IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

(The TQCC of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Information for Authors447
Table of Contents421
Over 100 Years of the IEEE Medal of Honor391
IEEE Foundation366
Connect. Support. Inspire.346
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Information for Authors334
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Information319
An Industry-4.0-Compliant Sustainable Bitcoin Model Through Optimized Transaction Selection and Sustainable Block Integration309
BC-Mobile Device Cloud: A Blockchain-Based Decentralized Truthful Framework for Mobile Device Cloud294
CRSM: Computation Reloading Driven by Spatial-Temporal Mobility in Edge-Assisted Automated Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems254
Atmosphere, an Open Source Measurement-Oriented Data Framework for IoT253
Toward Differential Privacy for Traffic Measurement in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems229
Massive MIMO With Downlink Energy Efficiency Operation in Industrial Internet of Things226
An Interactive and Adaptive Learning Cyber Physical Human System for Manufacturing With a Case Study in Worker Machine Interactions220
Be the force behind change218
Connect. Support. Inspire.215
A Contrastive Representation Domain Adaptation Method for Industrial Time-Series Cross-Domain Prediction204
A Fault Diagnosis Method for Quadruped Robot Based on Hybrid Deep Neural Networks197
Source-Free Black-Box Adaptation for Machine Fault Diagnosis193
Multiview Uncertainty-Aware Fusion for Human Activity Recognition via Dempster–Shafer Theory193
Memory Priority Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Data Center Based on Machine Learning Dynamic Clustering Algorithm192
Balancing Accuracy and Efficiency With a Multiscale Uncertainty-Aware Knowledge-Based Network for Transmission Line Inspection190
Dead Time Adaptive Expansion-Based Sensorless Restart Strategy for Free-Wheeling SPMSM Drives188
MASS: A Multisource Domain Adaptation Network for Cross-Subject Touch Gesture Recognition188
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Information for Authors185
A Knowledge-Guided End-to-End Optimization Framework Based on Reinforcement Learning for Flow Shop Scheduling183
Guest Editorial: Special Section on Advanced Signal Processing and AI Technologies for Industrial Big Data180
Information for Authors180
Information for Authors179
Table of Contents179
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!179
Information for Authors178
TechRxiv: Share Your Preprint Research with the World!174
Table of Contents173
Table of Contents168
Information for Authors167
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society165
Table of Contents164
Supply Inadequacy Risk Evaluation of Stand-Alone Renewable Powered Heat-Electricity Energy Systems: A Data-Driven Robust Approach164
A Double-Loop Inertia Phase-Locked Loop With Antidisturbance Ability164
Scalable and Constrained Consensus in Multiagent Systems: Distributed Model Predictive Control-Based Approaches161
WDLS: Deep Level Set Learning for Weakly Supervised Aeroengine Defect Segmentation157
Reducing the Impact of DoS Attack on Static and Dynamic SE Using a Deep Learning-Based Model156
Intelligent Learning Based Active Power Regulation of Wind Turbines Considering Fatigue Reduction156
A Novel Hybrid-Action-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Industrial Energy Management155
Efficient Secure Inference Scheme in Multiparty Settings for Industrial Internet of Things154
Feature Representation-Based Cross-Modality Shared-Specific Network and Its Application in Multimode Process Soft Sensing153
Active Magnetic Bearing PID Tuning With Model-Free Time-Domain Analysis Based Heuristic Algorithm151
AF-Dedup: Secure Encrypted Data Deduplication Based on Adaptive Dynamic Merkle Hash Forest PoW for Cloud Storage147
Lightweight Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Retinal Vessel Image Segmentation146
Robust Control of Dielectric Elastomer Smart Actuator for Tracking High-Frequency Trajectory145
ANAF-IoMT: A Novel Architectural Framework for IoMT-Enabled Smart Healthcare System by Enhancing Security Based on RECC-VC144
Predefined-Time Barrier Function Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control and Its Application to Piezoelectric Actuators142
Electrical-STGCN: An Electrical Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Intelligent Predictive Maintenance142
Collaborative Cloud-Edge Service Cognition Framework for DNN Configuration Toward Smart IIoT141
A Survey on Edge and Edge-Cloud Computing Assisted Cyber-Physical Systems139
