IEEE Transactions on Robotics

(The TQCC of IEEE Transactions on Robotics is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
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IEEE Transactions on Robotics Publication Information552
Corrections to “On-Manifold Strategies for Reactive Dynamical System Modulation With Nonconvex Obstacles”393
Non-Contact Manipulator for Sedimented/Floating Objects Via Laser-Induced Thermocapillary Convection224
Shared Control in pHRI: Integrating Local Trajectory Replanning and Cooperative Game Theory183
TomboPropeller: Bioinspired Deformable Structure Toward Collision-Accommodated Control for Drones135
Human–Robot Interaction Evaluation-Based AAN Control for Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robots Driven by Series Elastic Actuators129
Certifiably Correct Range-Aided SLAM128
gatekeeper: Online Safety Verification and Control for Nonlinear Systems in Dynamic Environments117
Game-Theoretic Planning for Self-Driving Cars in Multivehicle Competitive Scenarios112
Density Control of Large-Scale Particles Swarm Through PDE-Constrained Optimization111
Safe Data-Driven Model Predictive Control of Systems With Complex Dynamics110
Robust Convex Model Predictive Control for Quadruped Locomotion Under Uncertainties108
Memory Clustering Using Persistent Homology for Multimodality- and Discontinuity-Sensitive Learning of Optimal Control Warm-Starts104
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Information for Authors102
Fail-Safe Motion Planning for Online Verification of Autonomous Vehicles Using Convex Optimization99
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Publication Information98
Detection of Nonrandom Sign-Based Behavior for Resilient Coordination of Robotic Swarms92
Design and Hierarchical Control of a Homocentric Variable-Stiffness Magnetic Catheter for Multiarm Robotic Ultrasound-Assisted Coronary Intervention91
Majorization Minimization Methods for Distributed Pose Graph Optimization91
Automatic Synthesis of 1-DOF Transformable Wheel Mechanisms90
Adaptive Asynchronous Control Using Meta-Learned Neural Ordinary Differential Equations87
Dynamic Complementarity Conditions and Whole-Body Trajectory Optimization for Humanoid Robot Locomotion86
Parallel-Continuum Robots: A Survey83
Task and Motion Planning for Execution in the Real76
Learning a Flexible Neural Energy Function With a Unique Minimum for Globally Stable and Accurate Demonstration Learning74
Soft Robot Employing a Series of Pneumatic Actuators and Distributed Balloons: Modeling, Evaluation, and Applications72
Myoelectric or Force Control? A Comparative Study on a Soft Arm Exosuit72
Resilient Trajectory Propagation in Multirobot Networks72
Associating Uncertainty to Extended Poses for on Lie Group IMU Preintegration With Rotating Earth71
[Blank page]71
Mean Field Behavior of Collaborative Multiagent Foragers69
[Blank page]68
Do You Need a Hand? – A Bimanual Robotic Dressing Assistance Scheme67
IEEE Transactions on Robotics67
Circular Accessible Depth: A Robust Traversability Representation for UGV Navigation66
A Secure Robot Learning Framework for Cyber Attack Scheduling and Countermeasure63
Design and Control of Roller Grasper V3 for In-Hand Manipulation63
Robust Task-Space Quadratic Programming for Kinematic-Controlled Robots62
Motion Planning for Variable Topology Trusses: Reconfiguration and Locomotion60
Knowledge Database-Based Multiobjective Trajectory Planning of 7-DOF Manipulator With Rapid and Continuous Response to Uncertain Fast-Flying Objects60
Blank Page60
Planar In-Hand Manipulation Using Primitive Rotations Based on Isometric Transformations59
A Tree-Based Next-Best-Trajectory Method for 3-D UAV Exploration59
Certifiable Object Pose Estimation: Foundations, Learning Models, and Self-Training59
Kinematic Modeling and Characterization of Soft Parallel Robots57
Blank page57
Direct Visual Servoing Based on Discrete Orthogonal Moments57
Approximating Displacements in ${\mathbb {R}}^3$ by Rotations in ${\mathbb {R}}^4$ and Its Application to Pointcloud Registration56
Robotic Snake Locomotion Exploiting Body Compliance and Uniform Body Tensions55
