Discrete Optimization

(The median citation count of Discrete Optimization is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Complexity of training ReLU neural network32
Penalty and partitioning techniques to improve performance of QUBO solvers21
Single-machine scheduling with maintenance activities and rejection18
Integer programming in parameterized complexity: Five miniatures11
Hardness results for Multimarginal Optimal Transport problems11
A cut-and-branch algorithm for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem7
EXPEDIS: An exact penalty method over discrete sets7
Principled deep neural network training through linear programming6
A maximum edge-weight clique extraction algorithm based on branch-and-bound6
An exact cutting plane method for k-submodular function maximizatio6
On the edge capacitated Steiner tree problem5
Two-agent bounded parallel-batching scheduling for minimizing maximum cost and makespan5
A two-phase tabu search based evolutionary algorithm for the maximum diversity problem5
Improved algorithms for two-agent scheduling on an unbounded serial-batching machine5
On bin packing with clustering and bin packing with delays5
BDD-based optimization for the quadratic stable set problem4
Network reliability in hamiltonian graphs4
The Aα4
The Bipartite Boolean Quadric Polytope4
Packing strong subgraph in digraphs3
A column generation approach to the discrete barycenter problem3
The Arc-Item-Load and Related Formulations for the Cumulative Vehicle Routing Problem3
An improved zig zag approach for competitive group testing3
Strong IP formulations need large coefficients3
Decentralized algorithms for distributed integer programming problems with a coupling cardinality constraint3
Minimum energy configurations on a toric lattice as a quadratic assignment problem3
Efficient constructions of convex combinations for 2-edge-connected subgraphs on fundamental classes3
Stable allocations and partially ordered sets2
Reinforcement learning enhanced multi-neighborhood tabu search for the max-mean dispersion problem2
Quality of equilibria for selfish bin packing with cost sharing variants2
Node-based valid inequalities for the optimal transmission switching problem2
A convex cover for closed unit curves has area at least 0.12
Block-structured integer programming: Can we parameterize without the largest coefficient?2
Constant factor approximation for tracking paths and fault tolerant feedback vertex set2
Approximating single- and multi-objective nonlinear sum and product knapsack problems2
Arc-routing for winter road maintenance2
The polytope of binary sequences with bounded variation2
Fast constructive and improvement heuristics for edge clique covering2
Mathematical formulations and solution methods for the uncapacitated r2
Fashion game on graphs1
On optimal randomized group testing with one defective item and a constrained number of positive responses1
Linear programming based approximation for unweighted induced matchings—Breaking the Δ1
Parallelization of a branch-and-bound algorithm for the maximum weight clique problem1
Facets of the dynamic monopoly polytope: Linear ordering formulation1
Probabilistic characterization of random Max r-Sat1
Cardinality constrained connected balanced partitions of trees under different criteria1
Secretary and online matching problems with machine learned advice1
Characterizing linearizable QAPs by the level-1 reformulation-linearization technique1
Circuits in extended formulations1
Exact values of defective Ramsey numbers in graph classes1
GO-MOCE: Greedy Order Method of Conditional Expectations for Max Sat1
A polyhedral study of lifted multicuts1
The p-center problem under locational uncertainty of demand points1
Minimum 0-extension problems on directed metrics1
Constructing extremal triangle-free graphs using integer programming1
On the intrinsic volumes of intersections of congruent balls1
An improved greedy algorithm for stochastic online scheduling on unrelated machines1
Graphs with equal Grundy domination and independence number1
Circuit walks in integral polyhedra1
On the complexity of solving a decision problem with flow-depending costs: The case of the IJsselmeer dikes1
On the analysis of optimization problems in arc-dependent networks1
On inequalities with bounded coefficients and pitch for the min knapsack polytope1
Approximate separable multichoice optimization over monotone systems0
Editorial Board0
Preface: Optimization and Discrete Geometry0
On Pareto optimal balanced exchanges0
Optimal length cutting plane refutations of integer programs0
Editorial Board0
Reachability in choice networks0
Hard problems on box-totally dual integral polyhedra0
The complexity of 2-vertex-connected orientation in mixed graphs0
A polyhedral study for the cubic formulation of the unconstrained traveling tournament problem0
Tight bounds on the relative performances of pricing optimization mechanisms in storable good markets0
When greedy gives optimal: A unified approach0
LP-based approximation for uniform capacitated facility location problem0
Parameterized algorithms for generalizations of Directed Feedback Vertex Set0
Greedy algorithm for local heating problem0
More on online weighted edge coloring0
A theoretical justification of the set covering greedy heuristic of Caprara et al.0
Avoiding redundant columns by adding classical Benders cuts to column generation subproblems0
Editorial Board0
Scheduling split intervals with non-uniform demands0
Fractional Decomposition Tree Algorithm: A tool for studying the integrality gap of Integer Programs0
Computational study of a branching algorithm for the maximum k-cut 0
The k-aggregation closure for covering sets0
Valid inequalities for quadratic optimisation with domain constraints0
Finding the dimension of a non-empty orthogonal array polytope0
Editorial Board0
Packing mixed hyperarborescences0
The non-stop disjoint trajectories problem0
Editorial Board0
Maximizing the Mostar index for bipartite graphs and split graphs0
Editorial Board0
On the Rényi–Ulam game with restricted size queries0
On the length of L-Grundy sequences0
Rational polyhedral outer-approximations of the second-order cone0
Submodular reassignment problem for reallocating agents to tasks with synergy effects0
Tighter bounds on the minimum broadcast time0
The optimal proper connection number of a graph with given independence number0
The maximum number of short paths in a Halin graph0
Editorial Board0
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Parametric matroid interdiction0
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Fleet & tail assignment under uncertainty0
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EPTAS for load balancing problem on parallel machines with a non-renewable resource0
Preface: Quadratic combinatorial optimization problems0
Editorial Board0
On the general Z-type index of connected graphs0
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Minimum gradation in greyscales of graphs0
The Aα0
The (d0
On polytopes with linear rank with respect to generalizations of the split closure0
On packing time-respecting arborescences0
The reach of axis-aligned squares in the plane0
Integer linear programming formulations for the minimum connectivity inference problem and model reduction principles0
Convexifying multilinear sets with cardinality constraints: Structural properties, nested case and extensions0
Editorial Board0
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Spectral aspects of symmetric matrix signings0
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CHAMP: A multipass algorithm for Max Sat based on saver variables0
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On cut polytopes and graph minors0