Near Surface Geophysics

(The median citation count of Near Surface Geophysics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Seismic refraction and electrical resistivity tomographies for geotechnical site characterization of two water reservoirs (El Hierro, Spain)18
Characterization of a river embankment using a non‐destructive direct current electrical survey16
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Common‐midpoint cross‐correlation stacking tomography: A 3D approach for frequency‐dependent mapping of Rayleigh waves, group and phase velocity throughout an active seismic network13
Collapsed and non‐collapsed ice‐marginal glaciodeltaic morphosequence structure mapped with ground penetrating radar in central Connecticut8
Geophysical surveys and satellite imaging for the evaluation of near‐surface terrain dynamic – A case study on Grand Portage, MN, USA8
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GPR velocity correction method in transversely heterogeneous media based on CMP data7
The effects of receiver arrangement on velocity analysis with multi‐concurrent receiver GPR data7
Delimitation of massive sulphide bodies – Mise‐à‐la‐masse method associated with induced polarization (IP) – A case history from Brazil7
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Electrical resistivity monitoring of an earthslide with electrodes located outside the unstable zone (Pont‐Bourquin landslide, Swiss Alps)7
A rapid imaging method of the seismic back‐scattered wavefield for urban road near‐surface anomalous structures6
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Magnetic properties of the surface sediments from the Huguangyan Maar Lake in tropical Southern China and the sediment source identification5
Research and application of Rayleigh wave imaging based on the Born–Jordan time‐frequency distribution5
Reverse time migration imaging method for tunnel seismic forward‐prospecting in viscoacoustic media5
Deep learning‐based extraction of surface wave dispersion curves from seismic shot gathers5
Improving crosshole ground‐penetrating radar full‐waveform inversion results by using progressively expanded bandwidths of the data5
Fracture analysis using Stoneley waves in a coalbed methane reservoir5
Case study of combined marine‐ and land‐based passive seismic surveying in front of Nordenskiöldbreen outlet glacier, Adolfbukta, Svalbard5
Radio‐magnetotelluric and controlled‐source magnetotelluric surveys on a frozen lake: Opportunities for urban applications in Nordic countries5
Efficient and high‐resolution surface‐wave dispersive energy imaging using a proposed spatial smoothing propagation method5
Tunnel resistivity deep learning inversion method based on physics‐driven and signal interpretability5
How to promote geophysics as a standard tool for geotechnical investigations4
High‐resolution P‐ and S‐wavefield seismic investigations of a quick‐clay site in southwest of Sweden4
Detecting subsea permafrost layers on marine seismic data: An appraisal from forward modelling4
Numerical simulation of ground‐penetrating radar data for studying the geometry of fault zone4
High‐resolution surface‐wave‐constrained mapping of sparse dynamic cone penetrometer tests4
Three‐dimensional inversion of semi‐airborne transient electromagnetic data based on finite element method4
Investigation of the linear structures of the Menderes Massif (Western Anatolia) using the moving average differences ‘mad’ boundary analysis method3
Archaeological prospection in ultra‐shallow aquatic environments: the case of the prehistoric submerged site of Lambayanna, Greece3
Cooperative inversion of multiphysics data using joint minimum entropy constraints3
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Analysis of legacy gravity data reveals sediment‐filled troughs buried under Flathead Valley, Montana, USA3
Resistivity and full‐decay IP inversion for imaging a coastal aquifer prone to saline intrusion: The Pontina Plain case study (Central Italy)3
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Geophysical investigations for the identification of active seismic faults below alluvium for seismic hazard assessment3
Hydrogeological structure of a granitic mountain catchment inferred from multi‐method electrical resistivity datasets3
Multi‐mode non‐linear inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves with grey wolf optimization and cuckoo search algorithm3
Long‐term monitoring of water table and saltwater intrusion dynamics through time‐lapse transient electromagnetic3
Joint inversion of seismic and electrical data in saturated porous media3
Diffraction pattern recognition using deep semantic segmentation2
Innovative imaging of iron deposits using cross‐gradient joint inversion of potential field data with petrophysical correlation2
