QME-Quantitative Marketing and Economics

(The median citation count of QME-Quantitative Marketing and Economics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Prices and promotions in U.S. retail markets35
Consumer search in the U.S. auto industry: The role of dealership visits25
The impact of social distancing on box-office revenue: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic15
Geography as branding: Descriptive evidence from Taobao12
Counterfactual inference for consumer choice across many product categories9
Vertical integration of platforms and product prominence8
Are e-books a different channel? Multichannel management of digital products8
Price promotions and “freemium” app monetization8
Selling mechanisms for perishable goods: An empirical analysis of an online resale market for event tickets7
Leveraging loyalty programs using competitor based targeting6
Local excise taxes, sticky prices, and spillovers: evidence from Berkeley’s soda tax5
Social network design for inducing effort5
Asymmetric cost pass-through and consumer search: empirical evidence from online platforms5
The pricing strategies of online grocery retailers3
Industry-funded research and bias in food science3
Distilling network effects from Steam3
Adaptive grids for the estimation of dynamic models2
Estimating expectations-based reference-price effects in the used-car retail market2
Are consumers averse to sponsored messages? The role of search advertising in information discovery2
Measuring the competition effects of price-matching guarantees2
Price dynamics of Swedish pharmaceuticals2
Quantifying the link between employee engagement, and customer satisfaction and retention in the car rental industry2
A sequential choice model for multiple discrete demand1
Non-linear pricing effects in conjoint analysis1
Effect of search cost in the presence of search deterring informative advertising1
Shrinkage priors for high-dimensional demand estimation1
The role of slant and message consistency in political advertising effectiveness: evidence from the 2016 presidential election1
From uniform to bespoke prices: Hotel pricing during EURO 20161
Heterogeneous treatment effects and optimal targeting policy evaluation1
Comments on “Counterfactual Inference for Consumer Choice Across Many Product Categories”1
Mergers with endogenous product choice: The case of the ready-to-eat cereal industry1