International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation

(The TQCC of International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Toward operational validation systems for global satellite-based terrestrial essential climate variables142
Mapping open-pit mining area in complex mining and mixed land cover zone using Landsat imagery136
DF-DRUNet: A decoder fusion model for automatic road extraction leveraging remote sensing images and GPS trajectory data63
Multi-stage convolutional autoencoder network for hyperspectral unmixing59
Inventory of close-to-nature forest stands using terrestrial mobile laser scanning58
Detection of surface water temperature variations of Mongolian lakes benefiting from the spatially and temporally gap-filled MODIS data56
A temporal difference matrix for historical cumulative change detection in time series PolSAR data54
Automatic mapping of aquaculture activity in the Atlantic Ocean50
Explaining Sentinel 2-based dNBR and RdNBR variability with reference data from the bird’s eye (UAS) perspective50
Mapping tree species composition in a Caspian temperate mixed forest based on spectral-temporal metrics and machine learning49
Tree species classification using Sentinel-2 imagery and Bayesian inference49
A census from heaven: Unraveling the potential of deep learning and Earth Observation for intra-urban population mapping in data scarce environments47
Self-supervised learning with deep clustering for target detection in hyperspectral images with insufficient spectral variation prior47
Improving country-wide individual tree detection using local maxima methods based on statistically modeled forest structure information45
Feature-guided dynamic graph convolutional network for wetland hyperspectral image classification43
On the ability of dual-polarimetric SAR measurements to observe lava flows under different volcanic environments40
Early detection of tree encroachment in high voltage powerline corridor using growth model and UAV-borne LiDAR40
Transformers for mapping burned areas in Brazilian Pantanal and Amazon with PlanetScope imagery39
Modeling tree canopy height using machine learning over mixed vegetation landscapes37
Generating 2m fine-scale urban tree cover product over 34 metropolises in China based on deep context-aware sub-pixel mapping network36
Mapping of plastic greenhouses and mulching films from very high resolution remote sensing imagery based on a dilated and non-local convolutional neural network36
Space-time super-resolution for satellite video: A joint framework based on multi-scale spatial-temporal transformer35
Editorial Board33
DMSC-Net: A deep Multi-Scale context network for 3D object detection of indoor point clouds33
Global assessments of two blended microwave soil moisture products CCI and SMOPS with in-situ measurements and reanalysis data33
Comparison of bias-corrected multisatellite precipitation products by deep learning framework32
Multi-level localization trajectory alignment and repairing in complex environment31
Maritime ship detection with concise polarimetric characterization pattern30
A context-structural feature decoupling change detection network for detecting earthquake-triggered damage29
Iterative mapping of probabilities: A data fusion framework for generating accurate land cover maps that match area statistics29
Root plates of uprooted trees − Automatic detection and biotransport estimation using LiDAR data and field mapping29
Improving the accuracy of canopy height mapping in rubber plantations based on stand age, multi-source satellite images, and random forest algorithm29
Drift-aware and correction on-the-fly: Airborne LiDAR and RGB cameras online calibration in natural environments29
Optimizing the detection of emerging infections using mobility-based spatial sampling29
DsTer: A dense spectral transformer for remote sensing spectral super-resolution28
A novel approach for flood hazard assessment using hybridized ensemble models and feature selection algorithms28
Multi-sensor fusion for robust localization with moving object segmentation in complex dynamic 3D scenes28
Comparison between image- and surface-derived displacement fields for landslide monitoring using an unmanned aerial vehicle28
Exploring the potential of Chinese GF-6 images for crop mapping in regions with complex agricultural landscapes27
Country-wide mapping of harvest areas and post-harvest forest recovery using Landsat time series data in Japan26
Mapping hydrocarbon microseepage prospect areas by integrated studies of ASTER processing, geochemistry and geophysical surveys in Assam-Arakan Fold Belt, NE India26
Facilitating urban tourism governance with crowdsourced big data: A framework based on Shenzhen and Jiangmen, China26
