Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing

(The median citation count of Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Two new approximations for generalized Caputo fractional derivative and their application in solving generalized fractional sub-diffusion equations107
The homogeneous distance of $$(1+u^2)$$-constacyclic codes over $$\mathbb {F}_2[u]/\langle u^3\rangle $$ and its applications37
New entanglement-assisted quantum MDS codes with length $$n=\frac{q^2+1}{10\mu }$$26
On the analysis of fractional calculus operators with bivariate Mittag Leffler function in the kernel26
Additive polycyclic codes over $$\mathbb {\pmb {\varvec{F}}}_{4}$$ induced by nonbinary polynomials24
Stability and error estimation of $$\theta $$-difference finite element method with C-Bézier basis24
Extension of the subgradient extragradient algorithm for solving variational inequalities without monotonicity23
Modified gradient sampling algorithm for nonsmooth semi-infinite programming23
A novel global algorithm for solving linear multiplicative problem by integrating linear combination rule and branch-and-bound framework22
Generalized rough approximation spaces inspired by cardinality neighborhoods and ideals with application to dengue disease21
A projected hybridization of the Hestenes–Stiefel and Dai–Yuan conjugate gradient methods with application to nonnegative matrix factorization20
Observer-based impulsive control for finite-time synchronization of delayed neural networks on time scales20
On a higher order fuzzy difference equation with a quadratic term20
Three-strain epidemic model for influenza virus involving fractional derivative and treatment19
Synchronization of fuzzy reaction–diffusion neural networks via semi-intermittent hybrid control18
Mathematical modeling of Zika virus with vertical transmission in the presence of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes17
Deferred Riesz statistical convergence via power series method17
On the rule of trajectory structure for a third-order nonlinear difference equation using semi-cycle analysis method16
Higher-order predictor–corrector methods for fractional Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers’ equations16
Global stabilization and boundary control of coupled Fisher–Stream equation and application to SIS–Stream model16
Optimal restricted Monte Carlo integration on generalized Hölder classes15
Numerical solution and dynamical studies for (2 + 1) dimensional Volterra–Fredholm integral equations with a discontinuous kernel15
Four classes of new entanglement-assisted quantum optimal codes14
A numerical study on solving a fractional time-space diffusion equation via the finite difference method14
Complete Characterization of Chemical Trees with Maximal Augmented Zagreb Index14
A modified secant equation quasi-Newton method for unconstrained optimization14
Fixed point iterative methods for solving the nonlinear matrix equation $$X-A^{*}X^{-n}A=I$$13
A family of constacyclic codes over a class of non-chain rings $${\mathcal {A}}_{q,r}$$ and new quantum codes13
Partial permanence and stationary distribution of a stochastic competitive model with feedback controls and distributed delays13
Generalized viscosity extragradient algorithm for pseudomonotone equilibrium and fixed point problems for finite family of demicontractive operators13
A modified stochastic quasi-Newton algorithm for summing functions problem in machine learning13
Effective numerical technique for solving variable order integro-differential equations12
A coupled non-convex hybrid regularization and weak $$H^{-1}$$ image decomposition model for denoising application12
Fuzzy covering problem of fuzzy graphs and its application to investigate the Indian economy in new normal12
Balanced harvesting in two predators one prey system12
King-NSS iteration method for solving a class of large sparse nonlinear systems12
A higher-order hybrid finite difference method based on grid equidistribution for fourth-order singularly perturbed differential equations12
Convergence analysis for the King-Werner method under $$\gamma -$$conditions12
Complexity to order: impact of antipedator behaviour on chaotic and non-chaotic intraguild predation model12
Disjoint paths in the enhanced hypercube with a faulty subgraph12
On the resistance diameter of the Cartesian and lexicographic product of paths12
Analysis of finite difference schemes for Volterra integro-differential equations involving arbitrary order derivatives11
Granulation of protein–protein interaction networks in Pythagorean fuzzy soft environment11
Uniformly convergent finite difference methods for singularly perturbed parabolic partial differential equations with mixed shifts11
Almost sure exponential stability and stabilization of hybrid stochastic functional differential equations with Lévy noise11
Control the smog using strong picture fuzzy influence pair domination number11
Representation theory and multilevel filters11
