International Journal of Fruit Science

(The TQCC of International Journal of Fruit Science is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of the Mechanism of the Apple Coloration Change After Uncovering Fruit Bag33
Determinants of Market Participation Decision and Intensity among Date Producers in Afar Region, Ethiopia: A Double Hurdle Approach27
New Directions for Strawberry Research in the 2020s25
Economic Impact of Plantain Ripening: A Case Study Among Plantain Traders in Accra20
Profiles of citrus orchard nutrition and fruit quality in Hunan Province, China18
Genetic Variability and Combining Abilities for Earliness to Nut Yield and Nut Weight in Selected Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L.) Clones12
Development of Cookies Incorporated with Pomegranate Seed Powder and Defatted Soybean Flour11
Pseudomonas Isolates as Potential Biofungicides of Green Mold ( Penicillium Digitatum ) on Orange Fruit10
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Apple Scab Sanitation Practices for ULO-Stored Apple Fruit in Integrated and Organic Production Systems9
Optimizing Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilization Rates for Fruit Performance of Chinese Cherry ( Prunus pseudocerasus Lindl.)9
Effects of Sunn Hemp, Vermicompost, and Organic Fertilizers on Organic Strawberry Plant Growth, Yield, and Fruit Quality9
Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Mango Cultivars in Southwest Nigeria9
The Effect of Freezing, Frozen Storage and Thawing on the Strawberry Fruit Composition8
Effect of Sequential Crop Termination and Bed Fumigation on Verticillium dahliae Soil and Plant Density in Strawberry8
Phenological, Pomological, Biochemical and Physical Characteristics of Siirt Pistachio Variety ( Pistacia vera L.) in Five Different Ecologies of Southeast Anatolia-Türk8
Effect of Foliar Application of Potassium Fertilizer on Yield, Fruit Quality, and Cold Hardiness of Vitis spp . ‘Chambourcin’8
Assessment of the Constraints and Challenges in Avocado ( Persea Americana Mill.) Production and Marketing in Southern Ethiopia8
Changes in Chemical Composition of Red and Black Currant Fruits and Leaves During Berry Ripening8
Phosphorus Dynamics in Clementine Mandarin7
Effect of Shoot Pruning on Growth, Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics of Different Guava ( Psidium Guajava L.) Cultivars7
Ornamental Date Palm and Sidr Trees: Fruit Elements Composition ‎and Concerns Regarding Consumption7
Classification and Grading of Harvested Mangoes Using Convolutional Neural Network7
Are Tahiti Limes Profitable in South Florida? A Deterministic and Stochastic Budget Analysis6
Deriving Biomass Allocation and Carbon Stocks in Fruit Components of Strychnos Madagascariensis (Poir.) And Strychnos Spinosa (Lam.) In South Africa6
As in True Fruit, Ca Distribution in Strawberry (A False Fruit), is Determined by Progressive Xylem Dysfunction6
Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Three Diospyros Species, Collected from Different Regions in Iran, Using ISSR and SCoT Molecular Markers6
Effect of Sonication on the Functional Properties of Different Citrus Fruit Juices6
Physicochemical and Processing Qualities of Guava Varieties in Kenya6
Climate Variation and Its Influence on the Cold Tolerance and Phenology Periods of Pear Cultivars in Jilin, China6
Non-Destructive Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Detection of Ripeness Level of Apples Using Machine Vision6
Optimization of ingredients level for developing yellow passion (passiflora edulis) fruit jam6