International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance

(The median citation count of International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The job and life satisfaction of teachers: a social cognitive model integrating teachers’ burnout, self-efficacy, dispositional optimism, and social support23
Online career counseling success: the role of hardiness and psychological capital15
Youth unemployment and health outcomes: the moderation role of the future time perspective14
Approaches and strategies for understanding the career development needs of migrants and refugees: the potential of a systems-based narrative approach14
How does career guidance at schools encounter migrant young people? Interactional practices that hinder socially just guidance14
Enhancing the career capabilities of NEET youth in Hong Kong: an experience-driven framework13
“Employability in context”: graduate employability attributes expected by employers in regional Vietnam and implications for career guidance13
Four ‘dirty words’ in career guidance: from common sense to good sense11
Calling and career commitment among Chinese college students: career locus of control as a moderator11
In the same boat? An online group career counseling with a group of young adults in the time of COVID-1911
A systemic and qualitative exploration of career adaptability among young people with refugee backgrounds10
Social capital and career planning amongst first generation and non-first generation high school and college students in Germany: a social network analysis approach10
Practitioners’ vocational guidance with direct learning model: influencing career commitment and employability in electrical/electronic technology education10
The labour market integration of migrants and refugees: career guidance and the newly arrived9
Strengthening career adaptation among school teachers in Pakistan: Test of strengths-based career intervention imparted through emotionalized learning experiences9
Fast track to the labour market? Experiences of learning in an active labour market policy measure for migrant teachers in Sweden9
From career guidance to designing lives acting for fair and sustainable development9
From academic achievement to career development: does self-regulated learning matter?9
The relationship between social support and career adaptability: the chain mediating role of perceived career barriers and career maturity9
Family influence on undergraduates’ career choice implementation8
‘My family’s goals are also my goals’: the relationship between collectivism, distal utility value, and learning and career goals of international university students in Germany8
The route to employability: a longitudinal study on a sample of Italian job seekers8
Positive psychological capital and university students’ entrepreneurial intentions: does gender make a difference?8
Relations between graduates’ learning experiences and employment outcomes: a cautionary note for institutional performance indicators8
The intersections of migration, app-based gig work, and career development: implications for career practice and research8
Toward an understanding of 21st-century skills: From a systematic review7
A multivariate discriminant analysis of university students’ career decisions based on career adaptability, social support, academic major relevance, and university life satisfaction7
The influence of employment program components upon job attainment during a time of identity and career transition7
Career adaptability and associations with personality traits and pathological traits utilizing network analysis6
Young refugees’ and asylum seekers’ career choices: a qualitative investigation6
Decent work in Poland: a preliminary study. Suggestions for educational and counselling practice6
Investigating career-related teacher support for Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong6
Career experts’ conceptions of innovation in career development6
Parental and school factors on American high school students’ academic and career intentions in STEM fields6
Bridging the gap between research and practice: using phenomenographic findings to develop training for career practitioners6
Facets of adaptability in career decision-making6
An introduction to the special section on the Capability Approach to career guidance6
Educational self-regulation competence: toward a lifespan-based concept and assessment strategy6
Understanding the determinants and consequences of perceived employability in graduate labor market in China6
A critique of the Capability Approach’s potential for application to career guidance5
Career-first: an approach to sustainable labour market integration5
Critical factors that influence a young person’s journey toward sustainable employment4
Perceived research environment, motivation, and academic interest in research: a social-cognitive perspective4
Enhancing the career development of rural youth4
Between choices and “going with the flow”. Career guidance and Roma young people in Hungary4
Labour market information and social justice: a critical examination4
A broader educational and vocational outlook in compulsory education has consequences for social justice4
Does passion ignite intentions? Understanding the influence of entrepreneurial passion on the entrepreneurial career intentions of higher education students4
Psychometric properties of the African Career Interest Inventory in Ghana4
Migration, educational and career guidance and social inclusion4
Working adults' future occupational plans: the contribution of role characteristics, social support, and occupational self-efficacy4
Introduction to the special section: life design interventions (counseling, guidance, education) for decent work and sustainable development4
Purpose and career development: Implications for career counseling and counselor education4
Factors influencing adaptation from university to employment in Portugal and Brazil4
The effects of a 13-week career development programme on career-adapting thoughts and behaviours4
The outcomes of a mixed-methods, innovative group life design intervention with unemployed youths3
Exploring occupational aspirations of school-age children by fluid intelligence, gender and grade3
Really shocks can’t be ignored: the effects of career shocks on career development and how family support moderates this relationship?3
Factor structure and factorial invariance of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale across Japanese and South Korean college students3
The Career Decision-Making Adaptability Score: Exploration and validation of its predictive power for subjective and objective career success3
A narrative inquiry into the meaning of career identity of Indian emerging adults amid Covid-193
Protean career processes in young adults: Relationships with perceived future employability, educational performance, and commitment3
Assisting athletes facing career transitions post-injury3
Coping with career indecision: the role of courage and future orientation in secondary education students from Greek provincial cities3
Hegemonic masculinity, sexism, homophobia, and perceived discrimination in traditionally male-dominated fields of study: A study in Swiss vocational upper-secondary schools3
Perceived employability of Korean employees: a multi-dimensional approach3
Career expectations of international and domestic students in Canada3
Developing lifelong guidance and counselling prospective by addressing individual and collective experience of humanness, humanity and the world3
