Nexus Network Journal

(The TQCC of Nexus Network Journal is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Geometric Construction of Rumî8
Geometry in Veli Pasha Mosque, Crete8
On the Traces of Vincenzo Scamozzi's Unrealized Projects for Rialto Bridge8
Mathematics and Geometry in the Nembro Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridge7
Origami and Descriptive Geometry: Tangible Models to Enhance Spatial Skills7
Muqarnas, Interlacing-Arch Construction & Menelaus’ Spherics7
Drawing, Shapes and Parametric Design of Rod and Node Architectural Structures6
A Minimalist Approach to Baroque Optics6
Relationships between Mathematics and Art in Their Intellectual History - Reflections According to Max Bense5
El Escorial, Derand and Guarini: About Formal Control of Ribbed Spherical and Elliptical Vaults5
The Grammar of Anne Tyng’s Simpler Space Structures5
Making Palladio Digitally Explicit: Geometrical Parameters in Door’s Ornaments4
Surface Discretisation with Rectifying Strips on Geodesics4
New Light on Ancient Architecture and Mathematics4
Armonia Mundi and San Francesco della Vigna in Venice4
Constructing Vision, Surface, and Form in Architecture4
Nexus 20/21, Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics: Part II4
Graphical Modelling of Hoop Force Distribution for Equilibrium Analysis of Masonry Domes4
Parametric Interlocking Elastic Wooden Plate Joint for Complex Structures3
Translating Movement into Architectural Form3
Creating Constellation Patterns II: Enumeration3
A Simulation-Validated Shape Grammar for Architectural Acoustics3
Composition Patterns of Contemporary Polish Residential Building Facades3
Cultural Computation on the Traveling Hamlet: Ciptarasa and Ciptagelar3
The Building Blocks of Architecture and Mathematics3
The Vaults of the Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Brixen Between Geometry, History and Missed Space3
Analytical Design in Architecture: New Developments3
Diagrams of Spatial Experience Based on Mathematical Models3
Computing Typology: Generative Design for Creating Housing Solutions from Type Analysis in Bogota3
A Hexagonal Pattern in the Paraninfo at the Universidad de Alcalá3
Use of Camera and AI for Mapping Monitoring for Architecture2
“The Leaves”: Redevelopment and Culture, West Guagfu Road Redevelopment Project in Shanghai2
Land- and Skyscapes of Hegra: An Archaeoastronomical Analysis of the Nabataean Necropoleis2
Rules of Geometries of Control in Muslim Architecture: Emergence and Conflicts of a Research Field in France (1863–1899)2
Gothic Design Procedures in Three Early Hawksmoor Churches2
The Corner Tower of Anagni Cathedral: Geometry and Equilibrium2
Proportions in Salvatore Caronia Roberti Between Theory and Practice2
Multi Hyperbolic Paraboloid (Hypar) Bamboo Structures: Surface-Based Design Approach2
Hagia Sophia in Constantinople: Unveiling Its Integrated Conceptual Design Through Comparative Analysis2
Integration of Design and Performance Evaluation for Reusable Osteomorphic-Block Masonry2
Hat Monotiles: Driving Innovation in Aperiodic Pattern Generation and Application2
Projecting Architecture2
Computational Design and Fabrication Strategy for Topology Optimization of Spiral Staircase Using Metal Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing2
Understanding Palladio’s Use of Proportion from the Roman Baths to Il Redentore Via 3D Models2
Form follows function in a hyperboloidical cooling Tower2
Fabricating Porous Structures using Robotic Hotwire Cutting2
Varagavank Monastery’s Khachkar Motifs: Understanding Production Through Parametric Methods2
A Justified Plan Graph Analysis of Social Housing in Mexico (1974–2019): Spatial Transformations and Social Implications2
Author Correction to: Form-Finding to Fabrication: A Parametric Shell Structure Fabricated Using an Industrial Robotic Arm with a Hot-Wire End-Effector2
Aesthetic Measures of Algiers’ Colonial Facades2
A Recursive Algorithm for the Generative Study of Seljuk Muqarnas in Kayseri and Sivas2
Italian Architectural Ratios in the British Rotunda Typology2