Accurate contour preservation for semantic segmentation by mitigating the impact of pseudo-boundaries26
Boundary-Aware graph Markov neural network for semiautomated object segmentation from point clouds26
Two periods of geodetic glacier mass balance at Eastern Nyainqentanglha derived from multi-platform bistatic SAR interferometry26
A multi-level deformable gated aggregated network for hyperspectral image classification26
Combination of UAV and deep learning to estimate wheat yield at ripening stage: The potential of phenotypic features25
3D building similarity for a random single-view-image pair based on a local 3D shape25
Spatiotemporal dynamic impacts of Lake Victoria water volume variations on sustainable economic development25
An efficient image-guided-based 3D point cloud moving object segmentation with transformer-attention in autonomous driving25
Direction-dominated change vector analysis for forest change detection24
Lithological mapping of geological remote sensing via adversarial semi-supervised segmentation network24
Line-based deep learning method for tree branch detection from digital images24
Spatial domain transfer: Cross-regional paddy rice mapping with a few samples based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data on GEE23
Airborne data and machine learning for urban tree species mapping: Enhancing the legend design to improve the map applicability for city greenery management23
The relationship between remotely-sensed spectral heterogeneity and bird diversity is modulated by landscape type23
Satellite product to map drought and extreme precipitation trend in Andalusia, Spain: A novel method to assess heritage landscapes at risk23
Estimating species-specific leaf area index and basal area using optical and SAR remote sensing data in Acadian mixed spruce-fir forests, USA23
Observed strong atmospheric water constraints on forest photosynthesis using eddy covariance and satellite-based data across the Northern Hemisphere23
The study of DDPG based spatiotemporal dynamic deployment optimization of Air-Ground ad hoc network for disaster emergency response22
Semantic-aware room-level indoor modeling from point clouds22
Automated deformation detection and interpretation using InSAR data and a multi-task ViT model22
Estimation of all-weather land surface temperature through correcting cloud-shadowing bias simulated by hourly cloud information22
Guided by model quality: UAV path planning for complete and precise 3D reconstruction of complex buildings21
A gap-filling method for satellite-derived chlorophyll-a time series based on neighborhood spatiotemporal information21
Phenological and physiological responses of the terrestrial ecosystem to the 2019 drought event in Southwest China: Insights from satellite measurements and the SSiB2 model21
Dynamic rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility: A step towards a unified forecasting system21
GFSegNet: A multi-scale segmentation model for mining area ground fissures21
High kinetic energy mesoscale eddy identification based on multi-task learning and multi-source data21
Progressive spatiotemporal image fusion with deep neural networks21
Prediction of insect-herbivory-damage and insect-type attack in maize plants using hyperspectral data21
A GIS-big data model for improving the coverage and analysis processes of territory observation, and integrating ground-based observations with retrospective meteorological data21
A self-adaptive wildfire detection algorithm by fusing physical and deep learning schemes21
Satellite observed new mechanism of Kuroshio intrusion into the northern South China Sea20
Recognition of thaw slumps based on machine learning and UAVs: A case study in the Qilian Mountains, northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau20
Calculation and restoration of lost spatial information in division-of-focal-plane polarization remote sensing using polarization super-resolution technology20
Inshore marine litter detection using radiometric and geometric data of terrestrial laser scanners20
MaGISter-mine: A 2D and 3D web application in the service of mining industry20
A feature perturbation weakly supervised learning network for airborne multispectral LiDAR pointcloud classification20
Cross-Modal feature description for remote sensing image matching19
Automated extraction of tunnel electricity transmission system: An object-level approach with mobile laser scanning data19
Deeply-supervised pseudo learning with small class-imbalanced samples for hyperspectral image classification19
Characteristics inversion of underground goaf based on InSAR techniques and PIM19
Predicting Vegetation Stratum Occupancy from Airborne LiDAR Data with Deep Learning19
