Water Supply

(The median citation count of Water Supply is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Impacts of storage tanks under the indirect cold water supply system on household water quality: a case of Wakiso District, Uganda72
Characteristics of adsorption kinetics and isotherms of Cu(II) by sediment under different hydrodynamic of the Ganjiang river, China45
Start-up of non-bioaugmented pumice biofilters in flow-through and recirculating flow regime for Mn removal44
Assessment of the sensitivity of water resources in the intertropical zone: a bibliographical study with perspectives39
Design of DEA water efficiency evaluation model for cotton field irrigation in Xinjiang37
Adsorption characteristics of Zn(II) and Pb(II) by river sediments under hydrodynamic conditions35
Quantifying the resilience of the water-energy nexus for a reservoir-pump station system33
Comparative study for assessing vulnerability to pollution in El Asnam plain, North of Algeria30
Inversion-based identification of DNAPLs-contaminated groundwater based on surrogate model of deep convolutional neural network29
Application of networked water balance model in refined management of steel industrial park29
Examining the potential of an irrigation work to improve sustainability in a rural area29
An investigation into the use of acid treated sugar cane bagasse ash-based coagulants for water treatment29
Design optimization of hilly water distribution network under different operation conditions28
Application of encapsulated and immobilized nano zero-valent iron for iron removal from roof-harvested rainwater27
Rectangular top-hinged plate as portable flow measuring device26
Evaluation of the measurement performance of water meters depending on water quality26
Simulation of groundwater dynamic conditions in the Baiquan spring region under optimal groundwater resource allocation26
Effects of water-saving pruning on the growth and water consumption of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) in a loess hilly region with deep soil desiccation25
Dynamic nexus between agricultural water consumption, economic growth and food security24
Effects of magnetized fresh water on seed germination and seeding growth of cotton24
Ground water availability assessment for a data-scarce river basin in Nepal using SWAT hydrological model24
Numerical simulation of the effects of sandy water on regulator labyrinth channel in micro-sprinkler systems24
Prediction of microbiological non-compliances using a Boosted Regression Trees model: application on the drinking water distribution system of a whole country24
Studying the applicability of electrodialysis technology to treat groundwater in CKDu regions, Sri Lanka: operational parameter optimization of the pilot project23
Deep learning model for daily rainfall prediction: case study of Jimma, Ethiopia22
IoT-based performance analysis of hybrid solar heater-double slope solar still22
Assessment of antibiotic resistance profile of bacteria isolated from Ghaghara River, India21
Joint optimization of water allocation and water quality based on multi-objective control in Nanning, China21
Physical modeling of sand columns application in recharge reservoir to prevent seawater intrusion21
Degradation of BTEX in groundwater by nano-CaO2 particles activated with L-cysteine chelated Fe(III): enhancing or inhibiting hydroxyl radical generation20
Experimental and numerical study of bed roughness effect on longitudinal dispersion20
Approximate approach for improving pressure attenuation accuracy during hydraulic transients20
The changing rules of the composite roughness in drainage pipelines with sediments20
Numerical simulation of soil water movement by gravity subsurface hole irrigation19
Integrated RAGA-PP water demand forecast model (case study: Shaanxi Province, China)19
Groundwater management in the face of climate change: enhancing groundwater storage in the alluvium aquifer of Wadi Araba, Jordan, through GIS-based managed aquifer recharge and groundwater MODFLOW18
Developing an optimal plan to improve irrigation efficiency using a risk-based central force algorithm18
Energy cost optimization of groundwater treatment using biochar adsorption process: An experimental approach18
Temporal stability of soil water content in typical paddy soil at Taihu Lake region of China18
Mechanisms of impact on the soil environment of drip irrigation applying treated sewage effluent: a review in China17
Appraisal of irrigation land suitability of semi-arid climatic zone of Rajasthan, India17
The effect of drip irrigation under mulch on groundwater infiltration and recharge in a semi-arid agricultural region in China16
Optimal operation of a single unit in a pumping station based on a combination of orthogonal experiment and 0-1 integer programming algorithm16
Development of a simple, rapid multiplex PCR tool kit by using the 16S rRNA gene for the identification of faecal and non-faecal coliforms in drinking water16
Identification and behavioral characteristics of stakeholders of a water diversion project based on ‘sustainable supply chain theory’16
Water level prediction of Liuxihe Reservoir based on improved long short-term memory neural network16
Spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater level changes in southwestern Indian Punjab16
Assessment of irrigation suitability of water in Hirakud reservoir and Bargarh main canal, Odisha, India: A multivariate analysis16
Hydromorphological shifts in the Yamuna River: Post-barrage impacts and water management implications16
