Journal of Financial Stability

(The median citation count of Journal of Financial Stability is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The pricing of green bonds: Are financial institutions special?182
Climate risks and financial stability180
Fintech: what’s old, what’s new?149
Financing firms in hibernation during the COVID-19 pandemic149
Climate risk and financial stability in the network of banks and investment funds117
ESG investing: A chance to reduce systemic risk104
Three green financial policies to address climate risks103
What greenium matters in the stock market? The role of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental disclosures103
Climate sentiments, transition risk, and financial stability in a stock-flow consistent model87
Banking research in the time of COVID-1981
Environmental regulation and the cost of bank loans: International evidence71
When bad news is good news: Geopolitical risk and the cross-section of emerging market stock returns64
Quantification of systemic risk from overlapping portfolios in the financial system64
Economic uncertainty and bank stability: Conventional vs. Islamic banking63
Do banks fuel climate change?61
How can green differentiated capital requirements affect climate risks? A dynamic macrofinancial analysis54
Credit policy and its heterogeneous effects on green innovations52
Uncertainty of uncertainty and firm cash holdings50
Pricing climate-related risks in the bond market49
Commodity prices co-movements and financial stability: A multidimensional visibility nexus with climate conditions49
Two decades of contagion effect on stock markets: Which events are more contagious?47
The drivers of cyber risk44
Central bank digital currency: A review and some macro-financial implications42
Distrust or speculation? The socioeconomic drivers of U.S. cryptocurrency investments42
Debt rollover risk, credit default swap spread and stock returns: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis41
Low-carbon city initiatives and firm risk: A quasi-natural experiment in China39
How economic policy uncertainty affects the cost of raising equity capital: Evidence from seasoned equity offerings39
The benefits are at the tail: Uncovering the impact of macroprudential policy on growth-at-risk36
Doing good in periods of high uncertainty: Economic policy uncertainty, corporate social responsibility, and analyst forecast error35
Customer concentration and corporate risk-taking34
Bank liquidity creation, network contagion and systemic risk: Evidence from Chinese listed banks34
The impact of organization capital on firm innovation32
A survival analysis of public guaranteed loans: Does financial intermediary matter?30
Media, reputational risk, and bank loan contracting29
Climate change financial risks: Implications for asset pricing and interest rates28
Economic policy uncertainty and earnings management: Evidence from Japan28
The impact of the coronavirus crisis on the market price of risk27
Systemic risk-efficient asset allocations: Minimization of systemic risk as a network optimization problem27
Economic policy uncertainty and cross-border mergers and acquisitions27
Risk spillovers and interconnectedness between systemically important institutions27
Liquidity risk and bank performance during financial crises27
Vulnerable asset management? The case of mutual funds26
The leverage ratio, risk-taking and bank stability25
High water, no marks? Biased lending after extreme weather24
Macroprudential policy and its impact on the credit cycle23
Money, privacy, anonymity: What do experiments tell us?22
Systemic risk measures and regulatory challenges22
Common asset holdings and systemic vulnerability across multiple types of financial institution22
National culture and bank liquidity creation22
Climate change and financial systemic risk: Evidence from US banks and insurers21
Climate risks and weather derivatives: A copula-based pricing model21
Did the Basel Process of capital regulation enhance the resiliency of European banks?21
High liquidity creation and bank failures20
Why do banks target ROE?20
Bank capital regulation and risk after the Global Financial Crisis19
Measuring the systemic importance of banks19
Economic uncertainty and corruption: Evidence from public and private firms19
Consumer defaults and social capital18
Bank credit risk and macro-prudential policies: Role of counter-cyclical capital buffer18
The SKEW index: Extracting what has been left17
CoMap: Mapping Contagion in the Euro Area Banking Sector16
Internationalization, foreign complexity and systemic risk: Evidence from European banks16
A zero-risk weight channel of sovereign risk spillovers15
Bank interconnectedness and financial stability: The role of bank capital15
Digital currencies in financial networks15
Firm-level political risk and distance-to-default14
Economic policy uncertainty and allocative distortions14
