Carpathian Journal of Mathematics

(The median citation count of Carpathian Journal of Mathematics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Tykhonov triples, well-posedness and convergence results24
Ulam-Hyers stability and exponentially stable evolution equations in Banach spaces24
Datko type characterizations for nonuniform polynomial dichotomy15
"Common endpoints of generalized Suzuki-Kannan-C´ iric´ type mappings in hyperbolic spaces"14
"Lyapunov Conditions for One-Sided Discrete-Time Random Dynamical Systems"11
"Iterates of multidimensional approximation operators via Perov theorem"10
Approximation of solutions of split equality fixed point problems with applications10
Strong duality in parametric robust semi-definite linear programming and exact relaxations8
About convex structures on metric spaces7
On the transfer of convergence between two sequences in Banach spaces7
A novel approach for solving simultaneously one-parameter nonexpansive semigroup, convex minimization and fixed point problems involving set-valued operators6
An iterative method for variational inclusions and fixed points of total uniformly $L$-Lipschitzian mappings6
On a class of nonlinear nonlocal fractional differential equations6
Modified inertial Mann’s algorithm and inertial hybrid6
"A Fixed Point Approach of Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities"5
"Lie symmetries of the nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation based on weighted Tsallis entropy"5
"On Uniform Instability with Growth Rates in Banach Spaces"5
Joint approximation of analytic functions by shifts of the Riemann zeta-function twisted by the Gram function5
Proximal point approach for solving convex minimization problems in positive curvature4
On the iterative scheme generating methods using mean-valued sequences4
Unpredictable solutions of compartmental quasilinear differential equations4
Modified General Inertial Mann and General Inertial Viscosity Algorithms for Fixed Point and Common Fixed Point Problems with Applications4
A population model with pseudo exponential survival4
Asymptotic properties of even-order functional differential equations with deviating argument4
Asymptotic solutions of differential equations with singular impulses4
Weak and Strong Convergence of Split Douglas-Rachford Algorithms for Monotone Inclusions4
Extreme solution for fractional differential equation with nonlinear boundary condition4
Asymptotically ɑ hemicontractive mappings in Hilbert spaces and a new algorithm for solving associated split common fixed point problem4
Levitin-Polyak Well-Posedness for Parametric Set Optimization Problem3
Unpredictability in Markov chains3
Some applications of idempotent elements in MV algebras3
"Hyers-Ulam stability of hom-derivations in Banach algebras"3
Solving split inverse problems3
A hybrid scheme for fixed points of a countable family of generalized nonexpansive-type maps and finite families of variational inequality and equilibrium problems, with applications3
Halpern subgradient extragradient algorithm for solving quasimonotone variational inequality problems3
"Positive periodic solutions for a class of first-order iterative differential equations with an application to a hematopoiesis model"3
On uniform polynomial trichotomy of skew-evolution semiflows3
"On instability in the theory of dipolar bodies with two-temperatures"3
Fixed point theorems for enriched Ćirić-Reich-Rus contractions in Banach spaces and convex metric spaces3
Existence of common fixed points of non-linear semigroups of Enriched Kannan contractive mappings3
Graphical Ekeland's variational principle with a generalized $w$-distance and a new approach to quasi-equilibrium problems3
"General analytical solution of fractional Klein–Gordon equation in a spherical domain"3
A two-level based genetic algorithm for solving the soft-clustered vehicle routing problem3
"Eigenvalues of the (p, q, r)-Laplacian with a parametric boundary condition"3
"On the crossing number of the join of the wheel on six vertices with a path"3
Well-posedness of a nonlinear second-order anisotropic reaction-diffusion problem with nonlinear and inhomogeneous dynamic boundary conditions2
On the properties of lexicographic tolerable robust solution sets for uncertain multi-objective optimization problems2
Frum-Ketkov type multivalued operators2
A Comparative Study between Haploid Genetic Algorithms and Diploid Genetic Algorithms2
Influence of symmetric first-order divided differences on Secant-like methods2
A strongly convergent simultaneous cutter method for finding the minimal norm solution to common fixed point problem2
A Hybrid Steepest-Descent Algorithm for Convex Minimization Over the Fixed Point Set of Multivalued Mappings2
"Fixed points and the stability of the linear functional equations in a single variable"2
Approximation of random functions by stochastic Bernstein polynomials in capacity spaces2