Coupling research on spatio-temporal differentiation of water resources carrying capacity in mature mining cities16
Experimental analysis of the effect of bed-load movement on flow hydraulic characteristics15
Improving soil moisture content to increase strawberry growth indicators using the hydroponic method15
Annual runoff forecast based on a combined EEMD-ARIMA model15
Preparation of cellulose nanofiltration membranes and their removal of typical pollutants from drinking water15
Physico-Chemical and microbiological analysis of the loopspruit river, north west province: A metagenomic approach15
Risk dynamics modeling of reservoir dam break for safety control in the emergency response process15
Temporal evaluation of surface water quality in semiarid regions: a case study of the Ouled Mellouk dam in north-western Algeria14
An improved transfer coefficient method considering the combined effect of reservoir level variation and rainfall and its application in the stability evaluation of multistage sliding ancient landslid14
Diffusion of point source pollution at the cross joint14
Water supply strategies for higher land and water productivity in tank command areas of Southern India14
Reassessing the indicator value of the EPT group in karst rivers under hydromorphological pressure14
The use of PCA and ANN to improve evaluation of the WQIclassic, development of a new index, and prediction of WQI, Coastel Constantinois, northern coast of eastern Algeria13
Impact of climate change on irrigation water requirements for coffee plants in the fruit development stage: a case study of Dak Lak and Gia Lai provinces in the Central Highlands of Vietnam13
Water provision planning on the basis of human population growth forecasts: A case study of the City of uMhlathuze, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa13
The effect of water footprint and economic growth on environmental degradation: applications of optimization modeling13
Prediction of groundwater trends for irrigation in Northern Bangladesh13
Multipurpose optimization of yield production in agriculture using fuzzy self-reproducing automata theory13
Removal performance and mechanism of typical amino acids in water by the peroxymonosulfate/Fe3O4 nanoparticles13
Formation and prevention of pipe scale in water supply pipelines with anti-corrosion lining13
Study on key technology of identification of mine water inrush source by PSO-LightGBM13
Effects of land use and nutrients on the characteristics of dissolved organic matter in the Nanchong Section of Jialing River, China in December 201913
Quantitative analyzes of virtual water net exports under the impacts of natural changes and human activities in the last 20 years in Shandong Province, China13
Estimation of local scour depth around twin piers using gene expression programming (local scour around twin piers)13
Coupled weather and crop simulation modeling for smart irrigation planning: a review12
A comprehensive analysis of institutional wastewater for irrigating ornamental plants12
Calculation of drainage volume during tunnel construction based on the control of negative effects of ecosystem12
Theoretical analysis and applications of artificial intelligence in hydrology and water resource management12
The role of degree of opening in comprehensive water efficiency, derived from SHAN model12
Spatial prioritization of groundwater resources in mountain region of Nepal: a GIS and AHP integrated framework12
Adaptive ecological baseflow computation based on the ecological requirements: a case study in Weihe Basin, China12
Occurrence and diversity of nontuberculous mycobacteria affected by water stagnation in building plumbing12
Determination of economic loss levels in water distribution systems with different network conditions by a district stochastic optimization algorithm12
Multi-objective optimization design of integrated pump station based on NSGA-III12
Spatial and seasonal assessment of surface water quality for domestic use in a semi-arid area of the Upper Kebir Sub-basin, NE Algeria12
Ground water toxicity due to fluoride contamination in Southwestern Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan12
Prediction of daily failure rate using the serial triple diagram model and artificial neural network12
Disadvantages of sowing methods on soil water content root distribution and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Loess Plateau of South Shanxi, China12
Formation and influencing factors of disinfection by-products from bacterial materials in drinking water distribution systems11
Flexible and deterministic household water saving under water demand uncertainty: existing water distribution system and sanitary sewer perspectives11
Numerical simulation and application of soft computing in estimating vertical drop energy dissipation with horizontal serrated edge11
Hydrochemical and hydrodynamic study to explore the origin of water in a volcanic aquifer11
Modifications to sorption and sinking capability of microplastics after chlorination11
Development of a soil wetting pattern estimation model for drip irrigation11
The prioritization of volunteering revival measures of the Qanat11
Water productivity maximization and ecosystem monitoring to estimate tourism economic value11
Spatial-temporal evolution of water resources utilization efficiency in Jiangsu Province11
Research on optimal allocation of flow and head in cascade pumping stations based on Harris hawks optimization11
Selection of Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm parameters in solving simulation–optimization problems for the design of water distribution networks11