A Networked Multiagent System for Mobile Wireless Infrastructure on Demand54
LeTac-MPC: Learning Model Predictive Control for Tactile-Reactive Grasping54
Determination of All Stable and Unstable Equilibria for Image-Point-Based Visual Servoing53
On the Evaluation of Collision Probability Along a Path53
Robotic Contact Juggling53
A 5-mm Untethered Crawling Robot via Self-Excited Electrostatic Vibration51
Shake and Take: Fast Transformation of an Origami Gripper50
N$^{2}$M$^{2}$: Learning Navigation for Arbitrary Mobile Manipulation Motions in Unseen and Dynamic Environments49
An Evolutionary-Optimized Surgical Path Planner for a Programmable Bevel-Tip Needle49
Attack-Resilient Path Planning Using Dynamic Games With Stopping States48
A Multihypotheses Importance Density for SLAM in Cluttered Scenarios48
Stabilization of Complementarity Systems via Contact-Aware Controllers47
Design, Modeling, and Control of a Coaxial Drone46
An Anthropomorphic Robotic Finger With Innate Human-Finger-Like Biomechanical Advantages Part II: Flexible Tendon Sheath and Grasping Demonstration46
Policy Search for Model Predictive Control With Application to Agile Drone Flight46
A Distributed Outmost Push Approach for Multirobot Herding46
Heterogeneous Policy Networks for Composite Robot Team Communication and Coordination45
Safe Multiagent Motion Planning Under Uncertainty for Drones Using Filtered Reinforcement Learning45
A Novel Wavelet-Based Gait Segmentation Method for a Portable Hip Exoskeleton43
LAMP: Learning a Motion Policy to Repeatedly Navigate in an Uncertain Environment42
Toward Reactive Walking: Control of Biped Robots Exploiting an Event-Based FSM42
Counterexample-Guided Repair for Symbolic-Geometric Action Abstractions42
Multirobot Collaborative Monocular SLAM Utilizing Rendezvous42
Decentralized Adaptive Control for Collaborative Manipulation of Rigid Bodies42
Biomimetic Morphing Quadrotor Inspired by Eagle Claw for Dynamic Grasping39
Soft-Tipped Sensor With Compliance Control for Elasticity Sensing and Palpation39
The Foreseeable Future: Self-Supervised Learning to Predict Dynamic Scenes for Indoor Navigation39
Multimodal Learning of Keypoint Predictive Models for Visual Object Manipulation39
CMax-SLAM: Event-Based Rotational-Motion Bundle Adjustment and SLAM System Using Contrast Maximization39
Dense Incremental Metric-Semantic Mapping for Multiagent Systems via Sparse Gaussian Process Regression38
The Geometry of Optimal Gaits for Inertia-Dominated Kinematic Systems38
GJK++: Leveraging Acceleration Methods for Faster Collision Detection38
Attribute-Based Robotic Grasping With Data-Efficient Adaptation37
Enabling Versatility and Dexterity of the Dual-Arm Manipulators: A General Framework Toward Universal Cooperative Manipulation37
Robotic Gas Source Localization With Probabilistic Mapping and Online Dispersion Simulation37
Fast Path Planning Through Large Collections of Safe Boxes37
Modular Fluidic Propulsion Robots37
A Unified Formulation and Nonconvex Optimization Method for Mixed-Type Decision-Making of Robotic Systems36
Elastic-Actuation Mechanism for Repetitive Hopping Based on Power Modulation and Cyclic Trajectory Generation36
Sampling-Based Planning for Retrieving Near-Cylindrical Objects in Cluttered Scenes Using Hierarchical Graphs35
Launching of a Cyborg Locust via Co-Contraction Control of Hindleg Muscles35
Toward Robust Robot 3-D Perception in Urban Environments: The UT Campus Object Dataset35
Mechanical Designs for Field Undulatory Locomotion by a Wheeled Snake-Like Robot With Decoupled Neural Oscillators35
Stabilization of Robot-Environment Interaction Through Generalized Scattering Techniques35
Reinforcement Learning of CPG-Regulated Locomotion Controller for a Soft Snake Robot35
Human–Robot Attachment System for Exoskeletons: Design and Performance Analysis35
Closed-Loop Motion Control of Robotic Swarms – A Tether-Based Strategy34
Passivity-Based Control of Distributed Teleoperation With Velocity/Force Manipulability Optimization34
Surfing Algorithm: Agile and Safe Transition Strategy for Hybrid Aerial Underwater Vehicle in Waves34
