Natural Computing

(The TQCC of Natural Computing is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Asynchronous, finite dynamical systems45
Precise makespan optimization via hybrid genetic algorithm for scientific workflow scheduling problem42
Cold dynamics in cellular automata: a tutorial17
Solving quantum circuit compilation problem variants through genetic algorithms13
On the class of hybrid adaptive evolutionary algorithms (chavela)8
Morphogenetic computing: computability and complexity results8
Automatic design of arithmetic operation spiking neural P systems7
On categorical approach to reaction systems7
Single semi-contextual insertion-deletion systems6
About reversibility in sP colonies and reaction systems6
Verification and computation in restricted Tile Automata6
Solving combinatorial optimisation problems using oscillator based Ising machines5
Geometric tiles and powers and limitations of geometric hindrance in self-assembly5
MOEA/D with gradient-enhanced kriging for expensive multiobjective optimization5
Turning machines: a simple algorithmic model for molecular robotics5
GPU simulations of spiking neural P systems on modern web browsers5
Optimal safe driving dynamics for autonomous interacting vehicles5
A reversible system based on hybrid toggle radius-4 cellular automata and its application as a block cipher5
An analysis of the relative effects of connectivity and coupling interactions on spin networks emulating the D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer5
On the generative capacity of matrix insertion-deletion systems of small sum-norm5
Analysis of inter and intra-front operations in multi-modal multi-objective optimization problems5
Exponential separation between quantum and classical ordered binary decision diagrams, reordering method and hierarchies4
Models to classify the difficulty of genetic algorithms to solve continuous optimization problems4
Computational complexity and pragmatic solutions for flexible tile based DNA self-assembly4
Uniform robot relocation is hard in only two directions even without obstacles4
Extraction rates of algorithmically random continuous functionals4
On the power of membrane dissolution in polarizationless P systems with active membranes4
Enhancing reliability of composed non-output-oblivious chemical reaction networks3
Multi-region symbolic regression: combining functions under a multi-objective approach3
Conjugate word blending: formal model and experimental implementation by XPCR3
What’s in a distance? Exploring the interplay between distance measures and internal cluster validity in multi-objective clustering3
Modelling and evaluating restricted ESNs on single- and multi-timescale problems3
Abstract geometrical computation 12: generating representation of infinite countable linear orderings3
A frequency-based parent selection for reducing the effect of evaluation time bias in asynchronous parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithms3
Classical and quantum algorithms for constructing text from dictionary problem3
Investigating particle swarm optimization and various mobility algorithms for autonomous navigation in flying ad-hoc networks3
On the computational power of swarm automata using agents with position information3
Gravitationally invariant subspaces in quantum computing3
Impossibility of strict assembly of infinite fractals by oritatami2
Protein structure prediction with energy minimization and deep learning approaches2
Deep learning networks with rough-refinement optimization for food quality assessment2
Committed-format AND protocol using only random cuts2
Similarity in metaheuristics: a gentle step towards a comparison methodology2
Integrated dynamic spiking neural P systems for fault line selection in distribution network2
Actively revealing card attack on card-based protocols2
Solving subset sum and SAT problems by reaction systems2
A classification of S-boxes generated by orthogonal cellular automata2
State-deterministic $$5'\rightarrow 3'$$ Watson-Crick automata2
Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm IDEA and k-means clustering for modeling multidimenional medical data based on fuzzy cognitive maps2
Evolving ensembles of heuristics for the travelling salesman problem2
Distinguishing genelet circuit input pulses via a pulse detector2
Correction to: Computational limitations of affine automata and generalized affine automata2
Cellular automata and substitutions in topological spaces defined via edit distances2
System reduction: an approach based on probabilistic cellular automata2
A roadmap for solving optimization problems with estimation of distribution algorithms2
On the spectrum between reaction systems and string rewriting2
Spiking neural P systems: main ideas and results2
Estimation of minimum viable population for giant panda ecosystems with membrane computing models2
The objective that freed me: a multi-objective local search approach for continuous single-objective optimization2