Language Policy

(The median citation count of Language Policy is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Editorial introduction: a historical overview of the expanding critique(s) of the gentrification of dual language bilingual education21
“Now it’s all upper-class parents who are checking out schools”: gentrification as coloniality in the enactment of two-way bilingual education policies18
“We live in the age of choice”: school administrators, school choice policies, and the shaping of dual language bilingual education14
The fiftyfication of dual language education: one-size-fits-all language allocation’s “equality” and “practicality” eclipsing a history of equity11
Managing people with language: language policy, planning and practice in multilingual blue-collar workplaces10
Black lives matter versus Castañeda v. Pickard: a utopian vision of who counts as bilingual (and who matters in bilingual education)9
“Research shows that I am here for them”: Acompañamiento as language policy activism in times of TWBE gentrification9
Grammar tests, de facto policy and pedagogical coercion in England’s primary schools8
The evolution of language ideological debates about English and French in a multilingual humanitarian organisation7
Beneficiary voices in ELT development aid: ethics, epistemology and politics7
Creating fertile grounds for two-way immersion: gentrification, immigration, & neoliberal school reforms7
Is English the world’s lingua franca or the language of the enemy? Choice and age factors in foreign language policymaking in Iran6
Language policy and linguistic landscaping in a contemporary blue-collar workplace in the Dutch–German borderland6
Family language policy in retrospect: Narratives of success and failure in an Indian–Iranian transnational family6
Conceptualisation of family and language practice in family language policy research on migrants: a systematic review6
“What the fuck is this for a language, this cannot be Deutsch?” language ideologies, policies, and semiotic practices of a kitchen crew in a hotel restaurant6
A Black mother’s counterstory to the Brown–White binary in dual language education: toward disrupting dual language as White property6
The gentrification of two-way dual language programs: a commentary5
Sign language planning and policy in Ontario teacher education5
Perceptions and attitudes of Qatar University students regarding the utility of arabic and english in communication and education in Qatar5
Officiality and strategic ambiguity in language policy: exploring migrant experiences in Andorra and Luxembourg5
Contesting language policy for asylum seekers in the Northern periphery: the story of Tailor F4
Digital communication as part of family language policy: the interplay of multimodality and language status in a Finnish context4
The ambivalent role of Urdu and English in multilingual Pakistan: a Bourdieusian study4
Policy formation for adult migrant language education in England: national neglect and its implications3
Reconstructing over 20 years of language practice, management and ideology at a multinational corporation in Brussels: A scaled socio-historical approach to language policy3
Tetun akadémiku: University lecturers’ roles in the intellectualisation of Tetum3
From discourses about language-in-education policy to language practices in the classroom—a linguistic ethnographic study of a multi-scalar nature in Timor-Leste3
Adult literacy classes in Timor-Leste and diverse language values and practices across the regions: implications for language policy-making3
‘I don’t think that’s really their wheelhouse’: governing language policy interpretation in teacher education3
Pride, prejudice and pragmatism: family language policies in the UK3
Critical ethnography of language policy in the global south: insights from research in Timor-Leste3
The (un)making and (re)making of Guangzhou’s ‘Little Africa’: Xiaobei’s linguistic and semiotic landscape explored3
Educational linguicism: linguistic discrimination against minority students in Vietnamese mainstream schools3
The punctuated equilibrium model of public policy: explaining inertia in Singapore’s Mother Tongue policy3
Amid signs of change: language policy, ideology and power in the linguistic landscape of urban Rwanda3