Reactive Human-to-Robot Dexterous Handovers for Anthropomorphic Hand34
Table of Contents34
Stability Analysis of Tendon Driven Continuum Robots and Application to Active Softening34
Equilibria, Stability, and Sensitivity for the Aerial Suspended Beam Robotic System Subject to Parameter Uncertainty33
Spherical Wrist With Hybrid Motion-Impedance Control for Enhanced Robotic Manipulations33
Design of a New Bio-Inspired Dual-Axis Compliant Micromanipulator With Millimeter Strokes33
Perceptive Locomotion Through Nonlinear Model-Predictive Control33
Robust Multi-Robot Active Target Tracking Against Sensing and Communication Attacks33
A Sequential Composition Framework for Coordinating Multirobot Behaviors33
A Generalized Motion Control Framework of Dielectric Elastomer Actuators: Dynamic Modeling, Sliding-Mode Control and Experimental Evaluation32
Toward Consistent and Efficient Map-Based Visual-Inertial Localization: Theory Framework and Filter Design32
Continuous Occupancy Mapping in Dynamic Environments Using Particles32
Challenges for Monocular 6-D Object Pose Estimation in Robotics32
Design, Control, and Psychophysics of Tasbi: A Force-Controlled Multimodal Haptic Bracelet32
An Object SLAM Framework for Association, Mapping, and High-Level Tasks32
Multimodal Soft Amphibious Robots Using Simple Plastic-Sheet-Reinforced Thin Pneumatic Actuators31
Singularity-Free Guiding Vector Field for Robot Navigation31
Online Search-Based Collision-Inclusive Motion Planning and Control for Impact-Resilient Mobile Robots31
Avoidance of Concave Obstacles Through Rotation of Nonlinear Dynamics31
Type-2 Fuzzy Model-Based Movement Primitives for Imitation Learning31
A Novel Dual-Robot Accurate Calibration Method Using Convex Optimization and Lie Derivative29
Perching and Grasping Using a Passive Dynamic Bioinspired Gripper29
Autonomous Drone Racing: A Survey29
The voraus-AD Dataset for Anomaly Detection in Robot Applications29
Cosserat Rod Modeling of Continuum Robots from Newtonian and Lagrangian Perspectives29
Deep Neural Network Based Electrical Impedance Tomographic Sensing Methodology for Large-Area Robotic Tactile Sensing29
Asynchronous Blob Tracker for Event Cameras29
Modeling and Stiffness-Based Continuous Torque Control of Lightweight Quasi-Direct-Drive Knee Exoskeletons for Versatile Walking Assistance28
Development of a Small-Sized Quadruped Robotic Rat Capable of Multimodal Motions28
Passive Impedance Control of Robots With Viscoelastic Joints Via Inner-Loop Torque Control28
BTC: A Binary and Triangle Combined Descriptor for 3-D Place Recognition28
Relative Transformation Estimation Based on Fusion of Odometry and UWB Ranging Data28
Human-in-the-Loop Control of Soft Exosuits Using Impedance Learning on Different Terrains28
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Observability of SLAM-Based TDOA Sensor Array Calibration and Source Localization28
Toward a Unified Approximate Analytical Representation for Spatially Running Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model27
Electroactive Soft Bistable Actuator With Adjustable Energy Barrier and Stiffness27
Uniform Passive Fault-Tolerant Control of a Quadcopter With One, Two, or Three Rotor Failure27
Impedance Modulation Control of a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton to Assist Sit-to-Stand Movements27
Material Scrunching Enables Working Channels in Miniaturized Vine-Inspired Robots27
Design of Parallel Variable Stiffness Actuators27
Kinematics and Dynamics of Flexible Robotic Manipulators Using Dual Screws26
Self-Supervised Visual Terrain Classification From Unsupervised Acoustic Feature Learning26
Neural-Swarm2: Planning and Control of Heterogeneous Multirotor Swarms Using Learned Interactions26
Model-Free 3-D Shape Control of Deformable Objects Using Novel Features Based on Modal Analysis26
Dynamic Resilient Containment Control in Multirobot Systems26
Simultaneous Calibration of Multicoordinates for a Dual-Robot System by Solving the AXB = YCZ Problem26
Performance-Guided Rotating Magnetic Field Control in Large Workspaces With Reconfigurable Electromagnetic Actuation System26