A Tensor-based t-SVD-LSTM Remaining Useful Life Prediction Model for Industrial Intelligence137
Sliding Mode Control for NPC Converters via a Dual Layer Nested Adaptive Tuning Technique135
Performance-Baseline Estimation of File System Operations for Linux-Based Edge Devices135
Real-Time Simulation and Validation of Interconnected Microgrid Load Frequency Control With Uncertainties Using PDN-I$^{\lambda }$ D$^{\mu }$ Controller Based on Improved Smell Agent Optimization134
Estimation-Based Online Adaptive Management of Distribution Feeder Congestion Using Electrolysis Hydrogen Refueling Stations133
Reinforcement Learning-Based Multiobjective Control of Grid-Connected Wind Farms133
Dynamic System Modeling Using a Multisource Transfer Learning-Based Modular Neural Network for Industrial Application132
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society131
Step-Wise Deep Learning Models for Solving Routing Problems130
Optimal Schedule of Secure Transmissions for Remote State Estimation Against Eavesdropping130
A Formal Approach to Verify Connectivity and Optimize VNF Placement in Industrial Networks130
Feature Ensemble Net: A Deep Framework for Detecting Incipient Faults in Dynamical Processes129
Region- and Strength-Controllable GAN for Defect Generation and Segmentation in Industrial Images129
Hybrid TOA-AOA Cooperative Localization for Multiple AUVs in the Absence of Anchors129
Intelligent Collaborative Navigation and Control for AUV Tracking127
Adversarial Attacks on Neural-Network-Based Soft Sensors: Directly Attack Output127
An Improved Lightweight Two-Factor Authentication Protocol for IoT Applications127
Multitentacle Federated Learning Over Software-Defined Industrial Internet of Things Against Adaptive Poisoning Attacks127
Reliable Minimum Cycle Time of 5G NR Based on Data-Driven Channel Characterization126
Fault-Tolerant Control of Pneumatic Continuum Manipulators Under Actuator Faults125
A Novel Algorithm for Quantized Particle Filtering With Multiple Degrading Sensors: Degradation Estimation and Target Tracking124
Guest Editorial: Industrial Internet of Things: Where Are We and What Is Next?123
Space Vector Modulated Model Predictive Control for Grid-Tied Converters123
A Cooperative Evolutionary Computation Algorithm for Dynamic Multiobjective Multi-AUV Path Planning122
Modeling and Mitigation of Resonance Current for Modified LCL-Type Parallel Inverters With Inverter-Side Current Control122
Conic Iterative Learning Control Using Distinct Data for Constrained Systems With State-Dependent Uncertainty122
Optimized Design of Parity Relation-Based Residual Generator for Fault Detection: Data-Driven Approaches121
Seasonal Clustering Forecasting Technique for Intelligent Hourly Solar Irradiance Systems121
Multi-Rate Layered Operational Optimal Control for Large-Scale Industrial Processes120
Unusual Insider Behavior Detection Framework on Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Using Adversarial Recurrent Autoencoder119
Distributed Dynamic Event-Triggered Secon- dary Control for Islanded Microgrids With Disturbances and Communication De- lays: A Hybrid Systems Approach119
Multiobjective Photovoltaic Sizing With Diverse Inverter Control Schemes in Distribution Systems Hosting EVs118
Temporal Attention Source-Free Adaptation for Chemical Processes Fault Diagnosis118
A Data-Mining Compensation Approach for Yaw Misalignment on Wind Turbine117
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Information117
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Information for Authors117
Improved Duty Compensation Control-Based Bidirectional Resonant DC−DC Converter With Reduced Input-Current Ripple for Battery Energy Storage Systems115
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Information for Authors114
Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Cloud-Assisted Two-Party Computation Scheme in Heterogeneous Networks112
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Information112
High-Boost-Gain Split-Source Inverter With Shared-Ground and No Shoot-Through Issue111
Parallel Deep Learning Algorithms With Hybrid Attention Mechanism for Image Segmentation of Lung Tumors109
Incorporating Approximate Dynamics Into Data-Driven Calibrator: A Representative Model for Ship Maneuvering Prediction108
AGP-Net: Adaptive Graph Prior Network for Image Denoising108
A Novel Sequence Discriminative Feature Extraction Network and Its Application in Offline Industrial Fault Pattern Clustering108
RNS-Based Adaptive Compression Scheme for the Block Data in the Blockchain for IIoT106
FV-Seg-Net: Fully Volumetric Network for Accurate Segmentation of COVID-19 Lesions From Chest CT Scans106