Geophysical imaging of the subsurface seismic structure of the Chestnut Hill Reservoir earth embankment dam (Massachusetts)2
Stiffness evolution of jet grouting columns performed under port caissons using PS suspension logging2
Numerical Fréchet derivatives of the displacement tensor for 2.5‐D frequency‐domain seismic full‐waveform inversion in viscoelastic TTI media2
First application of a new seismo‐electric streamer for combined resistivity and seismic measurements along linearly extended earth structures2
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Geophysical mapping of freshwater lens in Big Pine Key, Florida: Electromagnetic Induction Calibration and Application2
A fast hybrid 1D inversion approach for ground conductivity data2
Archaeogeophysical exploration in Neuss‐Norf, Germany using electrical resistivity tomography and magnetic data2
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Investigation of coseismic liquefaction‐induced ground deformation associated with the 2019 Mw 5.8 Mirpur, Pakistan, earthquake using near‐surface electrical resistivity tomography and geol2
Mapping the near‐surface trace of the seismically active Kachchh Mainland Fault and its lateral extension in the blind zone, Western India2
Full‐waveform inversion of surface waves based on instantaneous‐phase coherency2
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Development of a drone‐borne electromagnetic survey system for searching for buried vehicles and soil resistivity mapping2
Interpretation on water seepage and degree of weathering in a landslide based on pre‐ and post‐monsoon electrical resistivity tomography2
Geo‐integrated assessment of the landslide zone around Gadora along NH 58 of the Garhwal Himalayas, India2
Geotechnical site characterization using multichannel analysis of surface waves: A case study of an area prone to quick‐clay landslides in southwest Sweden2
Improved Tucker decomposition algorithm for noise suppression of 3D GPR data in road detection2
Manganese ore exploration using electrical resistivity and induced polarization methods in Central Belt, Peninsular Malaysia1
Site characterization study with microtremor data: A case study at the West Borneo NPP potential site1
Studying GPR's direct and reflected waves1
Resolution attributes for geophysical inversion models: Depth of investigation and novel measures1
Computation of spectral parameters from time‐domain induced polarization data for mineral identification1
A hybrid residual neural network–Monte Carlo approach to invert surface wave dispersion data1
Biographies of the Guest Editors1
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Diagnostics of asphalt pavement using elastic standing waves1
Soil resistivity measurements to evaluate subsoil salinity in rice production systems in the Vietnam Mekong Delta1
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Imaging subsurface geological complexity (2D/3D) beneath the Greater Srinagar region of the Kashmir basin, Northwest Himalaya1
Imaging gypsum–anhydrite interface by a structure‐based conceptual resistivity model: A case study from Bala (Turkey) gypsum deposits1
Phase‐shift correction of seismic reflections by means of spectral recomposition1
A new method of 3D direct current resistivity modelling using a long electrode source for forward probing in tunnels1
ERT data assimilation to characterize aquifer hydraulic conductivity heterogeneity through a heat‐tracing experiment1
Evaluating the impact of correlated noise for time‐lapse transient electromagnetic (TEM) monitoring studies1
Ambient temperature and relative humidity–based drift correction in frequency domain electromagnetics using machine learning1
Finetuning ground penetrating radar velocity analysis from hyperbola fitting using migration1
Prediction of S‐wave velocity models from surface waves using deep learning0
Electrical resistivity tomographic detection of the hidden Thakek fault, Northeast Thailand0
Memory‐efficient frequency‐domain Gauss–Newton method for wave‐equation first‐arrival traveltime inversion0
Characterization of gas‐bearing sediments in the coastal environment using geophysical and geotechnical data0
Interpretation and modeling of aeromagnetic data from helicopter surveys of the Morobe goldfield, Papua New Guinea0
Experimental study of electrical complex resistivity in a 2D multiphase porous medium under non‐isothermal conditions: Application to soil remediation monitoring0
Detection of karst caves during tunnel construction using ground‐penetrating radar and advanced drilling: A case study in Guangxi Province, China0
Experimental and numerical analysis of dielectric polarization effects in near‐surface earth materials in the 100 Hz–10 MHz frequency range: First interpretation paths0
4D quantification of alpine permafrost degradation in steep rock walls using a laboratory‐calibrated electrical resistivity tomography approach0
