ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage

(The median citation count of ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Digitizing Intangible Cultural Heritage Embodied: State of the Art47
Archives and AI: An Overview of Current Debates and Future Perspectives37
Learning from Synthetic Point Cloud Data for Historical Buildings Semantic Segmentation32
Can BERT Dig It? Named Entity Recognition for Information Retrieval in the Archaeology Domain27
Dynamic Dataset Augmentation for Deep Learning-based Oracle Bone Inscriptions Recognition26
HieroQuest - A Serious Game for Learning Egyptian Hieroglyphs25
A Dataset and a Convolutional Model for Iconography Classification in Paintings24
Augmented Reality Applications to Support the Promotion of Cultural Heritage23
Improving Children's Cultural Heritage Experience Using Game-based Learning at a Living Museum23
Integrating Citizen Experiences in Cultural Heritage Archives: Requirements, State of the Art, and Challenges20
Volumetric Video in Augmented Reality Applications for Museological Narratives19
Linked Data and Cultural Heritage18
Optimising Environmental Educational Narrative Videogames16
Culturally Significant Presence in Single-player Computer Games16
From Immersion’s Bleeding Edge to the Augmented Telegrapher15
Schubert Winterreise Dataset15
Teaching Cultural Heritage through a Narrative-based Game14
Museums in the Digital Age13
The Role of Haptic Feedback and Gamification in Virtual Museum Systems13
Use of Tools13
Architectural Jewels of Lublin13
Comparative Analysis Between the Main 3D Scanning Techniques: Photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanner, and Structured Light Scanner in Religious Imagery: The Case of The Holy Christ of the Blood12
Context Awareness in Cultural Heritage Applications: A Survey12
Towards Enhancing Virtual Museums by Contextualizing Art through Interactive Visualizations11
Representation of Socio-historical Context to Support the Authoring and Presentation of Multimodal Narratives: The Mingei Online Platform11
Digitalization and 3D Documentation Techniques Applied to Two Pieces of Visigothic Sculptural Heritage in Merida Through Structured Light Scanning10
The Balance of Attention10
Towards Tangible Cultural Heritage Experiences—Enriching VR-based Object Inspection with Haptic Feedback10
3D Scanning and Visualization of Large Monuments of Timurid Architecture in Central Asia -- A Methodical Approach10
Comparison of the Wearable Mobile Laser Scanner (WMLS) with Other Point Cloud Data Collection Methods in Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Diokaisareia10
Multiple-source Data Collection and Processing into a Graph Database Supporting Cultural Heritage Applications10
Augmented Reality Gaming as a Tool for Subjectivizing Visitor Experience at Cultural Heritage Locations—Case Lights On!10
Surface Damage Identification for Heritage Site Protection: A Mobile Crowd-sensing Solution Based on Deep Learning10
Unsettling Play10
From #MuseumAtHome to #AtHomeAtTheMuseum: Digital Museums and Dialogical Engagement Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic10
Digitisation of Traditional Craft Processes9
Inpainting Digital Dunhuang Murals with Structure-Guided Deep Network9
Learning and Reasoning for Cultural Metadata Quality: Coupling Symbolic AI and Machine Learning over a Semantic Web Knowledge Graph to Support Museum Curators in Improving the Quality of Cultural Meta9
The Study of Three-Dimensional Fingerprint Recognition in Cultural Heritage9
User Experience Research, Experience Design, and Evaluation Methods for Museum Mixed Reality Experience9
Augmented Reality in Outdoor Settings9
Machine Learning for the Built Heritage Archaeological Study8
First-person Cinematographic Videogames8
Automatic Recognition and Digital Documentation of Cultural Heritage Hemispherical Domes using Images8
Digital Assyriology—Advances in Visual Cuneiform Analysis8
Using UAV Photogrammetric Technique for Monitoring, Change Detection, and Analysis of Archeological Excavation Sites8
A GIS-based Methodology to Explore and Manage the Historical Heritage of Rabat City (Morocco)8
Bringing Empty Rooms to Life for Casual Visitors Using an AR Adventure Game8
Machine Learning Based Assembly of Fragments of Ancient Papyrus7
The Bryn Celli Ddu Minecraft Experience7
Digital Mapping of Medieval Cemeteries7
Data-driven Computational Homogenization Using Neural Networks7
A Predictive Method to Improve the Effectiveness of Twitter Communication in a Cultural Heritage Scenario7
Lessons Learned on Engaging Teenage Visitors in Museums with Story-Based and Game-Based Strategies7
Web-based Exploration of Annotated Multi-Layered Relightable Image Models7