"The early developments in fixed point theory on b-metric spaces: a brief survey and some important related aspects"2
Weak convergence of inertial proximal point algorithm for a family of nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces2
Implicit functional differential equations with linear modification of the argument, via weakly Picard operator theory2
Iterative methods for optimization problems and image restoration2
A New Accelerated Viscosity Forward-backward Algorithm with a Linesearch for Some Convex Minimization Problems and its Applications to Data Classification2
Conversions between generalized metric spaces and standard metric spaces with applications in fixed point theory2
Faedo-Galerkin Approximations for nonlinear Heat equation on Hilbert Manifold2
Stability results of a suspension-bridge with nonlinear damping modulated by a time dependent coefficien2
Iterative numerical method for fractional order two-point boundary value problems1
"A characterization of fuzzy fractals generated by an orbital fuzzy iterated function system"1
Unpredictable solutions of Duffing type equations with Markov coefficient1
Univalence criteria for a general integral operator1
Convergence of self-adaptive Tseng-type algorithms for split variational inequalities and fixed point problems1
On normalized distance Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs and applications to graphs defined on groups and rings1
The affine Orlicz log-Minkowki inequality1
Common fixed point theory for a pair of multivalued operators1
Semi–definite programming for the nearest circulant semi–definite matrix problem1
General multiplicative Zagreb indices of unicyclic graphs1
"Extragradient method with a new adaptive step size for solving non-Lipschitzian pseudo-monotone variational inequalities"1
"Periodic solutions for certain Hamiltonian systems in arbitrary dimension and global parametrization of some manifolds"1
Darboux integrability of a cubic differential system with two parallel invariant straight lines1
Fixed point theorems for basic $\theta$-contraction and applications1
"Oscillations of second-order noncanonical advanced difference equations via canonical transformation"1
On evolution of finite energy solutions for a Cosserat thermoelastic body1
Unpredictable solutions of quasilinear differential equations with generalized piecewise constant arguments of mixed type1
Formal concept analysis model for static code analysis1
A novel iterative approach for solving common fixed point problems in Geodesic spaces with convergence analysis1
Application of a fixed point theorem on infinite cartesian product to an infinite system of differential equations1
On the properties of lexicographic tolerable robust solution sets for uncertain multi-objective optimization problems1
Alternated inertial simultaneous and semi-alternating projection algorithms for solving the split equality problem1
Periodic cycles for an extension of generalized $3x + 1$ functions1
Two inertial projective Mann forward-backward algorithm for variational inclusion problems and application to stroke prediction1
A linear quadratic tracking problem for stochastic systems controlled by impulses. The finite horizon time case1
Quadratic maps in two variables on arbitrary fields1
Convergence theorem for an intermixed iteration in $p$-uniformly convex metric space1
Relaxed modified Tseng algorithm for solving variational inclusion problems in real Banach spaces with applications1
Functional differential equations with maxima, via step by step contraction principle1
Approximate optimality and approximate duality in nonsmooth composite vector optimization1
On Fixed Points of Enriched Contractions and Enriched Nonexpansive Mappings0
Self-adaptive CQ-type algorithms for the split feasibility problem involving two bounded linear operators in Hilbert spaces0
Distance-transitive strongly regular graphs0
Perturbed approximations of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in CAT_p(0) spaces0
A parallel method for common variational inclusion and common fixed point problems with applications0
Asymptotic Regularity of Generalized Averaged Mappings in (M,K, ψ)-HR-Ćirić-Reich-Rus Contractions differential equations0
On the solution of the generalized functional equation arising in mathematical psychology and theory of learning approached by the Banach fixed point theorem0
Convergence of Tseng-type self-adaptive algorithms for variational inequalities and fixed point problems0
Operators with Brownian unitary dilations0
Geometric constant on Riemannian manifold evolves by geometric flow0
Modified iterative schemes with two inertia and linesearch rule for split variational inclusion and applications to image deblurring and diabetes prediction0
A New Viscosity Approximation Method with Inertial Technique for Convex Bilevel Optimization Problems and Applications0
Measures of noncompactness and infinite systems of integral equations of Urysohn type in $L^\infty(\mathfrak{G})$0