Active and passive seismic surface wave methods for levee assessment in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California, USA0
Hidden layer imaging using joint inversion of P‐wave travel‐time and electrical resistivity data0
Petrophysical target characterization with lithogeochemical clustering: the Metsämonttu Zn–Pb–Cu deposit, southern Finland0
Machine learning‐accelerated gradient‐based Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion applied to electrical resistivity tomography0
Score filtering for contextualized noise suppression of Poisson‐distributed geophysical signals0
Seismic facies analysis using chirp sub‐bottom profile data from large sandy‐bed rivers, lower São Francisco River, Northeast Brazil0
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A fine‐tuning workflow for automatic first‐break picking with deep learning0
Developing a realistic numerical equivalent of a GPR antenna transducer using global optimizers0
Near‐surface three‐dimensional multicomponent source and receiver S‐wave survey in the Tannwald Basin, Germany: Acquisition and data processing0
The effect of near‐surface azimuthal anisotropy on a joint interpretation of seismic and electrical resistivity data0
Investigating soil conditions around buried water pipelines using very‐low‐frequency band alternating current electrical resistivity survey0
High‐frequency wide‐angle reflection and refraction method for structural engineering ground‐penetrating radar surveys0
Integration of in‐mine seismic and GPR surveys to gain advanced knowledge of Bushveld Complex orebodies0
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Multidimensional interpretation of radiomagnetotellurics and controlled‐source radiomagnetotellurics data: A validation study0
A collocated inversion of sources and early arrival waveforms for credible tomograms: Synthetic and field data examples0
Testing of a GPR equipment to assess the integrity condition of a subway tunnel located under groundwater level0
Seismic delineation of the gold‐bearing structures in the South Rand goldfield (South Africa): A comparison of pre‐stack time and depth migration approaches on legacy seismic data0
Preferential flow between rivers and aquifers in alluvial floodplains: A key to modelling and sustainably managing shallow groundwater resources0
Deep learning inversion method of tunnel resistivity synthetic data based on modelling data0
Electrical resistivity tomography data inversion using prior information for tunnel prospecting: A case study from southwestern China0
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Combination of passive and active methods towards site characterization of accelerometer stations in Greece0
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Geomechanical parameters assessment and geological characterization using fuzzy C means clustering of electrical resistivity and seismic data0
Enhancing potential field data using its dip angle0
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Application of iterative elastic reverse time migration to shear horizontal ultrasonic echo data obtained at a concrete step specimen0
Application of crosshole electrical resistivity tomography measurements under the influence of horizontally slotted plastic cased boreholes0
Stochastic electrical resistivity tomography with ensemble smoother and deep convolutional autoencoders0
Novel approaches of borehole‐GPR data processing and visualization – application for unexploded ordnance detection0
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Electrical resistivity tomography through reinforced concrete floor0
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Resistivity imaging of river embankments: 3D effects due to varying water levels in tidal rivers0
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Microseismic monitoring of rockbursts with the ensemble Kalman filter0
Laboratory study of the electrical properties of Lutetian limestones in the 100 Hz to 10 MHz frequency range0
One‐dimensional forward and inversion of direct current resistivity arrays: Introducing differential and integral arrays0
Determining shallow S‐Wave velocity structure and site response parameters in Gwalior basin, Central India, through microtremor measurements0
Marine karst environment characterization using joint geophysical and geotechnical data0
Application of a global–local full‐waveform inversion of Rayleigh wave to estimate the near‐surface shear wave velocity model0
Cost‐effective in‐mine seismic experiments to image platinum deposits and associated geological structures at Maseve platinum mine, South Africa0
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Synthetic modelling of railway trackbed for improved understanding of ground penetrating radar responses due to varying conditions0