Visual–Tactile Fusion for Transparent Object Grasping in Complex Backgrounds26
Log-GPIS-MOP: A Unified Representation for Mapping, Odometry, and Planning25
Geometric Solutions for General Actuator Routing on Inflated-Beam Soft Growing Robots25
Compact Modular Robotic Wrist With Variable Stiffness Capability25
A Shared Autonomy System for Precise and Efficient Remote Underwater Manipulation25
A Novel Actuation Strategy for an Agile Bioinspired FWAV Performing a Morphing-Coupled Wingbeat Pattern25
Topo-Geometrically Distinct Path Computation Using Neighborhood-Augmented Graph, and Its Application to Path Planning for a Tethered Robot in 3-D25
Bio-Inspired Rapid Escape and Tight Body Flip on an At-Scale Flapping Wing Hummingbird Robot Via Reinforcement Learning25
Efficient and Consistent Bundle Adjustment on Lidar Point Clouds25
Speeding up Routing Schedules on Aisle Graphs With Single Access25
Fast Contact-Implicit Model Predictive Control24
Port-Hamiltonian Neural ODE Networks on Lie Groups for Robot Dynamics Learning and Control24
Design and Benchmarking of a Multi-Modality Sensor for Robotic Manipulation With GAN-Based Cross-Modality Interpretation24
On Safety and Liveness Filtering Using Hamilton–Jacobi Reachability Analysis24
Quadratic Programming-Based Reference Spreading Control for Dual-Arm Robotic Manipulation With Planned Simultaneous Impacts24
Tactile Ergodic Coverage on Curved Surfaces24
Robust Quadrupedal Jumping With Impact-Aware Landing: Exploiting Parallel Elasticity24
Multirobot Persistent Monitoring: Minimizing Latency and Number of Robots With Recharging Constraints24
Topology-Driven Parallel Trajectory Optimization in Dynamic Environments24
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Swarm-LIO2: Decentralized Efficient LiDAR-Inertial Odometry for Aerial Swarm Systems23
Toward Efficient MPPI Trajectory Generation With Unscented Guidance: U-MPPI Control Strategy23
Stability Criterion and Stability Enhancement for a Thruster-Assisted Underwater Hexapod Robot23
Biomimetic Underwater Soft Snake Robot: Self-Motion Sensing and Online Gait Control23
Real-Time Gait Phase and Task Estimation for Controlling a Powered Ankle Exoskeleton on Extremely Uneven Terrain23
Physical Human-Robot Interaction With a Tethered Aerial Vehicle: Application to a Force-Based Human Guiding Problem22
Cooperation for Scalable Supervision of Autonomy in Mixed Traffic22
An Investigation on the Effect of Actuation Pattern on the Power Consumption of Legged Robots for Extraterrestrial Exploration22
Gaussian-Process-Based Control of Underactuated Balance Robots With Guaranteed Performance22
Electro-Hydraulic Rolling Soft Wheel: Design, Hybrid Dynamic Modeling, and Model Predictive Control22
A Multitentacle Gripper for Dynamic Capture22
Multilevel Operation Strategy of a Vascular Interventional Robot System for Surgical Safety in Teleoperation22
Lie Group Formulation and Sensitivity Analysis for Shape Sensing of Variable Curvature Continuum Robots With General String Encoder Routing22
The Design, Education and Evolution of a Robotic Baby22
From Sim to Real: A Pipeline for Training and Deploying Traffic Smoothing Cruise Controllers22
Inverse-Dynamics MPC via Nullspace Resolution21
Active Exploitation of Redundancies in Reconfigurable Multirobot Systems21
Distributionally Robust Risk Map for Learning-Based Motion Planning and Control: A Semidefinite Programming Approach21
A Comparative Study of Nonlinear MPC and Differential-Flatness-Based Control for Quadrotor Agile Flight21
On Radiation-Based Thermal Servoing: New Models, Controls, and Experiments21
Behavior Cloning-Based Robot Active Object Detection With Automatically Generated Data and Revision Method21
Occupancy Grid Mapping Without Ray-Casting for High-Resolution LiDAR Sensors21
RACER: Rapid Collaborative Exploration With a Decentralized Multi-UAV System21
Resilient Supervisory Multiagent Systems21
Learn Fast, Segment Well: Fast Object Segmentation Learning on the iCub Robot21
Dynamic Modeling and Control of Deformable Linear Objects for Single-Arm and Dual-Arm Robot Manipulations21
