International Journal of Fruit Science

(The median citation count of International Journal of Fruit Science is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Phytochemical Screening And Biological Activities Of Tamr Dry Date Variety Cultivated In Upper Egypt38
Standardization of Grafting Time of Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in Central Mid Hill of Nepal35
Determinants of Market Participation Decision and Intensity among Date Producers in Afar Region, Ethiopia: A Double Hurdle Approach33
New Directions for Strawberry Research in the 2020s31
Economic Impact of Plantain Ripening: A Case Study Among Plantain Traders in Accra29
Profiles of citrus orchard nutrition and fruit quality in Hunan Province, China27
Characterization and Optimization of Process Parameters for Enzyme Assisted Extraction of Kendu (Diospyros Melanoxylon Roxb.) Fruit Juice26
Genetic Variability and Combining Abilities for Earliness to Nut Yield and Nut Weight in Selected Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L.) Clones26
Development of Cookies Incorporated with Pomegranate Seed Powder and Defatted Soybean Flour25
Effect of Thin-Layer Drying on the Quality Parameters of Persimmon Slices25
Determination of Raspberry Cultivar Authenticity Based on Multiplexed Microsatellite Fingerprinting22
Pseudomonas Isolates as Potential Biofungicides of Green Mold ( Penicillium Digitatum ) on Orange Fruit20
Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Mango Cultivars in Southwest Nigeria19
Physicochemical and Morphological Properties of European Cranberrybush Powder Manufactured by Freeze Drying19
Optimizing Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilization Rates for Fruit Performance of Chinese Cherry ( Prunus pseudocerasus Lindl.)18
Effects of Sunn Hemp, Vermicompost, and Organic Fertilizers on Organic Strawberry Plant Growth, Yield, and Fruit Quality18
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Apple Scab Sanitation Practices for ULO-Stored Apple Fruit in Integrated and Organic Production Systems18
Phenological, Pomological, Biochemical and Physical Characteristics of Siirt Pistachio Variety ( Pistacia vera L.) in Five Different Ecologies of Southeast Anatolia-Türk17
The Effect of Freezing, Frozen Storage and Thawing on the Strawberry Fruit Composition17
Effect of Foliar Application of Potassium Fertilizer on Yield, Fruit Quality, and Cold Hardiness of Vitis spp . ‘Chambourcin’16
Effect of Sequential Crop Termination and Bed Fumigation on Verticillium dahliae Soil and Plant Density in Strawberry15
Assessment of the Constraints and Challenges in Avocado ( Persea Americana Mill.) Production and Marketing in Southern Ethiopia15
Changes in Chemical Composition of Red and Black Currant Fruits and Leaves During Berry Ripening12
Foliar Indicators and Sweet Cherry Production Efficiency in Central Leader and Kym Green Bush Training Systems in Chile12
Tree Age and Harvesting Season Affected Physico-chemical and Bioactive Compounds of Elite Type of Gunda Gundo Orange (Citrus Spp) in the Northern Ethiopia11
Application of Calcium Chloride at Different Phenological Stages Alleviates Chilling Injury and Delays Climacteric Ripening in Peach Fruit during Low-Temperature Storage11
Ornamental Date Palm and Sidr Trees: Fruit Elements Composition ‎and Concerns Regarding Consumption11
The Influence of Xanthan and Balangu Seed Gums Coats on the Kinetics of Infrared Drying of Apricot Slices: GA-ANN and ANFIS Modeling11
The Effects of Different Rootstocks on the Graft Success and Stion Development of Some Pear Cultivars11
Effect of Shoot Pruning on Growth, Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics of Different Guava ( Psidium Guajava L.) Cultivars11
Bioactive Compounds and Fatty Acid Composition of New Turkish Hazelnut Cultivars10
Classification and Grading of Harvested Mangoes Using Convolutional Neural Network10
Phosphorus Dynamics in Clementine Mandarin10
Deriving Biomass Allocation and Carbon Stocks in Fruit Components of Strychnos Madagascariensis (Poir.) And Strychnos Spinosa (Lam.) In South Africa10
Evaluation of Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics of Some Quince (Cydonia OblongaMill.) Genotypes from Central Regions of Iran10
Changes in Quality Traits and Phytochemical Components of Blueberry ( Vaccinium Corymbosum Cv. Bluecrop) Fruit in Response to Postharvest Aloe Vera 9