Fixed/preassigned-time synchronization of fuzzy inertial neural netwroks via event-triggered controller11
Learning unbounded-domain spatiotemporal differential equations using adaptive spectral methods10
LCP of constacyclic codes over finite chain rings10
Conforming element method and shifted-inverse two-grid dicretization for the fourth-order Steklov eigenvalue problem10
Linear complementary pairs of codes over a finite non-commutative Frobenius ring10
On linear algebra of r-Hankel and r-Toeplitz matrices with geometric sequence10
An efficient primal-dual interior point algorithm for convex quadratic semidefinite optimization10
Integral contractor approach on controllability of Hilfer–Langevin system10
Reconstruction of old maps based on old photos using fuzzy graphs10
Dynamics of two-strain epidemic model with imperfect vaccination on complex networks10
Viscosity-type inertial extragradient algorithms for solving variational inequality problems and fixed point problems9
Simulating polarization by random context filters in networks of evolutionary processors9
On a class of recursive relations for calculating square roots of numbers9
Optimizing inventory dynamics: a smart approach for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with linear time function dependent variable demands and holding costs, shortages with backlogging9
Multiple periodic solutions of a second-order partial difference equation involving p-Laplacian9
Fractional model of brain tumor with chemo-radiotherapy treatment9
A binary Caputo–Fabrizio fractional reproducing kernel method for the time-fractional Cattaneo equation9
Improved convergence results of an efficient Levenberg–Marquardt method for nonlinear equations9
A nonlinear compact method based on double reduction order scheme for the nonlocal fourth-order PDEs with Burgers’ type nonlinearity9
Modeling effects of impulsive control strategies on the spread of mosquito borne disease: role of latent period9
Outer-star and star-outer matrices9
A new nonlinear compact difference scheme for a fourth-order nonlinear Burgers type equation with a weakly singular kernel9
Introducing a new connection between the entries of MDS matrices constructed by generalized Cauchy matrices in $$GF(2^q)$$9
Optimization of disaster management using split domination in picture fuzzy graphs8
Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of flux neuron model with double time delays8
Decomposing planar graphs without triangular short cycles into a matching and a 3-colorable graph8
Newton’s method for coupled continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations8
Scenario decomposable subgradient projection method for two-stage stochastic programming with convex risk measures8
Optimality and duality for second-order interval-valued variational problems8
Stochastic behavior of within-host progression in primary dengue infection8
Global dynamics of a Beddington-DeAngelis amensalism system with weak Allee effect on the first species8
Application of fractional derivatives for obtaining new Tikhonov regularization matrices8
An improved relaxed inertial projection algorithm for solving the minimum-norm solution of variational inequality and fixed point problems8
A unified construction of optimal and distance optimal two or three-weight codes8
On the finite difference method with penalty for numerical solution of PDEs over curved domains8
Quantum analogue of Trapezoid-type inequalities for q-differentiable coordinated strongly convex functions7
Multiple results on nontrivial solutions of discrete Kirchhoff type problems7
A spectral order method for solving the nonlinear fourth-order time-fractional problem7
Iterative approximation of fixed points of a general class of non-expansive mappings in hyperbolic metric spaces7
Further norm inequalities for positive semidefinite matrices7
Impact of fear-induced group defense in a Monod–Haldane type prey–predator model7
An interpolation-based method for solving Volterra integral equations7
Two spectral conjugate gradient methods for unconstrained optimization problems7
On the p-numerical radii of $$2\times 2$$ operator matrices7
Existence of extremal solutions for a fractional compartment model7
Some non-smooth optimality results for optimization problems with vanishing constraints via Dini–Hadamard derivative7
An epidemic model with transport-related infection incorporating awareness and screening7
Effect of toxicant on the dynamics of a delayed diffusive predator-prey model7
Inverse and Moore–Penrose inverse of conditional matrices via convolution7
Wavelet-based approximation for two-parameter singularly perturbed problems with Robin boundary conditions6
Acute perturbation for Moore-Penrose inverses of tensors via the T-Product6
A modified Dai–Liao conjugate gradient method for solving unconstrained optimization and image restoration problems6
Dynamics of a stochastic predator-prey model with fear effect and hunting cooperation6