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Information106
Privacy-Preserving Adaptive Resilient Consensus for Multiagent Systems Under Cyberattacks106
Table of Contents104
An Iteratively-Nested Modeling Method for Stability Analysis of the Multirate Power System104
Sequential Detection of Cyclic Prefix Mode, Sidelink Synchronization Signal, and Frequency Offset for LTE Device-to-Device Networks104
Predefined-Time Formation Control of NMSVs With External Disturbance via Vector Control Lyapunov Functions-Based Method103
Deep Wavelet Neural Process: Modeling Stochastic Variation of Non-Euclidean Functional Data for Manufacturing Quality Inference103
Discriminative Signal Recognition for Transient Stability Assessment via Discrete Mutual Information Approximation and Eigen Decomposition of Laplacian Matrix103
Simultaneous Wireless Power and Data Transfer System With Full-Duplex MIMO Communication Channels for Underwater Applications102
Consistent Pretext and Auxiliary Tasks With Relative Remaining Useful Life Estimation102
Grade Prediction of Froth Flotation Based on Multistep Fusion Transformer Model102
Risk Warning of Rock Burst Based on CSA Optimization102
Slice-Oriented Signal Probability Distribution Measure for Wind Turbine Generator Bearing Condition Monitoring Under Variable Speed Conditions101
$H_\infty$ Exponential Synchronization of Chaotic Lur'e Systems: An Asynchronous Memory-Based Event-Triggered Scheme101
A Novel Multidomain Contrastive-Coding-Based Open-Set Domain Generalization Framework for Machinery Fault Diagnosis101
Condition Recognition Strategy Based on Fuzzy Clustering With Information Granulation for Blast Furnace100
Image Classification on Hypersphere Loss99
Plug-and-Play Distributed Estimation of Driving States in an Open Vehicle Platoon99
Electricity Theft Detection of Residential Users With Correlation of Water and Electricity Usage98
An Interpretable Neuro-Dynamic Scheme With Feature-Temporal Attention for Remaining Useful Life Estimation98
Fine-Gained Recurrence Graph: Graphical Modeling of Vibration Signal for Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine97
Digital twin driven soft sensing for key variables in zinc rotary kiln97
Table of Contents97
Cooperative Distributed Predictive Control for Smart Injection Molding Systems With One-Tap Memory96
Feedforward Error Learning Deep Neural Networks for Multivariate Deterministic Power Forecasting94
Floor Identification in Large-Scale Environments With Wi-Fi Autonomous Block Models94
Extended Morlet Wavelet-Based FIR Phasor Estimation Using Fake Samples93
Integration of Edge–AI Into IoT–Cloud Architecture for Landslide Monitoring and Prediction93
Skew Filtering for Online State Estimation and Control93
Deep Learning Assists Surveillance Experts: Toward Video Data Prioritization92
IEEE Foundation92
Sparse Observation Assimilated Digital Image Correlation for High Fidelity Deformation Field Reconstruction92
A communication-based method for PSC Detection and GMP tracking under PSC92
Disturbance Observer-Based Adaptive Neural Control of the Permanent Magnet Linear Motor System With Unknown Backlash-Like Hysteresis91
Online Energy Balancing Strategy Based on Lyapunov Optimization in Mobile Crowdsensing91
Detection and Segmentation of Unlearned Objects in Unknown Environment91
Robust Degradation State Identification in the Presence of Parameter Uncertainty and Outliers91
Effective Position Error Compensation in Sensorless Control Based on Unified Model of SPMSM and IPMSM90
A Multistage Passive Islanding Detection Method for Synchronous-Based Distributed Generation90
Surface Defect Detection for No-Service Rails With Skeleton-Aware Accurate and Fast Network90
Explainable Multitask Shapley Explanation Networks for Real-Time Polyp Diagnosis in Videos89
A Novel Per Unit (P.U.) Integer Format Applied to the Control of a Grid-Tied Solar PV Inverter89
Timely Information Update With Nonorthogonal Multiple Access89
A Novel CVAE-Based Sequential Monte Carlo Framework for Dynamic Soft Sensor Applications89
A Deep Regression Framework Toward Laboratory Accuracy in the Shop Floor of Microelectronics89
Fractional-Order Prescribed Performance Sliding-Mode Control With Time-Delay Estimation for Wearable Exoskeletons88
Digital-Twin Consistency Checking Based on Observed Timed Events With Unobservable Transitions in Smart Manufacturing88
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society87
Guest Editorial: AI Empowered Communication and Computing Systems for Industrial Internet of Things87
Present a world of opportunity87
Table of Contents87
Dynamic Variational Bayesian Student's T Mixture Regression With Hidden Variables Propagation for Industrial Inferential Sensor Development87