Economists in the 2008 financial crisis: Slow to see, fast to act14
Systemic risk and CO2 emissions in the U.S.14
Is cloud computing the digital solution to the future of banking?14
Insider pledging in the U.S.14
Low-carbon city initiatives and analyst behaviour: A quasi-natural experiment14
Macroprudential policies and bank competition: International bank-level evidence13
Does low synchronicity mean more or less informative prices? Evidence from an emerging market13
Growth-at-risk and macroprudential policy design13
New insights into bank asset securitization: The impact of religiosity13
The power of sentiment: Irrational beliefs of households and consumer loan dynamics13
How organizational and geographic complexity influence performance: Evidence from European banks13
Bank capital and the cost of equity12
A note on regulatory responses to COVID-19 pandemic: Balancing banks’ solvency and contribution to recovery12
The contribution of (shadow) banks and real estate to systemic risk in China11
The impact of political uncertainty on institutional ownership11
Debt holder monitoring and implicit guarantees: Did the BRRD improve market discipline?11
The contribution of shadow insurance to systemic risk11
The impact of gender diversity on shareholder wealth: Evidence from European bank M&A11
Forecasting Stock Market Crashes via Machine Learning11
Ownership and bank efficiency in Africa: True fixed effects stochastic frontier analysis11
From stress testing to systemic stress testing: The importance of macroprudential regulation11
Inflation targeting and financial conditions: UK monetary policy during the great moderation and financial crisis11
The effectiveness of FX interventions: A meta-analysis10
The positive side of bank wealth management products: Evidence from bank lending rate10
Implications of public corruption for local firms: Evidence from corporate debt maturity10
Do political connections shield from negative shocks? Evidence from rating changes in advanced emerging economies10
COVID-19 as a stress test: Assessing the bank regulatory framework9
The going-public decision and firm risk9
The impact of G-SIB identification on bank lending: Evidence from syndicated loans9
Bank ownership and capital buffers: How internal control is affected by external governance9
Climate risks and financial stability: Evidence from the European financial system9
Connected banks and economic policy uncertainty9
Collateral Unchained: Rehypothecation networks, concentration and systemic effects9
Does political influence distort banking regulation? Evidence from the US9
ESG activity and bank lending during financial crises9
Natural catastrophes and financial depth: An empirical analysis9
Euro area banking and monetary policy shocks in the QE era9
Sovereign risk spillovers: A network approach9
Labor unions and bank risk culture: evidence from the financial crisis8
Community bank liquidity: Natural disasters as a natural experiment8
Hierarchical contagions in the interdependent financial network8
When central banks buy corporate bonds: Target selection and impact of the European Corporate Sector Purchase Program8
Liquidity and bank capital structure8
A cautionary tale of two extremes: The provision of government liquidity support in the banking sector8
Cross country linkages and transmission of sovereign risk: Evidence from China’s credit default swaps8
Financial stress transmission between the U.S. and the Euro Area8
Sovereign portfolio composition and bank risk: The case of European banks8
Common ownership and bank stability: Evidence from the U.S. banking industry8
Policy uncertainty and bank stress testing7
Cross-border effects of prudential regulation: Evidence from the euro area7
Am I riskier if I rescue my banks? Beyond the effects of bailouts7
Early warning systems using dynamic factor models: An application to Asian economies7
Monetary policy uncertainty and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from China7
Regulatory oversight and bank risk7
Mortgage loan demand and banks’ operational efficiency7
Watch out for bailout: TARP and bank earnings management7
The pass-through of bank capital requirements to corporate lending spreads7
Central bank digital currencies and financial stability in a modern monetary system7
Lending pro-cyclicality and macroprudential policy: Evidence from Japanese LTV ratios7
Avoiding the fall into the loop: Isolating the transmission of bank-to-sovereign distress in the Euro Area7
The eurozone: What is to be done to maintain macro and financial stability?6
Easy cleanups or forbearing improvements: The effect of CEO tenure on successor’s performance6
What is mine is yours: Sovereign risk transmission during the European debt crisis6
Does macroprudential policy affect wealth inequality? Evidence from synthetic controls6
Network models and stress testing for financial stability: The conference6
