Journal of Field Robotics

(The H4-Index of Journal of Field Robotics is 25. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Graph‐based subterranean exploration path planning using aerial and legged robots119
Pesticide spraying robot for precision agriculture: A categorical literature review and future trends67
A review of soft manipulator research, applications, and opportunities62
Emerging UAV technology for disaster detection, mitigation, response, and preparedness50
CNN‐OHGS: CNN‐oppositional‐based Henry gas solubility optimization model for autonomous vehicle control system49
Localization for precision navigation in agricultural fields—Beyond crop row following44
Recent developments and applications of simultaneous localization and mapping in agriculture43
Computer vision‐based tree trunk and branch identification and shaking points detection in Dense‐Foliage canopy for automated harvesting of apples42
Gas source localization and mapping with mobile robots: A review39
Robotic harvesting of the occluded fruits with a precise shape and position reconstruction approach38
Fast and incremental loop closure detection with deep features and proximity graphs37
A review for control theory and condition monitoring on construction robots33
Automation and robotics in the cultivation of pome fruit: Where do we stand today?32
Weld line recognition and path planning with spherical tank inspection robots31
DE‐SLAM: SLAM for highly dynamic environment28
Canopy density estimation in perennial horticulture crops using 3D spinning lidar SLAM28
Toward a gliding hybrid aerial underwater vehicle: Design, fabrication, and experiments28
Adaptive sampling with an autonomous underwater vehicle in static marine environments27
The MADMAX data set for visual‐inertial rover navigation on Mars27
Mars curiosity rover mobility trends during the first 7 years26
Development and performance evaluation of a machine vision system and an integrated prototype for automated green shoot thinning in vineyards26
Diver tracking in open waters: A low‐cost approach based on visual and acoustic sensor fusion26
An autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle system for fast exploration of large complex indoor environments25
Deep learning with RGB and thermal images onboard a drone for monitoring operations25
Hybridization of ResNet with YOLO classifier for automated paddy leaf disease recognition: An optimized model25