Runoff forecasting model based on CEEMD and combination model: a case study in the Manasi River, China11
Estimation of land subsidence using coupled particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm: The case of Damghan aquifer11
Propidium monoazide-quantitative PCR to detect viable Legionella spp. in the supply process of tap water11
Comparison of naphthalene degradation by hydrogen peroxide, nano-calcium peroxide, peroxydisulfate, and peroxymonosulfate in the Fe(II)-citric acid catalytic environments11
Modeling salinity risk response to irrigation practices for cotton production under film mulched drip irrigation in Xinjiang11
Developing an USACE method to rehabilitate Hour-al-Azim marsh and dust management10
Application of recursive VMD based on information entropy optimization in the water supply pipeline leak location10
Variability in trends of streamflow and precipitation in the Narmada River Basin over the past four decades10
Release flux of heavy metals from river sediments at different flow rates10
Monitoring the health status of water mains using a scorecard modelling approach10
PCA driven watershed prioritization based on runoff modeling and drought severity assessment in parts of Koel river basin, Jharkhand (India)10
Historical evolution of urban water conservancy projects in Xi'an, China in the past 3,000 years and its revelations10
Dynamic simulation of inner flow in a photovoltaic pump based on Simulink and CFD10
The behavior evolution and case simulation of water rights trading in water transfer projects10
Gravity currents with large salinity in a gravel bed valley: an experimental study10
Projection of monthly surface flows by an optimized SWAT–MLP: a case study10
Assessing the productivity of coriander under different irrigation depths and fertilizers applied with continuous and pulsed drip systems10
Experimental analysis of infiltration process and hydraulic properties in soil and rock profile in the Taihang Mountains, North China10
Variation of heat flux and its effect on the reproduction of four major Chinese carp10
Impact of climate change on groundwater potential and recharge in the drought prone Runde catchment of Zimbabwe10
Integrating IHACRES with a data-driven model to investigate the possibility of improving monthly flow estimates10
High flux membrane based on in-situ formation of zirconia layer coated the polyethersulfone substrate for ions separation10
Study of relative energy dissipation of trapezoidal and arced piano key weirs equipped with baffles10
GIS-based water inrush risk evaluation of the 10th coal seam floor in Zhuxianzhuang Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China9
Migration characteristics of atrazine in porous media during managed aquifer recharge9
Application of water resource economic management model in agricultural structure adjustment9
Evaluation of spring flows using recession flow analysis techniques9
Irreversibility and natural resource allocation: Applying Krutilla–Fisher model in water allocation9
Treatment of highly iron-contaminated brackish groundwater by MF, UF, and NF membranes for potable water resource production: influence of operating parameters, comparative study, membrane fouling, an9
Influence of the spatial configuration of available data on hydraulic conductivity estimates for a geostatistical-Kalman filter method9
Enhancing chlorine resistance in polyamide membranes with surface & structure modification strategies9
Community perspectives on conservation of water sources in Tarkeshwar sacred groves, Himalaya, India9
A study on the division and determination of characteristic indexes of underground reservoirs under inclined bottom plates9
Numerical analysis of hydrodynamics influenced by a deformed bed due to a near-bank vegetation patch9
Assessment, classification and mapping of groundwater quality for agriculture in selected farm settlements of southwestern Nigeria9
Effect of reservoir size on water quality in coastal reservoirs during desalinization period using numerical model9
Seasonal differences in water quality of highland lakes and its influencing factors: A case study of Dianchi Lake9
Numerical investigation of wetting front migration and soil water distribution under vertical line source irrigation with different influencing factors9
Evaluation of habitat quality and ecological flow in a regulated waterway9
Experimental study of the rheology of water–kaolinite suspensions9
Evaluation of ANN model for pipe status assessment in drinking water management9
Experimental study of cavitation index in an ogee spillway by considering convergence angle of sidewalls9
Developing a real-time self-organizing algorithm for irrigation planning of rapeseed cultivation9
A risk assessment model of WSMC projects under emergencies9
Treatment of river water using modular gravity-driven ultrafiltration (GDU) for individual contingency water supply9
Evaluation of omphacite and iron-coated omphacite as a water filtration medium9
Optimizing crop production water footprints in the face of water scarcity: a combined experimental and simulation study of wheat in Zimbabwe9
Assessing the impacts of petrochemical industrial facilities on groundwater in Zubair district9
Prediction of the river water environment carrying capacity using LSTM networks9
Transformation of persistent organic micropollutants by UV and UV/H2O2 in wastewater treatment plant effluent8
An integrated fuzzy optimization and simulation method for optimal quality-quantity operation of a reservoir-river system8