Assessing Visual Perception in Heritage Sites with Visual Acuity7
Intelligent Restoration of Historical Parametric Geometric Patterns by Zernike Moments and Neural Networks6
Playing Design6
Ontological Modeling for Excavation Documentation and Virtual Reconstruction of an Ancient Egyptian Site6
A Probabilistic Method for Fractured Cultural Relics Automatic Reassembly6
Playing Games with Tito6
A Design Framework for Smart Glass Augmented Reality Experiences in Heritage Sites6
Transferring Traditional Crafts from the Physical to the Virtual World: An Authoring and Visualization Method and Platform6
Deep Segmentation of Corrupted Glyphs6
Computational Modeling and Analysis of Seljukid Muqarnas in Kayseri6
Creating a Knowledge Graph for Ireland’s Lost History: Knowledge Engineering and Curation in the Beyond 2022 Project6
Creative Experiences for Engaging Communities with Cultural Heritage through Place-based Narratives6
Evaluating Learning Outcomes of Virtual Reality Applications in Education: A Proposal for Digital Cultural Heritage6
Experiences of Knowledge Transfer on Industrial Heritage Using Games, Storytelling, and New Technologies6
Single Image Façade Segmentation and Computational Rephotography of House Images Using Deep Learning5
Multi-modality Search and Recommendation on Palestinian Cultural Heritage Based on the Holy-Land Ontology and Extrinsic Semantic Resources5
Casual Leisure in Rich-Prospect5
We Dare You5
From Point Cloud to HBIM to FEA, the Case of a Vernacular Architecture5
Hidden Town in 3D5
Introduction to the Special Issue on Computational Archival Science5
Tangible User Interfaces for Enhancing User Experience of Virtual Reality Cultural Heritage Applications for Utilization in Educational Environment5
RecorDIM of Iran's Cultural Heritage Using an Online Virtual Museum, Considering the Coronavirus Pandemic5
A Computational Look at Oral History Archives5
A Generative Model for the Mycenaean Linear B Script and Its Application in Infilling Text from Ancient Tablets5
Museum Mobile Guide Preferences of Different Visitor Personas4
Are these Artworks Similar? Analysing Visitors’ Judgements on Aesthetic Perception with a Digital Game4
A Technological Prospect for a Diagnostic Model in HBIM4
Exploring Digital Means to Engage Visitors with Roman Culture: Virtual Reality vs. Tangible Interaction4
Computer Vision Tagging the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Collection4
Identifying Museum Visitors via Social Network Analysis of Instagram4
Augmented Reality Supported Learning for Cultural Heritage of Taiwan in On-Site and Off-Site Environments: The Case of a Daxi Old Street4
Virtual Reconstruction with the Augmented Reality Technology of the Cultural Heritage Components that have Disappeared: The Ayazini Virgin Mary Church4
3D GIS Semi-automatized Modelling Procedure for the Conservation of the PHiM: Heritage Municipal Buildings of Seville (Spain). A New Dimension for Urban Cultural Data Management4
Providing More Efficient Access to Government Records: A Use Case Involving Application of Machine Learning to Improve FOIA Review for the Deliberative Process Privilege4
Digital Creativity and the Regional Museum: Experimental Collaboration at the Convergence of Immersive Media and Exhibition Design4
An Efficient Classification Algorithm for Traditional Textile Patterns from Different Cultures Based on Structures3
Investigation of Single Image Depth Prediction Under Different Lighting Conditions3
New AIR for the Archaeological Process? The Use of 3D Web Semantic for Publishing Archaeological Reports3
How to Analyze, Preserve, and Communicate Leonardo's Drawing? A Solution to Visualize in RTR Fine Art Graphics Established from “the Best Sense”3
“Real Change Comes from Within!”: Towards a Symbiosis of Human and Digital Guides in the Museum3
Smart Objects and Replicas: A Survey of Tangible and Embodied Interactions in Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites3
The SeaLiT Ontology – An Extension of CIDOC-CRM for the Modeling and Integration of Maritime History Information3
WarVictimSampo 1914–1922: A National War Memorial on the Semantic Web for Digital Humanities Research and Applications3
Design and User Experience of a Hybrid Mixed Reality Installation that Promotes Tinian Marble Crafts Heritage3
An Evaluation of Graph Databases and Object-Graph Mappers in CIDOC CRM-Compliant Digital Archives3
The Evolution of the Living Environment in Suzhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties Based on Historical Paintings3
MedLatinEpi and MedLatinLit : Two Datasets for the Computational Authorship Analysis of Medieval Latin Texts3
