
(The TQCC of Geosphere is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Evidence for transpression in the Picuris orogen: The deformation record of the Marqueñas Formation metaconglomerate, Picuris Mountains, New Mexico, USA41
Postcaldera intrusive magmatism at the Platoro caldera complex, Southern Rocky Mountain volcanic field, Colorado, USA38
Geologic map of Slate Range Crossing area, California, USA34
Evolution of mafic lavas in Central Anatolia: Mantle source domains28
Extreme metamorphism and metamorphic facies series at convergent plate boundaries: Implications for supercontinent dynamics20
The rise and demise of deep accretionary wedges: A long-term field and numerical modeling perspective20
Linking exhumation, paleo-relief, and rift formation to magmatic processes in the western Snake River Plain, Idaho, using apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology19
Evidence for regionally continuous Early Cretaceous sinistral shear zones along the western flank of the Coast Mountains, coastal British Columbia, Canada19
Magnetostratigraphy and magnetic properties of the Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Girón Group (northern Andes, Colombia)17
Thermal history modeling techniques and interpretation strategies: Applications using QTQt17
Identifying sources of non-unique detrital age distributions through integrated provenance analysis: An example from the Paleozoic Central Colorado Trough15
Pliocene subsurface fluid flow driven by rapid erosional exhumation of the Colorado Plateau, southwestern USA15
Evaluating the effectiveness of spatial training for introductory geology students14
Latest Quaternary slip rates of the San Bernardino strand of the San Andreas fault, southern California, from Cajon Creek to Badger Canyon13
Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope signature of Carboniferous and older strata of the Yukon-Tanana terrane in Yukon, Canadian Cordillera: Implications for terrane correlations and the onset of Late D13
Geologic and geomorphic evidence for multi-phase history of strands of the San Andreas fault through the San Gorgonio Pass structural knot, southern California13
Petrogenesis of the 91-Mile peridotite in the Grand Canyon: Ophiolite or deep-arc fragment?12
Precursors to a continental-arc ignimbrite flare-up: Early central volcanoes of the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA12
Mafic magma-driven magmatic processes and compositional variation in granitic pluton construction: The Buya intrusion of West Kunlun, Northwestern China12
Storm-driven sedimentation and dynamics of a sediment slug in an ephemeral stream: Influence on sediment-routing systems within source areas12
Thermochronological transect across the Basin and Range/Rio Grande rift transition: Contrasting cooling histories in contiguous extensional provinces12
Late Cretaceous upper-crustal thermal structure of the Sevier hinterland: Implications for the geodynamics of the Nevadaplano12
Late Triassic tectonic stress field of the southwestern Ordos Basin and its tectonic implications: Insights from finite-element numerical simulations11
Stratigraphy of the Eocene–Oligocene Titus Canyon Formation, Death Valley, California (USA), and Eocene extensional tectonism in the Basin and Range11
Upper-plate response to ridge subduction and oceanic plateau accretion, Washington Cascades and surrounding region: Implications for plate tectonic evolution of the Pacific Northwest (USA and southwes11
Late Cretaceous tectonothermal events of the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet10
Jurassic–Cenozoic tectonics of the Pequop Mountains, NE Nevada, in the North American Cordillera hinterland10
Frenchman Mountain Dolostone: A new formation of the Cambrian Tonto Group, Grand Canyon and Basin and Range, USA10
Shallow and deep subsurface sediment remobilization and intrusion in the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Agardhfjellet Formation (Svalbard)10
Seismic attenuation tomography of the Sn phase beneath the Turkish-Iranian Plateau and the Zagros mountain belt10
Deformation between the highly oblique Yakutat–North American plate boundary and the Eastern Denali fault10
The missing ridge Enigma: A new model for the Tuamotu Plateau conjugate and Peruvian flat slab9
Precision and accuracy of modal analysis methods for clastic deposits and rocks: A statistical and numerical modeling approach9
The power of modern 3-D visualization of high-resolution terrain models in geologic mapping: Complex fold geometries revealed by 3-D mapping in the Panamint metamorphic complex, eastern California, US9