Language advocacy in times of securitization and neoliberalization: The Network LanguageRights2
Beyond Castañeda and the “language barrier” ideology: young children and their right to bilingualism2
Examining the implementation of language education policies in mainstream primary schools2
Bilingual teacher educators as language policy agents: A critical language policy perspective of the Castañeda v. Pickard case and the bilingual teacher shortage2
Individual language advocates and managers2
Advocating an empirically-founded university admission policy2
Four decades after Castañeda: a critical analysis of Bilingual/Dual Language Education in Colorado2
"Verde is Not the Word for Green in Spanish": The Problematic Arrogance of Monolingual, Powerful Parents2
After Castañeda: a glotopolítica perspective and educational dignity paradigm to educate racialized bilinguals2
#workfromhome: how multi-level marketers enact and subvert federal language policy for profit2
How stable is a family’s language policy? Multilingual families’ beliefs, practices, and management across time2
Qinsheng Zhou: Ethnic Minority Languages in China: Policy and Practice2
Language policy at an abortion clinic: linguistic capital and agency in treatment decision-making2
Language test activism2
Family language policy and language shift in postcolonial Mozambique: a critical, multi-layered approach2
Navigating competing policy demands: Dual service provision for English learners with disabilities in middle school2
Anglonormativity in Norwegian language education policy and in the educational trajectories of immigrant adolescents2
Re-orienting to language users: humanizing orientations in language planning as praxis2
Aspirational family language policy2
Editorial introduction: Advocacy issues and research in language policy2
Picturing dual language and gentrification: an analysis of visual media and their connection to language policy1
István Csernicskó: Ukrainian multilingualism: Two sides of a coin. Méry ratio / Foundation for minorities – pro Minoritate, 2022, 1–156 pp., Hb, 3060 ft ISBN 978-615-6284-21-11
Language policy from textuality to (re)entextualization: expanding the toolkit for discursive analyses1
Family, a racialized space: A phenomenological approach to examining Afghan refugee families’ language policies in Norway1
Implicit language policy in ethnic minority migrant community in urban China: a study of the linguistic landscape of “Little Lhasa”1
Mid-level leaders as key policy interpreters: state and local leaders’ perspectives on leveraging Castañeda to expand equity for English learner students1
Has language as resource been the basis for mother-tongue instruction in Sweden? On the evolution of policy orientations towards a uniquely enduring bilingual policy1
Piotr Romanowski: Family Language Policy in the Polish Diaspora: A Focus on Australia1
Donaldo Macedo (Ed.): Decolonizing Foreign Language Education—The Misteaching of English and Other Colonial Languages1
Advocacy strategies for a new multilingual educational policy in Israel1
“What is language for us?”: Community-based Anishinaabemowin language planning using TEK-nology1
Is language a ‘right’ in U.S. education?: unpacking Castañeda’s reach across federal, state, and district lines1
Local linguistic ideologies and Iraqi Turkmens’ experience of forced migration to Turkey: a folk linguistic perspective1
Constructing a common language-in-education policy? Portuguese, Brazilian and Timorese collaboration in the reintroduction of Portuguese in Timor-Leste1
Ari Sherris and Susan D. Penfield (eds): Rejecting the marginalized status of minority languages: educational projects pushing back against language endangerment0
Assessing litigant’s language proficiency: the case of the Bafoussam Court of First Instance0
Choosing is losing: language policy and language choice acts at the asylum law firm0
El Hacen Moulaye Ahmed: Language Policy and Identity in Mauritania: Multilingual and Multicultural Tensions0
Correction to: Editorial introduction: a historical overview of the expanding critique(s) of the gentrification of dual language bilingual education0
Kathryn I. Henderson and Deborah K. Palmer: Dual Language Bilingual Education: Teacher Cases and Perspectives on Large-Scale Implementation0