A Hierarchical Coordination Framework for Joint Perception-Action Tasks in Composite Robot Teams20
A New Expression for the Passivity Bound for a Class of Sampled-Data Systems20
Modeling Electromagnetic Navigation Systems20
A Decentralized Cluster Formation Containment Framework for Multirobot Systems20
Tactile and Chemical Sensing With Haptic Feedback for a Telepresence Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robot20
Dynamics of Continuum and Soft Robots: A Strain Parameterization Based Approach20
Information for Authors19
An Exploration-Enhanced Search Algorithm for Robot Indoor Source Searching19
Localization of Partially Hidden Moving Targets Using a Fleet of UAVs via Bounded-Error Estimation19
Ringbot: Monocycle Robot With Legs19
IEEE Transactions on Robotics19
Statistically Distinct Plans for Multiobjective Task Assignment19
From Adaptive Locomotion to Predictive Action Selection – Cognitive Control for a Six-Legged Walker18
SSK: Robotic Pen-Art System for Large, Nonplanar Canvas18
Techrxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!18
Unlocking Human-Like Facial Expressions in Humanoid Robots: A Novel Approach for Action Unit Driven Facial Expression Disentangled Synthesis18
Consensus Complementarity Control for Multicontact MPC18
Emergent Humanoid Robot Motion Synergies Derived From the Momentum Equilibrium Principle and the Distribution of Momentum18
Active Learning of Discrete-Time Dynamics for Uncertainty-Aware Model Predictive Control17
Fast and Robust Inverse Kinematics of Serial Robots Using Halley’s Method17
Autonomous Cave Surveying With an Aerial Robot17
Learning Stable Models for Prediction and Control17
2022 Index IEEE Transactions on Robotics Vol. 3817
DLSC: Distributed Multi-Agent Trajectory Planning in Maze-Like Dynamic Environments Using Linear Safe Corridor17
Modularize-and-Conquer: A Generalized Impact Dynamics and Safe Precollision Control Framework for Floating-Base Tree-Like Robots17
General-Purpose Sim2Real Protocol for Learning Contact-Rich Manipulation With Marker-Based Visuotactile Sensors17
Soft Modular Climbing Robots17
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Publication Information17
Tight Fusion of Events and Inertial Measurements for Direct Velocity Estimation17
Blank Page16
2023 Index IEEE Transactions on Robotics Vol. 3916
Table of Contents16
AnyGrasp: Robust and Efficient Grasp Perception in Spatial and Temporal Domains16
POMDP Planning Under Object Composition Uncertainty: Application to Robotic Manipulation16
Real-Time Robust Receding Horizon Planning Using Hamilton–Jacobi Reachability Analysis16
Table of Contents16
Magnetorheological-Actuators: An Enabling Technology for Fast, Safe, and Practical Collaborative Robots16
Shoulder-sideWINDER (Shoulder-side Wearable INDustrial Ergonomic Robot): Design and Evaluation of Shoulder Wearable Robot With Mechanisms to Compensate for Joint Misalignment16
Table of Contents16
Dynamic Adaptive Dynamic Window Approach16
LSTP: Long Short-Term Motion Planning for Legged and Legged-Wheeled Systems16
Table of Contents16
EVORA: Deep Evidential Traversability Learning for Risk-Aware Off-Road Autonomy16
Bioinspired Rigid-Soft Hybrid Origami Actuator With Controllable Versatile Motion and Variable Stiffness16
IEEE Transactions on Robotics16
Multitask Learning for Scalable and Dense Multilayer Bayesian Map Inference16
Modularization of 2- and 3-DoF Coupled Tendon-Driven Joints16
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Publication Information15
VAE-Loco: Versatile Quadruped Locomotion by Learning a Disentangled Gait Representation15
Online Camera–LiDAR Calibration Monitoring and Rotational Drift Tracking15
Deep Learning Reactive Robotic Grasping With a Versatile Vacuum Gripper15
Design Principle of a Dual-Actuated Robotic Hand With Anthropomorphic Self-Adaptive Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation Abilities15
Enhancing the Universality of a Pneumatic Gripper via Continuously Adjustable Initial Grasp Postures15
Table of Contents15
IEEE Transactions on Robotics15
Data-Driven Momentum Observers With Physically Consistent Gaussian Processes15