Metacognition and Learning

(The TQCC of Metacognition and Learning is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The MAPS model of self-regulation: Integrating metacognition, agency, and possible selves39
Validation of metacognitive academic writing strategies and the predictive effects on academic writing performance in a foreign language context32
Improving the measurement of self-regulated learning using multi-channel data31
Towards investigating the validity of measurement of self-regulated learning based on trace data30
Metacognitive writing strategies, critical thinking skills, and academic writing performance: A structural equation modeling approach27
Modeling self-regulated learning as learners doing learning science: How trace data and learning analytics help develop skills for self-regulated learning25
Beliefs about the self-regulation of learning predict cognitive and metacognitive strategies and academic performance in pre-service teachers24
Improving EFL students’ text revision with the Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model24
Extending a model of homework: a multilevel analysis with Chinese middle school students22
Metacognition and fluid intelligence in value-directed remembering18
For unto every one that hath shall be given: teachers’ competence profiles regarding the promotion of self-regulated learning moderate the effectiveness of short-term teacher training17
Strategy Motivation and Strategy Use: Role of Student Appraisals of Utility and Cost16
Connecting teachers’ classroom instructions with children’s metacognition and learning in elementary school16
Measures of relative metacognitive accuracy are confounded with task performance in tasks that permit guessing15
How to assess the contributions of processing fluency and beliefs to the formation of judgments of learning: methods and pitfalls15
The pivotal role of monitoring for collaborative problem solving seen in interaction, performance, and interpersonal physiology13
The Dynamics Between Self-Regulated Learning and Learning Outcomes: an Exploratory Approach and Implications13
Relations among classroom context, student motivation, and mathematics literacy: a social cognitive perspective13
Rubrics enhance accuracy and reduce cognitive load in self-assessment13
Association and dissociation between judgments of learning and memory: A Meta-analysis of the font size effect13
Transfer of metacognitive skills in self-regulated learning: effects on strategy application and content knowledge acquisition13
Metacognitive awareness in relation to university students’ learning profiles12
Reactivity from judgments of learning is not only due to memory forecasting: evidence from associative memory and frequency judgments12
Integrating self-regulated learning and individual differences in the prediction of university academic achievement across a three-year-long degree12
Supporting strategic and meta-strategic development of argument skill: the role of reflection12
Judgments of learning reflect the Animacy advantage for memory, but not beliefs about the effect12
Teachers’ knowledge and professional development for metacognitive instruction in the context of higher order thinking11
Expert example standards but not idea unit standards help learners accurately evaluate the quality of self-generated examples10
A complex systems approach to analyzing pedagogical agents’ scaffolding of self-regulated learning within an intelligent tutoring system10
Metacognitive control processes in question answering: help seeking and withholding answers10
Testing pays off twice: Potentials of practice tests and feedback regarding exam performance and judgment accuracy10
The self-regulation for learning online (SRL-O) questionnaire10
Teacher support for metacognition and self-regulated learning: a compelling story and a prototypical model10
Metacognitive judgments can potentiate new learning: The role of covert retrieval9
Introduction to the special issue: the role of metacognition in complex skills - spotlights on problem solving, collaboration, and self-regulated learning9
Exploring the connection between task difficulty, task perceptions, physiological arousal and learning outcomes in collaborative learning situations8
Metacognitive Confidence Can Increase but Also Decrease Performance in Academic Settings8
Effects of self-scoring their math problem solutions on primary school students’ monitoring and regulation8
Simulating the dynamics of self-regulation, emotion, grit, and student performance in cyber-learning environments8
Assumptions and confidence of others: the impact of socio-cognitive information on metacognitive self-regulation8
Memory for inter-item relations is reactively disrupted by metamemory judgments8