Estimating fine-scale visibility in a temperate forest landscape using airborne laser scanning19
A hybrid method for MT-InSAR phase unwrapping for deformation monitoring in urban areas19
Dynamic graph attention networks for point cloud landslide segmentation19
Disaggregation of remote sensing and model-based data for 1 km daily seamless soil moisture19
Improving the fusion of global soil moisture datasets from SMAP, SMOS, ASCAT, and MERRA2 by considering the non-zero error covariance19
An improved surface water extraction method by integrating multi-type priori information from remote sensing19
Pre-seasonal temperature trend break dominating the trend break in autumn grassland phenology in China19
An approach to detect gas flaring sites using sentinel-2 MSI and NOAA-20 VIIRS images18
Temporal upscaling of MODIS instantaneous FAPAR improves forest gross primary productivity (GPP) simulation18
Reproducing computational processes in service-based geo-simulation experiments18
CCNR: Cross-regional context and noise regularization for SAR image segmentation18
Spectral discrimination of invasive Lantana camara L. From co-occurring species18
Estimation of dry vegetation cover and mass from MODIS data: Verification by roughness length and sand saltation threshold18
Satellite observed rapid green fodder expansion in northeastern Tibetan Plateau from 2010 to 201918
LiDAR localization at 100 FPS: A map-aided and template descriptor-based global method18
Past decade above-ground biomass change comparisons from four multi-temporal global maps18
Mapping Eucalyptus plantation in Guangxi, China by using knowledge-based algorithms and PALSAR-2, Sentinel-2, and Landsat images in 202018
Fine-grained regional economic forecasting for a megacity using vector-based cellular automata18
Density vs. Cover: Which is the better choice as the proxy for plant community species diversity estimated by spectral indexes?18
Arctic sea ice drift fields extraction based on feature tracking to MODIS imagery18
A methodological framework for specular return removal from photon-counting LiDAR data18
A boundary and voxel-based 3D geological data management system leveraging BIM and GIS18
Vectorial and topologically valid segmentation of forestry road networks from ALS data17
Trail camera networks provide insights into satellite-derived phenology for ecological studies17
Estimation of pixel-level seismic vulnerability of the building environment based on mid-resolution optical remote sensing images17
Change detection and update of 3D sparse map by merging geometry and appearance17
DRSNet: Novel architecture for small patch and low-resolution remote sensing image scene classification17
Structural displacement monitoring using ground-based synthetic aperture radar17
The unsuPervised shAllow laNdslide rapiD mApping: PANDA method applied to severe rainfalls in northeastern appenine (Italy)17
Estimation of land-use/land-cover changes associated with energy footprints and other disturbance agents in the Upper Peace Region of Alberta Canada from 1985 to 2015 using Landsat data16
Extraction of urban multi-class from high-resolution images using pyramid generative adversarial networks16
A review and meta-analysis of Generative Adversarial Networks and their applications in remote sensing16
Background covariance discriminative dictionary learning for hyperspectral target detection16
Quantitative estimation for the impact of mining activities on vegetation phenology and identifying its controlling factors from Sentinel-2 time series16
LV-GCNN: A lossless voxelization integrated graph convolutional neural network for surface reconstruction from point clouds16
Monitoring urbanization and environmental impact in Kigali, Rwanda using Sentinel-2 MSI data and ecosystem service bundles16
Hierarchical semantic segmentation of urban scene point clouds via group proposal and graph attention network16
An optimized machine learning approach to water pollution variation monitoring with time-series Landsat images16
An effective superpixel-based graph convolutional network for small waterbody extraction from remotely sensed imagery16
Refinement of semantic 3D building models by reconstructing underpasses from MLS point clouds16
Vegetable mapping using fuzzy classification of Dynamic Time Warping distances from time series of Sentinel-1A images16
Identifying large-area mangrove distribution based on remote sensing: A binary classification approach considering subclasses of non-mangroves16
Mapping fire-impacted refugee camps using the integration of field data and remote sensing approaches16
Extraction of high-accuracy control points using ICESat-2 ATL03 in urban areas16
Unsupervised change detection in PolSAR images using siamese encoder–decoder framework based on graph-context attention network16