An orthogonal spline collocation method for singularly perturbed parabolic reaction–diffusion problems with time delay6
Supply chain scheduling with deteriorating jobs and delivery times6
Sign-changing solutions for quasilinear elliptic equation with critical exponential growth6
Controllability of fractional dynamical systems with $$(k,\psi )$$-Hilfer fractional derivative6
An efficient uniformly convergent numerical scheme for singularly perturbed semilinear parabolic problems with large delay in time6
Dynamical behavior of a stochastic SIQS epidemic model on scale-free networks6
On a three-step iteration process for multivalued Reich-Suzuki type $$\alpha $$-nonexpansive and contractive mappings6
Energy of interval-valued fuzzy graphs and its application in ecological systems6
Numerical framework for the Caputo time-fractional diffusion equation with fourth order derivative in space6
Domination in fuzzy incidence graphs based on valid edges6
Extended dissipative filter design for interval type 2 fuzzy discrete time switched systems with time varying delays6
An efficient numerical method for a nonlinear system of singularly perturbed differential equations arising in a two-time scale system6
Exponential-sum-approximation technique for variable-order time-fractional diffusion equations6
New classes of binary few weight codes from trace codes over a chain ring6
Two sufficient descent three-term conjugate gradient methods for unconstrained optimization problems with applications in compressive sensing6
Spatiotemporal dynamics of a periodic reaction–advection–diffusion schistosomiasis model with intrinsic and infection incubation periods6
Dynamic analysis and bifurcation control of a fractional-order cassava mosaic disease model6
A class of fixed point iteration for the coupled algebraic Riccati equation6
An efficient two-point iterative method with memory for solving non-linear equations and its dynamics5
Weighted variable based numerical scheme for time-lagged semilinear parabolic problems including small parameter5
Dynamical analysis on symptom-based SEMIR compartmental model with age groups5
Combination of discrete technique with Bernoulli polynomial approximation for solving a class of time distributed-order and space variable-order fractional damped diffusion-wave equation5
Output-space branch-and-bound reduction algorithm for solving generalized linear multiplicative programming programs5
Group decision-making method based on Pythagorean fuzzy rough numbers5
Correction to: A systematic construction approach for all 4\times 44 × 4 involutory MDS matrices5
Analytical study of a modified-ABC fractional order breast cancer model5
A modified inertial three-term conjugate gradient method for nonsmooth convex optimization and its application5
Characterization and classification of optimal ternary linear one-dimensional hull codes5
Deciphering two-dimensional calcium fractional diffusion of membrane flux in neuron5
Complex dynamics of a fractional-order SIR system in the context of COVID-195
Sharp upper bound on the Sombor index of bipartite graphs with a given diameter5
Fuzzy graphs in telecommunications: exploring average fuzzy cyclic connectivity for enhanced connectivity analysis5
The number of self-dual cyclic codes over finite fields5
An efficient variable step numerical method for the three-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation5
Stochastic optimal control model for COVID-19: mask wearing and active screening/testing5
Dynamical analysis of a Beddington–DeAngelis commensalism system with two time delays5
Analytical and numerical treatment of a nonlinear Fredholm integral equation in two dimensions5
An efficient algorithm for solving the variable-order time-fractional generalized Burgers’ equation5
Analytical investigation of the fractional nonlinear shallow-water model5
Analysis of a stochastic hybrid population model with impulsive perturbations and Allee effect5
Single machine scheduling with generalized due-dates, learning effect, and job-rejection5
Stability and bifurcation analysis of a population dynamic model with Allee effect via piecewise constant argument method5
A family of cyclic codes with two zeros5
The full rank expressions for the W-weighted Drazin and core-EP inverse of a matrix and their applications5
Additive conjucyclic codes over a class of Galois rings5
Euler–Lagrange equation for gradient-type Lagrangian and related conservation laws5
Novel group decision making approach based on the rough soft approximations of graphs and hypergraphs5
On $${\mathbb {Z}}_{2}{\mathbb {Z}}_{4}[\xi ]$$-skew cyclic codes5
A mathematical model of malaria transmission with media-awareness and treatment interventions5
An interpretation of second-order neighborhood Harmonic index5
Boundary value problems for a mixed-type loaded equation with a characteristic and noncharacteristic line of type change5
Exploring two new iterative methods for solving absolute value equations5
