Quaestiones Mathematicae

(The TQCC of Quaestiones Mathematicae is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Euclidean polynomials for certain arithmetic progressions and the multiplicative group of ????p213
Inverses and order boundedness of invertible ideal operators11
Nonlinear maps preserving semi-Fredholm operators with bounded nullity11
On the parabolicity of linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds in the de Sitter space8
Componentwise localization of solutions to systems of operator inclusions via Harnack type inequalities8
On finite Sylow tower and σ-tower groups6
The number fields that are O*-fields II6
On the extent of the injectivity of direct sums of modules6
Multiplicity of solutions for variable-order fractional Kirchhoff problem with singular term5
Intermediate rings of a class of ordered field valued continuous functions5
Conformally related invariant ( α , β )-metrics on homogeneous spaces5
On central automorphisms of finite p-groups of class 25
Cross-section measures, radii, and Radon curves5
The vectorial kernel method for walks with longer steps5
Designs and codes from involutions of An5
Appell-Carlitz numbers4
Solvability and nilpotency of expanded groups relative to the nearring of zero and congruence preserving functions4
On the exponents in the factorizations ofrconsecutive numbers4
On rings related to filial and left filial rings4
A note on non-monogenity of number fields arised from sextic trinomials4
Notes on normal p-complements and monomial characters4
Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on variable Lebesgue spaces with respect to a probability measure4
On 0012-avoiding inversion sequences and a conjecture of Lin and Ma3
Extension of continuous linear operators on Cb(X, E)3
On the isomorphism of coneat-injective modules over commutative rings3
On z -ideals and z -closure operations of semirings, I3
A study of a Kirchhoff-type p ( x )-triharmonic problem involving two parameters3
Eigenprojections and functions of a square matrix3
Representing polynomials by degenerate Bernoulli polynomials3
Positive filters and links in an -group3
Oscillation criteria for noncanonical neutral Emden-Fowler differential equations3
Taylor theory in quantum calculus: a general approach3
On p - k -convex solutions for the p - k -Hessian system with the gradient t3
The category of residuated lattice valued filter spaces3
First-order invariants of differential 2-forms3
Global bifurcation from zero in nonlinear Sturm-Liouville equation with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition3
Comultiplication structures on the wedge product of spheres3
Local complementation in Banach spaces and its preservation under free constructions3
Sequences of porous sets and an application to Kleinian Groups3
Radius, leaf number, connected domination number and minimum degree2
Fubini’s theorem for a vector-valued Daniell integral2
Existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the nonlinear impulse differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions2
Lie symmetry analysis for a 2+1 extended Boiti-Leon-Manna-Pempinelli equation2
Analytical approaches for growth models in economics2
On numerical invariants of a finite group factorized by tcc-subgroups2
On uniquely packable trees2
A system of two elliptic equations with nonlinear convection and coupled reaction terms2
Near universal property of a quadratic form of Hessian discriminant 42
Stone-Weierstrass approximation revisited2
Global nonexistence of solutions for Caputo fractional differential inequality with singular potential term2
A new insight to the Hamiltonian systems with a finite number of spectral parameters2
Idempotents in Banach Algebras II2
Direct and inverse problems for time-fractional pseudo-parabolic equations2
The problem with non-separated multipoint-integral conditions for high-order differential equations and a new general solution2
The influence of TI-property and subnormality of self-centralizing subgroups of non-prime-power order on the structure of finite groups2
On the cubic Pell equation over finite fields2
Generalized derivations with nilpotent values in semiprime rings2
On A -normaloid d -tuples of operators and related questions2
Nonlinear evolution equations via resolvent operators on Hadamard manifolds2
Generalized domination of ergodic elements in ordered Banach algebras2
Potential isomorphisms of generalized approach spaces2
Maps preserving maximal numerical range of operator products2
Multiplicity of positive solution for Schrödinger-Poisson system with p -Laplacian2
New parity results for 3-regular partitions2
Some questions on partially ordered rings – a survey2
The significance of the contributions of congruences to the theory of connectednesses and disconnectednesses for topological spaces and graphs2
On the product of vanishing classes in a finite group2
On the existence of block-transitive Steiner designs with k divides v2
On q-analogs of Struve functions2
Hereditarily projectable Archimedean lattice-ordered groups with unit2
Oscillation results for nonlinear weakly canonical fourth-order delay differential equations via canonical transform2
On elliptic curves assigned to a pair of right triangles with an equal hypotenuse1
Lax pullback complements in partial morphism categories1
Average Hewitt-Stromberg and box dimensions of typical compact metric spaces1
On bases of closure operators on complete lattices1
An inverse problem for pseudoparabolic equation: existence, uniqueness, stability, and numerical analysis1
