Review of Finance

(The median citation count of Review of Finance is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Aggregate Confusion: The Divergence of ESG Ratings809
The Externalities of Corruption: Evidence from Entrepreneurial Firms in China*95
A Sustainable Capital Asset Pricing Model (S-CAPM): Evidence from Environmental Integration and Sin Stock Exclusion85
Responsible Hedge Funds81
ETF Arbitrage, Non-Fundamental Demand, and Return Predictability*77
Do Place-Based Policies Promote Local Innovation and Entrepreneurship?*75
Information in Financial Markets and Its Real Effects75
Climate Change Risk and the Cost of Mortgage Credit73
Financing Labor70
Gender Dynamics in Crowdfunding (Kickstarter): Evidence on Entrepreneurs, Backers, and Taste-Based Discrimination*69
Are Carbon Emissions Associated with Stock Returns?60
Experience Effects in Finance: Foundations, Applications, and Future Directions56
Do Responsible Investors Invest Responsibly?55
How Much Does Size Erode Mutual Fund Performance? A Regression Discontinuity Approach53
Does Money Talk? Divestitures and Corporate Environmental and Social Policies53
“Sorry, We're Closed” Bank Branch Closures, Loan Pricing, and Information Asymmetries51
ESG shareholder engagement and downside risk51
Financial Literacy in the Age of Green Investment50
The Characteristics and Portfolio Behavior of Bitcoin Investors: Evidence from Indirect Cryptocurrency Investments48
Does Socially Responsible Investing Change Firm Behavior?48
More is Less: Publicizing Information and Market Feedback*47
Going Bankrupt in China44
Investor Attention and Asset Pricing Anomalies42
Data versus Collateral42
The Active World of Passive Investing42
Low Carbon Mutual Funds35
Sustainable Finance33
Bank of Japan Equity Purchases: The (Non-)Effects of Extreme Quantitative Easing*33
The Value of Employee Satisfaction in Disastrous Times: Evidence from COVID-1933
Momentum, Reversals, and Investor Clientele30
The Dollar Profits to Insider Trading30
Sources of Value Creation in Private Equity Buyouts of Private Firms30
Access to Finance and Job Growth: Firm-Level Evidence across Developing Countries29
Portfolios for Long-Term Investors28
Asset Prices and Portfolios with Externalities27
Stress Tests, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation27
The Role of Internal M&A Teams in Takeovers25
Hub-and-Spoke Regulation and Bank Leverage25
Social Media and Financial News Manipulation24
Language and Domain Specificity: A Chinese Financial Sentiment Dictionary24
The Choice of Peers for Relative Performance Evaluation in Executive Compensation23
A New Wolf in Town? Pump-and-Dump Manipulation in Cryptocurrency Markets22
Third-Party Credit Guarantees and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from Corporate Loans22
Do Country-Level Creditor Protections Affect Firm-Level Debt Structure Concentration?22
On the Economic Significance of Stock Return Predictability18
The TIPS Liquidity Premium18
Managing Liquidity in Production Networks: The Role of Central Firms17
Intellectual Property Protection and Financial Markets: Patenting versus Secrecy*16
Spillovers in Prices: The Curious Case of Haunted Houses*16
The Leverage–Profitability Puzzle Resurrected*16
Income, Liquidity, and the Consumption Response to the 2020 Economic Stimulus Payments15
Informed Trading and Momentum in the Corporate Bond Market14
Is Currency Risk Priced in Global Equity Markets?*14
Gate Fees: The Pervasive Effect of IPO Restrictions on Chinese Equity Markets14
Do Anomalies Really Predict Market Returns? New Data and New Evidence14
Director Expertise and Corporate Sustainability13
A Theory of Collateral for the Lender of Last Resort*13
Learning from Feedback: Evidence from New Ventures*12
Firms and Local Governments: Relationship Building during Political Turnovers12
Economic Policy Uncertainty and the Yield Curve12
Private Company Valuations by Mutual Funds12
Valuing Data as an Asset12
Trading on Talent: Human Capital and Firm Performance11
Finance Leases: In the Shadow of Banks11
Central Hub M&A Advisors11
Expanding Footprints: The Impact of Passenger Transportation on Corporate Locations11
Whose Disagreement Matters? Household Belief Dispersion and Stock Trading Volume11
Liquidity Risk and Funding Cost10
Mortgage Debt, Hand-to-Mouth Households, and Monetary Policy Transmission10
How Do Individual Politicians Affect Privatization? Evidence from China10
Social Networks and Hedge Fund Activism10
Secondary Market Transparency and Corporate Bond Issuing Costs9
The Distress Anomaly is Deeper than You Think: Evidence from Stocks and Bonds9
The Variance Risk Premium in Equilibrium Models9
Dual Ownership and Risk-Taking Incentives in Managerial Compensation9
Determinants of Short-Term Corporate Yield Spreads: Evidence from the Commercial Paper Market9
Long-Horizon Stock Returns Are Positively Skewed9
Political Beta8
Mobile Apps and Financial Decision Making8
Cross-Border Bank Flows and Systemic Risk8
Are Carbon Emissions Associated with Stock Returns? Comment8
Tick Size Wars: The Market Quality Effects of Pricing Grid Competition8
How Does Human Capital Affect Investing? Evidence from University Endowments8
The Term Structure of Equity Risk Premia: Levered Noise and New Estimates8
Leverage and Cash Dynamics8
Moneyness, Underlying Asset Volatility, and the Cross-Section of Option Returns7
Trading Volume and Time Varying Betas7
Political Networks and Stock Price Comovement: Evidence from Network-Connected Firms in China7
Are Carbon Emissions Associated with Stock Returns?—Reply7
Advertising Arbitrage7
Market Timing and Predictability in FX Markets7
Small Business Lending in Financial Crises: The Role of Government-Guaranteed Loans7
Social Interaction in the Family: Evidence from Investors’ Security Holdings7
Macroeconomic News and Stock–Bond Comovement7
Time-Varying Crash Risk Embedded in Index Options: The Role of Stock Market Liquidity7
Entrepreneur Death and Startup Performance6
Regulatory Sandboxes and Fintech Funding: Evidence from the UK6
The Real Effects of Judicial Enforcement6
Currency Carry Trade by Trucks: The Curious Case of China’s Massive Imports from Itself5
Equilibrium Asset Pricing in Directed Networks*5
Passive-Aggressive Trading: The Supply and Demand of Liquidity by Mutual Funds5
Cancer and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from Norwegian Register Data5
Introduction: Special Issue on China I5
Measuring Climate Transition Risk Spillovers5
A Tale of Two Cities: Mainland Chinese Buyers in the Hong Kong Housing Market5
Capital Gains Tax, Venture Capital, and Innovation in Start-Ups5
Optimal Capital Structure with Stock Market Feedback5
A Wake-Up Call Theory of Contagion5
Do IPO Firms Become Myopic?5
New Mortgage Lenders and the Housing Market*5
Dissemination, Publication, and Impact of Finance Research: When Novelty Meets Conventionality5
Life is Too Short? Bereaved Managers and Investment Decisions5
Disastrous Defaults5