Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

(The H4-Index of Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering is 29. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A Multi Pier Macro MPM method for the seismic analysis of steel moment frames95
Regional-scale stochastic nonlinear seismic time history analysis of RC frame structures66
Lessons for loss assessment from the Canterbury earthquakes: a 22-storey building58
Enhancing displacement coefficient method for multi degree of freedom buildings (MDOF) considering nonlinear soil structure interaction58
Seismic pounding of adjacent buildings considering torsional effects53
Simulation of blind pre-diction and post-diction shaking table tests on a masonry building aggregate using a continuum modelling approach50
Damage tracking and evaluation of RC columns with structural performances by using seismic monitoring data50
Guest editorial for the special issue on artificial intelligence, sensing and big data analytics in earthquake engineering46
Ductility demands for stiffness-degrading SDOF systems under pulse-like ground motions of the 2023 Pazarcık (Kahramanmaraş) earthquake46
Numerical and analytical methods for the design of beam-column sub-assemblies with composite deck slab45
Preface to the Special Issue: The evolution of fragility and vulnerability. The origin story of a preface45
Optimal design of the seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete framed structures using BRBs43
Pullout tests on the connection to an existing foundation of a steel warehouse rebuilt after the 2012 Emilia (Italy) earthquakes42
Assessment of the 2015 full-scale ten-story RC test Structure using ASCE/SEI 4142
ROC analysis-based optimal design of a spatio-temporal online seismic monitoring system for precast industrial buildings41
Cyclic behavior of RCFT columns with large D/t ratio steel tubes: Effect of reinforcement arrangement39
Impact and clutch nonlinearities in the seismic response of inerto-rocking systems39
Evaluating the efficiency of supplementary rebar system in improving hysteretic damping of self-centering rocking walls39
Correction factors for GMMs considering site and topographic effects in South Korea39
2-D and 3-D basin site effects in Izmir-Bayrakli during the October 30, 2020 Mw7.0 Samos earthquake37
Wave velocities depending on shear strain, directionality, and excess pore water pressure from wildlife liquefaction array36
Bidirectional energy-based pushover procedure as a fast approach to establish approximate IDA curves under biaxial seismic excitations: an evaluation for medium- and high-rise buildings35
Response study of a 51-story-tall Los Angeles, California building inferred from motions of the Mw7.1 July 5, 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake34
The H2020 European Project LiqueFACT34
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment framework for Uganda: a stochastic event-based modelling approach33
Seismic fragility assessment and maintenance management on regional bridges using bayesian multi-parameter estimation33
Fragility curves of non-ductile RC frame buildings on saturated soils including liquefaction effects and soil–structure interaction31
Tall buildings in Turkey, their characteristic structural features and dynamic behaviour31
Mechanical model of steel frames with reinforced concrete infill walls30
Experimental investigation using demountable steel-concrete composite reduced web section (RWS) connections under cyclic loads29