Harnessing Collective Differences in Crowdsourcing Behaviour for Mass Photogrammetry of 3D Cultural Heritage3
Positioning Paradata: A Conceptual Frame for AI Processual Documentation in Archives and Recordkeeping Contexts3
Moving in the Cube3
Toward a Period-specific Optimized Neural Network for OCR Error Correction of Historical Hebrew Texts3
On Assisting and Automatizing the Semantic Segmentation of Masonry Walls3
Toward Multi-area Contactless Museum Visitor Counting with Commodity WiFi3
Augmentation-based Pseudo-Ground truth Generation for Deep Learning in Historical Document Segmentation for Greater Levels of Archival Description and Access3
Automatic Extraction of Specimens from Multi-specimen Herbaria3
ICON: An Ontology for Comprehensive Artistic Interpretations3
War Video Games3
Listening Space3
Social Augmented Reality: Communicating via Cultural Heritage3
HeGO, a Social Game as a Tool for Cultural Heritage Valorization3
Dynamic Response and Seismic Vulnerabilities of the Historic Tophane-i Amire: Dynamic and Seismic Analysis of a Historic Masonry Building2
Procedural Modeling Based Shape Grammar as a Key to Generating Digital Architectural Heritage2
Text Classification for Records Management2
Research on the Effect Evaluation and the Time-series Evolution of Public Culture's Internet Communication under the Background of New Media: Taking the Information Dissemination of Red Tourism Cultur2
Around the GLOBE: Numerical Aggregation Question-answering on Heterogeneous Genealogical Knowledge Graphs with Deep Neural Networks2
Enhancing Human Pose Estimation in Ancient Vase Paintings via Perceptually-grounded Style Transfer Learning2
Ontology-Based Approach to Creating Semantic Wikis2
Illumination-based Augmentation for Cuneiform Deep Neural Sign Classification2
RiC-O Converter: A Software to Convert EAC-CPF and EAD 2002 XML Files to RDF Datasets Conforming to Records in Contexts Ontology2
INF-Based Tracking and Characterization of Museum Visitor Paths and Behaviors Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons2
Wiki Loves Monuments: Crowdsourcing the Collective Image of the Worldwide Built Heritage2
Computer-assisted Analysis of Field Recordings: A Case Study of Georgian Funeral Songs2
INFRA-ART: An Open Access Spectral Library of Art-related Materials as a Digital Support Tool for Cultural Heritage Science2
A Digital Approach to Revisiting the Byzantine Past of Al-Madrassa Al-Halawiyya in Aleppo2
Comparing Practical Spectral Imaging Methods for Cultural Heritage Studio Photography2
Mobile Serious Game for Enhancing User Experience in Museum2
Digital Tools in Contemporary Theatre Practice2
GDOM: An Immersive Experience of Intangible Heritage through Spatial Storytelling2
Tracking Data Provenance of Archaeological Temporal Information in Presence of Uncertainty2
Computational Culture: Transforming Archives Practice and Education for a Post-Covid World2
Differences in Heritage Tourism Experience between VR and AR: A Comparative Experimental Study Based on Presence and Authenticity2
3D Reconstruction of Moroccan-Andalusian Muqarnas Domes2
Moving from ISAD(G) to a CIDOC CRM-based Linked Data Model in the Portuguese Archives2
Individually Integrated Virtual/Augmented Reality Environment for Interactive Perception of Cultural Heritage2
Event-based Access to Historical Italian War Memoirs2
Building Cultural Heritage Reference Collections from Social Media through Pooling Strategies: The Case of 2020’s Tensions Over Race and Heritage2
CLEF. A Linked Open Data Native System for Crowdsourcing2
Tikkoun Sofrim: Making Ancient Manuscripts Digitally Accessible: The Case of Midrash Tanhuma2
Documenting the Structure and Adaptive Reuse of Roman Amphitheatres through the CIDOC CRMba Model2
The Problem of Introduction of Digital Technologies in the Performing Arts2
Experiential Observations: An Ontology Pattern-Based Study on Capturing the Potential Content within Evidences of Experiences1
(Mis)Matching Metadata: Improving Accessibility in Digital Visual Archives through the EyCon Project1
Digital Stories with the Online Collection of the V&A for Inquiry-Based Learning1
Wikibase Model for Premodern Manuscript Metadata Harmonization, Linked Data Integration, and Discovery1
Resolution and Quality Issues in 3D Analysis of Inscribed Signs: An Example from Cypro-Minoan Inscriptions1
A Framework Design for Information Management in Heritage Science Laboratories1
Identifying Relationships and Classifying Western-style Paintings: Machine Learning Approaches for Artworks by Western Artists and Meiji-era Japanese Artists1
Coloration Parsing and Transfer Design of Han Folk Costumes1
Exploiting Local Shape and Material Similarity for Effective SV-BRDF Reconstruction from Sparse Multi-Light Image Collections1