Future perceptions of Israeli and Hong Kong young adults3
The predictors of Turkish youth’s career planning: trait emotional intelligence, cognitive flexibility, and resilience3
Optimizing vocational identity status and job search behavior via career-related practical skills training in electrical/electronic technology education3
Supporting (or not) the career development of culturally and linguistically diverse migrants and refugees in universities: insights from Australia3
The influence of social connectedness and meaning in life on career adaptability and career self-efficacy in students with special educational needs3
Career history and career identity: antecedents of job-field underemployment3
Career/lifelong guidance systems and services: continuous transformations in a transition region2
The role of self-esteem in the relationship between ego-identity and career aspiration among South African adolescents2
Bringing light to school counselors’ burnout: the role of occupational identity suffering2
A longitudinal study of relations among apprentices’ nonwork orientation, decent work, and job satisfaction2
The role of proactive personality and general self-efficacy in proactive career behavior: a mediation model2
School-to-work transition: putting non-cognitive skills in context. The case of NEET and suggestions for policy2
Data mining to detect variables associated with the occupational aspirations of Spanish 15-year-old students2
Understanding Transnational Academic Migration: U.S. Doctorate Recipients’ Choices of Returning to Chinese Academe2
Corporate social responsibility and performance in the workplace: a meta-analysis2
The underlying career values of young adults’ protean and traditional career orientations2
Career experts' conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance2
A psychometric evaluation of the career transition inventory with Turkish participants2
The role of guidance professionals in enhancing the capabilities of marginalized students: the case of indigenous women in Canada2
How do supported employment programs work? Answers from a systematic literature review2
Healthcare career intervention with youth in a predominantly Latinx rural community: a pilot study of a creative approach2
Short forms of protean and boundaryless career attitudes scales in the Turkish context: validation and psychometric evaluation2
Work volition and academic satisfaction in Chinese female college students: the moderating role of incremental theory of work volition2
Assessing life skills development self-efficacy: a validation study in Hong Kong, China1
The dimensional structure of metaphors of career and their relations to career agency, job search self-efficacy, and negative career outlook1
Sociocultural and contextual determinants of science career goal at a community college and baccalaureate-granting institution1
Supporting children’s career aspirations under changing career conditions: a systematic review of intervention approaches1
Motivating entrepreneurial learning: moderation of problem-solving efficacy1
Creativity and vocational identity in late adolescence. A study using the person-centred approach1
How do family influence on career choices and perceived social support affect students’ life satisfaction in Turkey? The role of vocational outcome expectations as mediator1
How long can I wait and how much frustration can I stand? Volitional traits and students’ PhD-intention and pursuit1
Work–family conflict influences on preschool teachers’ work engagement through psychological detachment: explicit and implicit evidence1
Elite athletes’ environment and their capability to plan and prepare a career transition out of sport1
A Model of the Well-Being among French School Counselors: effects of personal and psychosocial variables1
Beyond job placement: careers for refugees1
Perceived procedural justice and psychological flourishing among mental health professionals in Macao: a moderated mediation model1
Primary and secondary school students’ career aspirations and job automation-related risks1
Existential career guidance for groups of young refugees and migrants: a Danish initiative1
Development and validation of the Turkish five-factor short form of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS-5-SF)1
Preschool education undergraduates’ choice of major and career in China1
Guidance and education, an analysis of young peoples’ discontinuous school pathways: the guidance-oriented approach of educational institutions1
Perceived support and influences in adolescents’ career choices: a mixed-methods study1
Career counselling women survivors of childhood abuse1
The research resilience scale: development and initial validation1
How does Mind–Body Bridging support professional identity development?1
Work and the future as represented by French adolescents: the role of secondary school type and anticipated duration of post-secondary education1
Career Adapt-Abilities Scale: psychometric properties in a Lebanese sample1
The new dynamics of career self-management: a study with remote workers1
Psychometric properties of the Job Search Behaviour Index (JSBI) in recent university graduates: a Rasch analysis1
Brief motivational interviewing training for teachers providing career services in Turkey: A pilot study1
Effectiveness of Career Construction Counselling in fostering career adaptation strategies1
Multidimensional measure of employability: internal structure and associations with motivational and emotional features in unemployed persons1
Career guidance and active labour market policies in the Republic of Armenia1
The student career construction inventory: validation with Portuguese university students1
Using visual stimuli in narrative career interventions: effects of image-supported storytelling on interview anxiety and performance1
Social capital in academia: How does postdocs’ relationship with their superior professors shape their career intentions?1
Stories of courage in a group of asylum seekers for an inclusive and sustainable future1
Preschool teachers' attitudes toward career education: the role of cultural context and teaching self-efficacy1
Career counsellors’ professional agency when working with migrants1
Youth and Children's Orchestras: Analysis of the Educational Experience and Some Reflections from the Field of Lifelong Guidance and Counseling1
Emotional anticipation of high school graduation: Similarity of profiles across gender, educational track, and grade1
Power of shared success: how can sharing success and roles of others motivate African women in STEM?1
Career-related teacher support and decision to choose teaching as a career: a three-wave study of Nigerian and Zambian university students1
Influences on career interest in project management: SCCT and passion theory approach1
Predicting effects of career adaptability and educational identity on the career decision-making of Chinese higher vocational students1
“If I won the lottery…”: work orientations of low-qualified young adults in Albania and Switzerland1
Career anxiety as a barrier to life satisfaction among undergraduate students: the role of meaning in life and self-efficacy1
Separate counselling services in Norwegian upper secondary schools. A possibility for a collective holistic approach?1
Promoting access to decent work: career counselors’ experiences with career construction counseling1
Vocational values scale: initial development and testing of the student form (VVS–S)1