Regular & Chaotic Dynamics

(The median citation count of Regular & Chaotic Dynamics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Universal Transient Dynamics in Oscillatory Network Models of Epileptic Seizures9
Asymptotics of Self-Oscillations in Chains of Systems of Nonlinear Equations8
Antisymmetric Diffeomorphisms and Bifurcations of a Double Conservative Hénon Map7
Conservation Laws for Solitons in Magneto-optic Waveguides with Anti-cubic and Generalized Anti-cubic Nonlinearities7
On the Isolation/Nonisolation of a Cosymmetric Equilibrium and Bifurcations in its Neighborhood7
Dynamics of an Unbalanced Disk with a Single Nonholonomic Constraint7
Stability of the Relative Equilibria in the Two-body Problem on the Sphere6
Helical Contour Dynamics6
The Centroid-Deformation Decomposition for Buoyant Vortex Patch Motion6
Qualitative Analysis of the Dynamics of a Balanced Circular Foil and a Vortex5
Formal Stability, Stability for Most Initial Conditions and Diffusion in Analytic Systems of Differential Equations5
Polynomial Entropy and Polynomial Torsion for Fibered Systems5
The Time Evolution of the Trajectories After the Selectivity in a Symmetric Potential Energy Surface with a Post-transition-state Bifurcation5
Classification of Axiom A Diffeomorphisms with Orientable Codimension One Expanding Attractors and Contracting Repellers5
Stabilization of Steady Rotations of a Spherical Robot on a Vibrating Base Using Feedback5
Dynamics of a Circular Cylinder and Two Point Vortices in a Perfect Fluid4
From Poincaré Maps to Lagrangian Descriptors: The Case of the Valley Ridge Inflection Point Potential4
Trace Formula for the Magnetic Laplacian on a Compact Hyperbolic Surface4
Interaction of an Upwelling Front with External Vortices: Impact on Cross-shore Particle Exchange4
Nonintegrability of the Reduced Planar Three-body Problem with Generalized Force4
From $$2N$$ to Infinitely Many Escape Orbits4
Genericity of Homeomorphisms with Full Mean Hausdorff Dimension3
Permanent Rotations in Nonholonomic Mechanics. Omnirotational Ellipsoid3
Dynamics of Slow-Fast Hamiltonian Systems: The Saddle-Focus Case3
On Some Aspects of the Dynamics of a Ball in a Rotating Surface of Revolution and of the Kasamawashi Art3
Mechanism of Selectivity in the Coupled FitzHugh – Nagumo Neurons3
On the Stability of Discrete $$N+1$$ Vortices in a Two-Layer Rotating Fluid: The Cases $$N=4,5,6$$3
Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (31.08.1821–08.09.1894)2
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Roller Bicycle2
Numerical Study of Discrete Lorenz-Like Attractors2
Quasi-Periodicity at Transition from Spiking to Bursting in the Pernarowski Model of Pancreatic Beta Cells2
Hamiltonian Paradifferential Birkhoff Normal Form for Water Waves2
The Spherical Kapitza – Whitney Pendulum2
Spherical and Planar Ball Bearings — a Study of Integrable Cases2
Unifying the Hyperbolic and Spherical $$2$$-Body Problem with Biquaternions2
On $$SL(2,\mathbb{R})$$-Cocycles over Irrational Rotations with Secondary Collisions2
Higher Symmetries of Lattices in 3D2
Lax Pairs and Rational Solutions of Similarity Reductions for Kupershmidt and Sawada – Kotera Hierarchies2
Twin Heteroclinic Connections of Reversible Systems2
Extremal Black Holes as Relativistic Systems with Kepler Dynamics2
Attractive Invariant Circles à la Chenciner2
Dynamics of an Elliptic Foil with an Attached Vortex in an Ideal Fluid: The Integrable Case2
Non-Quasi-Periodic Normal Form Theory2
Biasymptotically Quasi-Periodic Solutions for Time-Dependent Hamiltonians2
Rotations and Integrability2
On the Regularity of Invariant Foliations2