Development of the Whitehorse trough as a strike-slip basin during Early to Middle Jurassic arc-continent collision in the Canadian Cordillera9
Reconstructing drainage pathways in the North Atlantic during the Triassic utilizing heavy minerals, mineral chemistry, and detrital zircon geochronology8
Boudinage and the rheology of syntectonic migmatites in the high-strain Taili deformation zone, NE China8
Quaternary basaltic volcanic fields of the American Southwest8
Reconstructing the erosional and tectonic record of Laramide contraction to Rio Grande rift extension, southern Indio Mountains, western Texas, USA8
Geometrical Breakdown Approach to interpretation of depositional sequences8
Prehistoric earthquakes on the Banning strand of the San Andreas fault, North Palm Springs, California8
Testing local and extraregional sediment sources for the Late Cretaceous northern Nanaimo basin, British Columbia, using 40Ar/39Ar detrital K-feldspar thermochronology8
Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Aguja Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Campanian) of West Texas, southwestern USA8
Geologic map of central Panamint Range, California, USA8
Illuminating geology in areas of limited exposure using texture shading of lidar digital terrain models8
Integrated geologic and geophysical modeling across the Bartlett Springs fault zone, northern California (USA): Implications for fault creep and regional structure8
Identification of seasonal varves in the lower Pliocene Bouse Formation, lower Colorado River Valley, and implications for Colorado Plateau uplift8
Volcano-pluton connections at the Lake City magmatic center (Colorado, USA)8
Detrital sanidine 40Ar/39Ar dating confirms <2 Ma age of Crooked Ridge paleoriver and subsequent deep denudation of the southwestern Colorado Plateau7
Deposition, deformation, and flexure in a transpressional trough, Queen Charlotte fault, offshore Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada)7
Tectonostratigraphy and major structures of the Georgian Greater Caucasus: Implications for structural architecture, along-strike continuity, and orogen evolution7
Perception doesn't match reality: Unraveling gender disparities in Earth scientists' productivity during work-from-home initiatives7
Diverse intrusion modes during the construction of a high-silica magma reservoir: Evidence from La Obra–Cerro Blanco intrusive suite (central Chile)7
Structure and provenance of the Cretaceous Pingshanhu Basin in the Hexi Corridor: Implications for Mesozoic tectonics in the northern Tibetan Plateau7
Detrital zircon geochronology and provenance of the Middle to Late Jurassic Paradox Basin and Central Colorado trough: Paleogeographic implications for southwestern Laurentia7
Redefinition of the Petersburg batholith and implications for crustal inheritance in the Dinwiddie terrane, Virginia, USA7
Slow slip in subduction zones: Reconciling deformation fabrics with instrumental observations and laboratory results7
Timing and evolution of structures within the southeastern Greater Caucasus and Kura Fold-Thrust Belt from multiproxy sediment provenance records7
Revisiting the 1899 earthquake series using integrative geophysical analysis in Yakutat Bay, Alaska, USA7
Emplacement history of volcaniclastic turbidites around the central Azores volcanic islands: Frequencies of slope landslides and eruptions7
Fluid-driven cyclic reorganization in shallow basaltic fault zones6
E/I-corrected inclination shallowing in Cenozoic redbeds from the northern Tarim Basin, NW China: Possible causes and paleogeographic implications6
Open AR-Sandbox: A haptic interface for geoscience education and outreach6
Secular variations of magma source compositions in the North Patagonian batholith from the Jurassic to Tertiary: Was mélange melting involved?6
The spatial and temporal evolution of the Portland and Tualatin forearc basins, Oregon, USA6
Multimethod dating of ice-rafted dropstones reveals hidden localized glacial erosion in Wilkes Subglacial Basin, Antarctica6
Intra-oceanic submarine arc evolution recorded in an ~1-km-thick rear-arc succession of distal volcaniclastic lobe deposits6
Shallow deformation on the Kirby Hills fault, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California (USA), revealed from high-resolution seismic reflection data and coring in a fluvial system6
Augmenting geological field mapping with real-time, 3-D digital outcrop scanning and modeling6
Evidence of early Miocene synextensional volcanism and deposition in the northern Calico Mountains, central Mojave metamorphic core complex, southern California, USA6
Eocene dike orientations across the Washington Cascades in response to a major strike-slip faulting episode and ridge-trench interaction5