How are network centrality metrics related to interest rates in the Mexican secured and unsecured interbank markets?6
Corporate social responsibility misconduct and formation of board interlocks6
The impact of corruption on SMEs’ access to finance: Evidence using firm-level survey data from developing countries6
Political uncertainty and analysts’ forecasts: International evidence6
Interest rate pass-through and bank risk-taking under negative-rate policies with tiered remuneration of central bank reserves5
Bank loans during the 2008 quantitative easing5
The impact of short selling on dividend smoothing5
Does headquarters location matter in corporate tax avoidance?5
Bank capital and economic activity5
Financial stability with sovereign debt5
Macroprudential policy in central banks: Integrated or separate? Survey among academics and central bankers5
The role of banks’ technology adoption in credit markets during the pandemic5
The risk implications of the business loan activity in credit unions5
Do labor mobility restrictions affect debt maturity?5
Market reaction to the expected loss model in banks5
Affiliated bankers on board and firm environmental management: U.S. evidence4
Fiscal support and banks’ loan loss provisions during the COVID-19 crisis4
Shifts in global credit and corporate access to finance4
Macroeconomic stability or financial stability: How are capital controls used? Insights from a new database4
Bank opacity, systemic risk and financial stability4
Regulating rating agencies: A conservative behavioural change4
Stock exchange consolidation and cross-border investment: An empirical assessment4
Milton Friedman on bailouts4
Are green loans less risky? Micro-evidence from a European Emerging Economy4
Bank capital shortfall in the euro area4
Solvency and wholesale funding cost interactions at UK banks4
Portfolio diversification during the COVID-19 pandemic: Do vaccinations matter?4
Professional norms and risk-taking of bank employees: Do expectations of peers’ risk preferences matter?4
M&As and political uncertainty: Evidence from the 2016 US presidential election4
Climate-change regulations: Bank lending and real effects4
Stock repurchasing and corporate social responsibility4
Banking globalization, local lending, and labor market effects: Micro-level evidence from Brazil4
Who consumes the credit union subsidies?4
How investor demands for safety influence bank capital and liquidity trade-offs4
Top executive gender, corporate culture, and the value of corporate cash holdings4
Banking deregulation, macroeconomic dynamics and monetary policy4
Risk premia, asset price bubbles, and monetary policy4
Surety bonds and moral hazard in banking4
Isolating defensive corporate ESG effects: Evidence from purely domestic anti-COVID-19 measures4
The impact of Bank of Japan’s exchange-traded fund purchases4
Corporate debt and unconventional monetary policy: The risk-taking channel with bond and loan contracts3
Exchange rate shocks in multicurrency interbank markets3
Bridging the information gap: How digitalization shapes stock price informativeness3
From banking integration to housing market integration - Evidence from the comovement of U.S. Metropolitan House Prices3
Regulation, financial crises, and liberalization traps3
How does dividend payout affect corporate social responsibility? A channel analysis3
Sudden yield reversals and financial intermediation in emerging markets3
International coordination of macroprudential policies with capital flows and financial asymmetries3
The double materiality of climate physical and transition risks in the euro area3
Hedging inflation expectations in the cryptocurrency futures market3
Bank bailouts and economic growth: Evidence from cross-country, cross-industry data3
Sensitivity of credit risk stress test results: Modelling issues with an application to Belgium3
Monetary policy and portfolio rebalancing: Evidence from European equity mutual funds3
The topological structure of panel variance decomposition networks3
Social responsibility and bank resiliency3
CEO overconfidence and IRS attention3
Deposit insurance and market discipline3
Default risk premium and asset prices3
Sowing the seeds of financial imbalances: The role of macroeconomic performance3
Bank credit, inflation, and default risks over an infinite horizon3
Bank risk-taking in emerging economies: Empirical evidence and theory3
Supervisory shocks to banks' credit standards and their macroeconomic impact3
Monetary policy spillover to small open economies: Is the transmission different under low interest rates?3
An integrated macroprudential stress test of bank liquidity and solvency3
Small business lending and the bank-branch network3
The intrafirm complexity of systemically important financial institutions3
Institutional mandates for macroeconomic and financial stability3
Risk shifting and regulatory arbitrage: Evidence from operational risk3