Isolated Diophantine Numbers2
3D Orbital Architecture of Exoplanetary Systems: KAM-Stability Analysis2
Expansiveness and Hyperbolicity in Convex Billiards2
Complex Arnol’d – Liouville Maps2
Brake Orbits Fill the N-Body Hill Region1
Using Couplings to Suppress Chaos and Produce a Population Stabilisation Strategy1
Loops of Infinite Order and Toric Foliations1
On Some Invariants of Birkhoff Billiards Under Conjugacy1
Destruction of Cluster Structures in an Ensemble of Chaotic Maps with Noise-modulated Nonlocal Coupling1
The Role of Tidal Forces in the Long-term Evolution of the Galilean System1
Synchronization and Bistability of Two Uniaxial Spin-Transfer Oscillators with Field Coupling1
On the Birth of Discrete Lorenz Attractors Under Bifurcations of 3D Maps with Nontransversal Heteroclinic Cycles1
Lagrangian Manifolds in the Theory of Wave Beams and Solutions of the Helmholtz Equation1
A Note on the Weighted Yamabe Flow1
Integrable Systems on a Sphere, an Ellipsoid and a Hyperboloid1
Recruitment Effects on the Evolution of Epidemics in a Simple SIR Model1
Components of Stable Isotopy Connectedness of Morse – Smale Diffeomorphisms1
The Influence of a Parameter that Controls the Asymmetry of a Potential Energy Surface with an Entrance Channel and Two Potential Wells1
Chaos and Hyperchaos in Two Coupled Identical Hindmarsh – Rose Systems1
On the Integrability of Circulatory Systems1
The Dynamical Core of a Homoclinic Orbit1
KAM for Vortex Patches1
Billiards Within Ellipsoids in the $$4$$-Dimensional Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces1
On Homeomorphisms of Three-Dimensional Manifolds with Pseudo-Anosov Attractors and Repellers1
Aubry Set on Infinite Cyclic Coverings1
Remarks on Rigidity Properties of Conics1
On the Existence of Expanding Attractors with Different Dimensions1
Analyzing the Motion of a Washer on a Rod1
Elliptic Fixed Points with an Invariant Foliation: Some Facts and More Questions1
On the Topology of the Atmosphere Advected by a Periodic Array of Axisymmetric Thin-cored Vortex Rings1
Erratum to: On Some Invariants of Birkhoff Billiards Under Conjugacy1
Chaos in Coupled Heteroclinic Cycles Between Weak Chimeras0
On a Method for Verifying Hyperbolicity0
Twist Maps of the Annulus: An Abstract Point of View0
More on Superintegrable Models on Spaces of Constant Curvature0
Hyperbolic Attractors Which are Anosov Tori0
The Interaction of Two Unsteady Point Vortex Sources in a Deformation Field in 2D Incompressible Flows0
Normalization Flow0
On the Topological Structure of Manifolds Supporting Axiom A Systems0
On Phase at a Resonance in Slow-Fast Hamiltonian Systems0
On the Interplay Between Vortices and Harmonic Flows: Hodge Decomposition of Euler’s Equations in 2d0
Parametric Resonance of a Charged Pendulum with a Suspension Point Oscillating Between Two Vertical Charged Lines0
On Bifurcations of Symmetric Elliptic Orbits0
V-Shaped Action Functional with Delay0
On Isolated Periodic Points of Diffeomorphisms with Expanding Attractors of Codimension 10
Non-Integrable Sub-Riemannian Geodesic Flow on $$J^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R})$$0
On the Stability of Exact Subharmonic Solutions of the Duffing Equation0
In Memory of Professor Alexey V. Borisov 27.03.1965–24.01.20210
Invariant Measures as Obstructions to Attractors in Dynamical Systems and Their Role in Nonholonomic Mechanics0
Continuations and Bifurcations of Relative Equilibria for the Positively Curved Three-Body Problem0
On the Metric Stability and the Nekhoroshev Estimate of the Velocity of Arnold Diffusion in a Special Case of the Three-body Problem0