Differences between soil and air temperatures: Implications for geological reconstructions of past climate5
Along-strike variations in protothrust zone characteristics at the Nankai Trough subduction margin5
Bringing sedimentology and stratigraphy into the StraboSpot data management system5
The Cretaceous-Paleogene contact in the Tornillo Group of Big Bend National Park, West Texas, USA5
Evolution of an earthquake-induced landslide complex in the South Island of New Zealand: How fault damage zones and seismicity contribute to slope failures5
Post-Laramide, Eocene epeirogeny in central Colorado—The result of a mantle drip?5
Fast Pliocene integration of the Central Anatolian Plateau drainage: Evidence, processes, and driving forces5
Spatially variable syn- and post-Alleghanian exhumation of the central Appalachian Mountains from zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology5
The effects of pre-stress assumptions on dynamic rupture with complex fault geometry in the San Gorgonio Pass, California, region4
Superposition of two kinematically distinct extensional phases in southern Death Valley: Implications for extensional tectonics4
Timing of and pressure-temperature constraints on deformation in the Toxaway dome, eastern Blue Ridge: Evidence for continuous deformation from the Neoacadian orogeny to the Alleghanian orogeny4
Measuring change at Earth’s surface: On-demand vertical and three-dimensional topographic differencing implemented in OpenTopography4
A constraint on post–6 Ma timing of western Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA) incision removed: Local derivation indicated by ca. 5.4 Ma fluvial deposits below Shivwits Plateau basalts north of Grand Canyon4
Multi-scale, open-system magmatic and sub-solidus processes contribute to the chemical and isotopic characteristics of the Jurassic Guadalupe Igneous Complex, Sierra Nevada, California, USA4
Early Pennsylvanian sediment routing to the Ouachita Basin (southeastern United States) and barriers to transcontinental sediment transport sourced from the Appalachian orogen based on detrital zircon4
Geological and seismic evidence for the tectonic evolution of the NE Oman continental margin and Gulf of Oman4
Assessing the effect of melt extraction from mushy reservoirs on compositions of granitoids: From a global database to a single batholith4
Monazite and xenotime petrochronologic constraints on four Proterozoic tectonic episodes and ca. 1705 Ma age of the Uncompahgre Formation, southwestern Colorado, USA4
A juvenile Paleozoic ocean floor origin for eastern Stikinia, Canadian Cordillera4
Contrasting constraints on the temporal and spatial extents of normal faults from the Hilltop and Lewis mining districts, northern Shoshone Range, Nevada, USA4
New insights into the age and origin of two small Cretaceous seamount chains proximal to the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge4
Ulungarat Basin: Record of a major Middle Devonian to Mississippian syn-rift to post-rift tectonic transition, eastern Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska4
Metamorphism of the Sierra de Maz and implications for the tectonic evolution of the MARA terrane4
Thermal architecture of the Salmon River suture zone, Idaho, USA: Implications for the structural evolution of a ductile accretionary complex during arc-continent collision4
Quantitative mapping of dolomitization using close-range hyperspectral imaging: Kimmeridgian carbonate ramp, Alacón, NE Spain4
Detrital zircon petrochronology of central Australia, and implications for the secular record of zircon trace element composition4
Lithium in garnet as a tracer of subduction zone metamorphic reactions: The record in ultrahigh-pressure metapelites at Lago di Cignana, Italy4
Evaluating how well active fault mapping predicts earthquake surface-rupture locations4
Assessing the geometry of the Main Himalayan thrust in central Nepal: A thermokinematic approach4
Upper-plate structure and tsunamigenic faults near the Kodiak Islands, Alaska, USA4
Enclaves as mushy magma strain archives: New perspectives on composite magmatic fabrics in plutons4
Early Triassic roll-back of subducted Paleo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere: Insights from A2-type silicic igneous rocks in the Pingxiang area, southwest China4
Bolide impact effects on the West Florida Platform, Gulf of Mexico: End Cretaceous and late Eocene4
Revised geologic map and structural interpretation of the Mineral King pendant, southern Sierra Nevada, California (USA): Evidence for kilometer-scale folding and structural imbrication of a Permian t4