Semantic Web

(The median citation count of Semantic Web is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
BOT: The building topology ontology of the W3C linked building data group112
Neural entity linking: A survey of models based on deep learning38
A survey on knowledge graph embeddings with literals: Which model links better literal-ly?31
Sampo-UI: A full stack JavaScript framework for developing semantic portal user interfaces28
WarSampo knowledge graph: Finland in the Second World War as Linked Open Data28
Pattern-based design applied to cultural heritage knowledge graphs26
Representing narratives in digital libraries: The narrative ontology24
TheyBuyForYou platform and knowledge graph: Expanding horizons in public procurement with open linked data21
Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: The case of Wikidata21
Knowledge graph embedding for data mining vs. knowledge graph embedding for link prediction – two sides of the same coin?20
Foundational ontologies meet ontology matching: A survey19
Modular ontology modeling19
The euBusinessGraph ontology: A lightweight ontology for harmonizing basic company information17
Morph-KGC: Scalable knowledge graph materialization with mapping partitions17
Editorial: Special issue on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage16
Digital humanities on the Semantic Web: Sampo model and portal series16
Is neuro-symbolic AI meeting its promises in natural language processing? A structured review16
Consent through the lens of semantics: State of the art survey and best practices13
Enhancing virtual ontology based access over tabular data with Morph-CSV13
Survey on English Entity Linking on Wikidata: Datasets and approaches12
RDF graph validation using rule-based reasoning12
Background knowledge in ontology matching: A survey12
Introducing the Data Quality Vocabulary (DQV)12
A survey on visual transfer learning using knowledge graphs11
Glottocodes: Identifiers linking families, languages and dialects to comprehensive reference information9
Analyzing the generalizability of the network-based topic emergence identification method9
Explainable zero-shot learning via attentive graph convolutional network and knowledge graphs9
A challenge for historical research: Making data FAIR using a collaborative ontology management environment (OntoME)9
Semantic models and services for conservation and restoration of cultural heritage: A comprehensive survey9
MIDI2vec: Learning MIDI embeddings for reliable prediction of symbolic music metadata9
High-level ETL for semantic data warehouses8
Creating occupant-centered digital twins using the Occupant Feedback Ontology implemented in a smartwatch app8
Towards fully-fledged archiving for RDF datasets7
EUCISE-OWL: An ontology-based representation of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for the maritime domain7
Casual Learn: A linked data-based mobile application for learning about local Cultural Heritage7
Semantic Web technologies and bias in artificial intelligence: A systematic literature review7
A Shape Expression approach for assessing the quality of Linked Open Data in libraries7
Creating RESTful APIs over SPARQL endpoints using RAMOSE7
Knowledge Graph OLAP7
Pioneering easy-to-use forestry data with Forest Explorer6
Knowledge graphs for enhancing transparency in health data ecosystems16
An empirical evaluation of cost-based federated SPARQL query processing engines6
Video representation and suspicious event detection using semantic technologies6
Semantic-enabled architecture for auditable privacy-preserving data analysis5
A comparative study of methods for a priori prediction of MCQ difficulty5
Semantics and canonicalisation of SPARQL 1.15
MTab4D: Semantic annotation of tabular data with DBpedia5
Robust query processing for linked data fragments5
Linked Open Images: Visual similarity for the Semantic Web5
Prediction of adverse biological effects of chemicals using knowledge graph embeddings5
Food process ontology requirements5
Typology-based semantic labeling of numeric tabular data5
Context-aware query derivation for IoT data streams with DIVIDE enabling privacy by design5
When linguistics meets web technologies. Recent advances in modelling linguistic linked data5
Learning SHACL shapes from knowledge graphs5
ConSolid: A federated ecosystem for heterogeneous multi-stakeholder projects4
A systematic overview of data federation systems4
Analysis of ontologies and policy languages to represent information flows in GDPR4
Taxonomy enrichment with text and graph vector representations4
Applying and developing semantic web technologies for exploiting a corpus in history of science: The case study of the Henri Poincaré correspondence4
A strategy for archives metadata representation on CIDOC-CRM and knowledge discovery4
S-Paths: Set-based visual exploration of linked data driven by semantic paths4