Intensification of Extraction of Antioxidant Compounds from Moringa Oleifera Leaves Using Ultrasound-Assisted Approach: BBD-RSM Design9
Determination of Genetic Stability in Cacao Plants (Theobroma Cacao L.) Derived from Somatic Embryogenesis Using Microsatellite Molecular Markers (SSR)9
Inheritance of Resistance to Anthracnose Fruit Rot Caused by Colletotrichum fioriniae in Highbush Blueberry9
Microelements Changes in Leaves and Fruits of Raspberry (Rubus idaeusL.) Under the Influence of Ameliorative Measures9
Extraction and Characterization of Pectin from Snot Apple (Azanza garckeana) Fruits with Potential Use in Zimbabwe9
Optimization of ingredients level for developing yellow passion (passiflora edulis) fruit jam9
Process Standardization for Fruit Based Chakka Desserts9
Classification and Indirect Weighing of Sweet Lime Fruit through Machine Learning and Meta-heuristic Approach8
Climate Variation and Its Influence on the Cold Tolerance and Phenology Periods of Pear Cultivars in Jilin, China8
Physicochemical and Processing Qualities of Guava Varieties in Kenya8
Chemical Composition, Liquid and Vapor-phase Antifungal Activities of Essential Oil of Teucrium luteum subsp. flavovirens against Three Postharvest Phytopathogenic Fungi8
Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Three Diospyros Species, Collected from Different Regions in Iran, Using ISSR and SCoT Molecular Markers8
Recent Applications of Heat Pump Dryer for Drying of Fruit Crops: A Review8
Influence of Infrared Drying on Drying Kinetics of Apple Slices Coated with Basil Seed and Xanthan Gums8
Fuzzy Mapping of Climate Favorability for the Cultivation of Conilon Coffee in the State of Bahia, Brazil8
Are Tahiti Limes Profitable in South Florida? A Deterministic and Stochastic Budget Analysis8
Excessive Pruning Levels in Young Grapevines (Vitis viniferaL. cv. Sultan 7) Cause Water Loss in Seedless Cluster Berries8
Micropropagation of Medlar (Mespilus germanica L.), A Mediterranean Fruit Tree8
Preharvest Biofilm Coating Treatments Affect the Storage Quality of Sweet Cherry Fruit by Maintaining Bioactive Components7
Non-Destructive Estimation of Physicochemical Properties and Detection of Ripeness Level of Apples Using Machine Vision7
Antiproliferative Activity of Antioxidants-Rich Extracts from Olea europaea L. Leaves and Oil Against Six Cancerous Human Cell Lines7
Two-Year Survey of Botrytis Fruit Rot Levels in Commercial Strawberry Fields in California with and without Fungicide Applications7
Effect of Sonication on the Functional Properties of Different Citrus Fruit Juices7
Morphological and Pomological Characteristics of Sweet Cherry (Prunus AviumL.) GrownIn-situunder South Mediterranean Climate in Morocco6
Antifungal Activity of β-Carboline Alkaloids Compound and Its Resistance Mechanism on Peronophythora Litchii6
Nutritional, Phytochemical and Antioxidant Characterizations of Wild Food and Medicinal Fruits Indigenous to Sudan: Sarcocephalus latifolius and Vitex don6
Economic Evaluation of High Density Apple (Ex-Ante) in Kashmir6
Effects of GA 3 , CACl 2 and Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) Applications on Fruit Quality of Sweet Cherry at Cold Storage6
Phenols, Volatile Compounds, Organic Acids and Antioxidant Activity of Strawberry Tree ( Arbutus Unedo L.) Fruits Belonging to Five Genotypes Growing in Morocco6
Evaluation of Proximate, Sugar and Fatty Acids Compositions of African Walnut (Plukenetia conophora Mull. Arg.) Root Bark6
Berries Pomace Valorization: From Waste to Potent Antioxidants and Emerging Skin Prebiotics6
Toward Sustainable Cocoa ( Theobroma Cacao L) Production: The Role of Potassium Fertilizer in Cocoa Seedlings Drought Recovery and Survival6
The California Strawberry Industry: Current Trends and Future Prospects6
Influence of Active Modified Atmosphere Packaging Pre-treatment on Shelf Life and Quality Attributes of Cold Stored Apricot Fruit6
Detection of Lygus Bugs in Strawberry Using Deep Learning6
Fruit Size and Quality Attributes Differ Between Competing Self-Pollinated and Cross-Pollinated Strawberry Fruit6
Morphological Characterization of Pollen in Some Varieties of Walnut ( Juglans regia )5
Role of Tartaric Acid in the Ecology of a Zoochoric Fruit Species, Tamarindus indica. L5
Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Prediction of Breeding Values for Fruit-Quality Traits in Hybrid Mangoes5