Road extraction in remote sensing data: A survey16
Spatio-temporal modeling of satellite-observed CO2 columns in China using deep learning16
An adaptive image fusion method for Sentinel-2 images and high-resolution images with long-time intervals16
A spatiotemporal attention-augmented ConvLSTM model for ocean remote sensing reflectance prediction15
Remote sensing estimation of water storage in the channel-type reservoirs under unknown underwater topographic data15
Revisiting spatial optimization in the era of geospatial big data and GeoAI15
Evaluation of tree stump measurement methods for estimating diameter at breast height and tree height15
Vectorizing historical maps with topological consistency: A hybrid approach using transformers and contour-based instance segmentation15
Deep Siamese Network for annual change detection in Beijing using Landsat satellite data15
Reconstructing fresh green leaf spectra in the SWIR-2 region (2001–2500 nm) collected in a humid environment by referring to publicly available green leaf spectral databases15
River water segmentation in surveillance camera images: A comparative study of offline and online augmentation using 32 CNNs15
Integrated study of water levels and water storage variations using GNSS-MR and remote Sensing: A case study of Sarez Lake, the world's Highest-Altitude dammed lake15
3D building model generation from MLS point cloud and 3D mesh using multi-source data fusion15
Assessment of soil salinity using explainable machine learning methods and Landsat 8 images15
Comparative analysis of SAOCOM and Sentinel-1 data for surface soil moisture retrieval using a change detection method in a semiarid region (Douro River’s basin, Spain)15
SADNet: Space-aware DeepLab network for Urban-Scale point clouds semantic segmentation15
Fusion of satellite and street view data for urban traffic accident hotspot identification14
Application of an improved U-Net with image-to-image translation and transfer learning in peach orchard segmentation14
YOLOv5s-M: A deep learning network model for road pavement damage detection from urban street-view imagery14
Assessing heat vulnerability in Philadelphia using geographically weighted principal component analysis (GWPCA): A geospatial big data-driven approach14
The second dimension of spatial association14
Gaussian process regression-based forest above ground biomass retrieval from simulated L-band NISAR data14
Leveraging google earth engine cloud computing for large-scale arctic wetland mapping14
Automated detection of former field systems from airborne laser scanning data: a new approach for Historical Ecology14
Improved burn severity estimation by using Land Surface Phenology metrics and red edge information estimated from Landsat14
Examining the potential and effectiveness of water indices using multispectral sentinel-2 data to detect soil moisture as an indicator of mudflow occurrence in arid regions14
A novel dual-layer composite framework for downscaling urban land surface temperature coupled with spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity14
New three red-edge vegetation index (VI3RE) for crop seasonal LAI prediction using Sentinel-2 data14
WetMapFormer: A unified deep CNN and vision transformer for complex wetland mapping14
Using Landsat time series and bi-temporal GEDI to compare spectral and structural vegetation responses after fire14
Assimilating Sentinel-2 data in a modified vegetation photosynthesis and respiration model (VPRM) to improve the simulation of croplands CO2 fluxes in Europe14
UCL: Unsupervised Curriculum Learning for water body classification from remote sensing imagery14
Predicting the location of larval habitats of Anopheles mosquitoes using remote sensing and soil type data14
Patch-based M3C2: Towards lower-uncertainty and higher-resolution deformation analysis of 3D point clouds14
Road marking extraction in UAV imagery using attentive capsule feature pyramid network14
Incorporating fire spread simulation and machine learning algorithms to estimate crown fire potential for pine forests in Sichuan, China14
A novel spectral index for estimating fractional cover of non-photosynthetic vegetation using near-infrared bands of Sentinel satellite14
Evaluating the potential of high-resolution hyperspectral UAV imagery for grapevine viral disease detection in Australian vineyards14
IPAWL: An integrated power aware Wireless sensor network and Location-Based social network for incidence reporting14
An intelligent framework for spatiotemporal simulation of flooding considering urban underlying surface characteristics14
Mapping saffron fields and their ages with Sentinel-2 time series in north-east Iran14
