Review of Economics of the Household

(The median citation count of Review of Economics of the Household is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Gender differences in couples’ division of childcare, work and mental health during COVID-19313
Working parents, financial insecurity, and childcare: mental health in the time of COVID-19 in the UK150
Parental well-being in times of Covid-19 in Germany140
COVID-19, staying at home, and domestic violence77
Covid-19 shocks to education supply: how 200,000 U.S. households dealt with the sudden shift to distance learning71
Unequal consequences of Covid 19: representative evidence from six countries62
The impact of closing schools on working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence using panel data from Japan58
Women pay the price of COVID-19 more than men42
Telework, Wages, and Time Use in the United States42
Gender inequality as a barrier to economic growth: a review of the theoretical literature34
Consumption and geographic mobility in pandemic times. Evidence from Mexico28
Gender role perspectives and job burnout27
Work from home and daily time allocations: evidence from the coronavirus pandemic21
The impact of the COVID-19 recession on Mexican households: evidence from employment and time use for men, women, and children18
The role of financial literacy in households’ asset accumulation process: evidence from Ghana16
What explains the gender gap in wealth? Evidence from administrative data15
Assessing and decomposing gender differences in evaluative and emotional well-being among older adults in the developing world15
Household time activities, food waste, and diet quality: the impact of non-marginal changes due to COVID-1914
Domestic violence reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Latin America13
Child development and distance learning in the age of COVID-1913
Intra-household exposure to labor market risk in the time of Covid-19: lessons from Mexico13
Who is doing the chores and childcare in dual-earner couples during the COVID-19 era of working from home?13
How does school travel time impact children’s learning outcomes in a developing country?12
How does the minimum wage affect child maltreatment and parenting behaviors? An analysis of the mechanisms12
Does retirement reduce familiarity with Information and Communication Technology?11
What if your boss is a woman? Evidence on gender discrimination at the workplace10
Sexual orientation discrimination in the labor market against gay men10
The COVID-19 pandemic, well-being, and transitions to post-secondary education10
Female autonomy in household decision-making and intimate partner violence: evidence from Pakistan10
The effect of COVID-19 lockdown and the subsequent reopening on consumption in Iran9
COVID-19, marriage, and divorce in Japan9
Using behavioral insights in early childhood interventions: the effects of Crianza Positiva e-messaging program on parental investment9
Women’s empowerment and gender-differentiated food allocation in Bangladesh9
The added-worker effect in the Netherlands before and during the Great Recession8
How to measure parenting styles?8
The many ways COVID-19 affects households: consumption, time, and health outcomes8
Adverse childhood experiences and unhealthy lifestyles later in life: evidence from SHARE countries8
Women’s type of property ownership and domestic violence: a theoretical note7
Determinants of health insurance enrollment and health expenditure in Ghana: an empirical analysis7
Households’ joint consumption spending and home production responses to retirement in the US7
Did Medicaid expansion reduce medical divorce?7
The effects of paid family leave on food insecurity—evidence from California7
Gender gap in the impact of social capital on household food security in Zimbabwe: does spatial proximity matter?7
The role of children and work-from-home in gender labor market asymmetries: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America6
Marriage and divorce during a pandemic: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on marital formation and dissolution in Mexico6
Allocation of time and child socio-emotional skills6
Self-employment and mental health6
Hire or care: the effects of aging parents on household labor supply5
Leaving the Nest or Living with Parents: Evidence from Mexico’s Young Adult Population5
School schedules and mothers’ employment: evidence from an education reform5
Leisure and housing consumption after retirement: new evidence on the life-cycle hypothesis5
Child marriage: using the Indonesian family life survey to examine the lives of women and men who married at an early age5
Does signaling childcare support on job applications reduce the motherhood penalty?4
Gender norms and women’s decision to work: evidence from Japan4
Searching on campus? The marriage market effects of changing student sex ratios4
Children’s multidimensional deprivation, monetary poverty and undernutrition in Ethiopia4
Health insurance reform impact on children’s educational attainment: evidence from Vietnam4
Do individuals adapt to all types of housing transitions?4
Access to universal childcare and its effect on maternal employment4
Disability and work intensity in Italian households4
Are COVID fatalities in the US higher than in the EU, and if so, why?4
The wealth-consumption channel: evidence from a panel of Spanish households4
Re-examining female labor supply responses to the 1994 Australian pension reform4