Adversarial Spam Detector With Character Similarity Network86
Robust Output Constrained Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Subject to Magnitude and Rate Saturation: Application to Aircraft Engine85
Jointly Low-Rank Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Spatiotemporal Values in Logistics Systems85
Improving the Efficiency of the EMS-Based Smart City: A Novel Distributed Framework for Spatial Data85
Probabilistic Fusion Model for Industrial Soft Sensing Based on Quality-Relevant Feature Clustering84
Cooperative Control-Based Task Assignments for Multiagent Systems With Intermittent Communication84
Distributed Optimization Subject to Inseparable Coupled Constraints: A Case Study on Plant-Wide Ethylene Process84
ChainFrame: A Chain Framework for Point Cloud Classification84
Reinforcement Learning Based Decision Making of Operational Indices in Process Industry Under Changing Environment84
Real-Time Jerk Limited Feedrate Profiling and Interpolation for Linear Motor Multiaxis Machines Using NURBS Toolpaths83
Causality-Guided Counterfactual Debiasing for Anomaly Detection of Cyber-Physical Systems83
Heuristic Optimization of Multipulse Rectifier for Reduced Energy Consumption82
Fast Anomaly Identification Based on Multiaspect Data Streams for Intelligent Intrusion Detection Toward Secure Industry 4.082
Spatial-Temporal-Cost Combination Based Taxi Driving Fraud Detection for Collaborative Internet of Vehicles82
Automated Variational Nonlinear Chirp Mode Decomposition for Bearing Fault Diagnosis81
Consensus Control for Multiagent Systems Under Asymmetric Actuator Saturations With Applications to Mobile Train Lifting Jack Systems81
A Robust Evolutionary Particle Filter Technique for Integrated Navigation in Urban Environments via GNSS and 5G Signals81
A KLMS Dual Control Chart Based on Dynamic Nearest Neighbor Kernel Space80
An AR-Assisted Deep Learning-Based Approach for Automatic Inspection of Aviation Connectors80
A Spatiotemporal Neural Network Modeling Method for Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems80
Neuron-Compressed Deep Neural Network and Its Application in Industrial Anomaly Detection80
Guest Editorial: Special Section on Transfer Learning for 5G-Aided Industrial Internet of Things79
Efficient Reconstruction of Industrial Images Using Optimized HMK Splines79
PerBlocks: A Reconfigurable Blockchain for Service Provisioning in Industrial Environment79
Distributed Model-Predictive Control Using Exponentially Weighted Laguerre Functions and Periodic Time Triggering for Dynamic Consensus of Linear Multiagent Systems78
Knowledge-Data-Based Synchronization States Analysis for Process Monitoring and Its Application to Hydrometallurgical Zinc Purification Process78
ReflectU: A Mirror-Based Intelligent Interactive System for Intuitive Remote Control77
Target Category Agnostic Knowledge Distillation With Frequency-Domain Supervision77
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society77
Discovering Data-Aware Mode-Switching Constraints to Monitor Mode-Switching Decisions in Supervisory Control77
Table of Contents77
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society76
Table of Contents76
Software-Based AUTOSAR-Compliant Precision Clock Synchronization Over CAN76
Improved Dexel Representation: A 3-D CNN Geometry Descriptor for Manufacturing CAD76
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society76
Connect. Support. Inspire.76
A Novel Data-Driven LSTM-SAF Model for Power Systems Transient Stability Assessment75
Guest Editorial: Industrial IoT and Sensor Networks in 5G-and-Beyond Wireless Communication75
SeqαGAN: Sign Language Sequence Generation Based on Variational and Adversarial Learning75
A Novel Fault Isolation Scheme in Power System With Dynamic Topology Using Wide-Area Information75
Data-Driven Optimization of Integrated Control Framework for Flexible Motion Control System74
Efficient Control Representation in Digital Twins: An Imperative Challenge for Declarative Languages74
A Data-Driven Modeling Method of Virtual Synchronous Generator Based on LSTM Neural Network74
Guest Editorial: Special Section on AI Enhanced Reliability Assessment and Predictive Health Management73
En-Route Electric Vehicles Charging Navigation Considering the Traffic-Flow-Dependent Energy Consumption73
Prior Knowledge Incorporated Large-Scale Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Load Frequency Control of Isolated Microgrid Considering Multi-Structure Coordination72
EWS: Exponential Windowing Scheme to Improve LoRa Scalability72
Energy-Efficient Power Control for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer—Nonorthogonal Multiple Access in Distributed Antenna Systems72