An open science and open data approach for the statistically robust estimation of forest disturbance areas14
Tracking annual dynamics of mangrove forests in mangrove National Nature Reserves of China based on time series Sentinel-2 imagery during 2016–202014
Spatiotemporal fusion method to simultaneously generate full-length normalized difference vegetation index time series (SSFIT)14
Impact of the number of dates and their sampling on a NDVI time series reconstruction methodology to monitor urban trees with Ven14
Status, advancements and prospects of deep learning methods applied in forest studies14
An improved distributed scatterers extraction algorithm for monitoring tattered ground surface subsidence with DSInSAR: A case study of loess landform in Tongren county14
DPCC-Net: Dual-perspective change contextual network for change detection in high-resolution remote sensing images14
Revealing geographic transmission pattern of COVID-19 using neighborhood-level simulation with human mobility data and SEIR model: A case study of South Carolina14
Back to geometry: Efficient indoor space segmentation from point clouds by 2D–3D geometry constrains13
Iterative Deep Learning (IDL) for agricultural landscape classification using fine spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery13
A super-ensemble approach to map land cover types with high resolution over data-sparse African savanna landscapes13
Diurnal variation of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence of agricultural crops observed from a point-based spectrometer on a UAV13
Low-dimensional multiscale fast SAR image registration method13
The spatiotemporal pattern and influencing factors of land surface temperature change in China from 2003 to 201913
Uncovering the seasonal dynamics of terrestrial oil spills through multi-temporal and multi-frequency Synthetic Aperture radar (SAR) observations13
DeLA: An extremely faster network with decoupled local aggregation for large scale point cloud learning13
MB-Net: A network for accurately identifying creeping landslides from wrapped interferograms13
Fine-scale retrieval of leaf chlorophyll content using a semi-empirically accelerated 3D radiative transfer model13
Species-specific machine learning models for UAV-based forest health monitoring: Revealing the importance of the BNDVI13
Heterogeneous graph traffic prediction considering spatial information around roads13
Enhancing the groundwater storage estimates by integrating MT-InSAR, GRACE/GRACE-FO, and hydraulic head measurements in Henan Plain (China)13
A high temporal resolution NDVI time series to monitor drought events in the Horn of Africa13
MGFNet: An MLP-dominated gated fusion network for semantic segmentation of high-resolution multi-modal remote sensing images13
Geospatial large language model trained with a simulated environment for generating tool-use chains autonomously13
Corrigendum to “Optimization of pre-hospital emergency facility layout in Nanjing: A spatiotemporal analysis using multi-Source big data” [Int. J. of Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinf. 133 (2024) 104112]13
Identifying node-corridor-network of tourist flow and influencing factors using GPS big data: A case study in Gansu and Qinghai provinces, China13
Geological remote sensing interpretation via a local-to-global sensitive feature fusion network13
A novel surface deformation prediction method based on AWC-LSTM model13
Building risk monitoring and prediction using integrated multi-temporal InSAR and numerical modeling techniques13
Assessing GEDI-NASA system for forest fuels classification using machine learning techniques13
Shape-preserving mesh decimation for 3D building modeling13
A simple and effective spectral-spatial method for mapping large-scale coastal wetlands using China ZY1-02D satellite hyperspectral images13
PhySoilNet: A deep learning downscaling model for microwave satellite soil moisture with physical rule constraint13
SpaGAN: A spatially-aware generative adversarial network for building generalization in image maps13
Multi-temporal remote sensing of inland surface waters: A fusion of sentinel-1&2 data applied to small seasonal ponds in semiarid environments13
Investigating overlapping deformation patterns of the Beijing Plain by independent component analysis of InSAR observations13
Crop yield prediction from multi-spectral, multi-temporal remotely sensed imagery using recurrent 3D convolutional neural networks12
How accurately can we retrieve irrigation timing and water amounts from (satellite) soil moisture?12
A multi-terrain feature-based deep convolutional neural network for constructing super-resolution DEMs12
Monitoring three-decade dynamics of citrus planting in Southeastern China using dense Landsat records12