A raciolinguistic perspective on career readiness standards in career and technical education: Professionalism and communication skills as white linguistic practices0
Subhan Zein: Language Policy in Superdiverse Indonesia0
Language revitalization through a social movement lens: grassroots Galician language activism0
Muhammad Amara: My Language is my Identity: Towards a Comprehensive Language Policy to Meet the Challenges of Arabic in Israel0
Ritu Jain (ed.): Multilingual Singapore: language policies and linguistic realities, Routledge, London and New York, 2021, 240 pp, Pb, $44.95, ISBN 978-10-320-0043-50
English medium instruction in Ethiopian university mission statements and language policies0
Bernadette O’Rourke and John Walsh: New Speakers of Irish in a Global Context Routledge, New York and London, 2020, xi-212 pp, Hb £120 ISBN 978-11-382-4338-50
In memoriam: Tove Skutnabb-Kangas 1940–20230
Eric E. Ekembe, Lauren Harvey and Eric Dwyer (eds): Interface between English Language Education Policies and Practice: Examples from Various Contexts0
Correction: Williams, C. H. (2023). Language policy and the new speaker challenge: hiding in plain sight. Cambridge University Press0
Correction: Commentary: Revisiting Castañeda as law, policy, ideology, and critical educational resource0
Lisa Lim, Christopher Stroud and Lionel Wee (eds.): The Multilingual Citizen: Towards a Politics of Language for Agency and Change0
Commentary: Revisiting Castañeda as law, policy, ideology, and critical educational resource0
Clamping down on the Castañeda standard: turning the screws for educational equity0
Thomas Ricento (ed.): Language Politics and Policies: Perspectives from Canada and the United States. Cambridge University Press. 2019, xxxi + 318 pp, Hb £95.00 ISBN 978-11-084-2913-90
Mekonnen Alemu Gebre Yohannes: Language Policy in Ethiopia: The Interplay between Policy and Practice in Tigray Regional State0
Williams, C. H. (2023). Language policy and the new speaker challenge: hiding in plain sight. Cambridge University Press0
Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economic, Philosophical, and Sociolinguistic Approaches0
Ten years later: What has become of FLP?0
Jeffrey L. Kallen: Linguistic Landscapes: A Sociolinguistic Approach0
Motivations for service provision spectrum: needs assessments and language policy approaches0
Teresa L. McCarty, Sheilah E. Nicholas and Gillian Wigglesworth (eds.): A World of Indigenous Languages: Politics, Pedagogies and Prospects for Language Reclamation0
Jim McKinley and Nicola Galloway: English-medium instruction practices in higher education: international perspectives0
M. Beatriz Arias and Molly Fee (eds): Profiles of Dual Language Education in the 21st Century0
Correction to: The ambivalent role of Urdu and English in multilingual Pakistan: a Bourdieusian study0
“Maybe it was a shield, you know”: Exploring family language policy through the lens of perezhivanie0
Jie Zhang: Language Policy and Planning for the Modern Olympic Games0
“Because guess what? I don’t even want to speak English”: English as an obstacle for the development of multilingualism at a South African institution0
“I’ve become what I’m trying to fight…”: classroom language policy navigation and embodied critical consciousness0
Bilingual children’s perceived family language policy and its contribution to leisure reading0
Rebecca Blum-Martinez and Mary Jean Habermann López: The Shoulders We Stand on: A History of Bilingual Education in New Mexico0
Fornasiero, J., Reed, S. M., Amery, R., Bouvet, E., Enomoto, K., & Xu, H. L. (eds): Intersections in Language Planning and Policy0
Hywel Coleman: The Condition of English in Multilingual Afghanistan0
Eduardo D. Faingold: Language Rights and the Law in the United States and Its Territories0
Attitudes of Dalit students and teachers towards English: a language of Dalit emancipation?0
Abhimanyu Sharma: Reconceptualising Power in Language Policy (Evidence from Comparative Cases)0
The impact of language education policies on Irish sign language in Irish deaf education0
Editorial introduction: revisiting and (re)imagining Castañeda v. Pickard through critical lenses0
Correction to: Bilingual teacher educators as language policy agents: a critical language policy perspective of the Castañeda v. Pickard case and the bilingual teacher shortage0