Sparse Hierarchical Parallel Residual Networks Ensemble for Infrared Image Stream-Based Remaining Useful Life Prediction72
Fast Reactive Mechanism for Desired Trajectory Attacks on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles72
An Online Feedback-Based Local Method for Topology Identification and Var/Volt Control in Radial Wind Farms71
Guest Editorial: Augmented Intelligence of Things for Smart Enterprise Systems71
Dual-Stage Control Strategy for a Flying Capacitor Converter Based on Model Predictive and Linear Controllers71
2022 Index IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Vol. 1871
Analysis and Evaluation of MQTT Brokers for e-Healthcare Applications70
Feature Adaptive Modulation and Prototype Learning for Domain Generalization Intelligent Fault Diagnosis70
Parameter Identification of Power Distribution System Based on Dynamic Graph Topology70
A Novel Autonomous Adaptive Frame Size for Time-Slotted LoRa MAC Protocol70
Performance Analysis of Postquantum Cryptographic Schemes for Securing Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks70
A Distributed Time-Varying Inherent Privacy-Preserving Consensus Algorithm for Integrated Energy Systems70
Multidirectional Information Fusion for Complex Defect Reconstruction Based on Induced Current Thermo-Electrical Impedance Tomography70
Deployment Optimization of Spotlights for Visual Coverage in Pure Dark Indoor Scene69
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Information69
Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning for Quality Inspection of Different Sugarcane Varieties69
Orthogonal Experimental Design Based Binary Optimization Without Iteration for Fault Section Diagnosis of Power Systems69
Real-Time Estimation Frameworks for Feeder-Level Load Disaggregation and PEVs’ Charging Behavior Characteristics Extraction69
Efficient Kinematic Calibration for Articulated Robot Based on Unit Dual Quaternion69
Evolutionary Sensor Placement for Spatiotemporal Modeling of Battery Thermal Process69
Activity Graph Based Convolutional Neural Network for Human Activity Recognition Using Acceleration and Gyroscope Data67
Extreme Learning-Based Monocular Visual Servo of an Unmanned Surface Vessel67
A Hybrid Blockchain-Based Log Management Scheme With Nonrepudiation for Smart Grids67
A Human-Machine Reinforcement Learning Method for Cooperative Energy Management67
Exponential Stationary Subspace Analysis for Stationary Feature Analytics and Adaptive Nonstationary Process Monitoring67
Generalized Out-of-Distribution Fault Diagnosis (GOOFD) via Internal Contrastive Learning67
Trust-AoI-Aware Codesign of Scheduling and Control for Edge-Enabled IIoT Systems67
Common-Mode (CM) Current Sensor Node Design for Distribution Grid Insulation Monitoring Framework Based on Multi-Objective Optimization67
Achieving Accountable and Efficient Data Sharing in Industrial Internet of Things66
Distributed Multirate Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Power Allocation66
Distributed Optimal Energy Management for Integrated Energy Systems65
Separated Graph Neural Networks for Recommendation Systems65
Multicrane Visual Sorting System Based on Deep Learning With Virtualized Programmable Logic Controllers in Industrial Internet65
Cyber–Physical Healthcare System With Blood Test Module on Broadcast Television Network for Remote Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Management65
A Deep Supervised Learning Framework Based on Kernel Partial Least Squares for Industrial Soft Sensing65
CeCO: Cost-Efficient Computation Offloading of IoT Applications in Green Industrial Fog Networks65
A Blockchain-Empowered Cluster-Based Federated Learning Model for Blade Icing Estimation on IoT-Enabled Wind Turbine65
Machine and Feedstock Interdependence Modeling for Manufacturing Networks Performance Analysis65
Remaining Useful Life Prediction by Fusing Expert Knowledge and Condition Monitoring Information65
PV Inverter Reliability Constrained Volt/Var Control With Power Smoothing via a Convex-Concave Programming Method65
Optimized Random Forest Model for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Experimental Bearings65
Distributed Time-Varying Group Formation Tracking for Multiagent Systems With Switching Interaction Topologies via Adaptive Control Protocols64
TrustFed: A Framework for Fair and Trustworthy Cross-Device Federated Learning in IIoT64
Proof of Chance: A Lightweight Consensus Algorithm for the Internet of Things64
MSU-TSCH: A Mobile Scheduling Updated Algorithm for TSCH in the Internet of Things64
A Deep Learning Approach to Discover Router Firmware Vulnerabilities64