Using object-oriented coupled deep learning approach for typical object inspection of transmission channel12
Fusing multimodal data of nature-economy-society for large-scale urban building height estimation12
An interactive and iterative method for crop mapping through crowdsourcing optimized field samples12
Long-term topographic effect on remotely sensed vegetation index-based gross primary productivity (GPP) estimation at the watershed scale12
Integration of ZiYuan-3 multispectral and stereo imagery for mapping urban vegetation using the hierarchy-based classifier12
Multi-source hierarchical data fusion for high-resolution AOD mapping in a forest fire event12
Livelihood, carbon and spatiotemporal land-use land-cover change in the Yenku forest reserve of Ghana, 2000–202012
Improving retrieval of crop biophysical properties in dryland areas using a multi-scale variational RTM inversion approach12
Enhanced all-weather precipitable water vapor retrieval from MODIS near-infrared bands using machine learning12
Deep Roof Refiner: A detail-oriented deep learning network for refined delineation of roof structure lines using satellite imagery12
Dynamic monitoring of urban renewal based on multi-source remote sensing and POI data: A case study of Shenzhen from 2012 to 202012
A spatial case-based reasoning method for regional landslide risk assessment12
An adversarial learning approach to forecasted wind field correction with an application to oil spill drift prediction12
Basic and deep learning models in remote sensing of soil organic carbon estimation: A brief review12
Creating 1-km long-term (1980–2014) daily average air temperatures over the Tibetan Plateau by integrating eight types of reanalysis and land data assimilation products downscaled with MODIS-estimated12
Tree-based ensemble deep learning model for spatiotemporal surface ozone (O3) prediction and interpretation12
Estimating the phenological dynamics of irrigated rice leaf area index using the combination of PROSAIL and Gaussian Process Regression12
The potential of active and passive remote sensing to detect frequent harvesting of alfalfa12
Automated mapping of buildings through classification of DSM-based ortho-images and cartographic enhancement12
Dynamic monitoring and modeling of the growth-poverty-inequality trilemma in the Nile River Basin with consistent night-time data (2000–2020)12
Refining and densifying the water inundation area and storage estimates of Poyang Lake by integrating Sentinel-1/2 and bathymetry data12
Recent expansion of artisanal gold mining along the Bandama River (Côte d’Ivoire)11
Assessing post-fire forest structure recovery by combining LiDAR data and Landsat time series in Mediterranean pine forests11
Seasonal inundation dynamics and water balance of the Mara Wetland, Tanzania based on multi-temporal Sentinel-2 image classification11
Integration of ecological knowledge with Google Earth Engine for diverse wetland sampling in global mapping11
A two-dimensional bare soil separation framework using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 images across China11
Attribution of forest disturbance types based on the Dynamic World class probability data: A case study of Myanmar11
Monitoring loss of tropical forest cover from Sentinel-1 time-series: A CuSum-based approach11
Assessing SAR C-band data to effectively distinguish modified land uses in a heavily disturbed Amazon forest11
Integrated risk assessment of landslide in karst terrains: Advancing landslides management in Beiliu City, China11
Individual mapping of large polymorphic shrubs in high mountains using satellite images and deep learning11
Mitigating the negative effects of droughts on alpine grassland productivity in the northern Xizang Plateau via degradation-combating actions11
Self-training guided disentangled adaptation for cross-domain remote sensing image semantic segmentation11
Hydrocarbon production induced land deformation over Permian Basin; analysis using persistent scatterer interferometry and numerical modeling11
Responses of autumn vegetation phenology to climate change and urbanization at northern middle and high latitudes11
Fusion of optical and SAR images based on deep learning to reconstruct vegetation NDVI time series in cloud-prone regions11
Built-up area extraction in PolSAR imagery using real-complex polarimetric features and feature fusion classification network11
Optimizing UAV-based uncooled thermal cameras in field conditions for precision agriculture11
Tiber River-Driven Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter Dynamics and Their Impacts along the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Coast: A Sentinel-2 Approach11
Super-resolution for terrain modeling using deep learning in high mountain Asia11