Multivariate analysis of inland water quality index in parts of Vapi district, Gujarat, India8
Water-food-energy nexus for transboundary cooperation in Eastern Africa8
A comparative analysis of deep-learning models for dam discharge forecasting for disaster management8
Study on the proportion and flow path of Yangtze River water diversion into Taihu Lake8
Engineered hyporheic zones: design and applications in stream health restoration – a review8
Multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the influence of reservoir sedimentation based on improved cloud model8
Gallic acid enhanced bisphenol A degradation through Fe3+/peroxymonosulfate process8
Runoff optimization and control for basin water allocation8
Assessment of water quality of the Narmada River (India) using the fuzzy water quality index method8
Assessment of water surface profile in nonprismatic compound channels using machine learning techniques8
Study of the combined effect of temperature and free chlorine concentration on the chlorine bulk decay coefficient in water supply systems8
Evaluation and prediction of carrying capacity of soil and water resources in Lanzhou City based on the CA–Markov model8
Hydraulic characteristics of flow over stepped and chute spillways (case study: Zirdan Dam)8
Regional characteristics’ impact on the performances of the gated recurrent unit on streamflow forecasting8
Hydrogeochemistry, solute source identification, and health risk assessment of groundwater of cancer-prone region in India8
Analyzing barriers for stormwater management utilities8
A seasonal ARIMA model based on the gravitational search algorithm (GSA) for runoff prediction8
Water reuse in agriculture: a case study in Konya Closed Basin8
Analysis on flow structure in a vortex pump under all flow rates8
Water and soil environmental vulnerability of artificial oases in arid areas and its temporal and spatial differentiation and evolution8
A state-of-the-Art review of heuristic and metaheuristic optimization techniques for the management of water resources8
Influence of the transition section shape on the cavitation characteristics at the bottom outlet8
The effect of humic acid on the desalinization of coastal clayey saline soil8
Spatio-temporal analysis of sediment yield with a physically based model for a data-scarce headwater in Konya Closed Basin, Turkey8
A novel integrated approach for monitoring drought stress in an aeolian desertification area using Vegetation Drought Status Index8
Removal of endocrine-disrupting chemical mixtures in water using chlorination and photolysis8
Optimal decision-making in the water, land and food nexus using artificial intelligence and extreme machine learning8
Fuzzy numerical solution to the unconfined aquifer problem under the Boussinesq equation8
The challenges of predicting pipe failures in clean water networks: a view from current practice8
Characterization of DOM and disinfection by-products precursors in biological activated carbon filter backwash water from drinking water treatments8
Flow prediction in the lower Yellow River based on CEEMDAN-BILSTM coupled model8
Spatio-temporal analysis of precipitation, temperature and drought from 1985 to 2020 in Penang, Malaysia8
Monitoring of cyanobacteria using derivative spectrophotometry and improvement of the method detection limit by changing pathlength7
Developing a management and operation model for water and wastewater components using the equilibrium optimization algorithm7
Estimation of irrigation water quality index in a semi-arid environment using data-driven approach7
Investigations on the co-occurrence of microplastics and other pollutants in the River Yamuna, Delhi7
Investigation of municipal wastewater treatment by agricultural waste materials in locally designed trickling filter for peri-urban agriculture7
Application of hydrological model to assess river flow in the transboundary cryosphere and data-scarce watershed, a case study: Chitral-Kabul River Basin (C-KRB) in Pakistan7
A new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of water distribution networks7
Quantitative forecasting of bed sediment load in river engineering: an investigation into machine learning methodologies for complex phenomena7
Perceptions of water quality, and current and future water consumption of residents in the central business district of Yangon city Myanmar7
A hybrid artificial intelligence and semi-distributed model for runoff prediction7
The effect of the rainfall on the nitrogen fertilizer schedule of maize in Jilin, China7
Numerical investigation of alternating skimming flow over a stepped spillway7
Dam inflow prediction using large-scale climate variability and deep learning approach: a case study in South Korea7
Water footprint of food production and consumption in China7
Estimating sewage flow rate in Jefferson County, Kentucky, using machine learning for wastewater-based epidemiology applications7
Development of ANN model for discharge prediction and optimal design of sharp-crested triangular plan form weir for maximum discharge using linked ANN–optimization model7
Experimental study of the effect of horizontal screen diameter on hydraulic parameters of vertical drop7
Electric energy consumption (EEC) in groundwater-based drinking water supply systems: analysis and comparison of seven Italian case studies7
Variation of total phosphorus concentration and loads in the upper Yangtze River and contribution of non-point sources7
A hydrogeochemical study of groundwater of district Ballia, U.P., India7
