
(The TQCC of Bioelectrochemistry is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Dielectric properties of the non-glycated and in vitro methylglyoxal-glycated cornea of the rabbit eye253
A novel membraneless β-glucan/O2 enzymatic fuel cell based on β-glucosidase (RmBgl3B)/pyranose dehydrogenase (AmPDH) co-immobilized onto buckypaper electrode157
An ultrasensitive electrochemical self-signal circulating tumor DNA recognition strategy employing black phosphorous nanosheets assembled with flavin adenine dinucleotide71
Evaluation of biocathode materials for microbial electrosynthesis of methane and acetate62
Dual-mode immunosensor based on Cu-doped Mo2C nanosheets as signal labels60
Electrochemical monitoring of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa growth and the formation of a biofilm in TSB media50
Molecularly imprinted conducting polymer based sensor for Salmonella typhimurium detection48
Wiring of bilirubin oxidases with redox polymers on gas diffusion electrodes for increased stability of self-powered biofuel cells-based glucose sensing47
Table of Contents47
SnO2 nanoparticles/waste masks carbon hybrid materials for DNA biosensor application on voltammetric detection of anti-cancer drug pazopanib46
Upper limit efficiency estimates for electromicrobial production of drop-in jet fuels45
Table of Contents44
Polyethylene glycol hydrogel coatings for protection of electroactive bacteria against chemical shocks44
Modeling and simulation of current-clamp electroporation41
Thin-layer approximation for the multi-physics and multiscale simulation of cell membrane electrodeformation40
Table of Contents40
Author Index40
Biomass sugar-powered enzymatic fuel cells based on a synthetic enzymatic pathway39
Application of HRP-streptavidin bionanoparticles for potentiometric biotin determination39
Contents of Volume38
Table of Contents38
Subject Index38
Excitability and propagation of the electrical impulse in Venus flytrap; a comparative electrophysiological study of unipolar electrograms with myocardial tissue37
A thermodynamic scaling law for electrically perturbed lipid membranes: Validation with steepest entropy ascent framework36
Table of Contents34
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for evaluation of tumor perfusion and outcome following treatment in a murine melanoma model34
Cardioporation enhances myocardial gene expression in rat heart34
Bio-nanogate manipulation on electrode surface as an electrochemical immunosensing strategy for detecting anti-hepatitis B surface antigen34
Haem-mediated albumin biosensing: Towards voltammetric detection of PFOA33
The electrochemical potential is a key parameter for cell adhesion and proliferation on carbon surface33
A novel biosensing strategy on the dynamic and on-site detection of Vibrio coralliilyticus eDNA for coral health warnings33
Self-cleaning paper-based microfluidic biosensor employing DNAzyme and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube for copper ion detection33
Potentials induced by applied electrical fields in and around particles comprised of four dielectric layers33
Carbon starvation considerably accelerated nickel corrosion by Desulfovibrio vulgaris32
Table of Contents32
Expression of GFP and DsRed fluorescent proteins after gene electrotransfer of tumour cells in vitro32
Sandwich-type immunosensor based on aminated 3D-rGOF-NH2 and CMK-3-Fc-MgAl-LDH multilayer nanocomposites for detection of CA12531
Musa acuminata as electroporation model31
Electrochemical biosensor based on PAMAM functionalized MXene nanoplatform for detection of folate receptor31
Lumichrome from the photolytic riboflavin acts as an electron shuttle in microbial photoelectrochemical systems30
Nanostructured electrodes based on multiwalled carbon nanotube/glyconanoparticles for the specific immobilization of bilirubin oxidase: Application to the electrocatalytic O2 reduction30
Evaluation of a comprehensive power management system with maximum power point tracking algorithm for multiple microbial fuel cell energy harvesting30
Low efficiency of cathodic protection in marine tidal corrosion of X80 steel in the presence of Pseudomonas sp.29
Electroactivity of weak electricigen Bacillus subtilis biofilms in solution containing deep eutectic solvent components29
The combined effect of carbon starvation and exogenous riboflavin accelerated the Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced nickel corrosion29
Harnessing active biofilm for microbial corrosion protection of carbon steel against Geobacter sulfurreducens29
Quantitative determination of dopamine in the presence of interfering substances supported by machine learning tools29