Nicholas Gregory Faraclas, Ellen-Petra Kester, and Eric N. Mijts: Community Based Research in Language Policy and Planning: The Language of Instruction in Education in Sint Eustatius0
Laurie Olsen: A Legacy of Courage and Activism: Stories from the Movement for Educational Access and Equity for English Learners in California. Californians Together, Long Beach, California, 2021, 2410
Ian Cushing: Standards, Stigma, Surveillance: Raciolinguistic Ideologies and England’s Schools0
Björklund, S. & Björklund, M. (eds.) (2023). Policy and practice for Multilingual Educational Settings. Comparisons across contexts. Bilingual Education & Bilingualism. Multilingual matters0
Eduardo D. Faingold: Language Rights and the Law in Scandinavia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, The Faroe Islands, and Greenland0
Language and translation policies in China’s multilingual governance: A study of the early and mid-Qing dynasty0
David Cassels Johnson, and Eric J. Johnson: The Language Gap: Normalizing Deficit Ideologies0
Bernard Spolsky: Rethinking Language Policy0
Bill 7633 on the restriction of the use of Russian text sources in Ukrainian research and education: analysing language policy in times of war0
Ali Jalalian Daghigh, Jariah Mohd Jan, & Sheena Kaur (eds.): neoliberalism of English language policy in the Global South0
Classroom implementation by Masbatenyo public elementary teachers of the mother tongue-based multilingual education policy: a case study0
Bruna Di Sabato and Bronwen Hughes: Multilingual Perspectives from Europe and Beyond on Language Policy and Practice0
Typographical advocacy in the age of digital encoding0
Correction to: A Black mother’s counterstory to the Brown–White binary in dual language education: toward disrupting dual language as White property0
Jef Verschueren: Complicity in Discourse and Practice0
Peter A. Kraus and François Grin (eds): The Politics of Multilingualism: Europeanisation, globalisation and linguistic governance0
Subhan Zein and Maria R. Coady (eds): early language learning policy in the 21st century: an international perspective0
Family language policy in Chinese d/Deaf-parented families with hearing children: the interplay of multi-dimensional factors0
Linguistic trajectories and family language policy from the perspective of multilingual young adults in Mexico0
Nelson Flores, Amelia Tseng & Nicholas Subtirelu (eds): Bilingualism for All? Raciolinguistic Perspectives on Dual Language Education in the United States0
A genealogical inquiry into raciolinguistic ideology and language policy among Spanish Franciscan missionaries in Alta California0
Markus Rheindorf and Ruth Wodak (eds.): Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Migration Control, Language Policy, Identity and Belonging0
Critical language policy: Investigating ESL department chair’s implementation of AB 7050
Michal Tannenbaum and Elana Shohamy: Developing multilingual education policies: theory, research, practice0
In Memorium: A tribute to Bernard Spolsky0
Amy J. Heineke and Kristin J. Davin (eds): Review of the Seal of Biliteracy: Case Studies and Considerations for Policy Implementation0
Lisa J. McEntee-Atalianis and Humphrey Tonkin (eds): Language and sustainable development0
JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall and Kathleen Bailey (eds): Global Perspectives on Language Education Policies0
David E. DeMatthews and Elena Izquierdo (eds.): Dual Language Education: Teaching and Learning in Two Languages0
Diarmait Mac Giolla Chríost and Matteo Bonotti: Brexit, Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity0
Kashif Raza, Christine Coombe, & Dudley Reynolds (eds.): policy development in TESOL and multilingualism—past, present and the way forward0
Maria Coady: The Coral Way Bilingual Program, Multilingual Matters, Bristol and Blue Ridge Summit, PA, 2019, 1–190 pp, Kindle $25.00, ISBN 978-17-889-2456-60
Language and late modernity: An archaeology of statal narratives of multilingualism in the Philippines0
Thomas Ricento: Refugees in Canada. On the loss of Social and Cultural Capital Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2021, xiii + 300 pp. ISBN 978-3-030-76452-4 ISBN 978-3-030-76453-1 (ebook)0
François Grin, László Marácz, and Nike K. Pokorn (eds): Advances in interdisciplinary language policy0