Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures

(The TQCC of Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Capacity prediction of straight and inclined slender concrete-filled double-skin tubular columns31
Description of crystal defect properties in BCC Cr with extended Finnis–Sinclair potential29
The effect of manufacturing defects on the high-cycle fatigue of electron-beam-welded Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy: experimental and numerical analysis27
Implementation of improved Fourier's law and Fick's law for rotational flow of nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet26
Statistical analysis of bamboo scrimber tensile mechanical property based on different models and experiments22
The integrated MHD thermal performance with slip conditions on metachronal propulsion: the engineering material for biomedical applications16
Site effect influence on the seismic vulnerability of unreinforced masonry buildings in low to moderate seismic urban areas in Algeria16
Effects of non-symmetric non-uniformly distributed welding residual stress on fatigue failure initiation and propagation in a hydropower generator shaft15
Modeling of voltage-limiting kinetics in two-layer varistor–posistor structures14
Statistical and experimental study on microcrack of mortar by a self-healing agent of bacteria adsorbed by expanded perlite14
2D problem of nonlocal rotating thermoelastic half-space with memory-dependent derivative14
Viscous fluid flow and heat transfer past a permeable wall jet with convective boundary conditions12
An innovative reinforcement method: the combination of CFRP bars and UHPC layer is applied to the flexural reinforcement of RC beams12
Review of research progress and development trend of digital image correlation10
Simulation of coupled elasticity problem with pressure equation: hydroelastic equation10
Entropic behavior with activation energy in the dynamics of hyperbolic-tangent mixed-convective nanomaterial due to a vertical slendering surface10
A novel model on nonlocal thermoelastic rotating porous medium with memory-dependent derivative9
On stress concentration analysis of inverse distance weighted function based finite FGM panel with circular hole under biaxial loading8
Numerical investigation of magnetized bioconvection and heat transfer in a cross-ternary hybrid nanofluid over a stretching cylinder8
Dynamic characteristics analysis of complex aircraft pipeline system using MDSMA algorithm8
Rheological model of cement-based material slurry with different water-cement ratio and temperature8
Boundary layer analysis on magnetohydrodynamic dissipative Williamson nanofluid past over an exponentially stretched porous sheet by engaging OHAM8
Robust optimization of EMU brake module based on interval analysis7
A comprehensive study on using expanded silica gel size as hollow sphere material in different aluminum alloy-based syntactic foams7
Breaking process of composite membranes used in desalination phenomenon7
Study on the effects of guide fins structures on the flow and thermal uniformity of the motorcycle exhaust thermoelectric generator6
Wire EDM cutting of Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy: kerf and MRR analysis6
Investigation of Sutterby fluid flow through elliptic multi-stenosed artery: analytical solutions of blood flow problem6
Multicriteria decision-making for optimization of welding parameters in cold metal transfer and pulse metal-inert gas weld bead of AA2099-T86 alloy using CRITIC and ROV methods6
Love-type wave characteristics in the heterogeneous hydrogel layer pasted over the functionally graded piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composites semi-infinite substrate6
Entropic behavior in bidirectional flow of CeO2-ZnO/water hybrid nanofluid with prescribed surface temperature/heat flux aspects5
Parameter-free strain-energy function which automatically and accurately matches benchmark test data for soft elastic solids5
Time-dependent flow of Reiner–Rivlin nanofluid over a stretching sheet with Arrhenius activation energy and binary chemical reaction5
Investigation on effect of carbon equivalent and inoculation on the solidification and shrinkage tendency of ductile cast iron using thermal analysis5
Front propagation in the interaction of gases to model a fuel tank inerting process with a nonlinear parabolic operator5
Mixed spin-3/2 and spin-2 nanowire: magnetic properties and hysteresis behaviors5
Fracture mechanism and failure criterion of S-07 steel for liquid rocket engine5
Thermal transport analysis for entropy generated flow of hybrid nanomaterial: modified Cattaneo–Christov heat and Darcy–Forchheimer5
Numerical study on influence of inclination and sinusoidal heating on magneto-convection in an inclined lid-driven cavity4
Investigation on structural integrity of shape distorted 90° back-to-back pipe bends under in-plane closing bending moment4
Optimizing surface roughness in soft pneumatic gripper fabricated via FDM: experimental investigation using Taguchi method4
Modeling and analysis of TiO2 filler's impact on specific wear rate in flax fiber-reinforced epoxy composite under abrasive wear using Taguchi approach4
Machinability optimization of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites for aviation manufacturing parts4
Wavy mathematical modeling of dynamically reactive shear thinning materials under the influence of gravity and wavy structures amplitude4
Modeling mechanical behavior of distributed piezoelectric actuators for morphing wing applications4
Special review: Mechanical investigation on failure modes of reticular porous metal foams under different loadings in engineering applications3
Rayleigh-type surface waves in a thermally conducting mixture of an elastic solid and a Newtonian fluid3
Global sensitivity analysis of structural models by active subspace and neural network3
Numerical characterizations of the thermomechanical response of power modules with ceramic substrates and lead-free bonds3
Analytical and inverse method for determining high temperature properties of materials using small punch creep: a review3
Multiphysics simulations of uniaxial compression applied to various rock samples subject to microwave pretreatment3
Finite coating thickness of Prandtl fluid in non-isothermal reverse roll coating process3
The solutions of dissipation-dispersive models arising in material science3
Crystal structure optimization approach to problem solving in mechanical engineering design3
Evolution and comprehensive evaluation of viscoelastic characteristics of road asphalt in medium temperature region3
The effect of the properties of LaxNd8‒xB6 (x = 1,2,6)3
Supervised machine learning techniques for optimization of heat transfer rate of Cu-H2O nanofluid flow over a radial porous fin3
Optimization of structural parameters for the sound absorption performance of a cellular ceramic foam3
Hydro-thermo-fluidic aspects of Oldroyd B fluid with hybrid nanostructure subject to low and moderate Prandtl numbers3
Calculation of energy and magnetic susceptibility of Fe atomic system during dislocation motion in magnetic field3
Effect of freeze-thaw damage at curing time on mechanical properties of polyurethane concrete3
Prediction of load requirement and instabilities during end forming of friction stir processed AA 6063-T6 thin-walled tubes3
Modeling of resettable fuses characteristics for protection of solar arrays from current overloads3
Study of the dynamic response of a CAARC building by the synthetic wind method and comparison with different approaches3
Predicting hot wire tungsten inert gas welding parameters for joining P91 and 304HCu steel using multi-optimization techniques3
Polymer presence in boundary layer flow and heat transfer of dusty fluid over a stretching surface3
Efficient aerodynamic optimization of turbine blade profiles: an integrated approach with novel HDSPSO algorithm3
CuMg2GaS4: a novel photocatalyst with promising properties3