Effect of Postharvest Treatments on Biochemical and Bioactive Compounds of Custard Apple ( Annona Squamosa L.) Cv. Balanagar5
Secondary Bud Growth and Fruitfulness of Vitis Vinifera L. ‘Grenache’ Grafted to Three Different Rootstocks and Grown within the Texas High Plains AVA5
Influence of Fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators Application on Physicochemical Attributes of ‘Kinnow’ Mandarin Fruit5
Design I of Comstock and Robinson in the Emergence and Vigor of Sour Passion Fruit Seedlings5
Assessment of in Vitro Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Annona Cherimola Mill5
Nutritional Composition of Seed Kernel and Oil of Wild Edible Plant Species from Western Himalaya, India4
Recent Advances on Postharvest Technologies of Mango Fruit: A Review4
Improving Postharvest Quality of Sweet Cherry Fruit by Using Tragacanth and Eremurus4
The Effect of Preharvest Application of Arginine on the Postharvest Quality of Sweet Cherry Fruits during Storage4
Characterization of Grapevine Genetic Resources in the Comunitat Valenciana (Spain)4
The Influence of Photo-selective Netting on Tree Physiology and Fruit Quality of Fig (Ficus caricaL.) Under Rain-fed Conditions4
Does socioeconomic status affect fruit and vegetable intake? Evidence from a cross-sectional analysis of the RaNCD Cohort4
Antioxidant Properties in Methanol Extract of Kernels of Commonly Marketed Indian Fruits4
An Approach to Evaluate Dehydration of Apples (Malus Domestica L) with the Effect of Temperature and Time Interval under the Response Surface Method4
A Comprehensive Evaluation of 45 Pomegranate ( Punica Granatum L .) Cultivars Based on Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis4
Convective Hot-air Drying of Green Mango: Influence of Hot Water Blanching and Chemical Pretreatments on Drying Kinetics and Physicochemical Properties of Dried Product4
Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Fruit Crops: An Overview3
Preharvest Putrescine Application Extends the Shelf Life and Maintains the Pear Fruit Quality3
Evaluation of Banana ( Musa Spps.) for Growth, Yield, and Disease Reaction at Teppi, Southwestern Ethiopia3
Impact of Multiple Applications of Insecticides and Post-harvest Washing on Residues at Harvest and Associated Risk for Cherry Export3
Evaluation of high intensity ultrasound pre-treatment effects on the physical properties and bioactive compounds of convective dried quince samples3
Influences of Processing Methods on Elderberry ( Sambucus nigra L.) Wine Quality3
Maturity Classification and Quality Determination of Cherry Using VNIR Hyperspectral Images and Comprehensive Chemometrics3
Fruiting and Productivity of the Argan ( Argania spinosa ) Tree and Evaluation of the Nutritional Value of Its Early and Late Fruits from Western Algeria3
A Comparison of Nine Primocane Fruiting Raspberry Cultivars for Suitability to a High-Elevation, Arid Climate3
Postharvest Application of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on Climacteric Fruits: Factors Affecting Efficacy3
Effect of Foliar Calcium Fertilization on Fruit Quality, Cell Wall Enzyme Activity and Expression of Key Genes in Chinese Cherry3
Genetic Diversity and Similarity of Asian and European Pears (Pyrus Spp.) Revealed by Genome Size and Morphological Traits Prediction3
Effects of GA 3 Treatments on Fruit Vascular Structure and Water Transport of Grape3
Sonication and Microwave Processing of Phalsa Drink: A Synergistic Approach3
The Response of Three Mandarin Cultivars Grafted on Sour Orange Rootstock to Salinity Stress3
Fruit Characteristics of Ten Greenhouse-Grown Mango Varieties during Postharvest Ripening at Ambient Temperature and Relative Humidity3
Proximate and Microbial Composition of Cooking Banana Dried Using an Active Indirect Mode Solar Dryer3
Morphological, Nutritional, Chemical and Antioxidant Potential of Mahonia Jaunsarensis Ahrendt Fruit: A Narrow Endemic Wild Edible Species of Western Himalaya3
Pruning Strategies for Young ‘Nadorcott’ Mandarin Trees Planted in High Density Orchards in South Africa3
Optimization of Low-cost Drying Technology for Preservation of Peach ( Prunus Persica ) Using RSM3
Agronomic and Post-Harvest Performance of Strawberry Cultivars in High Tunnel and Open-Field Environment in Southeast Virginia3
Quality Evaluation of Strawberries Grown in Various Regions by Singaporeans and Japanese3
Mango Stem Response under Different Irrigation Regimes3