Diego De Riaño and the Transition to the Renaissance at the Collegiate Church of Osuna1
Geometry to Fabrication in Architecture1
Florentine Streetscapes and their Role in Revisiting Palazzo Rucellai’s Urban façade Hypotheses1
Warped Ruled Surfaces of Historical Stone Bridges in Prague1
The Defect in René Ouvrard’s Harmonic Proportions1
Proportions and Deformations in the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba1
Loxodromes in Herringbone Patterns of Two Masonry Domes1
Stonecutting and Early Stereotomy in the Fatimid Walls of Cairo1
Symmetry Group Effect on Perforated Image Perception1
Physical Models: Their Historical and Current Use in Civil and Building Engineering Design1
Visualizing Anne Tyng’s Transformations of the Octetruss1
Testing and Defining a Complex Design Through Digital and Physical Models1
Formulations: A New Lens on a Colourful Cast Bringing Maths to Mid-Twentieth-Century Architecture1
The New Theory of the Metrological Framework of the Pantheon1
Research-Integrated Models1
Form-Finding to Fabrication: A Parametric Shell Structure Fabricated Using an Industrial Robotic Arm with a Hot-Wire End-Effector1
Architectural Form-Finding Through Parametric Geometry1
Prediction of Star Polygon Types in Islamic Geometric Patterns with Deep Learning1
The Survey of the Ballistic Imprints for a Renewed Image of Unearthed Pompeii1
On the Math-inspired Sustainable Skyscraper Design1
A Parametric Model for Designing Swallow Roofs of Anatolia1
A Bibliometric Analysis of the Nexus Network Journal1
Correction to: Heron’s Legacy: An Example of Ancient Calculations Applied to Roman Imperial Architecture1
A Virtual Reconstruction of Gaudi’s Skyscraper Hotel Attraction Using Physics-Based Simulation1
Deformations of the Fortress Towers Analyzed by the SfM Survey1
Digital Heritage Classification via Machine Learning and H-BIM1
Edge-Corrugation as Structural Enhancement of Shallow Shells1
A Mathematical Course Model for Architectural Education: Geometry of Design1
Proportion and Ratio in Palladio’s Redentore1
Cassinian Focal-Directorial Curves1
The Intrinsic Dimension in Álvaro Siza’s Carlos Ramos Pavilion1
Nexus 20/21, Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics1
Proportions, Constraints and Semantics for a Parametric Model1
Visual Proofs in Mathematics and Architecture1
Gothic Vaulting in Spanish Military Architecture from the Eighteenth Century1
Approaching Developable Surfaces Through Shadow and Penumbra1
Analyzing the Architectural Style of Railway Stations Based on Geometry and Visual Complexity: Case Studies of Liaoning Terminal and Beijing Railway Station on the Peking–Mukden Railway1
Computing the Spatial Explorations of Roberto Matta1
Reciprocal Frames Algorithm based on Symmetry Groups1
The Seokguram Grotto in Korea and the Gougu Rule: Rebuttal of the √2 and √3 Hypothesis and a New Interpretation of the Underlying Method1
Polyhedra Representation in Editions of Euclid’s Elements1
A Mathematical Formalization of Making Grammars1
Light Effects of the Rose Windows in Mallorca Cathedral1
Space Syntax Analysis of the Spatial Configuration of Yalova Traditional Rural Houses1
The Modulor in Manuel Tainha’s Oliveira do Hospital Pousada1
Geometry of Ancient Mazes: A Synthesis. Part III: ‘Church’ Mazes1
Building more mathematico in Renaissance Venice1
Translation of Form: a Model for Teaching Design Coding to Undergraduate Students1
Application of Fabric Formwork based on a Truchet Tiling Pattern for Planar Surfaces1
Between Form and Information: Early Philosophies of Computer-Aided Design1
Correction to: Visual Proofs in Mathematics and Architecture1
The Critical Digital Model and Two Case Studies: the Churches of Santa Margherita and Santo Spirito in Bologna1
Smooth Poly-hypar Surface Structures: Freeform Shells Based on Combinations of Hyperbolic Paraboloids1
The Fibonacci Rectangles in Lalibela and Their Significance for the Reconstruction of the Vanished Cathedral of Aksum1
Exploring Interlocking Systems Through the Design of Joint-Based Pop-Up Structures1