Journal of Economic Inequality

(The median citation count of Journal of Economic Inequality is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Which workers bear the burden of social distancing?125
The impact of COVID-19 on households´ income in the EU86
The fall in income inequality during COVID-19 in four European countries56
How much does reducing inequality matter for global poverty?52
Did the UK policy response to Covid-19 protect household incomes?33
Intergenerational transmission of lockdown consequences: prognosis of the longer-run persistence of COVID-19 in Latin America33
The Income Gradient in Mortality during the Covid-19 Crisis: Evidence from Belgium27
The K-Shaped Recovery: Examining the Diverging Fortunes of Workers in the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Business and Household Survey Microdata24
Will COVID-19 Have Long-Lasting Effects on Inequality? Evidence from Past Pandemics24
Does foreign aid reduce poverty? A dynamic panel data analysis for sub-Saharan African countries23
The immigrant-native wage gap in Germany revisited21
The heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 on labor market flows: evidence from administrative data21
The weight of the rich: improving surveys using tax data19
Is that really a Kuznets curve? Turning points for income inequality in China14
Missing Top Income Recipients13
Estimating intergenerational income mobility on sub-optimal data: a machine learning approach12
Distributional effects of macroeconomic shocks in real-time12
The dynamics of poverty in Europe: what has changed after the great recession?11
Measurement of inequality of opportunity: A normative approach10
Pareto models for top incomes and wealth10
The COVID-19 resilience of a continental welfare regime - nowcasting the distributional impact of the crisis9
Being poor and being NEET in Europe: Are these two sides of the same coin?9
Openness, Income Inequality, and Happiness: Evidence from China9
Aspirations and investments in rural Myanmar7
Individuals’ socioeconomic position, inequality perceptions, and redistributive preferences in OECD countries7
The capital share and income inequality: Increasing gaps between micro and macro-data7
COVID-19 and income inequality: evidence from monthly population registers7
Missing the wealthy in the HFCS: micro problems with macro implications7
Inheritances and wealth inequality: a machine learning approach6
Top-income adjustments and official statistics on income distribution: the case of the UK6
The nexus between perceptions of inequality and preferences for redistribution6
Inequality, perception biases and trust6
Income inequality and economic growth in BRICS: insights from non-parametric techniques6
Drawing a Line: Comparing the Estimation of Top Incomes between Tax Data and Household Survey Data6
Twenty Years and Counting: Thoughts about Measuring the Upper Tail5
Walls of glass. Measuring deprivation in social participation5
Shadow Economy and Poverty: What Causes What?5
Distributional impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the CARES Act5
The regression approach to the measurement and decomposition of the multidimensional Watts poverty index5
Urban poverty: Measurement theory and evidence from American cities5
Intergenerational home ownership4
Disaggregated impacts of off-farm work participation on household vulnerability to food poverty in Ghana4
Combined and distributional effects of EPL reduction and hiring incentives: an assessment using the Italian “Jobs Act”4
Absolute Poverty and Sound Public Finance in the Eurozone4
The measurement of health inequalities: does status matter?4
Absolute intragenerational mobility in the United States, 1962–20144
Credit and income mobility in Russia4
Self-centered and non-self-centered inequality aversion matter: Evidence from Uruguay based on an experimental survey3
Do economic globalization and the level of education impede poverty levels? A non-linear ARDL approach3
Income and wealth volatility: evidence from Italy and the U.S. in the past two decades3
A conditional Gini: measure, estimation, and application3
Long-run trends in top income shares: The role of income and population growth3
The Use of Distributional National Accounts in Better Capturing the Top Tail of the Distribution3
Asset bubbles in explaining top income shares3
Like father, like son? A comparison of absolute and relative intergenerational labour income mobility in Germany and the US3
Are fairness perceptions shaped by income inequality? evidence from Latin America3
Fair crack of the whip? The distribution of augmented wealth in Australia from 2002 to 20183
Long-term evolution of inequality of opportunity: Educated parents still matter3
Promoting education under distortionary taxation: equality of opportunity versus welfarism3
The global distribution of gains from globalization2
Economic zones and local income inequality: Evidence from Indonesia2
The Stock Market and the Evolution of Top Wealth Shares in the United States2
Demographic behaviour and earnings inequality across OECD countries2
Intergenerational persistence in latent socioeconomic status: evidence from Taiwan2
Correction to: the Fall in Income Inequality during COVID-19 in Four European Countries2
Sibling correlation in risk attitudes: evidence from Burkina Faso2
A false divide? Providing information about inequality aligns preferences for redistribution between right- and left-wing voters2
Borrower discouragement and multidimensional child deprivation in Ghana2
Monetary compensation schemes during the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for household incomes, liquidity constraints and consumption across the EU2
Intergenerational income mobility: New evidence from the UK2
Parental time restrictions and the cost of children: insights from a survey among mothers2
Opportunity advantage between income distributions2
Regional Well-Being and its Inequality in the OECD Member Countries2
Identification-robust methods for comparing inequality with an application to regional disparities1
Tax-benefit systems and the gender gap in income1
Choosing inequality: how economic security fosters competitive regimes1
A distributional decomposition of birthweight differences by maternal education: A comparison of France and the UK1
Extending multidimensional poverty identification: from additive weights to minimal bundles1
The shortest confidence interval for the ratio of quantiles of the Dagum distribution1
A multivariate extension of the Lorenz curve based on copulas and a related multivariate Gini coefficient1
Parenthood and the distribution of intra-household inequalities in wellbeing1
A novel approach to measure poverty based on calorie deprivation - Evidence from household-level data1
Degrees of vulnerability to poverty: a low-income dynamics approach for Chile1
Washing machine ownership and girls' school attendance: a cross-sectional analysis of adolescents in 19 middle-income countries1
Income taxation and equity: new dominance criteria with a microsimulation application1
On the social welfare interpretation of growth incidence curves1
Sources of gender wage gaps for skilled workers in Latin American countries1
Occupational dualism and intergenerational educational mobility in the rural economy: evidence from China and India1
Declining inequality in Latin America? Robustness checks for Peru1
Spouses’ earnings association and inequality: A non-linear perspective1
Beyond tax-survey combination: inequality and the blurry household-firm border1
A European equivalence scale for public in-kind transfers1
Differential Exposure to Climate Change? Evidence from the 2021 Floods in Germany1
The sources and structure of wage inequality changes in the selected Central-Eastern European Countries1
Collective negative shocks and preferences for redistribution: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis in Germany1
Household Earnings and Income Volatility in the UK, 2009–20171
Growing up poor but doing well: Contextual factors that predict academic success1
Fair income tax with endogenous productivities and a fresh start1
Inequality and Social Distancing during the Pandemic1
About some difficulties with the functional forms of Lorenz curves1
Correction to: The K-Shaped Recovery: Examining the Diverging Fortunes of Workers in the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Business and Household Survey Microdata1
Income-dependent equivalence scales: A fresh look at German micro-data1
Polarization and its discontents: Morocco before and after the Arab Spring1