Topogenous orders and related families of morphisms1
Flows with constant slope on the Klein bottle1
On minimum proper essential extensions in a category1
Some curvature properties of perfect fluid spacetimes1
Exploring new solutions to Tingley’s problem for function algebras1
Words over a finite alphabet avoiding 12431
Further investigations on the two variables second Appell hypergeometric matrix function1
Powers as Fibonacci sums1
A remark on non-surjective composition operators1
Monotone ODEs with discontinuous vector fields in sequence spaces1
Flat-precover completing domains1
A note on the density of k-free polynomial sets, Haar measure and global fields1
An upper bound for the index of the center in capable groups with finite cyclic derived subgroups1
The integer sequence transform ab, where bn is the number of real roots of the polynomial a0 + a1x + a2<1
Multidimensional Kantorovich modifications of exponential sampling series1
Normal ordering in the shift algebra and the dual of Spivey’s identity1
Best approximation theorems via relatively u -continuous and Jaggi nonexpansive mappings1
A generalization of the MP-m-WGI1
On the largest regular subring of C ( X )1
Minimising the eccentricity index in trees with given segment sequence1
Some measure-theoretic aspects of fractal functions: invariant measures and function spaces1
When every regular ideal is S-finite1
Realization of categorical idempotent closure operators by preorders1
On slant Riemannian submersions from conformal Sasakian manifolds1
Blow-up and general decay of solutions for a Kirchhoff-type equation with distributed delay and variable-exponents1
Remarks on star weakly Lindelöf spaces1
Geometry of almost Kenmotsu Hom-Lie algebras1
Multiplication operators on the weighted Sobolev disk algebra1
Complete membership to Kaplan classes of a certain class of functions1
Characterizations of maximal z°-ideals of C(X) and real maximal ideals of q(X)1
Mixed Nash equilibria for continuous games and reverse mathematics1
The Borsuk-Ulam theorem for 3-manifolds1
2-local real-linear isometries on C(1)([0, 1])1
Semi- c -periodicity, c -uniform recurrence and almost automorphy in the complex plane1
Asymptotic properties for compressions of two-isometries1
On partial endomorphisms of a star graph1
Initial boundary value problem for a damped wave equation with logarithmic nonlinearity1
A note on stabilisations of manifolds1
On the difference graph of power graphs of finite groups1
Nordhaus-Gaddum inequalities for the number of connected induced subgraphs in graphs1
A note on the sum of finite multiple harmonic q -series on r -( r + 1) indices1
Some characterizations of ergodicity in Riesz spaces1
Almost clean elements in C(X)1
A note on tangential quadrilaterals1
Preenveloping classes of acts1
Lower bounds for the blow-up time of a nonlocal reaction-diffusion system with time-dependent coefficients1
Index characterization and monogenity of septic number fields defined by x 7 + ax 4 + 1
Conformally flat almost cosymplectic 3-manifolds1
Some new properties of geometrically-convex functions1
The approximation property for the predual of weighted spaces of holomorphic mappings on Banach spaces1
An adaptive differential evolution algorithm based on relaxation strategy to realize the Nash equilibrium of multi-oligopoly game1
On the block functions generating the limit q-Lupaş operator1
Groups whose same-order types are arithmetic progressions1
Atomicity of positive monoids1
A note on maximal subgroups and conjugacy classes of finite groups1
Linear inequalities concerning the sum of the distinct parts congruent to r modulo m in all the partitions of n1
Locally symmetrically connected T0-quasi-metric spaces1
A note on J -spaces and relatively connected subsets1
When is the composition of functions measurable?1
A new lower bound on the total domination number of a graph1
The nonlocal solvability conditions in original coordinates for a system with constant terms1
Space-dependent variable-order time-fractional wave equation: Existence and uniqueness of its weak solution1
Rod temperature regulation using current and time-delayed feedback1
Chen-Chvátal’s conjecture for graphs with restricted girth1
A new type Sturm-Liouville problem with an abstract linear operator contained in the equation1
The number of 1-nearly independent vertex subsets1
An examination of boundary value transmission problem with quadratic spectral parameter1
Differential subordination related with exponential functions1
A characterization of derivations of JSL algebras1
On a comparison between absolute and relative self-adjoint extension schemes1
Joint discrete universality for periodic zeta-functions. IV1
On Yang-Baxter groups1
Cayley regression problem of some groups1
A generalization of Taketa’s theorem on M-groups1
On p -numerical radius inequalities for commutators of operators1
On the skew eigenvalues of joined union of oriented graphs and applications1
New congruences modulo 9 for the coefficients of Gordon-McIntosh's mock theta function ξ ( q )1
Minisuperspace description for inhomogeneous cosmological models and the role of the Lie symmetries1
Notes on sublocales and dissolution1
On an extension of Hall’s criterion1
Well-posedness result for the flow of Maxwell viscoelastic fluid of White-Metzner type1
The solution set to the nonlinear operator equationXAX=BXon Hilbert spaces1
Universal specialization semilattices1
Quadratic approximation for some badly rational approximable power series1