Intrinsic Shape Analysis in Archaeology: A Case Study on Ancient Sundials1
Proposal of a Knowledge Capitalization Process to Construct Eco-Diars : A Knowledge-driven Platform Applied to Traditional Algerian Domest1
RIS3D: A Referenced Information System in 3D1
Introduction to the Special Issue “Applying Innovative Technologies to Digitised and Born-Digital Archives”1
Social Media Analytics of User Evaluation for Innovative Digital Cultural and Creative Products: Experiences regarding Dunhuang Cultural Heritage1
A Multi-Temporal Analysis of Archaeological Site Destruction using Landsat Satellite Data and Machine Learning, Moche Valley, Peru1
Between Written and Visual Communication: CIDOC CRM Ontology for Medieval and Early Modern European Graffiti1
Designing a Dual-level Facial Expression Evaluation System for Performers Using Geometric Features and Petri Nets1
VISIT: A Content Management and Exploration System for Mobile Augmented Reality in the Context of Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage1
FiRe 2 : An Online Database for Photographic and Cinematographic Film Technical Data1
TTProfiler: Types and Terms Profile Building for Online Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graphs1
The Facets of Intangible Heritage in Southern Chinese Martial Arts: Applying a Knowledge-driven Cultural Contact Detection Approach1
Connecting Libraries, Archives, and Museums1
Networking the Archive: The Stories and Structures of Thos. Agnew's Stock Books1
Hyper-dimensional Visualization of Cultural Heritage: A Novel Multi-analytical Approach on 3D Pomological Models in the Collection of the University of Milan1
Real-time Multi-CNN-based Emotion Recognition System for Evaluating Museum Visitors’ Satisfaction1
Transfer Learning for the Visual Arts: The Multi-modal Retrieval of Iconclass Codes1
Networks of Migrants’ Narratives: A Post-authentic Approach to Heritage Visualisation1
Alexa, Is This a Historical Record?1
A Robust Monitoring Platform for Rural Cultural and Natural Heritage1
LetterSampo–Historical Letters on the Semantic Web: A Framework and Its Application to Publishing and Using Epistolary Data1
An Automatic Chinaware Fragments Reassembly Method Framework Based on Linear Feature of Fracture Surface Contour1
The Spatial Relationship between Cities and Mountains in Jiangnan Region in the Qing Dynasty Based on Historical Texts1
Designing User Interaction with Linked Data in Historical Archives1
Editorial: Special Issue on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage1
Passive Haptics and Conversational Avatars for Interacting with Ancient Egypt Remains in High-Fidelity Virtual Reality Experiences1
How to Limit Label Dissipation in Neural-network Validation: Exploring Label-free Early-stopping Heuristics1
Optimization of Image Processing Algorithms for Character Recognition in Cultural Typewritten Documents1
Exploring the Experience of Contemporary Dance Practices in the Context of Global Art Choreography in the Museum Space1
Annotations as Knowledge Practices in Image Archives: Application of Linked Open Usable Data and Machine Learning1
Bringing Semantics into Historical Archives with Computer-aided Rich Metadata Generation1
Virtual Reality at a Prehistoric Museum: Exploring the Influence of System Quality and Personality on User Intentions1
Virtual Reality in Contemporary Theatre1
Virtual Reconstruction of the Deconstructed Heritage: The Former Building of the Belo Horizonte School of Medicine1
Introduction to the Special Issue on “Culture Games”1
Are Users of Digital Archives Ready for the AI Era? Obstacles to the Application of Computational Research Methods and New Opportunities1
Introduction to the Special Issue on “Culture Games”1
Using Machine Learning to Enhance Archival Processing of Social Media Archives1
Designing an Augmented Experience for a Music Archive: What does the Audience Need Beyond the Sense of Hearing?1
Data and Process Quality Evaluation in a Textual Big Data Archiving System1
Structural Performance Evaluation of Reconstructed Masonry Structure: A Case of Ephesus Celsus Library in Turkey1
Depth-of-Field Segmentation for Near-lossless Image Compression and 3D Reconstruction1
Connected Histories of the BBC: Opening up the BBC Oral History Archive to the Digital Domain1
Comparative Study of HMD-based Virtual and Augmented Realities for Immersive Museums: User Acceptance, Medium, and Learning1
Evaluation of the Effect of Change in Support Conditions on the Seismic Behavior of a Historical Masonry Bridge1
Tracking Museums’ Online Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study in Museum Analytics1