Animal Biodiversity and Conservation

(The TQCC of Animal Biodiversity and Conservation is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Revisión del conflicto entre los humanos y las serpientes en México: origen, mitigación y perspectivas11
Dietary plasticity in an invasive species and implications for management: the case of the monk parakeet in a Mediterranean city7
Bold or shy? Examining the risk–taking behavior and neophobia of invasive and non–invasive house sparrows6
Changes in the nocturnal activity of birds during the COVID–19 pandemic lockdown in a neotropical city6
The impacts of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) on wildlife in two Brazilian hotspots and implications for conservation6
Diet of the bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) along the northern Gulf of Mexico and southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States5
The selection of anthropogenic habitat by wildlife as an ecological consequence of rural exodus: empirical examples from Spain5
An endangered new catfish species of the genus Cambeva (Cambeva gamabelardense n. sp.) (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) from the Rio Chapecó drainage, southern Brazil5
A contribution to the earthworm diversity (Clitellata, Moniligastridae) of Kerala, a component of the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India, using integrated taxonomy5
Daily activity pattern of pumas (Puma concolor) and their potential prey in a tropical cloud forest of Colombia4
A higher incidence of moult–breeding overlap in great tits across time is linked to an increased frequency of second clutches: a possible effect of global warming?4
A comparison of the diet of urban and forest great tits in a Mediterranean habitat4
Density and activity patterns of bobcat in its southernmost distribution3
Effect of implementation of irrigation on raptor and corvid populations in a Mediterranean agrosystem3
Description of a new valvatoid Pikasia smenensis n. gen. n. sp. (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae) from Morocco3
Machine learning as a successful approach for predicting complex spatio–temporal patterns in animal species abundance3
Population increase of the invasive red–whiskered bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus in Valencia, Spain3
Seasonal variation in the diet of two predators in an agroecosystem in southern–central Chile3
Effects of elevation gradient and aspect on butterfly diversity on Galičica Mountain in the Republic of Macedonia (south–eastern Europe)3
Spatial distribution of two invasive freshwater snails and environmental correlates of the mollusc community abundance, a case study in Chile2
Can scientific laws be discussed on philosophical grounds? a reply to naïve arguments on ‘predators’ proposed by Bramble (2021)2
Long distance dispersal of monk parakeets2
A plastic device fixed around trees can deter snakes from predating bird nest boxes2
Interspecific sexual selection, a new theory for an old practice: the increase of artificial biodiversity through creation of modern, standardized breeds2
Assessment of endangered freshwater pearl mussel populations in the Northern Iberian Plateau in relation to non–native species: xenodiversity as a threat2
Scientific and traditional knowledge meet: diet of the lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris in the Orinoquia region of Colombia2
Are quartzite scree slopes used by birds to promote sound transmission in the Mediterranean forest?2
Modelling European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur L. 1758) distribution in the south eastern Iberian Peninsula2
New records of leeches of the genus Limnatis (Hirudinea, Praobdellidae) from the South Caucasus and Central Asia: phylogenetic relationships of Eurasian and African populations2
Living under the risk of extinction: population status and conservation needs assessment of a micro–endemic tiger gecko in Vietnam2
Comparison of nestling diet between first and second broods of great tits Parus major in urban and forest habitats2