Development of bioanodes rich in exoelectrogenic bacteria using iron-rich palaeomarine sediment inoculum29
Nanostructured functional peptide films and their application in C-reactive protein immunosensors28
One pot fabrication of diamino naphthalene -AuNPs decorated graphene nanoplatform for the MRSA detection in the biological sample28
Accelerated role of exogenous riboflavin in selective Desulfovibrio desulfuricans corrosion of pipeline welded joints28
Elucidating the interaction of antidepressant drug paroxetine with ct-dsDNA: A comparative study by electrochemical, spectroscopic, and molecular docking approaches28
Electrochemical DNA biosensor for chronic myelocytic leukemia based on hybrid nanostructure27
High current density via direct electron transfer by hyperthermophilic archaeon, Geoglobus acetivorans, in microbial electrolysis cells operated at 80 °C27
Towards the development of reagent-free and reusable electrochemical aptamer-based cortisol sensor27
Phage probe on RAFT polymer surface for rapid enumeration of E. coli K1227
Colorimetric isolation of a novel electrochemically active Pseudomonas strain using tungsten nanorods for bioelectrochemical applications27
An ingenious electrochemical aptasensor for detection of CYFRA 21–1 based on dual-output toehold mediated strand displacement reaction27
Early sex determination of Ginkgo biloba based on the differences in the electrocatalytic performance of extracted peroxidase26
Self-powered molecule release systems activated with chemical signals processed through reconfigurable Implication or Inhibition Boolean logic gates26
Reduction of plasmid vector backbone length enhances reporter gene expression26
The electrical pulse application enhances intra-cellular localization and potentiates cytotoxicity of curcumin in breast cancer cells26
Properties of electrode-supported lipid cubic mesophase films with embedded gramicidin A: structure and ion-transport studies26
Fabrication of electrochemical biosensor composed of multi-functional DNA 4 way junction for TNF-α detection in human serum26
Adsorption of lysozyme on gold surfaces in the presence of an external electric potential26
An electrochemical DNA sensor based on an integrated and automated DNA walker25
Disposable graphene-oxide screen-printed electrode integrated with portable device for detection of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples25
Anomalous potentials on bilayer lipid membranes in the presence of usnic acid: Markin-Sokolov versus Nernst-Donnan equilibrium24
Fabrication of an electrochemical biodevice for ractopamine detection under a strategy of a double recognition of the aptamer/molecular imprinting polymer24
Challenges and applications of nitrate-reducing microbial biocathodes24
Chemometrics-assisted simultaneous voltammetric determination of multiple neurotransmitters in human serum24
Implementation of π-π interaction in AuNPs@GDY to boost the bioelectrocatalysis in enzymatic biofuel cells24
Correlated electric field modulation of electron transfer parameters and the access to alternative conformations of multifunctional cytochrome c24
Antibody-assisted MIL-53(Fe)/Pt-based electrochemical biosensor for the detection of the nicotine metabolite cotinine24
Enzyme-free sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor for CEA detection based on the cooperation of an Ag/g-C3N4-modified electrode and Au@SiO2/Cu2O with core-shell structure24
Advantages and limitations of various treatment chamber designs for reversible and irreversible electroporation in life sciences24
Electrochemical biosensors for SARS-CoV-2 detection: Voltametric or impedimetric transduction?24
Efficiency of Gemini surfactant containing semi-rigid spacer as microbial corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in simulated seawater23
Miniaturized MXene-based electrochemical biosensors for virus detection23
Label-free highly sensitive detection of DNA approximate length and concentration by impedimetric CRISPR-dCas9 based biosensor technology23
Microbiologically influenced corrosion of titanium by Desulfovibrio vulgaris biofilm under organic carbon starvation23
Electroporation enhances cell death in 3D scaffold-based MDA-MB-231 cells treated with metformin23
Effect of Halomonas titanicae on fluctuating water-line corrosion of EH40 steel23
A sensitive electrochemical immunosensor based on high-efficiency catalytic cycle amplification strategy for detection of cardiac troponin I23
Improving the electrochemical characteristics and performance of a neutral all-iron flow battery by using the iron reduction bacteria22
Ultrasensitive detection of microRNA-21 by using specific interaction of antimonene with RNA as electrochemical biosensor22