Turing-Hopf bifurcation analysis and normal form in delayed diffusive predator–prey system with taxis and fear effect5
Is the allee effect relevant to stochastic cancer model?5
Existence and uniqueness of solutions for fractional differential system with four-point coupled boundary conditions4
Neural network approaches based on new NCP-functions for solving tensor complementarity problem4
A modified Levenberg–Marquardt method for solving system of nonlinear equations4
Solution of a fractional mathematical model of brain metabolite variations in the circadian rhythm containing the Caputo–Fabrizio derivative4
A note concerning the optimal control results for Hilfer fractional stochastic differential equations of order $$1<{\mu }<2$$4
Fujita blow-up solutions for a Dirichlet problem of parabolic equations with variable coefficients4
q-Fibonacci sequence spaces and related matrix transformations4
Results concerning the optimal control for second-order Sobolev-type stochastic integrodifferential equations with impulses and nonlocal conditions4
A symmetric mixed covolume method for the nonlinear parabolic problem4
Finite element method combined with time graded meshes for the time-fractional coupled Burgers’ equations4
Constructing even-variable RSBFs with higher nonlinearity, optimal AI and almost optimal FAI4
Dynamics of a reaction–diffusion dengue fever model with incubation periods and vertical transmission in heterogeneous environments4
On Chaos of Discrete Time Fractional Order Host-Immune-Tumor Cells Interaction Model4
A variational approach to recover the unknown source and initial condition for a time-space fractional diffusion equation4
Iterative regularization methods with new stepsize rules for solving variational inclusions4
The time two-grid algorithm combined with difference scheme for 2D nonlocal nonlinear wave equation4
Numerical solutions of Quaternionic Riccati equations4
Numerical and stability analysis of linear B-spline and local radial basis functions for solving two-dimensional distributed-order time-fractional telegraph models4
Stationary distribution of a stochastic three species predator–prey model with anti-predator behavior4
Dynamics of a mutualistic model with advection and a free boundary in heterogeneous environment4
Adaptive trust region scheme for multi-objective optimization problem using Geršgorin circle theorem4
Mathematical analysis of a delayed HIV infection model with saturated CTL immune response and immune impairment4
Extinction and stationary distribution of a stochastic SIQR epidemic model with demographics and non-monotone incidence rate on scale-free networks4
An entropic regularized method of centers for continuous minimax problem with semi infinite constraints4
Parallel algorithms for finding common solutions to split convex feasibility and quasiconvex minimization problems4
Classification of binary self-orthogonal codes of lengths from 16 to 20 and its application4
Global dynamics of an SIS compartment model with resource constraints4
A robust correlation coefficient for fermatean fuzzy sets based on spearman’s correlation measure with application to clustering and selection process4
Stochastic Gauss–Newton algorithm with STORM estimators for nonconvex composite optimization4
Stability of the Walsh–Hadamard spectrum of cryptographic Boolean functions with biased inputs4
Infinite families of optimal linear codes and their applications to distributed storage systems4
On a three dimensional nonautonomous system of difference equations4
Iterative algorithms of generalized nonexpansive mappings and monotone operators with application to convex minimization problem4
Some quantum synchronizable codes with explicit distance3
Eighth order numerical method for solving second order nonlinear BVPs and applications3
Fitted operator method for parabolic singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problems via polynomial cubic spline3
Modulus-based synchronous multisplitting method for horizontal nonlinear complementarity problem3
Results on the well-posedness and uniqueness of abstract neutral integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay3
Construction of operational matrices based on linear cardinal B-spline functions for solving fractional stochastic integro-differential equation3
The nonconforming virtual element method for optimal control problem governed by Stokes equations3
Hybridizing simulated annealing and genetic algorithms with Pythagorean fuzzy uncertainty for traveling salesman problem optimization3
Adaptive space-time finite element method for time fractional-order reaction-diffusion equations3
Structure connectivity of folded crossed cubes based on faulty stars3
An adaptation of the modified decomposition method in solving nonlinear initial-boundary value problems for ODEs3
Impact of the impulsive releases and Allee effect on the dispersal behavior of the wild mosquitoes3
pth Moment exponential stability of stochastic delayed differential systems with impulsive control involving delays3