A Top on a Vibrating Base: New Integrable Problem of Nonholonomic Mechanics0
Isochronicity in 1 DOF0
Integrable Mechanical Billiards in Higher-Dimensional Space Forms0
The Motion of an Unbalanced Circular Disk in the Field of a Point Source0
Escape Times Across the Golden Cantorus of the Standard Map0
Two-body Problem on a Sphere in the Presence of a Uniform Magnetic Field0
Spatiotemporal Pattern Formation in a Ring of Chua’s Oscillators0
On Ergodicity for Multidimensional Harmonic Oscillator Systems with Nosé – Hoover-type Thermostat0
Normal Forms for Hamiltonian Systems in Some Nilpotent Cases0
Erratum to: Isolated Diophantine Numbers0
A Remark on the Onset of Resonance Overlap0
Three-dimensional Quasi-geostrophic Staggered Vortex Arrays0
The Harmonic Lagrange Top and the Confluent Heun Equation0
Distance Estimates for Action-Minimizing Solutions of the $$N$$-Body Problem0
Investigating the Stability and Accuracy of a Classical Mapping Variable Hamiltonian for Nonadiabatic Quantum Dynamics0
Persistence of Multiscale Degenerate Invariant Tori for Reversible Systems with Multiscale Degenerate Equilibrium Points0
Circular Vortex Arrays in Generalised Euler’s and Quasi-geostrophic Dynamics0
Darboux Inversions of the Kepler Problem0
Morse – Smale Inequalities and Chafee – Infante Attractors0
Stability Analysis of Resonant Rotation of a Gyrostat in an Elliptic Orbit Under Third-and Fourth-Order Resonances0
Non-Resonant Conditions for the Klein – Gordon Equation on the Circle0
To Alain Chenciner On his 80th Birthday0
Reduction of Divisors and the Clebsch System0
Solvable Algebras and Integrable Systems0
Exact Solutions to the Beltrami Equation with a Non-constant $$\alpha({\bf x})$$0
Side-Comparison for Transition Maps in Multi-Layer Canard Problems0
Geodesics with Unbounded Speed on Fluctuating Surfaces0
Total Collision with Slow Convergence to a Degenerate Central Configuration0
Rolling of a Homogeneous Ball on a Moving Cylinder0
Circular Fleitas Scheme for Gradient-Like Flows on the Surface0
Persistence of Multiscale Degenerate Invariant Tori in Reversible Systems with Degenerate Frequency Mapping0
Integral Formulas for the Painlevé-2 Transcendent0
On a Quadratic Poisson Algebra and Integrable Lotka – Volterra Systems with Solutions in Terms of Lambert’s $$W$$ Function0
Billiard Ordered Games and Books0
Three-Body Relative Equilibria on $$\mathbb{S}^{2}$$0
Quasiperiodic Version of Gordon’s Theorem0
Switching Activity in an Ensemble of Excitable Neurons0
Construction of the Morse – Bott Energy Function for Regular Topological Flows0
Numerical and Theoretical Studies on the Rational Standard Map at Moderate-to-Large Values of the Amplitude Parameter0
On 1:3 Resonance Under Reversible Perturbations of Conservative Cubic Hénon Maps0
Slow-Fast Systems with an Equilibrium Near the Folded Slow Manifold0
On the Method of Introduction of Local Variables in a Neighborhood of Periodic Solution of a Hamiltonian System with Two Degrees of Freedom0
Embedded Solitons of the Generalized Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with High Dispersion0
Phase Portraits of the Equation $$\ddot{x}+ax\dot{x}+bx^{3}=0$$0
Integrable Systems Associated to the Filtrations of Lie Algebras0
Spherical and Planar Ball Bearings — Nonholonomic Systems with Invariant Measures0
Resonances in the Stability Problem of a Point Vortex Quadrupole on a Plane0
Nineteen Fifty-Four: Kolmogorov’s New “Metrical Approach” to Hamiltonian Dynamics0
On Elliptic Lower-Dimensional Invariant Tori with Prescribed Frequencies in Hamiltonian Systems with Small Parameters0
On Singularly Perturbed Linear Cocycles over Irrational Rotations0