Analysis of electrostimulation and electroporation by high repetition rate bursts of nanosecond stimuli22
Nickel adsorbed algae biochar based oxygen reduction reaction catalyst22
An electrochemical impedimetric sensing platform based on a peptide aptamer identified by high-throughput molecular docking for sensitive l-arginine detection22
Formation of sparsely tethered bilayer lipid membrane on a biodegradable self-assembled monolayer of poly(lactic acid)22
Hypochlorous acid produced at the counter electrode inhibits catalase and increases bactericidal activity of a hydrogen peroxide generating electrochemical bandage22
Adsorption of Candida albicans on Ti-6Al-4V surface and its corrosion effects in artificial saliva22
Electrochemical biosensor for sensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2 gene fragments using Bi2Se3 topological insulator22
Electrochemical detection of alkaline phosphatase activity via atom transfer radical polymerization22
Next generation CANCAN focusing for remote stimulation by nanosecond electric pulses21
Ultrasensitive electrochemical determination of the cancer biomarker protein sPD-L1 based on a BMS-8-modified gold electrode21
Cyanide sensitivity in direct electron transfer-type bioelectrocatalysis by membrane-bound alcohol dehydrogenase from Gluconobacter oxydans21
3-D printed electrode integrated sensing chip and a PoC device for enzyme free electrochemical detection of blood urea21
Electro-chemo-mechanical model to investigate multi-pulse electric-field-driven integrin clustering21
Comparison of electrochemical performance of various boron-doped diamond electrodes: Dopamine sensing in biomimicking media used for cell cultivation20
Nanozyme-mediated cascade reaction system for electrochemical detection of 1,5-anhydroglucitol20
Facile construction of nanocubic Mn3[Fe(CN)6]2@Pt based electrochemical DNA sensors for ultrafast precise determination of SARS-CoV-220
Smartphone-assisted paper-based electrochemical immunosensor for SARS-CoV-2 detection in saliva20
First PCR-free electrochemical bioplatform for the detection of mustard Sin a 1 protein as a potential “hidden” food allergen20
Ultrasensitive electrochemical aptasensor with Nafion-stabilized f-MWCNTs as signal enhancers for OTA detection20
Histologic changes of porcine portal vein anastomosis after electrochemotherapy with bleomycin20
A new ITO-based Aβ42 biosensor for early detection of Alzheimer's disease19
Calcium electroporation causes ATP depletion in cells and is effective both in microsecond and nanosecond pulse range as a modality of electrochemotherapy19
Reduced graphene oxide@polydopamine decorated carbon cloth as an anode for a high-performance microbial fuel cell in Congo red/saline wastewater removal19
Screen-printed carbon electrode modified with de-bundled single-walled carbon nanotubes for voltammetric determination of norepinephrine in ex vivo rat tissue19
Electric wiring of bacteria using redox polymers and selective measurement of metabolic activity in the presence of surrounding planktonic bacteria19
Evaluating the antioxidant activity of secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi from Hypericum perforatum L. by an electrochemical biosensor based on AuNPs/AC@CS composite19
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields impair viability and mucin expression in mucinous colorectal carcinoma cell19
An ultra-sensitive dual-signal ratiometric electrochemical aptasensor based on functionalized MOFs for detection of HER219
Ultrasensitive label-free electrochemical immunosensor of NT-proBNP biomarker based on branched AuPd nanocrystals/N-doped honeycombed porous carbon19
Food production in space from CO2 using microbial electrosynthesis19
Electrochemical flow-through biosensors based on microfiber enzymatic filter discs placed at printed electrodes19
Metabolic pathway-based self-assembled Au@MXene liver microsome electrochemical biosensor for rapid screening of aflatoxin B118
Pseudomonas aeruginosa-accelerated corrosion of Mo-bearing low-alloy steel through molybdenum-mediating chemotaxis and motility18
The effects of Methanococcus maripaludis on the corrosion behavior of EH40 steel in seawater18
A type of self-assembled and label-free DNA-modified electrochemical biosensors based on magnetic α-Fe2O3/Fe3O4 heterogeneous nanorods for ultra-sensitive detection of CYP2C19*318
Designing of ZnO nanoparticles oriented interface imprinted electrochemical sensor for fluoxetine detection18
A novel sandwich electrochemical immunosensor utilizing customized template and phosphotungstate catalytic amplification for CD44 detection18
Glucose micro-biosensor for scanning electrochemical microscopy characterization of cellular metabolism in hypoxic microenvironments18