Study on the coordinated development of urbanization and water resources utilization efficiency in China7
Assessment of zinc concentrations in surface sediment from urban and industrial sites of Umeda River, Japan7
The impact of COVID-19 on urban water use: a review7
Effect of dissimilarity of N and mass flow rate on yearly overall energy, exergy, and efficiency of PVT-FPC included dual-slope solar desalting units7
Health risk assessment of arsenic and lead contamination in drinking water: A study of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan7
Application of meteorological element combination-driven SWAT model based on meteorological datasets in alpine basin7
Recent advances in heavy metal removal by thin film nanocomposite membrane7
Experimental and field verifications of radial gates as flow measurement structures7
Prediction and parameter quantitative analysis of side orifice discharge coefficient based on machine learning7
Effects of input/output parameters on artificial neural network model efficiency for breakthrough contaminant prediction7
Monthly precipitation prediction based on the EMD–VMD–LSTM coupled model7
Short-term water demand predictions coupling an artificial neural network model and a genetic algorithm7
Assessment of the groundwater quality by using multivariate approach and non-carcinogenic risk of uranium in the inhabitants of the Bastar district, Chhattisgarh, Central India7
Optical property of dissolved organic matter and its correlation with heavy metals in surface water around metal mines to be exploited in southern Anhui Province, China7
Hybrid intelligent and numerical methods to estimate the transmission coefficients of rectangular floating breakwaters7
Urban water consumption analysis through a spatial panel modeling approach: a case study of Mexico City, 2004–20227
A study of saltwater intrusion in the Kallada River, southwest coast of Kerala, India7
Review and prospects of groundwater pollution control in shale gas exploitation7
Hydraulic investigation of finite crested stepped spillways7
Burst detection based on multi-time monitoring data from multiple pressure sensors in district metering areas7
Assessment of the water quality of the Niger River in Bamako, Mali, based on the Water Quality Index7
Hydraulic characterization of porous pipes7
Feasibility analysis of water resources market transaction of water diversion project based on evolutionary game7
3D numerical simulation of dam-break flow over different obstacles in a dry bed7
Climate change effects on soil salinity in rainfed maize areas: a case study from South Africa7
Agricultural wetland utilization based on land cover restoration and water–ecosystem nexus7
Irrigation pipe distribution network optimization with Jaya Algorithm: a hybrid approach7
Spatial distribution characteristics and pollution levels of heavy metals in surface water and sediments of the Heihe cascade reservoir system, China7
Retraction: Water Supply 21 (2), 878–885: Assessment of effectiveness of water safety plans (WSP) on water quality in rural communities of Anambra State, south-eastern Nigeria, Azubuike S. Ekwe6
Modification in energy and productivity of high-temperature variable pressure humidification–compression6
Water–energy–food Nexus based on a new perspective of regional sustainable development6
Assessment of the water content of the soil and utilization of the energy balance model to promote environmentally friendly development of green, low-carbon industries6
Water quality in relation to land use in the Junshan Lake watershed and water quality predictions6
Exploring resilience interactions and its driving forces in the land–water–biodiversity nexus at the watershed scale6
The impact of cables on local scouring of bridge piers using experimental study and ANN, ANFIS algorithms6
Modeling the total outflow of reservoirs using Wavelet-developed approaches: a case study of the Mahabad Dam reservoir, Iran6
The transformation mechanism of ofloxacin (OFL) by chlorine dioxide disinfection in water distribution system: kinetics, byproducts and toxicity6
Experiments on the drag coefficient of a sphere with a variable velocity6
Discharge formula based on brink depth over sharp-crested weirs6
Modeling the supply, demand, and stress of water resources using ecosystem services concept in Sirvan River Basin (Kurdistan-Iran)6
Characterization of particles and their relation with residual aluminum in water treated with pulsating floc blanket clarifiers and conventional clariflocculators using PACl6
Fraction analysis of soil phosphorus and dissolved organic matter reveals the release potential of phosphorus and its influencing factors in the submerged area of the Sanhekou Reservoir, China6
Hydrogeologic characteristics of groundwater in the Kızılırmak graben (Nevşehir–Turkey) and its evaluation in terms of irrigation water quality6
Comparative evaluation of pilot-scale reactors based on pulsating floc blanket clarification and conventional clariflocculation technologies in simultaneous treatment of natural organic matter and tur6
Economic impacts of water market simulation in agriculture6
Experimental and numerical investigation of the trajectories of free and pressurized jets through storage dams6
Comparison between double slope solar still and fourfold slope solar still: energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, and enviroeconomic evaluation6
Anthropogenic nitrate contamination of water resources in Ethiopia: an overview6
Hydraulic characteristics of countercurrent jets on adverse-sloped beds6