A Restricted Four-body Problem for the Figure-eight Choreography0
Numerical Evidence of Hyperbolic Dynamics and Coding of Solutions for Duffing-Type Equations with Periodic Coefficients0
The Eighth International Conference GEOMETRY, DYNAMICS, INTEGRABLE SYSTEMS — GDIS 2022 Dedicated to the Memory of Alexey V. Borisov June 5–11, 2022, Zlatibor, Serbia0
On Families of Bowen – Series-Like Maps for Surface Groups0
Classification of Perturbations of Diophantine $$\mathbb{Z}^{m}$$ Actions on Tori of Arbitrary Dimension0
Ring Configurations of Point Vortices in Polar Atmospheres0
On the Linear Stability of a Vortex Pair Equilibrium on a Riemann Surface of Genus Zero0
Second-order Saddle Dynamics in Isomerization Reaction0
Degenerate Resonances and Synchronization in Nearly Hamiltonian Systems Under Quasi-periodic Perturbations0
A Particular Integrable Case in the Nonautonomous Problem of a Chaplygin Sphere Rolling on a Vibrating Plane0
Strongly Reversible Flows on Connected Manifolds0
A Simple Proof of Gevrey Estimates for Expansions of Quasi-Periodic Orbits: Dissipative Models and Lower-Dimensional Tori0
Routes to Chaos in a Three-Dimensional Cancer Model0
The Siegel – Bruno Linearization Theorem0
Smale Regular and Chaotic A-Homeomorphisms and A-Diffeomorphisms0
On the Uniqueness of Convex Central Configurations in the Planar $$4$$-Body Problem0
Geodesics in Jet Space0
Linear Stability of an Elliptic Relative Equilibrium in the Spatial $$n$$-Body Problem via Index Theory0
Dynamics of a Pendulum in a Rarefied Flow0
Quasi-Periodic Parametric Perturbations of Two-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems with Nonmonotonic Rotation0
Spectral Radius Formula for a Parametric Family of Functional Operators0
Compactness and Index of Ordinary Central Configurations for the Curved $$N$$-Body Problem0
Integrals of Circulatory Systems Which are Quadratic in Momenta0
Dynamics of Two Vortex Rings in a Bose – Einstein Condensate0
Compactification of the Energy Surfaces for $$n$$ Bodies0
Synchronization by an External Periodic Force in Ensembles of Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators0
$$C^{1}$$-Smooth $$\Omega$$-Stable Skew Products and Completely Geometrically Integrable Self-Maps of 3D-Tori, I: $$\Omega$$-Stability0
Emergence of Strange Attractors from Singularities0
On the Parametric Stability of the Isosceles Triangular Libration Points in the Planar Elliptical Charged Restricted Three-body Problem0
On Eisenhart’s Type Theorem for Sub-Riemannian Metrics on Step $$2$$ Distributions with $$\mathrm{ad}$$-Surjective Tanaka Symbols0
Spiral-Like Extremals near a Singular Surface in a Rocket Control Problem0
Evolution of the Singularities of the Schwarz Function Corresponding to the Motion of a Vortex Patch in the Two-dimensional Euler Equations0
Roller Racer with Varying Gyrostatic Momentum: Acceleration Criterion and Strange Attractors0
Sensitivity and Chaoticity of Some Classes of Semigroup Actions0
Tides and Dumbbell Dynamics0
Sections of Hamiltonian Systems0
Möbius Fluid Dynamics on the Unitary Groups0
Maximal Tori in Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems: a Renormalisation Group Approach0
Something Old, Something New: Three Point Vortices on the Plane0
Generic Properties of Mañé’s Set of Exact Magnetic Lagrangians0
Existence of a Smooth Hamiltonian Circle Action near Parabolic Orbits and Cuspidal Tori0
On the Lambert Problem with Drag0
Classical and Quantum Dynamical Manifestations of Index-$$2$$ Saddles: Concerted Versus Sequential Reaction Mechanisms0
On Partially Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms and Regular Denjoy Type Homeomorphisms0