Competitive electrochemical aptasensor for high sensitivity detection of liver cancer marker GP73 based on rGO-Fc-PANi nanocomposites18
Electro-enzymatic ATP regeneration coupled to biocatalytic phosphorylation reactions18
Electrochemical oxidation of copper-clad laminate for manufacturing printed circuit boards via bioleaching by the fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium18
Electrochemical miRNA-34a-based biosensor for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease18
Enhanced interfacial electron transfer between semiconductor and non-photosynthetic microorganism under visible light18
Numerical simulation of neural excitation during brain tumor ablation by microsecond pulses18
Microbiologically influenced corrosion inhibition mechanisms in corrosion protection: A review18
Dual signal amplified electrochemical aptasensor based on PEI-functionalized GO and ROP for highly sensitive detection of cTnI17
Enhanced mechanism of extracellular electron transfer between semiconducting minerals anatase and Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 in euphotic zone17
Theoretical analysis of the electrochemical systems used for the application of direct current/voltage stimuli on cell cultures17
A dual-signal output electrochemical aptasensor for glypican-3 ultrasensitive detection based on reduced graphene oxide-cuprous oxide nanozyme catalytic amplification strategy17
Single vs sandwich aptamers: Towards the detection of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 using composites of phthalocyanine and nanoparticles17
Investigation of mixed species biofilm on corrosion of X65 steel in seawater environment17
A sensitive electrochemical sensor based on PtNPs@Cu-MOF signal probe and DNA walker signal amplification for Pb2+ detection17
A MoS2@Ti3C2Tx MXene hybrid-based electrochemical aptasensor (MEA) for sensitive and rapid detection of Thyroxine17
Rational synthesis of rare-earth lanthanum molybdate covered reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for the voltammetric detection of Moxifloxacin hydrochloride17
Surface grafting of poly-L-lysine via diazonium chemistry to enhance cell adhesion to biomedical electrodes17
Interaction of LL-37 human cathelicidin peptide with a model microbial-like lipid membrane17
The organo-metal-like nature of long-range conduction in cable bacteria17
Ambiguity in the interpretation of the low-frequency dielectric properties of biological tissues17
Advancement in SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis: A new and stable electrochemical biosensor for genomic RNA detection16
Corrigendum to “Electronic to ionic transduction of the electric field applied to PEDOT:PSS substrates to the cell cultures on top” [Bioelectrochemistry 145 (2022) 108099]16
Redox potential shapes spatial heterogeneity of mixed-cultured electroactive biofilm treating wastewater16
Anti-tumor effects of nanosecond pulsed electric fields in a murine model of pancreatic cancer16
Low-energy electric shock ameliorates cell proliferation, morphallaxis, and regeneration via driving key regenerative proteins in earthworm and 3T3 cells16
Corrigendum to “PARP inhibitor olaparib has a potential to increase the effectiveness of electrochemotherapy in BRCA1 mutated breast cancer in mice” [Bioelectrochemistry 2021 (140) 107832]16
Probing electrophysiological activity of amphiphilic Dynorphin A in planar neutral membranes reveals both ion channel-like activity and neuropeptide translocation15
Effect of marine microalgae Synechococcus sp., Chlorella sp., Thalassiosira sp. on corrosion behavior of Q235 carbon steel in f/2 medium15
Editorial Board15
Ultrasensitive PEC cytosensor for breast cancer cells detection and inhibitor screening based on plum-branched CdS/Bi2S3 heterostructures15
Editorial Board15
Responses of electroactive biofilms to chronic chlorine exposure: Insights from the composition and spatial structure of extracellular polymeric substances15
New advances in treatment of skin malignant tumors with nanosecond pulsed electric field: A literature review15
Ketoconazole resistant Candida albicans is sensitive to a wireless electroceutical wound care dressing15
Whole-cell redox biosensor for triclosan detection: Integrating spectrophotometric and electrochemical detection15
AGR2-AGR3 hetero-oligomeric complexes: Identification and characterization15
Dielectric response to thermal denaturation of lenses in healthy and diabetic rabbits15
Facile construction of ratiometric electrochemical immunosensor using hierarchical PtCoIr nanowires and porous SiO2@Ag nanoparticles for accurate detection of septicemia biomarker15