Applicability of a proposed groundwater level determination approach for the K‐NET in Japan0
An integrated feasibility study using passive geophysical methods for the investigation of the Gerolekas bauxite deposits site, Greece0
Relating GPR system parameters to regulatory emissions limits0
Gravity modelling by using vertical prismatic polyhedra and application to a sedimentary basin in Eastern Anatolia0
Ground vulnerability derived from the horizontal‐to‐vertical spectral ratio: Comparison with the damage distribution caused by the 2017 ML 5.4 Pohang earthquake, Korea0
Vertical electrical sounding data inversion using continuous ant colony optimization algorithm: A case study from Hassi R'Mel, Algeria0
The utilization of ghost reflections retrieved by seismic interferometry for layer‐specific characterization of the shallow subsurface0
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Long‐term time‐dependent deformation and stability analysis of the machine hall of an underground powerhouse cavern using microseismic monitoring0
A joint geophysical approach to tune an integrated sinkhole monitoring method in evaporitic environments0
Gravity survey and modelling of the Nemocón salt mine, Colombia0
Simultaneous line shift and source parameter inversion applied to a scalar magnetic survey for small unexploded ordnance0
Integration of ground geophysical methods to characterize near‐surface aquifer zones within an active mine0
The role of electromagnetic induction in development planning: the case of the Grands Philambins enigma0
GPR denoising via shearlet transformation and a data‐driven tight frame0
An improved correlation stack method for near‐surface seismic data0
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Investigating soil layers with ground penetrating radar in the modern Yellow River Delta of China0
GPR modelling and inversion to quantify the debris content within ice0
Improving the galvanic contact resistance for geoelectrical measurements in debris areas: A case study0
Choosing optimal model parameterization for improving the accuracy of refraction seismic tomography0
Drone‐towed electromagnetic and magnetic systems for subsurface characterization and archaeological prospecting0
Two‐dimensional joint inversion of electromagnetic soundings at low induction numbers and direct current resistivity0
A framework for GPR‐based water leakage detection by integrating hydromechanical modelling into electromagnetic modelling0
Optimizing GPR time‐zero adjustment and two‐way travel time wavelet measurements using a realistic three‐dimensional numerical model0
4D quantification of alpine permafrost degradation in steep rock walls using a laboratory‐calibrated electrical resistivity tomography approach0
Using geophysical survey results in the inference of aquifer vulnerability measures0
Adding realistic noise models to synthetic ground‐penetrating radar data0
3D joint interpretation of potential field, geology, and well data to evaluate a salt dome in the Qarah‐Aghaje area, Zanjan, NW Iran0
An integrated long‐wavelength statics method applied to seismic processing of Tibetan permafrost0
Influence of input motion and surface layer properties on seismic site response: A stochastic simulation method–based MLR model0
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Applications of Hilbert transform and Newton's root finding algorithm in delineating buried fracture from magnetic anomaly data0
Realistic simulation of GPR for landmine and IED detection including antenna models, soil dispersion and heterogeneity0
Assessing the dam's stability of the pond at the ‘El Bosque’ renaissance garden (Béjar, Spain)0
Noise reduction algorithm of GPR data based on MMSE‐PDS0
Effects of grain size, solution salinity and pH on the electrical response of oil‐bearing carbonate sands0
Surface deployment of DAS systems: Coupling strategies and comparisons to geophone data0
A machine learning–based approach to regional‐scale mapping of sensitive glaciomarine clay combining airborne electromagnetics and geotechnical data0
Geophysical monitoring of a laboratory‐scale internal erosion experiment0
Foreword ‐ Special Section on Geophysics for Infrastructure Planning, Monitoring and BIM0
Modelling and inferring fracture curvature from borehole GPR data: A case study from the Bedretto Laboratory, Switzerland0
Modelling 3D elastodynamic wave scattering due to density and Lamé parameter contrasts of near‐surface scatterers0
Characterizing shallow fault zones by integrating profile, borehole and array measurements of seismic data and distributed acoustic sensing0
Bayesian inversion and uncertainty analysis of transient electromagnetic data0
From top to deep: An integrated multidisciplinary approach for the study of a transformative landscape of Savatra ancient city0