International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

(The median citation count of International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Promoting regulation of equal participation in online collaboration by combining a group awareness tool and adaptive prompts. But does it even matter?53
The spiral model of collaborative knowledge improvement: an exploratory study of a networked collaborative classroom38
Capturing regulatory patterns in online collaborative learning: A network analytic approach33
Social practices in teacher knowledge creation and innovation adoption: a large-scale study in an online instructional design community for inquiry learning28
Collaborative analytics-supported reflective Assessment for Scaffolding Pre-service Teachers’ collaborative Inquiry and Knowledge Building27
Integrating a collaboration script and group awareness to support group regulation and emotions towards collaborative problem solving26
An artificial intelligence-driven learning analytics method to examine the collaborative problem-solving process from the complex adaptive systems perspective23
Social sensitivity: a manifesto for CSCL research20
Many are the ways to learn identifying multi-modal behavioral profiles of collaborative learning in constructivist activities20
The temporal dynamics of online problem-based learning: Why and when sequence matters19
Gaze awareness and metacognitive suggestions by a pedagogical conversational agent: an experimental investigation on interventions to support collaborative learning process and performance19
Students’ multimodal knowledge practices in a makerspace learning environment17
Agency to transform: how did a grade 5 community co-configure dynamic knowledge building practices in a yearlong science inquiry?17
Group awareness and regulation in computer-supported collaborative learning16
Guidance in computer-supported collaborative inquiry learning: Capturing aspects of affect and teacher support in science classrooms15
Deconstructing orchestration load: comparing teacher support through mirroring and guiding15
Adaptable scaffolding of mathematical argumentation skills: The role of self-regulation when scaffolded with CSCL scripts and heuristic worked examples15
Implementing learning analytics in wiki-supported collaborative learning in secondary education: A framework-motivated empirical study15
Give student ideas a larger stage: support cross-community interaction for knowledge building15
Improving learning and writing outcomes: Influence of cognitive and behavioral group awareness tools in wikis15
An automated group learning engagement analysis and feedback approach to promoting collaborative knowledge building, group performance, and socially shared regulation in CSCL14
Modelling diffusion in computer-supported collaborative learning: a large scale learning analytics study14
‘Supporting socially shared regulation during collaborative task-oriented reading’13
Integrating collaboration scripts, group awareness, and self-regulation in computer-supported collaborative learning11
The impact of a gamified mobile question-asking app on museum visitor group interactions: an ICAP framing10
Exploring multilayered collaboration designs10
Educational dialogues and computer supported collaborative learning: critical analysis and research perspectives9
Patterns of action transitions in online collaborative problem solving: A network analysis approach9
The trade-off between individuals and groups: role interactions under different technology affordance conditions9
Co-constructing knowledge with generative AI tools: Reflections from a CSCL perspective9
Fostering collaborative and embodied learning with extended reality: Special issue introduction8
Prompting collaborative and exploratory discourse: An epistemic network analysis study8
Cross-community knowledge building with idea thread mapper8
Evolution of the academic emotions of academically low-achieving students in knowledge building7
Promoting knowledge building through meta-discourse and epistemic discourse understanding7
Supporting children’s place-based observations and explanations using collaboration scripts while learning-on-the-move outdoors6
Self-efficacy and behavior patterns of learners using a real-time collaboration system developed for group programming6
Shared meaning-making in online intergroup discussions around sensitive topics6
A review of the International Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 20216
Fostering regulatory processes using computational scaffolding6
Mobile augmented reality supporting families’ immersive collaborative learning: Learning-on-the-move for place-based geoscience sense-making6
Forms of collaboration matters: CSCL across the contexts5
Affording embodied cognition through touchscreen and above-the-surface gestures during collaborative tabletop science learning5
A classification of Challenges encountered in Complex Teamwork Settings5
Coordinating modalities of mathematical collaboration in shared VR environments5
Initiating scientific collaborations across career levels and disciplines – a network analysis on behavioral data5
The mechanism and effect of class-wide peer feedback on conceptual knowledge improvement: Does different feedback type matter?4
Editorial: Nine elements for robust collaborative learning analytics: A constructive collaborative critique4
iTalk–iSee: A participatory visual learning analytical tool for productive peer talk4
Gesture-mediated collaboration with augmented reality headsets in a problem-based astronomy task4
The impact of scripts on blended and online socially shared regulation of learning: A role-playing game theory perspective3
Enhancing student learning and achievement through orchestration of group processes and group composition3
Effects of group awareness support in CSCL on students’ learning performance: A three-level meta-analysis3
Mediating and perspective-taking manipulatives: Fostering dynamic perspective-taking by mediating dialogic thinking and bolstering empathy in role-play and reflection for microteaching3
Net.Create: Network Visualization to Support Collaborative Historical Knowledge Building3
The role of first-language heterogeneity in the acquisition of online interaction self-efficacy in CSCL3