Tetrahedral DNA nanostructure enhanced toehold-mediated strand displacement for highly sensitive electrochemiluminescence assay of CA12515
A novel conductive nanocomposite-based biosensor for ultrasensitive detection of microRNA-21 in serum, using methylene blue as mediator15
Mechanisms of curcumin-based photodynamic therapy and its effects in combination with electroporation: An in vitro and molecular dynamics study15
Intrinsic properties of primary hippocampal neurons contribute to PIP2 depletion during nsEP-induced physiological response15
Author Index14
Electrochemically switchable and tunable luciferase bioluminescence14
Design of optoelectrodes for the remote imaging of cells and in situ electrochemical detection of neurosecretory events14
Urine dilution with a synthetic wastewater (Syntho) boosts the electricity production in a bio-electrochemical system powered by un-pretreated human urine14
Imaginary admittance and charge transfer resistance correlate to the physiological status of Shewanella oneidensis cultures in real time14
A biophotoelectrode based on boronic acid-modified Chlorella vulgaris cells integrated within a redox polymer14
Alkyl esters of umbelliferone-4-acetic acid as protonophores in bilayer lipid membranes and ALDH2-dependent soft uncouplers in rat liver mitochondria14
An ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescent sensing platform for oxygen metabolism based on bioactive magnetic beads14
Table of Contents14
Temperature and presence of ethanol affect accumulation of intracellular trehalose in Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 upon pulsed electric field treatment14
Co phthalocyanine mediated electrochemical detection of the HER2 in the presence of Au and CeO2 nanoparticles and graphene quantum dots14
Assessment of WO3 electrode modified with intact chloroplasts as a novel biohybrid platform for photocurrent improvement14
Contents of Volume14
Nonlinear electric response of the diffuse double layer to an abrupt charge displacement inside a biological membrane14
GSU1771 regulates extracellular electron transfer and electroactive biofilm formation in Geobacter sulfurreducens: Genetic and electrochemical characterization14
Involvement of O2·− release in zearalenone-induced hormesis of intestinal porcine enterocytes: An electrochemical sensor-based analysis14
Regenerable sensor based on tris(4,7′-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium (II) for anodic and cathodic electrochemiluminescence applications14
Human hair rich in pyridinic nitrogen-base DNA biosensor for direct electrochemical monitoring of palbociclib-DNA interaction13
Fe(III) oxide microparticles modulate extracellular electron transfer in anodic biofilms dominated by bacteria of the Pelobacter genus13
Angiogenesis inhibitor or aggressiveness marker? The function of endostatin in cancer through electrochemical biosensing13
Sparsely tethered bilayer lipid membranes formed by self-assembly of bicelles: Spectroelectrochemical characterization and incorporation of transmembrane protein13
Editorial Board13
Single-cell analysis reveals nanosecond pulsed electric field ablation induced myeloid cells remodeling in pancreatic cancer13
Electrochemical analysis for the rapid screening of copper-tolerant bacteria13
Electrochemical reduction and protonation of a biomimetic diiron azadithiolate hexacarbonyl complex: Mechanistic insights13
Omnidirectional leaky opto-electrical fiber for optogenetic control of neurons in cell replacement therapy13
Copy number of naked DNA delivered into nucleus of mammalian cells by electrotransfection13
Eco-friendly synthesis of sulphur-doped graphenes with applicability in caffeic acid electrochemical assay13
A surface molecularly imprinted electrochemical biosensor for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by using Cu7S4-Au as built-in probe13
Table of Contents13
Electrochemical biosensor using SnO2 colloidal quantum wire for monitoring the interaction of microcystin antigen–antibody13
High electrolyte concentration effect on enzymatic oxygen reduction13
Germination and stress tolerance of oats treated with pulsed electric field at different phases of seedling growth13
Reversible electrochemical triggering and optical interrogation of polylysine α-helix formation12
Carbon-coated magnetic nanoparticles as a removable protection layer extending the operation lifetime of bilirubin oxidase-based bioelectrode12
Complexation of amoxicillin by transition metals: Physico-chemical and antibacterial activity evaluation12
A performance improvement of enzyme-based electrochemical lactate sensor fabricated by electroplating novel PdCu mediator on a laser induced graphene electrode12
Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) by label-free electrochemical immunosensor using functionalized boron nitride nanosheets12
High efficiency electrochemical separation of uranium(VI) from uranium-containing wastewater by microbial fuel cells with different cathodes12
Biologically competitive effect of Desulfovibrio desulfurican and Pseudomonas stutzeri on corrosion of X80 pipeline steel in the Shenyang soil solution12
Chlorhexidine digluconate exerts bactericidal activity vs Gram positive Staphylococci with bioelectrocatalytic compatibility: High level disinfection for implantable biofuel cells12
Stachys byzantina extract: A green biocompatible molecules source for graphene skeletons generation on the carbon steel for superior corrosion mitigation12
Cutting-edge biorecognition strategies to boost the detection performance of COVID-19 electrochemical biosensors: A review12
Platinum and zinc oxide modified carbon nitride electrode as non-enzymatic highly selective and reusable electrochemical diabetic sensor in human blood12
Disposable and cost-effective label-free electrochemical immunosensor for prolactin based on bismuth sulfide nanorods with polypyrrole12
Electro-antibacterial therapy (EAT) to enhance intracellular bacteria clearance in pancreatic cancer cells12
Interaction of magnetic fields with biogenic magnetic nanoparticles on cell membranes: Physiological consequences for organisms in health and disease12
Proximity hybridization induced bipedal DNA walker and rolling circle amplification for label-free electrochemical detection of apolipoprotein A412
Electrochemical device based on nonspecific DNAzyme for the high-accuracy determination of Ca2+ with Pb2+ interference12
A sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor for sensitive detection of HER2 based on dual signal amplification of La-MOF-PbO2 and PEI-MoS2NFs composites12
Fabrication of an affordable and sensitive corticosteroid-binding globulin immunosensor based on electrodeposited gold nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode11
An antifouling electrochemical aptasensor based on hyaluronic acid functionalized polydopamine for thrombin detection in human serum11
Electrochemical sensor for selective tyramine determination, amplified by a molecularly imprinted polymer film11
Enhanced corrosion of 2205 duplex stainless steel by Acetobacter aceti through synergistic electron transfer and organic acids acceleration11
Nano-hydroxyapatite/carbon nanotube: An excellent anode modifying material for improving the power output and diclofenac sodium removal of microbial fuel cells11
Monopolar gene electrotransfer enhances plasmid DNA delivery to skin11
Exploring phenazine electron transfer interaction with elements of the respiratory pathways of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa11
Innovative electrochemical biosensor for toxicological investigations on algae and cyanobacteria11
Ultrasensitive detection of interleukin 1α using 3-phosphonopropionic acid modified FTO surface as an effective platform for disposable biosensor fabrication11
Editorial: French group of bioelectrochemistry11
An ultrasensitive immunosensor based on cellulose nanofibrils/polydopamine/Cu-Ag nanocomposite for the detection of AFP11
CoFe-(oxy)hydroxide as a novel electrocatalytic tag in immunosensing for ultra-sensitive detection of procalcitonin based on the oxygen evolution reaction11
Enhanced recognition of G-quadruplex DNA oxidative damage based on DNA-mediated charge transfer11
Ultra-sensitive and selective electrochemical biosensor with aptamer recognition surface based on polymer quantum dots and C60/MWCNTs- polyethylenimine nanocomposites for analysis of thrombin protein11
Graphene transistor-based biosensors for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-211
A sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor using trimetallic nanozyme as signal amplification for NT-proBNP sensitive detection11
Inhibitory effect of marine Bacillus sp. and its biomineralization on the corrosion of X65 steel in offshore oilfield produced water11
Optimized combination of zero-valent iron and oxygen-releasing biochar as cathodes of microbial fuel cells to enhance copper migration in sediment11
The effect of gold nanostructure morphology on label-free electrochemical immunosensor design11
Real-time impedance feedback to enhance cutaneous gene electrotransfer in a murine skin model11
A photoelectrochemical immunosensing platform for ultrasensitive detection of alpha-fetoprotein based on a signal amplification strategy11
Paper disc interfaced Prussian blue nanocube modified immunodevice for electrochemical detection of diverse biomarker at point of care11