The OneGraph vision: Challenges of breaking the graph model lock-in14
ImageSchemaNet: A framester graph for embodied commonsense knowledge4
RDFRules: Making RDF rule mining easier and even more efficient4
Applying the LOT Methodology to a Public Bus Transport Ontology aligned with Transmodel: Challenges and Results4
MADLINK: Attentive multihop and entity descriptions for link prediction in knowledge graphs4
Question answering with deep neural networks for semi-structured heterogeneous genealogical knowledge graphs4
Optimizing storage of RDF archives using bidirectional delta chains4
OntoAndalus: An ontology of Islamic artefacts for terminological purposes4
Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling4
A survey on knowledge-aware news recommender systems4
Sem@K: Is my knowledge graph embedding model semantic-aware?4
Observational/hydrographic data of the South Atlantic Ocean published as LOD4
Methodologies for publishing linked open government data on the Web: A systematic mapping and a unified process model4
Building spatio-temporal knowledge graphs from vectorized topographic historical maps3
MQALD: Evaluating the impact of modifiers in question answering over knowledge graphs3
Gravsearch: Transforming SPARQL to query humanities data3
Generation of training data for named entity recognition of artworks3
TermitUp: Generation and enrichment of linked terminologies3
A conceptual model for ontology quality assessment3
Move cultural heritage knowledge graphs in everyone’s pocket3
Empowering machine learning models with contextual knowledge for enhancing the detection of eating disorders in social media posts3
A neuro-symbolic system over knowledge graphs for link prediction3
An ontology for maintenance activities and its application to data quality3
Urban IoT ontologies for sharing and electric mobility3
LSQ 2.0: A linked dataset of SPARQL query logs3
Security approaches for electronic health data handling through the Semantic Web: A scoping review3
Explanation Ontology: A general-purpose, semantic representation for supporting user-centered explanations3
Optimizing SPARQL queries over decentralized knowledge graphs3
InterpretME: A tool for interpretations of machine learning models over knowledge graphs3
Handling qualitative preferences in SPARQL over virtual ontology-based data access3
An unsupervised approach to disjointness learning based on terminological cluster trees3
Empirical methodology for crowdsourcing ground truth3
Deriving semantic validation rules from industrial standards: An OPC UA study3
Transdisciplinary approach to archaeological investigations in a Semantic Web perspective3
Diverse data! Diverse schemata?3
A semantic framework for condition monitoring in Industry 4.0 based on evolving knowledge bases3
Interpretable ontology extension in chemistry3
ciTIzen-centric DAta pLatform (TIDAL): Sharing distributed personal data in a privacy-preserving manner for health research2
Using natural language generation to bootstrap missing Wikipedia articles: A human-centric perspective2
Data journeys: Explaining AI workflows through abstraction2
A study of concept similarity in Wikidata2
QALD-10 – The 10th challenge on question answering over linked data2
LinkedDataOps:quality oriented end-to-end geospatial linked data production governance2
An ontological approach for representing declarative mapping languages2
The materials design ontology2
Publishing public transport data on the Web with the Linked Connections framework2
MMoOn Core – the Multilingual Morpheme Ontology2
Network metrics for assessing the quality of entity resolution between multiple datasets12
Editorial of transport data on the web2
INK: Knowledge graph representation for efficient and performant rule mining2
Using the W3C Generating RDF from Tabular Data on the Web recommendation to manage small Wikidata datasets2
Linking discourse-level information and the induction of bilingual discourse connective lexicons2
Ce qui est écrit et ce qui est parlé. CRMtex for modelling textual entities on the Semantic Web2
Network representation learning method embedding linear and nonlinear network structures2
Beyond facts – a survey and conceptualisation of claims in online discourse analysis2
Bilingual dictionary generation and enrichment via graph exploration2
Tab2KG: Semantic table interpretation with lightweight semantic profiles2
Advancing agriculture through semantic data management2
Continuous multi-query optimization for subgraph matching over dynamic graphs2
Linking women editors of periodicals to the Wikidata knowledge graph2
Editorial of the Special issue on Cultural heritage and semantic web2
Answer selection in community question answering exploiting knowledge graph and context information2
On the relation between keys and link keys for data interlinking2
Discovering alignment relations with Graph Convolutional Networks: A biomedical case study2