Life satisfaction and body mass index: estimating the monetary value of achieving optimal body weight4
Experimental evidence of the effect of head start on mothers’ labor supply and human capital investments4
The impact of Covid-19 lockdown on the gender gap in the Italian labour market3
Adapting to an aggregate shock: The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on rural households3
Assessing the value of household work based on wages demanded on online platforms for substitutes3
Gender gaps in skills and labor market outcomes: evidence from the PIAAC3
Income loss among the self-employed: implications for individual wellbeing and pandemic policy measures3
Marriage as insurance: job protection and job insecurity in France3
Cognitive and socioemotional skills and wages: the role of latent abilities on the gender wage gap in Peru3
Non cognitive skills and childcare attendance3
Trade-offs in intergenerational family care provision3
Unconditional cash transfers for families with children in the U.S.: a scoping review3
A bigger house at the cost of an empty stomach? The effect of households’ indebtedness on their consumption: micro-evidence using Belgian HFCS data3
Male employment and female intra-household decision-making: a Mexican gold mining case study3
A strictly economic explanation of gender roles: the lasting legacy of the plough3
Paid childcare leave, fertility, and female labor supply in South Korea3
Does getting a mortgage affect consumer credit use?3
Sources of increases in time alone during the COVID pandemic: evidence from the American Time Use Survey3
Child penalty in Russia: evidence from an event study3
Famine and matching by socioeconomic status—evidence from the Great Chinese Famine2
Suddenly a stay-at-home dad? Short- and long-term consequences of fathers’ job loss on time investment in the household2
Robinson Crusoe: less or more depressed? With whom and where to live in a pandemic if you are above 502
Alternative boomerang kids, intergenerational co-residence, and maternal labor supply2
Financial inclusion and multidimensional child poverty2
Correction: What explains the gender gap in wealth? Evidence from administrative data2
Connecting Medicaid and child support: evidence from the TennCare disenrollment2
The added worker effect: evidence from a disability insurance reform2
Do women face a glass ceiling at home? The division of household labor among dual-earner couples2
The long-term effects of marijuana use on mental health outcomes2
Wealth inequalities among seniors: the role of marital histories across cohorts2
Social status and marriage markets: Evaluating a Hukou policy in China2
Parental disability and teenagers’ time allocation2
The emergence of the motherhood premium: recent trends in the motherhood wage gap across the wage distribution2
Immigrant English Proficiency, Children’s Educational Performance, and Parental Involvement2
Dinner timing and human capital investments in children2
On the economic determinants of prostitution: marriage compensation and unilateral divorce in U.S. states2
The impact of minimum wage on parental time allocation to children: evidence from the American Time Use Survey2
Parents, neighbors and youth crime1
Giving and volunteering over a lifecycle1
Parental housing wealth and children’s marriage prospects in China—evidence from CHARLS1
Correction to: The impact of closing schools on working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence using panel data from Japan1
The effect of state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) eligibility on food insufficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Parental limit-setting decisions and adolescent subject grades1
Subsidizing private childcare in a universal regime1
Grandparents and parental labor supply during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Parental involvement and neighborhood quality: evidence from public housing demolitions in Chicago1
Health and household labor supply: instantaneous and adaptive behavior of an aging workforce1
Migration of dual-earner couples: a subjective wellbeing approach1
The impact of reducing formal care benefits on caregivers’ well-being: evidence from Japan1
The independent woman—locus of control and female labor force participation1
Intertemporal elasticity of substitution with leisure margin1
Consumption and income expectations during Covid-191
Working from home leads to more family-oriented men1
Investigating the dynamic interdependency between poverty and marital separation1
Employment protection legislation and household formation: evidence from Italy1
Empowering women in conservative settings: evidence from an intervention in rural Egypt1
Measuring economic insecurity by combining income and wealth: an extended well-being approach1
Reciprocity and the matrilineal advantage in European grand-parenting1
Teenage mothers and the next generation: benefits of delay?1
Son preference and crime in India1
Combining parenthood and work: transmission channels and heterogeneous returns to early public childcare1
Work, motherhood and women’s affective well-being1
Gender Gaps and Family Leaves in Latin America1
Investigating health-related time use with partially observed data1
Do fathers have son preference in the United States? Evidence from paternal subjective well-being1
What do students gain from banks in schools? A field study1
Informal loans, liquidity constraints and local credit supply: evidence from Italy1
Gender gaps: back and here to stay? Evidence from skilled Ugandan workers during COVID-191