Geometric inequalities in real Banach spaces with applications0
Variational approach to nonlinear stochastic differential equations in Hilbert spaces0
A Family of Sequences which Converge to the Euler-Mascheroni Constant0
"An accelerated Visco-Cesaro means Tseng Type splitting method for fixed point and monotone inclusion problems"0
An intermixed algorithm for solving fixed point problems of proximal operators in Hilbert Spaces0
Levitin-Polyak well-posedness for generalized (η, g, φ)-mixed vector variational-type inequality0
"A descent three-term derivative-free method for signal reconstruction in compressive sensing"0
Strong convergence theorems for variational inequalities and fixed point problems in Banach spaces0
2022/07/26 "Fixed point theorems for nonself generalized contractions on a large Kasahara space"0
Analysis of a nonlinear financial model0
A new complex generalized Bernstein-Schurer operator0
Criteria of closedness of nilradicals in zero dimensional locally compact rings0
Subadditive and Superadditive Inequalities for Convex and Superquadratic Functions0
Some remarks on the metrizability of some metric-like structures0
"Viscosity algorithm for solving split generalized equilibrium problem and fixed-point problem"0
On Hyper-Chordal graphs0
On a Steklov eigenvalue problem associated with the (p,q)-Laplacian0
"On Polynomial Dichotomies of Discrete Nonautonomous Systems on the Half-Line"0
Inertial Iteration Scheme for Approximating Fixed Points of Lipschitz Pseudocontractive Maps in Arbitrary Real Banach Spaces0
On the Robustness of Polynomial Dichotomy of Discrete Nonautonomous Systems0
An inertial iterative scheme for solving variational inclusion with application to Nash-Cournot equilibrium and image restoration problems0
Replacing units by unipotents0
On the structure of the Levinson center for monotone non-autonomous dynamical systems with a first integral0
Diophantine triples with distinct binary recurrences0
"On certain boundary value problems associated to some fractional integro-differential inclusions"0
"Generalized exponential behavior on the half-line via evolution semigroups"0
Stepsize Choice for Korpelevich's and Popov's Extragradient Algorithms for Convex-Concave Minimax Problems0
Distinct partitions and overpartitions0
Two parameter singular perturbation problems for sine-Gordon type equations0
Equilibrium problems and proximal algorithm using tangent space products0
Inertial split projection and contraction method for pseudomonotone variational inequality problem in Banach spaces0
On the crossing numbers of the join products of five graphs on six vertices with discrete graph0
"Monotone iteration method for general nonlinear two point boundary value problems with deviating arguments"0
Some remarks on [Carpathian J. Math. 39 (2023), No 2, 541--551]0
Existence of common best proximity point for single and multivalued non-self mappings0
A stochastic control problem with regime switching0
"Some sequences of Euler type, their convergences and their stability"0
Some fixed point theorems on equivalent metric spaces0
Modified inertial extragradient algorithm with non-monotonic step sizes for pseudomonotone equilibrium problems and quasi-nonexpansive mapping0
On multi-inertial extrapolations and forward-backward-forward algorithms0
A parallel inertial SP-iteration monotone hybrid algorithm for a finite family of G-nonexpansive mappings and its application in linear system, differential, and signal recovery problems0
Resolvents of equilibrium problems on a complete geodesic space with curvature bounded above0
"The penalty method for generalized mixed variational-hemivariational inequality problems"0
On fixpoints of Higham’s function0
Robust mathematical models of structure and quantitative structure-property relationship studies of alkyl halides0
Coupled Best Proximity Points for Cyclic Kannan and Chatterjea Contractions in CATp(0) Spaces0
Gauge strongly summability of measurable functions0
Center problem for cubic differential systems with the line at infinity of multiplicity four0
Voronovskaja type theorem for some nonpositive Kantorovich type operators0
A fast contraction algorithm using two inertial extrapolations for variational inclusion problem and data classification0
A note on the generators of the polynomial algebra of six variables and application0
Analysis of interactions between human immune system and a pathogenic virus0
Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for reverse quasiconvex programs0
"A dynamic Cournot mixed oligopoly model with time delay for competitors"0
Ulam-Hyers stability of Darboux-Ionescu problem0
Best proximity results for p-proximal contractions on topological spaces0
Generalized perturbed contractions with related fixed point results0
Instability of second-order nonhomogeneous linear difference equations with real-valued coefficients0
