems in Electromagnetism and Acoustics2
Dimensionally Consistent Preconditioning for Saddle-Point Problems2
Sparse Data-Driven Quadrature Rules via ℓ p -Quasi-Norm Minimization2
Simplified Levenberg–Marquardt Method in Hilbert Spaces2
The Mass-Lumped Midpoint Scheme for Computational Micromagnetics: Newton Linearization and Application to Magnetic Skyrmion Dynamics2
Anisotropic Adaptive Finite Elements for an Elliptic Problem with Strongly Varying Diffusion Coefficient2
A Differentiable Mapping of Mesh Cells Based on Finite Elements on Quadrilateral and Hexahedral Meshes2
A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Stationary Boussinesq System2
Korn’s Inequality and Eigenproblems for the Lamé Operator2
Error Estimation and Adaptivity for Differential Equations with Multiple Scales in Time2
Dual-Weighted Residual A Posteriori Error Estimates for a Penalized Phase-Field Slit Discontinuity Problem2
A Novel Study Based on Shifted Jacobi Polynomials to Find the Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion2
FEM-BEM Coupling for the Maxwell–Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equations via Convolution Quadrature: Weak Form and Numerical Approximation2
Smoothed-Adaptive Perturbed Inverse Iteration for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems2
Finite Element Penalty Method for the Oldroyd Model of Order One with Non-smooth Initial Data2
Numerical Analysis of a Finite Element Approximation to a Level Set Model for Free-Surface Flows2
Simultaneous Inversion of the Space-Dependent Source Term and the Initial Value in a Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation2
Multiscale Sub-grid Correction Method for Time-Harmonic High-Frequency Elastodynamics with Wave Number Explicit Bounds2
A Totally Relaxed, Self-Adaptive Subgradient Extragradient Method for Variational Inequality and Fixed Point Problems in a Banach Space2
A Boundary Integral Formulation and a Topological Energy-Based Method for an Inverse 3D Multiple Scattering Problem with Sound-Soft, Sound-Hard, Penetrable, and Absorbing Objects2
A Gaussian Method for the Square Root of Accretive Operators2
Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for the Parabolic Obstacle Problem2
Fully Discrete Finite Element Approximation of the MHD Flow2
Identification of Matrix Diffusion Coefficient in a Parabolic PDE2
Error Analysis of an Unconditionally Energy Stable Local Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for the Cahn–Hilliard Equation with Concentration-Dependent Mobility2
A Gradient Discretisation Method for Anisotropic Reaction–Diffusion Models with Applications to the Dynamics of Brain Tumors2
A ?1 Finite Element Method for a Distributed Elliptic Optimal Control Problem with a General State Equation and Pointwise State Constraints2
On the Spectrum of an Operator Associated with Least-Squares Finite Elements for Linear Elasticity2
Partially Discontinuous Nodal Finite Elements for ?(curl) and ?(div)2
On the Threshold Condition for Dörfler Marking2
A Discontinuous Galerkin and Semismooth Newton Approach for the Numerical Solution of Bingham Flow with Variable Density2
Improving Regularization Techniques for Incompressible Fluid Flows via Defect Correction2