Education Finance and Policy

(The H4-Index of Education Finance and Policy is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Getting Tough? The Effects of Discretionary Principal Discipline on Student Outcomes23
The Effect of Large-scale Performance-Based Funding in Higher Education22
Testing, Stress, and Performance: How Students Respond Physiologically to High-Stakes Testing22
The Compositional Effect of Rigorous Teacher Evaluation on Workforce Quality21
Too Little or Too Much? Actionable Advice in an Early-Childhood Text Messaging Experiment20
Is Effective Teacher Evaluation Sustainable? Evidence from District of Columbia Public Schools18
The Impact of COVID-19 on Community College Enrollment and Student Success: Evidence from California Administrative Data17
Schoolwide Free Meals and Student Discipline: Effects of the Community Eligibility Provision15
Long-run Trends in the U.S. SES—Achievement Gap15
How College Credit in High School Impacts Postsecondary Course-Taking: The Role of Advanced Placement Exams14
A Descriptive Analysis of Cream Skimming and Pushout in Choice versus Traditional Public Schools14
Enacting the Rubric: Teacher Improvements in Windows of High-Stakes Observation14
Measuring the Effect of Student Loans on College Persistence14
The Effect of Local Labor Market Downturns on Postsecondary Enrollment and Program Choice14