Aggregation Function Constructed from Copula0
Positive solutions for second-order differential equations o Kirchhoff type on the half-line0
Existence and uniqueness of weak periodic solutions for a coupled parabolic-elliptic system0
Queueing and Reliability Analysis of Unreliable Multi-server Retrial queue with Bernoulli feedback0
Generalized Bernstein Kantorovich operators: Voronovskaya type results, convergence in variation0
Modified inertial Tseng type method for zeros of the sum of monotone operators in Hilbert spaces0
Duffing equations with two-component Poisson stable coefficients0
Universal centers and composition conditions on the complex plane0
On convergence theorems for single-valued and multi-valued mappings in p-uniformly convex metric spaces0
Approximating $G$-variational inequality problem by $G$-subgradient extragradient method in Hilbert space endowed with graphs0
Invariant manifolds for difference equations with generalized trichotomies0
Maia type fixed point theorems for some classes of enriched contractive mappings in Banach spaces0
New results on the dynamic geometry generated by sequences of nested triangles0
The crossing numbers of join products of seven graphs of order six with paths and cycles0
A self-adaptive forward-backward-forward algorithm for solving split variational inequalities0
Oscillation of second-order functional differential equations with mixed argument0
Stability and bifurcation analysis of a four-dimensional economic model0
"Admissibility and Polynomial Dichotomy of Discrete Nonautonomous Systems"0
"A visual and numerical comparative study of some parallel affine projection algorithms for solving the convex feasibility problem with application to scratch inpainting"0
Most continuous and increasing functions have two different fixed points0
On approximating fixed points of strictly pseudocontractive mappings in metric spaces0
"New asymptotic results for half-linear differential equations with deviating argument"0
Some Fixed Point Results in Spaces with Perturbed Metrics0
Existence results and two step proximal point algorithm for equilibrium problems on Hadamard manifolds0
"Feedback null controllability for a class of semilinear control systems"0
Generalized Split Feasibility Problem: Solution by Iteration0
On Coupled Systems of Hilfer-Hadamard Sequential Fractional Differential Equations with Three-Point Boundary Conditions0
Efficient nonlinear conjugate gradient techniques for vector optimization problems0
"On the maximum modulus principle and the identity theorem in arbitrary dimension"0
"A case study in set-mapping pair theory: the set-mapping pair bijections"0
Fixed points of Osilike-Berinde-G-nonexpansive mappings in metric spaces endowed with graphs0
A Fast Forward-Backward Algorithm Using Linesearch and Inertial Techniques for Convex Bi-level Optimization Problems with Applications0
Convergence Theorems for Common Solutions of Nonlinear Problems and Applications0
Extension of Haar’s theorem0
Ideals in residuated lattices0
Characterizations of ε-Approximate Solutions for Robust Convex Semidefinite Programming Problems0
Inertial Krasnosel’skiĭ-Mann iterative algorithm with step-size parameters involving nonexpansive mappings with applications to solve image restoration problems0
"Solutions of Split Equality Hammerstein Type Equation Problems in Reflexive Real Banach Spaces"0
Approximating solutions of a split fixed point problem of demicontractive operators0
Existence and approximation of fixed points of enriched contractions in quasi-Banach spaces0
"Approximating fixed points of demicontractive mappings via the quasi-nonexpansive case"0
A fast viscosity forward-backward algorithm for convex minimization problems with an application in image recovery0
Fixed points and coupled fixed points in $b$-metric spaces via graphical contractions0
Another characterization of hyperbolic diameter diminishing to zero IFSs0
Existence of fixed points of weak enriched nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces0
Classification of pure metallic metric geometries0
Set-theoretical aspect of the fixed point theory: some examples0
Some remarks on expansive mappings in metric spaces0
"On the real projections of zeros of analytic almost periodic functions"0
Some inequalities related to Ky Fan inequality on time scales0
"C´iric´ type cyclic contractions and their best cyclic periodic points"0
A fresh look at Cauchy's Convergence Criterion: Some variations and generalizations0
Convergence estimates for abstract second order differential equations with two small parameters and Lipschitzian nonlinearities0
On approximating fixed points of weak enriched contraction mappings via Kirk's iterative algorithm in Banach spaces0
The Non-Existence of Convex Configuration for a Given Set of Vertex-Norm in Two-Dimensional Space0
Inertial projection and contraction methods for solving variational inequalities with applications to image restoration problems0