Optimal control of a two-phase heterogeneous service retrial queueing system with collisions and delayed vacations3
An efficient real structure-preserving algorithm for the quaternion weighted least squares problem with equality constraint3
Enhancing echelon-ferrers construction for constant dimension code3
Numerical integration on spherical triangles by means of cubic interpolation3
A novel method for hierarchical variational inequality with split common fixed point constraint3
Investigation of the wavelet method impact on the mathematical model of global warming effects on marine ecosystems3
Coloring of graphs associated with commutative rings3
On a new Kantorovich operator based on Hermite polynomials3
On the Sanskruti index of graphs3
Higher order $$\alpha $$-Bernstein–Kantorovich operators3
Randic index of bipolar fuzzy graphs and its application in network systems3
Ulam-hyres stability analysis and fractional operator implications on the Covid-19 virus dynamics with long-term vaccination effects3
Optimal convergence analysis of the virtual element methods for second-order Sobolev equations with variable coefficients on polygonal meshes3
Dynamic behaviors of a cholera model with nonlinear incidences, multiple transmission pathways, and imperfect vaccine3
Solving unconstrained optimization using a spectral CG method with restart feature and its application3
A rapidly converging domain decomposition algorithm for a time delayed parabolic problem with mixed type boundary conditions exhibiting boundary layers3
A minimal search method for solving fractional integro-differential equations based on modified Legendre multiwavelets3
Global optimization of multivariable functions satisfying the Vanderbei condition3
Operator splitting scheme based on barycentric Lagrange interpolation collocation method for the Allen-Cahn equation3
On the neighborhood inverse sum indeg index of fuzzy graph with application3
Numerical exploration of two generalized iteration methods for solving nonlinear complementarity problems3
Some new classes of quaternary sequences with low autocorrelation property via two binary cyclotomic sequences3
The existence of radial solutions for a class of k-Hessian systems with the nonlinear gradient terms3
Existence and stability results for fractional boundary value problems in Banach spaces3
An efficient computational technique for time dependent semilinear parabolic problems involving two small parameters3
An inertial Bregman generalized alternating direction method of multipliers for nonconvex optimization3
Nonlinear Volterra integro-differential equations incorporating a delay term using Picard iterated method3
Stabilizing the Scott-Vogelius elements by Guzman-Neilan bubble functions on triangular meshes3
Ritz-least squares support vector regression technique for the system of fractional Fredholm-Volterra integro-differential equations3
Extended iterative schemes based on decomposition for nonlinear models3
Parameters of two classes of negacyclic BCH codes3
Convergence analysis of operator splitting methods for Maxwell’s equations in dispersive media of Debye type3
Optimal control analysis of bluetongue virus transmission in patchy environments connected by host and wind-aided midge movements3
Chelyshkov wavelet method for solving multidimensional variable order fractional optimal control problem2
Stability and complex dynamical analysis of COVID-19 epidemic model with non-singular kernel of Mittag-Leffler law2
Stability analysis of fuzzy HTLV-I infection model: a dynamic approach2
On the existence of the solution of Hammerstein integral equations and fractional differential equations2
Linear codes over $$\mathbb {F}_q\times (\mathbb {F}_q+v\mathbb {F}_q)$$2
An approximation solution of linear Fredholm integro-differential equation using Collocation and Kantorovich methods2
The generalized 4-connectivity of locally twisted cubes2
Dynamical behavior of a fractional-order prey–predator model with infection and harvesting2
The solution theory for the fractional hybrid q-difference equations2
Quasi-uniform stability for fractional-order fuzzy neural networks with uncertain proportional delay2
A stochastic population model with hierarchic size-structure2
Dynamic analysis of an Ebola epidemic model incorporating limited medical resources and immunity loss2
Results on controllability of Sobolev-type nonlocal neutral functional integrodifferential evolution hemivariational inequalities with impulsive effects via resolvent operators2
Novel distance measures on complex picture fuzzy environment: applications in pattern recognition, medical diagnosis and clustering2
Fractional order SIR epidemic model with Beddington–De Angelis incidence and Holling type II treatment rate for COVID-192
Impact of social media advertisements on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 pandemic in India2
Selection of optimal encryption algorithm based on hesitant bipolar complex fuzzy frank aggregation operators2